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New Member
Feb 11, 2005
What are the consequences of No Explode in the female body.

Dear Merb Members !
Can anyone share with me the consequences of taking No Explode as a female person ? I have not had the time to read this thread but i will eventualy. Today i took No Explode for the first time, i had far more energy at the gyn, but after i had stomack cramps for a bit not long. I quite liked having more energy at the gyn. I am planning to take it only in the weekends, if i can resist. However i do not want to get a deeper voice neither a masculine body image. Am i taking too much chances ?
Anyone with more info on this ?
Thank you so much.
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New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Dear Oliver Kloseoff

Thank you so much for your response to my investigations ! Water retantion in my head means more weight, well that is not the reason i go to the gyn. I tried it again today. I love having more energy ! I have to confess i love stimulants no matter what form.I
''clitoral enlargement'' Hummmmmmmmmmmmmm interesting, i kind of like that !

Oliver Kloseoff, i am still waiting for the coffe you promissed me, remember ?
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uninformed informant
Dec 1, 2003
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Gizmo: What you see of Christian Bale in batman begins is his normal weight and build, look up a movie called Equilibrium that came out in 2002 or even American Psycho in 2000, both are amazing movies.

In the extras of the machinist Bale describes how he barely ate and trained for about 3 months straight in order to get down to what you see in the movie. After that he just went back to his regular training and ate a lot of food that have high protein.

Another thing to notice is, he is not a BIG man, because he clearly trains for endurance and to cut ( I don't remember the exact term, but basically get rid of the fat around his muscles.) It gives a much better results than someone who is bulging all over and can barely bend his arms.


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Dear Bryson !

Bryson i hope that you will have the necessary motivation to be back at your gyn routine.

Thank you for explaning things about No Explode, i took it only twice but it scared the ......... of me.
However i love the energy from it. It seens easier to work out. I dont know if it is just psychological, but it works.
I am also happy to hear that i will not become male looking. I want to be more femme looking, i love been female it is far too much fun, except, the first few hours of that time of the month, but
that can be very sexy as well, hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

I am about to take some more No Explde and the go to the gyn, i love it:p !

Bryson dont forget to stretche, or if you dont your muscles may become smaller, i am serious !

Thank you for your time !
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