Montreal Escorts

Crosby vs Ovechkin

Crosby vs Ovechkin

  • Crosby

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Ovechkin

    Votes: 15 62.5%
  • other

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
May 23, 2005
By the 1st period alone it shows its going to be a great series

They both already have a goal each

Who would you choose with the 1st overall pick for your nhl franchise?

If other, please state your answer


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Crosby all the way, Ovechkin is way to much maintenance.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
1. Pavel Datsyuk 2. Luongo 3. Ovechkin

But if Nicklas Lidstrom was 10 years younger he'd be # 1 or # 2.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Ovechkin for me no doubt about it

He passes, he shoots, he scores and he hits!

He does it all

I'm rooting for the canucks but it looks like the hawks got to Luongo tonight

He's good but not starting a franchise with good

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I don't like saying that a russian is better than a canadian, but he is, i mean Crosby is a tremendous player, but was always overated since he got draft... Even Malkin is doing better than him since he came in the NHL. Ovechkin is the man right now in the NHL.

But start a franchise...i would go with a great goalie first, then look for forward after, and my pick would be Steve Mason as for top prospect. But i must admit right now the Capitals got a rare gem in Varlamov, he was good all the season game he played, and his great in playoff so far. Mason had to fights the Red Wings, one of the strongest team right now, so even if he choked in playoff, i would never throw the stone to him, can't say the forwards did the job either.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Halloween Mike said:
I don't like saying that a russian is better than a canadian, but he is, i mean Crosby is a tremendous player, but was always overated since he got draft... Even Malkin is doing better than him since he came in the NHL. Ovechkin is the man right now in the NHL.

Who cares if Ovechkin is russian, you have to call a spade a spade and give

him his due


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Crosby Overated? lol, are you kidding me? and why do you think Malkin is getting all those points? its the Crosby Factor at play, just like Gretzky/Kurri, Kurri would NEVER have been the player he was if he played elsewhere..... Crosby is FAR from Overated and i think his BEST years are ahead of him....... Ovechkin on the other hand is a one man wrecking crew.... right now he's the best of the best, bar none

Halloween Mike said:
I don't like saying that a russian is better than a canadian, but he is, i mean Crosby is a tremendous player, but was always overated since he got draft... Even Malkin is doing better than him since he came in the NHL. Ovechkin is the man right now in the NHL.

But start a franchise...i would go with a great goalie first, then look for forward after, and my pick would be Steve Mason as for top prospect. But i must admit right now the Capitals got a rare gem in Varlamov, he was good all the season game he played, and his great in playoff so far. Mason had to fights the Red Wings, one of the strongest team right now, so even if he choked in playoff, i would never throw the stone to him, can't say the forwards did the job either.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Bates : Yeah but there will always be people saying there canadian home boy is better than a foreign player, and even myself got to admit i wish Ovechkin never brake the records of Gretzky, as i would like these records to remain canadian...

Igna : Malkin showed his talent when Crosby was injure, and yeah certainly Crosby IS a great player, BUT people saw in him the next Gretzky or Lemieux, and got crazy. Got to remind you his average goal number by season is around 35. Yeah he got injure a couple times, but thats part of the game.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Greatness is measured by more than just goals scored, its all the intangibles he brings to his team, and to the game itself, including being an ambassador to the game, when kids today think of hockey, Sid the kids name is most likely one of the top names that come to their minds....... will he ever top or come close to Gretzkys best season, doubt it, but he is far from overated, he's one of the top 2-3 players in the NHL, and he's still a very very young guy, he is no where near being overated, period......

you gotta remember, Gretzky, Lemieux, and even Bobby Orr were in a league of their own......

Halloween Mike said:
Bates : Yeah but there will always be people saying there canadian home boy is better than a foreign player, and even myself got to admit i wish Ovechkin never brake the records of Gretzky, as i would like these records to remain canadian...

Igna : Malkin showed his talent when Crosby was injure, and yeah certainly Crosby IS a great player, BUT people saw in him the next Gretzky or Lemieux, and got crazy. Got to remind you his average goal number by season is around 35. Yeah he got injure a couple times, but thats part of the game.


I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
Beating Gretzky's records.

For those who think either of these guys will beat Gretzky's record, here are a few numbers.

In twenty NHL seasons, Gretzky averaged 121.5 points.

In a five year span covering seasons three to seven, Gretzky averaged 207.5 points per season.

So far after four NHL seasons, Crosby has averaged 99.25 points per season while playing in 290 games played and Ovechkin has averaged 105 points in 324 games.

Gretzky's personal best in one season:

Goals = 92*
Assists = 163*
Points = 215*

*All time NHL records

Crosby's personal best in one season:

Goals = 39
Assists = 84
Points = 120

Ovechkin's personal best in one season:

Goals = 65
Assists = 54
Points = 112

Bottom line, neither of these guys will ever come close.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Halloween Mike said:
Bates : Yeah but there will always be people saying there canadian home boy is better than a foreign player, and even myself got to admit i wish Ovechkin never brake the records of Gretzky, as i would like these records to remain canadian...

I was a huge gretzky fan growing up

I could care less if a russian or a canadian has the record

Records are meants to be broken and if Ovechkin can do it, then props to him


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Good points G1G but you have to also remember that the nhl then and the

nhl now are very different. Its not their lack of skill thats to blame why

they arent even close to gretzkys stats.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hockey is our pride, so i do care that the records remain canadian made...

As for G1G say, yes and no, i mean when you look at that of course its hard to top gretzky points, but he had messier and a whole lot of awesome player to score when he passed, nothing agaist Semin, Backstrom and such, but they are not in the same league as the old oilers where. Then as for Goal, we don't know, Ovechkin may play 25 season if he feel capable, and he could beat the goal record... Im not saying it will happen, but there is chance, even if they are low.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
i doubt Ovie will make it to 20 seasons let alone 25 the way he throws his body around, in fact he's gonna have to change his style to remain a great great GREAT goal scorer over that same said period of time, with the abuse his body will continue to sustain with his style of play, he most likely will be injury prone as he gets older, he's still a very young man, but the way he goes all out putting his body on the line on every play is gonna shorten his career, most likely,...... but if he makes some adjustments, then he could go down as having one of the best careers offensively in NHL History

Halloween Mike said:
Hockey is our pride, so i do care that the records remain canadian made...

As for G1G say, yes and no, i mean when you look at that of course its hard to top gretzky points, but he had messier and a whole lot of awesome player to score when he passed, nothing agaist Semin, Backstrom and such, but they are not in the same league as the old oilers where. Then as for Goal, we don't know, Ovechkin may play 25 season if he feel capable, and he could beat the goal record... Im not saying it will happen, but there is chance, even if they are low.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Crosby have been injure 2 time already, Ovechkin 0, he barely miss a couple game due to personal reason(his grandmother was sick i think, something like that) So seem like his style is ok


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
yes thats true Mike, but have you ever watched Ovie play the game? hes a kamikazie out there and eventually if he continues that style,. it will slow him down , maybe not for another 5-7 years, and in that time he may win a few cups , few scoring titles, and makes MILLIONS on and off the ice, but as far as Gretzky's records, not ever gonna happen in todays NHL and the Way he plays, almost impossible....... no worries, your Canadian records are safe ........

maybe John Taveras can be the next GREAT Canadian Hockey Player compared to the "Great One". lets hope he's a Leaf! :D

Halloween Mike said:
Crosby have been injure 2 time already, Ovechkin 0, he barely miss a couple game due to personal reason(his grandmother was sick i think, something like that) So seem like his style is ok

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Maybe your right, but maybe the guy is just a machine and will be able to play like that all his career...we don't know...

And no hope he will not be a leaf, i like the leafs where they are, at the bottom of the ranking :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
no way the human body can hold up the way he plays, not for 20-25 season, not at all possible unless he is pumped full of steroids/drugs

Ask Nadya about the Leafs? shes a diehard Habs fan but shes smart enough not to be fooled by thinking the Habs are heading in the right direction, meanwhile the leafs are :D ..... i think the Habs were what, a mere 12 points better than the Leafs , and correct me if i am wrong but this was the 100th anniversary of the Habs (which ended in shame may i mind you :D ) and was the beginning of the Brian Burke era in Toronto....... i would call that a success for Toronto more so than Le Canadien.....

Toronto, even tho missing the playoffs for several seasons is still Hockey Central and is on the right track for the first time in years,(NO thanks to John Ferguson who knows little to nothiing about running a Team) and Montreal is on the decline....... which sucks, cause i actually like the Habs too, because Montreal to me is not just sexy hot gorgeous smart woman, but also Hockey! :) , for you Mike, GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Halloween Mike said:
Maybe your right, but maybe the guy is just a machine and will be able to play like that all his career...we don't know...

And no hope he will not be a leaf, i like the leafs where they are, at the bottom of the ranking :D

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Lol so wrong. Actually Toronto is staggering and the few good shot they got, they lost there power forward(Sundin, Antropov etc) and there goaltender can't keep up. Gerber showed something at the end of the season, but its still Gerber and i don't think he can become Number 1 goalie...

Habs have a tremendous potential waiting in the minor league, and the only thing they need to do is to get rid of the useless players. Kostopolous, sure that guy got the biggest heart, but he have no skill, his place is surely not in the NHL. The only fun i had this season was seeing him getting his ass whooped.

Ryan O'byrne, no comments...

Tomas Plekanec : Sure he can be spectacular one night, but he have 20 damn matchs sucking after that... The guy only use right now is winning face-off...

Price need to focus more and im sure that kid CAN be good and CAN be the futur in net for this team.

After that lets just upgrade the team with one major trade, get a power forward, the return of Lang is gonna help too(excellent third line center) and if the defense is in good health, we are in business.

Sure it was the 100th, i know, but its another year of hockey, thats all, and we where destroy by injuries all season long.

As for the leafs if the fan continue to support them like crazy, no wonder we are making fun of them since they miss the playoff for so many straight years i don't remember how much. Like they say on tv, in montreal we would never accept that.

On a different note, you will probably laught but in 93 i was a die hard leafs fan, my favorite player was Felix Potvin, the goaltender, and i was SOOO sad the leafs got eliminated in the western finals against L.A. This team had her prime back in the day, but today i look at the leafs and can just laught.

I never was a big fan of Montreal in my young age, i was way more for the Nordiques(after the leafs) when there was the rivalty. As funny as it may be to you i became a fan of Montreal only in 2005, when Cristobal Huet became the number 1 goaltender after Theodore became garbage. (don't ask me why, but i always like the goaltender position, i was one myself anyway)

As for the moment, since Canadiens are eliminated, all my faith is with Washington, especially since thanks god they got rid of Theo in net(that kid Varlamov is amazing) I never lost faith they would win the first round and they did.
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