What do you mean by pro pics? The girl I posted looks the same in real life. IMO Amanda looks the same in real life as she does in her pics. Capturing someone's essence is the same whether the pictures are done in studio or not. I always hire hair and makeup for my shots. It just so happens the girl I posted is a great makeup artist as well, a skill she refined after retiring from the front of the camera. For most of the Montreal SP's, their face is hidden so this is kind of a moot point. In Amanda's case, she shows her face in her ads, which is something I can certainly appreciate. I was pleasantly surprised to see that her face in real life is as pretty or even more so than that depicted in her glam pics.
So I don't think there is any deception at all. A couple of MERB advertisers seem to slim their girls a bit, something I never do, which is far more deceptive than posting glam pics. For the record, the pics of one of the girls on the G4U site (with the exception of one of the images) were taken by me at the loft I was staying in during my last visit. The lighting was great for a living space but absolute shit for photos... about as realistic as it gets, but I could have had some lights or light modifiers and the pics would have been no less realistic, just more flattering and sensual. Again, the face isn't shown, so it's a moot point. I used photoshop to only to cover a couple of smooth bruises (no she wasn't beaten by me or anyone else, OhYesShutTheFuckUp :lol:

). Similarly, the photos of another SP (not sure of the situation, but I think I saw the pics in a recent XXXtase ad) were also shot by me in the same place, except it was a little earlier in the day, and I had a little bit of daylight streaming through the windows which helped lighting a bit, but still shit. Again, more glamorous lighting would have helped the shots without changing the realism in any way.
You're a video game guy, right? Trailers for video games are always better than the actual graphics within the games. I love the Destiny trailers, but after buying the game, the graphics are nice, but far from the trailer. How different is that??? If body shaping/changing isn't used in a SP's pics, I don't see the harm in trying to present as flattering a pic(s) as possible to showcase the SP...