Maria Divina said:
Enfin, si vous me permettez une telle offre aussi... C'est déjà une bonne longueur d'avance quand on nous certifie que la personne est recommandable.... Vous auriez au moins l'esprit en paix de pouvoir réaliser votre fantasme "entre de bonnes mains", sans vouloir faire aucun jeu de mots
Merci, je garde votre offre en tête. Si jamais j’ose passer du rêve à l’action, je vous contacterai, promis. Et j’aime bien vos jeux de mots

Ne vous en repentez pas!
Douman said:
Non, je ne crois pas que c’est un fantasme. C’est plutôt d’exprimer un sentiment que nous avons tous a l’intérieure de nous ... est-ce que je plais. Tu le pousse simplement un pas plus loin en ajoutant ... est-ce que je plais au point qu’une personne voudrait mème payer pour être avec moi ?
J’irais encore un pas plus loin. Ne fais pas faire de photos car, en quelques sorte, tu reviens au point de départ de mon post ... "what you SEE is what you get" et enlève un peu du rêve et mystère que tu recherche. Bien entendu les descriptions qui seront fais par courriel devront être exacte de part et d’autre car ne perdons pas de vue que cette rencontre est basé sur une confiance mutuelle. De voir a l’ouverture de la porte une image différent de la description serait rien de moins qu’une douche froide sur le "fantasme".
Je crois que c’est un fantasme. Ce n’est pas tant de savoir que j'attire les hommes (je le sais bien déjà), mais le trip de
prendre un rôle, d’être qui je veux être pendant cette brève idylle, d'etre quelqu'un d'autre, c’est à dire: une fille qui n’entre plus dans les normes, qui n’est plus celle que tout le monde imaginait ‘straight’, une fille qui laisse ressortir son instinct – car il est permis dans ce monde de se lancer en l’air – c’est ça et bien plus encore. C’est plus que les échanges par courriel; c’est de défier l’idée que je ne participerais jamais à de tels échanges selon un entourage qui me connaît si peu. Je me répète, c’est défier les normes de société, ce qu'on attend de moi; c'est jouer un jeu, être libre.
Tu as raison pour les photos. Admettons que j’en prenais, ce que j’envisageais c’était une série de ‘close-up’. Une nuque, un sein, une jambe menant presque vers une fente, un dos menant vers la courbe d’une fesse, une bouche entre-ouverte. Une image déconstruite... Cela m'allume autant que l'idée de rencontrer des hommes grâce à ces photos
Eastender said:
Kindly explain the origins of the "art" that you refer to.
I know you ask this to Lilly, but I like to add that this can be art like actor who win academy award. The way I see this, I say before, is it is taking role. It is playing someone else much more free and without need to censure what you think/want. I do not mean it is being fake, I mean (I think - I do not know if this is true) one date with escort can be much better if she is knowing how to play role. The way I also see it is man
expect this role. Just like man (as I imagine from reading review) is also taking role because man is also escape from daily life and wanting to be someone else for a short idylle.
thebitchelor said:
well, i dont know about her answer...but i already talked about it in this thread beauty

seduction's game is an art that i LOVE to handle as well
I think this put in word what I think about art. It is art of seduction and a very exciting game. It is (bizarre to say maybe) more safe to play this game in escort job from real life. You must be careful all the time how you behave in real world. In escort world, my feeling is, you have much more liberty.
Lilly Lombard said:
You are SO right about that. I always said : the day you need drugs to do it, get out of it. I saw girls who needed their coke or their ghb before an appointment. Terrible!
I do not do drug and drink very few. This is also why I am not very interested in pick up man in bar. I have good memory, and what I remember when I am younger and I go to bar is that every man is always very drunk. I do not find this sexy at all.
Lilly Lombard said:
Et tu dois définitivement l'essayer, c'est très différent mais aussi très excitant! Il m'arrive parfois d'aller dans les bars pour cela car il est toujours plus facile de le faire avec les stripteaseuse qu'avec les sp.
J’ai aussi le fantasme d’être avec une femme

J’aimerais bien te suivre un soir dans un de ces bars – mais là c’est vrai qu’il faudrait que je prenne quelques verres! Alice est très gênée avec les filles
Eastender said:
The art of seduction was removed from the sex trade long ago.
This break my heart. Is this true? Because desire to seduce is very big part of my fantasy.
CockAsian69 said:
You wonder if you should try it, well to be honest, only you could know that answer. In the end it is your decision only. My suggestion to you is to ask your friend who is an SP to tell you who she thinks is a good match for you in terms of a discreet encounter with monetary rewards.
Yes, if I do this I talk with friend first. But now that I talk of this here I am making new friend

I know that this agency thing people talk of is of no interest to me. My friend has her own website and make own appointment. I do not want pimp. This is turn off. I think if I try (very hypothetic still) I ask new friend or best friend to make me meet someone nice because I do not want to be making mistake. But all this is very hypothetic. I have very 'great idea' all the time but I do not always acting on them.
And also, about date with girl where you leave money on table. I do not know about this. I think if I do not expect I maybe am offend. If I am pay I want to know before. If ex boyfriend I be with put money on the table I think I slap him
Maria Divina said:
To be all erotised, both "inside" and "outside", just bring you to live an unforgettable moment....
Is this how it is when you meet man? This is increasing desire

The way I think is it is mutual: man is erotizing woman and woman too. I can only imagine orgasm…
I also understand frustration with english. I know this maybe sounds not true but I can have conversation in english much easier than write. But if you get good school please send me PM and maybe I also take class.
Korbel said:
But what I believe is really going on here has less to do with money. I think what many cannot get past is the "stigma of escorting". What sticks in the mind and taints any possibility that a woman might somehow love escorting is the general societal perception of the "oldest profession" as something immoral.
I think this is most interesting comment. This wake up my mind – I know I maybe am looking very stupid with the way I write but I have very big question about this fantasy not being ok because the man way of seing is always winning. How to explain… I try to say before that some man have fantasy to be in this world. From what I read here, this is not see as very bad. But I am a little bit surprise with some message I get here that woman CAN NOT have fantasy of be in this world also. Because is it not true that man is somehow liberating self by seeing escort? Is it not true that man is also taking role when he is seeing escort? Is it not possible that the reason for man wanting to see escort is like woman like me? To escape something too normal in real world? It is exciting because it is like playing with fire, almost like doing something illegal. I one time go to a free concert in a parc where people are waiting in line. The line is so long. The friends I am with say ‘lets go over fence so we do not have to wait’. I am very panic by this idea because it is wrong. But finally I do, we go over fense. You know what happen? I get this very big rush. It is like taking drugs or something. I tell this story because I am thinking if I did escort I would also get this rush of ‘you are doing bad thing and get away with it’. No one will know I am doing this – but I know

And this put smile on my face. Does man who see escort not get rush? Why is it so difficult to understand woman can also have rush from meeting in same world outside real world?
I tell you something a little about me. I actually have a minor in theologie. I am very interest by religion and human society. I have read a lot about accepted religion rule and impact on human behaving. This rule is always make by man. This rule (and this is my opinion not professor) is use by many man to impose way of life on woman (I do not say this as feminist but just, it is a 'constatation'). Woman should be 'pure' and 'virgin'. When I read some comment here about woman cannot like sex I think I am hearing a very old ideology speak. Man may not even know when he is talking this way he is just talking like norms of society based on woman evil according to Bible. I think you do not even need to be Christian to have this value – it is everywhere. Everyone is raise this way in school and family etc. It is bigger than us (...). Well I will stop discussing this now because I can not express well what I want to say. If you speak french M. Korbel maybe I start new thread on the underlie reason why some man believe no woman can be true if she say she wants to be escort?
I stop answering other post now.
Maybe tomorrow.
Thank you always for all who participate.
Il y a plusieurs autres messages auxquels j'aurais voulu répondre, mais je crois que j’en ai déjà trop dit. Peut-être en rajouterai-je demain...
Merci comme toujours à tous ceux qui participez à cette discussion.