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Crappy Pictures


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
You were as pretty in real life as you are in your pics. I actually never use photoshop for body shaping (although I do receive requests to do so) and rarely for sharpness (assuming I shot it properly). I primarily use it for very mild color correction and to remove a skin blemish or two. I learned from a prolific Playboy photographer (who came from the film days where retouching had to be done on the chromes and very tedious and difficult to do) that it is better to "pretouch" than retouch. I would rather fix it before I depress the shutter than to fix it in post.

No photoshop except to tweak white balance and slight increase in saturation:


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
Thanks for your input... I'm not as skilled in photoshop as I would like to be so corrections of that nature for me look rather "artifacty"... it was a difficult shot for her due to the position of the seat relative to the tail end of the bike, and it was necessary for her to lick the ass end of the tail in a short span. For normal shots, I tend to try to elongate the body while retaining the curves. If I don't get it as right as I'd like, I work on improving it the next time...


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
As are you... maybe one day I will get to look at you through a lens... :thumb:

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
But do you guys really wan that much pro pics?

That is the question. Its obvious a new hobbyist will get deceived by pictures. He will drool over them and book anyway. BUT us the veterans we know better than this, and honestly i somewhat prefer a more realistic aproach to a too glamour shot. Cause if the picture raise my expectation too high, i may be disapointed.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
What do you mean by pro pics? The girl I posted looks the same in real life. IMO Amanda looks the same in real life as she does in her pics. Capturing someone's essence is the same whether the pictures are done in studio or not. I always hire hair and makeup for my shots. It just so happens the girl I posted is a great makeup artist as well, a skill she refined after retiring from the front of the camera. For most of the Montreal SP's, their face is hidden so this is kind of a moot point. In Amanda's case, she shows her face in her ads, which is something I can certainly appreciate. I was pleasantly surprised to see that her face in real life is as pretty or even more so than that depicted in her glam pics.

So I don't think there is any deception at all. A couple of MERB advertisers seem to slim their girls a bit, something I never do, which is far more deceptive than posting glam pics. For the record, the pics of one of the girls on the G4U site (with the exception of one of the images) were taken by me at the loft I was staying in during my last visit. The lighting was great for a living space but absolute shit for photos... about as realistic as it gets, but I could have had some lights or light modifiers and the pics would have been no less realistic, just more flattering and sensual. Again, the face isn't shown, so it's a moot point. I used photoshop to only to cover a couple of smooth bruises (no she wasn't beaten by me or anyone else, OhYesShutTheFuckUp :lol: ;) ). Similarly, the photos of another SP (not sure of the situation, but I think I saw the pics in a recent XXXtase ad) were also shot by me in the same place, except it was a little earlier in the day, and I had a little bit of daylight streaming through the windows which helped lighting a bit, but still shit. Again, more glamorous lighting would have helped the shots without changing the realism in any way.

You're a video game guy, right? Trailers for video games are always better than the actual graphics within the games. I love the Destiny trailers, but after buying the game, the graphics are nice, but far from the trailer. How different is that??? If body shaping/changing isn't used in a SP's pics, I don't see the harm in trying to present as flattering a pic(s) as possible to showcase the SP...


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
But do you guys really wan that much pro pics?

That is the question. Its obvious a new hobbyist will get deceived by pictures. He will drool over them and book anyway. BUT us the veterans we know better than this, and honestly i somewhat prefer a more realistic aproach to a too glamour shot. Cause if the picture raise my expectation too high, i may be disapointed.

This is an interesting debate. Most of my pictures were professionally done. Not photoshopped, but in a studio, with a professional photographer using quality lighting. Maybe potential clients are scared off by the professional photos, but most clients who meet me for the first time still say that I look better in person than I do in my photos, so I don't have to worry about deceiving anyone. I have always felt that casual photos were fine for the annonce123 girl charging $140, but if you want to charge $200+, you should have professional photos. Having said that, based on feedback I have received from friends indicating that they appreciate more casual photos, I just did a shoot with a friend. I'll be posting some of those photos on my site in the next few days. I'm hoping that the balance of having both professional and casual pictures available will make most clients happy. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I love professional photos (and yours are amazing Tianna). However, when you sell yourself via the professional shoot you ought to show up looking like the pics. Otherwise, send me a a few snapshots of you in your grunge motif on your I-phone so I know what to expect.

John at Eleganza always did a nice job. Who you saw in the pics on the web site is what usually knocked on your door.

I prefer face shots but I understand why most girls do not show these.


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
Visit site
Good photos are all in the lighting and with a good camera you just let it do all the work....

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Maxx i was not talking about you, i was refering to the old pics on GOF website. Sometimes the pics where pro shot but around -4 years ago. A girl not only change but age as well.

I think we all mentioned the picture of G4U are pretty nice. Lucky you if you shot some of them. But its something most members seem to point out, they look real. You are more likely to get the same girl at the door than what the pics look like.

I can compare a lot cause my little cousin is a model, she shot a lot of stuff and some glamour stuff she do is awesome, she look sooo good, but i know her in real life and she look way different than this.... Sometmes her pics are heavyly photoshoped. She got mad once when i mentioned it... lol

As for video game trailers, well they often are made from cinematics or pre-rendered gameplay. If you want to be sure on a game, always run a "gameplay footage" on youtube, you will have a better idea.


The last pics i saw of you (in blue bra and panties) where very good, they represented you extremely well, the previous ones (black and white) looked very different, maybe because they where shot a while ago, but this is why pictures need to be redone every once in a while, as SPs change there hair, there general look. But i understand spending 500$ on a pro photoshoot ain't cheap lol. Thats why balancing between pro and amateur is often a good option.
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