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Computer advancements ( laptops )


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Looks like you have your Ad Blocker on in Safari on your computer but not on your phone.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Looks like you have your Ad Blocker on in Safari on your computer but not on your phone.

I went in both Safari and Chrome into extensions and there is no ad blocker to disable. It has not been added as a plug in. I have no problems accessing MERB and other websites on my laptop. It's just SA I can't get in. And it's only an issue on my computer and not on my phone. I can access SA on my phone.


Apr 12, 2010
Not all i7's are created equal, the ones that go into laptops are not the same as the ones going into desktops. I recently updated to a desktop with a Ryzen 8 core chip ( three screens ), I also have a lower powered laptop to carry around.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Question. My trial McAfee expires tomorrow, reading that windows defender is pretty decent and should add a malware to beef it up. Some sites say to get a premium package and scrap defender.
Thoughts and recommendations..

Found this article

Honestly, if you practice safe computing -- you keep your software up to date, you use strong passwords (with the help of a password manager), you steer clear of unexpected emails and you don't click suspicious links -- you probably can avoid zero-day attacks and ransomware attacks. And with the free Microsoft Defender Antivirus software running on Windows 10, you have a malware protection safety net if you do let your guard down. (Note that Microsoft changed the name of Windows Defender to Microsoft Defender and has expanded the service to other platforms.) This antivirus program is built into Windows and it's turned on by default, so just let it do its thing, and this antivirus solution will cover the basics of internet security. Microsoft pushes new updates frequently. Defender also lets you tune the level of protection you want, giving you control over blocking potentially unwanted apps and protecting folders and files from a ransomware attack.

Note that Windows 10 will automatically disable its own Windows Defender antivirus when you install third-party antivirus. If you uninstall the third-party protection, Windows 10 will turn back on its own antivirus.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Numerati, and everyone else who wrote me on the laptop issue:

I figured out what the problem was as to why I could not log into Seeing Arrangement from Safari or Chrome on my Mac Book Air laptop, but could do so into the very same SA account on my IPhone. It was not an SA problem, a browser problem, or an ad blocker or cookies issue. It was a simple failure to do an important software update on ioS to their new "Big Sur" software for Macs. In real life, "Big Sur" is a rugged, mountainous area of the central California coast. The new software is named after it. I realized that I had not upgraded when I checked my App updates and a few apps were not updating because I did not have the Big Sur software. Then I did the upgrade. Problem was solved completely and immediately once the upgrade was done. Was also able to quickly update the apps that had failed to update prior to the Big Sur upgrade.

I am speculating that SA must have upgraded their software so as to make it compatible with Big Sur. I was just a little behind the times on the upgrade. Thanks to the many of you who offered me helpful suggestions on the issue.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009

So you are "forced" to upgrade. LOL. Well glad that you can go beaver hunting again on your computer.

Now that the new chip has finally been released thinking about getting a MacBook Air myself.


New Member
Aug 11, 2023
I've been down that road, too, spending more time scouting for a laptop than I did when I was shopping for a car. The tech world evolves at lightning speed, and keeping up can be a wild ride. I totally feel you on the "better deal" that pops up just after you've hit that purchase button. It's like a cosmic joke. Speaking of deals, there's this subreddit I've found – it's like the holy grail for tips on scoring cheap Windows keys. Trust me, sometimes those little tricks can make your tech journey even sweeter.
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