Gfe / Pse
My understanding of the GFE / PSE label:
PSE : GFE & TCIM - Greek
In the escorting business these acronyms have been debated many time trying to help the clients to know what to expect in the advertising of the ladies.
However, it was also debated that a girl provinding GFE servies may not have the GFE ``attitude`` wich is still a must for many out there.
As far as I remember, PSE meant Porn Star Experience and it was used to identify girls that where into the movie industry (or shoudl I say porn movies), not the escorting industry.
There is not much steps in between both industres from the moment we are talking about sex industry but there is still.
It should be clear that from the moment we are talking about escort business and not movie business, it should also be know that the PSE label mean the services description. And, like for the GFE label, if they get more of the PSE attitude, them lucky them, or should I say, there you have found a gem like other will say about a GFE provider with the attitude above.
Now that being said, and Tracy I am addressing this next comment to you, misunderstanding what you are saying or not, here`s something that should never be accepted:
Girls that are advertised as GFE or PSE in the escorting business should never provide intercourse without protection. Is it up to the girl to be foolish or not ? Yes it is, but I don`t think that any girls would like to be publiquely know this way and more, no agency would like to have a girl with such reputation knowing how far some STD`s accusation, real or not, can go.
Tracy said:
I have not seen a pornstar suck a dick with a condom on either, but neither have I seen a pornstar fuck with a condom on... so in that way of thinking, PSE should include BBFS as well.... BUT that is definitely unsafe.
The difference between pornstars and SP/ client relations will always be that the pornstars have verified test results to back them up before each shoot.
Therefore, any service provided should be up to the girl if she wants to use protection, whether she advertises PSE or GFE.
Just a little reminder ...