Montreal Escorts

Coderre wants to eliminate Erotic Massages in Montreal.


New Member
Mar 11, 2013
They scream exploitation of the underaged but it less than 1%. What about all the single moms working to make living? Its pretty ridiculous!


New Member
Jul 17, 2013
Montreal, Qc
After working for two years in this industry, I have to admit that I've never met anybody who was exploited or even underage. They try to make it sound like the majority of the women who does this type of work are helpless but the truth is that only a minority of sex workers correspond to their description.

And also, from my experience, at least at the places I worked at, the owners avoid hiring girls they suspect are being pimped because it's just too much trouble lol


Active Member
May 23, 2005
HornyChick a plus que 100% raison.
C'est TOUJOURS pour sauver des mineurs exploités alors que depuis 15 ans que je suis client occasionnel,je n'ai jamais fait affaire avec une femme en bas de 25 ans,...jamais!!!!
D'ailleurs je serais POUR une loi qui interdirait la pratique de la prostitution avant 25 ans.
Je pense que ca prend un minimum de vécu et de vrai réflexion pour pouvoir s'investir dans ce genre de métier.Il faut pouvoir le faire absolument sans pression quelles qu'elles soient.
Mais apres ca ,qu'on laisse le monde tranquille!!
D'accord aussi avec Freeman:La demande est la...
Je suis 100% contre l'exploitation des mineur(e)s.Je suis 100% contre l'exploitation d'immigrant(e)s...Je suis 100% contre quelque pimp que ce soit.
Mais en dehors de ca ,laissez le monde tranquille!!!!!!!!!!!

Toucan Sam

New Member
Nov 29, 2010
I think it is something that will happen, he announces he will eliminate erotic massage parlors even before he announces his cabinet members.


Dec 4, 2008
In light of organized crime behind many of the massage parlours, his announcement-intention is considered a threat to millions of dollars of profits enjoyed by the underground.
I do not think the mafia is just going to shut up and take it......jmo


Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
j'pense que s'attaquer au finance publique est beaucoup plus important que ce que le contribuable fait avec son argent. oui, on finance p-e le underground mais reste que c'est notre argent. c'est pas comme les politiciens qui s'offrent de beaux gros contrats au frais des contribuables


Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
I'd be curious to know what the cops are thinking of this.

How much does it cost to investigate a massage studio, gather evidence and arrest the owners and staff? All of this for what? A few months' probation?
I remember when I was young, they were busting massage places all the time. They stopped at some point, because it was probably pointless.

Law enforcement budget has been better used in the past years to fight street gangs, criminal bikers and would be better used to fight real women exploitation (i.e. forced prostitution and human trafficking) who account for a tiny minority of prostitution cases but are a real problem that should be not tolerated.
Street gangs might be more prevalent in Montreal now than 20 years ago... at least, they are in Toronto and Vancouver. The authorities should be concerned by that. And remember Operation Printemps 2001? These guys are getting out of jail now, maybe we should keep them in check or less we might find ourselves in the same situation as the mid-90s, i.e. bikers wars and a kid getting killed by a bomb in Hochelaga.

i think the attitude in general towards prostitution (which is legal) is one of tolerance in the Canadian society, even amongst people who don't pay for these services: it bothers very few people, just like the strippers' clubs. As a general rule, it bothers citizens when it's located too close from a school or daycare. As for customers going in and out of these places, no matter where they located, it's less a disturbance for the neighborhood than a depanneur or grocery store opened late, or pretty much any business for that matter.

What harm does a massage parlor cause to Montreal's citizens, the Quebec population in general or individuals working in the field? Not much. Who talked about this in the recent electoral campaign, apart from Anie Samson? Have the other candidates been questioned about it? No, because it is not a priority for our population and should not be a priority for the new administration.

Exploitation is unacceptable. We should absolutely eliminate it. But saying that exploitation is a widespread phenomena is a lie, it's nothing more than a attempt to create a moral panic.


Apr 27, 2011
Doubt it's all that serious, we have more important matters to deal with. Plus I doubt it would have such a negative impact, I mean I'm sure we'd see more indies and while I've had great times in parlors, I can only remember fondly the days when I dealt with indies and rarely was I disappointed.


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Jun 21, 2003
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As I am not a MP kind of guy I actually like the idea of MPs being shut down.

Before the explosion of MPs there was some really good talent at the strip clubs and over time girls who would have stripped went to the MPs.

I think with the closure of MPs there would be an influx of talent at the strip clubs and escort agencies which I would much appreciate.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Wow! Quite a panic going on here! Cool down! You guys think it's easy to close down massage parlors? How do you think he can do that? Politicians directing LE to bust every parlors in Montreal? Come on!

Coderre is obviously either new to this game or wanting to please the morality league of Montréal. The second is the right choice. You don't get rid of such places in a city the size of Montréal. Following the Maria Mourani path, the all out repression, is the worst possible solution.
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