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What many % do escort because just want sex?


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Free Will

Star-Man said:
Wish I could understand a little more french. But I guess what I'll take away from all of this is that it might be impossible for me to understand all aspects of this job, but as long as people are doing it of their own free will and they are living a good life and no one is getting hurt more power to them. I try to answer the question, if I was in their shoes would I do it? My answer is yes, if I had the balls!! :D

You touch on a very important part of the equation - "Free Will". Without getting into a discussion about what constitutes "Free Will" I will comment simply that any choice that is even slightly tinged by drugs or any form of substance dependence is not made from a person's "Free Will".


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Lilly Lombard said:
So from your point of view, a fashion designer doesn't like his job? An artist shouldn't sell his paintings and a musician should do it for free...

What is so wrong about doing what one likes for a living and not just keep it as a hobby? Why are we "aliens" because we chose to live from our art? BTW, no one has ever forced me to be a sp, I chose it! But every other line of work I was forced into, even if I had the knowledge or the hability to do them, I never liked them. It's the first time I am paid to do something I enjoy. What is so wrong about it? I should force myself like everyone else in this society to get a "normal" job (by society standards) and be miserable??


Your post changes the discussion. Into the early 1980's - before contact was permitted strip clubs were for the art of "strip tease", an extension of burlesque clubs. Some even featured MC's, comics, a band , etc.

So you had the "strippers" or artists who provided an interpretation viewed by many that required hours of work and preparation plus an extensive array of costums and you had the connaisseurs.

This contrasts with the situation today where the art form of strip tease has been reduced or eliminated in favour of contact. Or simply providers and the consumer or "hobbyist".

Kindly explain the origins of the "art" that you refer to.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Maybe that will help understand

The question of this thread is "what % of SP do it only for sex". Obviously, if we sell our services we do it for money too, makes sens? Otherwise, we wouldn't be sp. We'd only be regular chicks you would see hangning in any of Montreal's meat markets between 5-7 or even later, looking for our next one night stand, or sufing websites like Lavalife.

Now, what I think most women (sp) posting on this thread have been trying to say is that we don't all do it only or mostly for money, in order to bring a certain nuance to the subject.

I see myself as an artist who decided to live from her art because she wants to have a job she loves and don't want to have to work at something she hates in order to pay her bills. Instead of selling my music or my paintings, I offer companionship, that's what I love to do and that's what I am good at.

Is there a way I wouldn't love being an sp? Of course, many things would make me hate it. The reasons that would make me hate it are the same reasons why I never worked with an agency and I do it the way I want to do it, without any pressure.

If I didn't enjoy what I do and did it only for the money, I would only work for an hourly rate, try to keep my appointments as short as possible, walk in the room, get him off fast, take the money and race out. Chances are, I would also be sitting in a car with my cell phone on and waiting for the next call. I would never take the time to try to know the person I am with, I would have no interest.

You could not imagine all that this has brought me on a human level. The people I meet, the people I've known for many years, the discussions, the realisations, the advices.

On my birthday, 2 months ago many gentlemen who I've met through this called me and/or brought me a present. Many times, even if it isn't my b-day I do get presents just because they want to show me their appreciation. How many times does an employer gives his employees presents?

How could I hate it? How could I never want to see again some people that I've known through this and were so nice to me. I developped a certain relationship with some people. Sometimes, I am to them like a therapy and sometimes they are mine.

Now, if loving to be an sp is so odd, I can get back to a "socialy acceptable" job I will hate, doing something I don't enjoy, that doesn't make me grow and doesn't interest me. I would be back on Lavalife, only meeting great looking guys with huge muscles and an ego bigger than their brain, to have empty meaningless one night stands and Lilly Lombard will only be a memory...
:eek: This thought just gave me the chills.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
eastender said:

Your post changes the discussion. Into the early 1980's - before contact was permitted strip clubs were for the art of "strip tease", an extension of burlesque clubs. Some even featured MC's, comics, a band , etc.

So you had the "strippers" or artists who provided an interpretation viewed by many that required hours of work and preparation plus an extensive array of costums and you had the connaisseurs.

This contrasts with the situation today where the art form of strip tease has been reduced or eliminated in favour of contact. Or simply providers and the consumer or "hobbyist".

Kindly explain the origins of the "art" that you refer to.

I always thought "making love" was an art? I am sure I even saw many books who's titles suggested it.

I guess when you are a passionate person like me, every type of body expressions are considered to be artistic.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
eastender said:
I will comment simply that any choice that is even slightly tinged by drugs or any form of substance dependence is not made from a person's "Free Will".

You are SO right about that. I always said : the day you need drugs to do it, get out of it. I saw girls who needed their coke or their ghb before an appointment. Terrible!

thebitchelor said:
well, i dont know about her answer...but i already talked about it in this thread beauty;)seduction's game is an art that i LOVE to handle as well

Yeah! Someone who gets it!

thebitchelor said:
a lopposé, bcp de tds on se fantasme de vivre le thrill detre client

Et tu dois définitivement l'essayer, c'est très différent mais aussi très excitant! Il m'arrive parfois d'aller dans les bars pour cela car il est toujours plus facile de le faire avec les stripteaseuse qu'avec les sp.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

thebitchelor said:
well, i dont know about her answer...but i already talked about it in this thread beauty;)seduction's game is an art that i LOVE to handle as well

The art of seduction was removed from the sex trade long ago. Seduction was a big part of a Strippers routine - getting each member of the audience
to feel that the character she was portraying was seducing him.

The contact clubs just feature "danseuses" where the stage performance is a three dance preview of what will be available in the booths. No seduction.


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
my god!

Lilly and the Bitchelor would be a nice fantasy indeed!

As for this thread, Wow... So many differing opinions, so many who are so sure they are right. I believe that the SPs (and former) who answered this have no reason to lie about it. I think that some probably have had a fantasy like Alice to be one and went through with it, and of course the money helps too.

Alice, in all honesty, I think one of the hottest things I did with an ex, before I started hobbying, was that one night after meeting in a prearranged bar and "picking her up", having sex in a hotel and then as a joke I left her $100 on the stand. When she saw it she told me that she was worth more than that and proceeded to fuck me harder than ever before! She loved the fantasy of being paid by me to have sex with her and for a while made me call her "my dirty little whore". BTW she is a CPA and she makes some mad money so money was not the factor! We did this several times before we broke up and the sex was fantastic. We set up scenarios and acted them out. Mind you, sex was the motivating factor and the money was like a reward to buy herself something she wanted... And it was all in fun.

The thing you are asking is if sex is the number one reason. I believe it can be. But like what others have said, money does play a factor because indeed, you are asking to be paid. I hope this make sense. It is just my thoughts.

You wonder if you should try it, well to be honest, only you could know that answer. In the end it is your decision only. My suggestion to you is to ask your friend who is an SP to tell you who she thinks is a good match for you in terms of a discreet encounter with monetary rewards. Hmmm DEWMR! LOL That way you do not really offer your services and still get the feeling of what it would be like. You can also set up a private website for your own sake with pics and a description for the fantasy. I am not sure how that would work though, but I am positive it can be done.

I hope my 2 cents helped. If not, well I tend to talk like I know something anyhow... :p


Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
eastender said:
The contact clubs just feature "danseuses" where the stage performance is a three dance preview of what will be available in the booths. No seduction.

Yes but "danser" is an art! I see you telling to the "danseuses" of the Grands Ballets Canadiens that they are not perfoming something artistic. :p :p


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Lilly Lombard said:
I always thought "making love" was an art? I am sure I even saw many books who's titles suggested it.

I guess when you are a passionate person like me, every type of body expressions are considered to be artistic.


Sounds like you are suggesting a distinction for the sex trade along the lines of a "commercial artist" and an "amateur artist". You have a bit of work to do to make the distinction stick. I think I see where you are going but your point is far from developed.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Interpretative Dance

Lilly Lombard said:
Yes but "danser" is an art! I see you telling to the "danseuses" of the Grands Ballets Canadiens that they are not perfoming something artistic. :p :p

Grands Ballets Canadiens. The dancers follow a strict discipline, with clearly defined classical movements to provide an interpretation of a classic or contemporay ballet. No one disputes that it is art.

A feature stripper would interpret a personna - in one routine she would a movie star - Marilyn Monroe, another a secret agent or an Egyptian goddess
and so forth.

Walking across an 8' x 8' platform with a wiggle, removing a bra and panties
during the course of two songs and then to "le tapis" for the third song does not require any dance training.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
ok Ladies....

To like something means you don't need to get paid for doing it.. i.e., think of eating a gourmet meal.

Now lets start from the top..and lets be honest...forget about public relations for just this one time..

You may enjoy sex...but does not mean you enjoy escort was a big incentive..

Really...the question is moot..

I enjoy sex...but I would need big bucks to be a hooker..:D

get it??


Hello SA,

Going a bit beyond your inferences perhaps, it seems to be that money has a stain for you like some sort of "mark of Cain" if it has a taint that turns what it touches into something impure and makes any means of attaining it of questionable motivation. The problem with that is in this world surviving means one has to have access to money. No matter how much devotion you give to dedicating your life to a work of must still have access to a flow of money. B. B. King, Andy Warhol, Louis Pasteur, Igor Stravinsky, Gustave Eiffel, Neil Armstrong, Alexander the matter what their passion was, money had to be part of their lives to survive. So for anyone to say you can't love something because you take money for it is denying the inevitability of simply needing it as the order of survival currently exists.

I had a job once that I was so carried away with I would forget to collect my paychecks for 2, 3, even 5 weeks at a time. And their were others in the same job who had the same devotion. But in the end we still could not do without getting paid. Does that mean the need to survive precludes true devotion?????

But what I believe is really going on here has less to do with money. I think what many cannot get past is the "stigma of escorting". What sticks in the mind and taints any possibility that a woman might somehow love escorting is the general societal perception of the "oldest profession" as something immoral. How could any woman enjoy this. No one could really love it because it's a "sin" so says the Bible and other "good books". How could any woman enjoy having sex with paying clients? It's the same old grand hypocrisy. The client does it because it's an exciting diversion or an alternative to something lacking. But the woman know..."sinful".

I don't think anyone is going to be talked out of their way of thinking. The moral views learned and ingrained through life make us all impose our judgments and personal quirks about both the hobby and the involvement of money by instilled reflex. But remember one thing. All of our inherent or learned values can't tell us what is really in the hearts and minds of anyone else. When we look at any situation all the judgments we make based on our instincts are still just our learned opinions that may have no relation to how somehow else truly feels. What you say is more about your conclusions and not necessarily the reality.



Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Korbel said:
But what I believe is really going on here has less to do with money. I think what many cannot get past is the "stigma of escorting". What sticks in the mind and taints any possibility that a woman might somehow love escorting is the general societal perception of the "oldest profession" as something immoral. How could any woman enjoy this. No one could really love it because it's a "sin" so says the Bible and other "good books". How could any woman enjoy having sex with paying clients? It's the same old grand hypocrisy. The client does it because it's an exciting diversion or an alternative to something lacking. But the woman know..."sinful".

I don't think anyone is going to be talked out of their way of thinking. The moral views learned and ingrained through life make us all impose our judgments and personal quirks about both the hobby and the involvement of money by instilled reflex. But remember one thing. All of our inherent or learned values can't tell us what is really in the hearts and minds of anyone else. When we look at any situation all the judgments we make based on our instincts are still just our learned opinions that may have no relation to how somehow else truly feels. What you say is more about your conclusions and not necessarily the reality.



Have you forgot this old perception my dear, the one that says women don't enjoy sex and only do it to please men.:rolleyes:

OMG I forgot that it was a SIN. I guess we'll all meet and have fun with the rest of us in Hell! :D


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
Lilly Lombard said:
Have you forgot this old perception my dear, the one that says women don't enjoy sex and only do it to please men.:rolleyes:

OMG I forgot that it was a SIN. I guess we'll all meet and have fun with the rest of us in Hell! :D

Actually, I thought the idea of sex was solely to reproduce and should never be for the purpose of pleasure! That is why we are born with a large amount of nerve endings at the Glans Penis and the Clitoris, which cause intense sensations of pleasure when stimulated... Nope, not meant for pleasure at all!

I sin but I fear not Hell, cause it cannot get any worse than this... hehhehe



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Biblical Analogies

Korbel said:
But what I believe is really going on here has less to do with money. I think what many cannot get past is the "stigma of escorting". What sticks in the mind and taints any possibility that a woman might somehow love escorting is the general societal perception of the "oldest profession" as something immoral. How could any woman enjoy this. No one could really love it because it's a "sin" so says the Bible and other "good books". How could any woman enjoy having sex with paying clients? It's the same old grand hypocrisy. The client does it because it's an exciting diversion or an alternative to something lacking. But the woman know..."sinful".



Biblical analogies are usually taken with a grain of salt. On the other hand Red in the bible tends to symbolize fine materials (Red Sox or socks) and sin.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Lilly Lombard said:
Have you forgot this old perception my dear, the one that says women don't enjoy sex and only do it to please men.:rolleyes:

OMG I forgot that it was a SIN. I guess we'll all meet and have fun with the rest of us in Hell! :D
thebitchelor said:
oufffff i think you just lost me somewhere in this i really reading that you are talking about bible on Montreal ESCORT review board?

lord!!!!forgive him

Hello boys and girls,

I have no intention of getting religious, especially since I am not myself. But I do think the imprint of learned values of all types including "good books" remains with us deep down and influences perceptions.

Well Lilly, after all of our encounters I did forget that women aren't supposed to enjoy sex. It isn't possible you could only be doing it to please men. But I was very pleased anyway. ;)

Merci beaucoup petite tresor,

Last edited:


Looking for White Rabbit
May 6, 2008
Through the looking glass
ok Lily..

You escort because you Like the sex..???

Wow. I am gone 5 hours and all this new pages of messages. Ouf! I come back tomorrow night (or maybe tomorrow morning if I have time) to answer to other message I find really interesting (CockAsian69, Lilly, Korbel, and Maria Divina specially).

I just want to say one thing tonight: M. Smack Appeal, you should be writing woman name right before you try to write what is in her head :p (I say this with smile - do not be too mad with me...) But I feel like some man here just want to be convince all woman is the same (I do not say more now but I think this is like M. Korbel say about woman and sin, and I try to say when I talk about man allowed to have this world fantasy but not woman; I talk more about this tomorrow).

Oh, one more thing: some girls here is making me lose escort fantasy and have new fantasy to have them (hmm.. still escort fantasy?)! Vous êtes, disons le, inspirantes ;)

À demain,


Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
ok Lily..

You escort because you Like the sex..???

Think about this..if you half your will double..maybe triple your customer base..the amount of sex you enjoy so much will double..and the money you make will not change..

You still don't get it. It's not because I enjoy sex that I want to be pressured to do it, it doesn't mean I want to do it in a compulsive manner and with many different people a day. I want to have sex yes, definately. But it's not about quantity, it's about QUALITY. I want to enjoy my time too. Not only am I satisfy with having sex only once or twice a day with only one person, this way I also get to chose who I want to have sex with. And If I don't want to have sex everyday, I can do it only when I decide to.

So easy to understand, just like 1-2-3. Only, seems the two was missing somewhere in the understanding process.

Now, will you tell me because I get paid I am not allowed to chose? I've seen plastic surgeons who will refuse clients when they don't think they can do a good work with them. I do the same. I offer my services to who I want and how many times I feel like doing it. End of story.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Woman enjoy sex..but they will only have sex with a stranger..or someone they are not attracted to... for cannot enjoy sex with someone that doesn't turn you on..

I have been involved in the Quebec swigner's community for many years. When I worked in a swigner's club for the first time, it was only much older people who hung there. It wasn't as mainstream as it is today. I had fantasies I wanted to explore, with both women and men and it never stoped me from doing it. I discovered through that that it isn't only about the physique, it is about the charisma. Charisma in a person is EVERYTHING.

I often met great looking guys who would leave me totaly cold. Why? Terrible personality, 0 interesting conversations, boring as hell, no CHARISMA. Physically, they had what it takes, but they were like empty containers. A one night stand with someone like that is so empty, so boring.

On the other end, I was often attracted to my superiors at work or to older men I would meet. No, they were not physically in the same shape, yes, they were not as handsome as Brad Pitt but, oh my god, they would sweep me off my feet when they would talk to me, so literate, so charming, so interesting. And those men have proven so far they knew how to please a woman.
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