Montreal Escorts

Designated Drivers in Montreal.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have been trying to learn and understand Montreal's public transportation system. I am now taking the subway for 3$. Bus fair to the airport is 10$. It seems like a cab ride anywhere in town is less than 10$. Parking my car at the hotel costs more than what I typically pay for public transportation. Why would anyone risk a huge fine by driving?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Not sure what cab you are using, but everytime i used a cab in MTL its just so over priced... even for very short distance. So much i decided to not use them anymore, unless total nessesity. Subway on the other hand is pretty good, for a small 3$ you can use both SUBWAY AND BUS to get where you want, only thing is you need to not be too much in a hurry, because the bus is less conevient than the subway in term of wait time.

Also i think subway close around 1:30 am even on week end, so better not go to a bar too far... Wish the subway would be open til at least 4 am on week end... seem only normal.

Now as for drinking and driving, of course you DON'T !! Its not about the fine, think about the security first, both of yourself but also of the others.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think that 0.1 was a good blood alcohol level but now a days I think that the blood alcohol level is something like 0.04 in Montreal? Hell, I wake up at 0.04. There is no problem with driving below 0.1 in my opinion. However, I am not going to pay a fine for it when cabs and public transportation is so inexpensive.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Thats 0.08 ... unless you are a young driver under 18 or other special conditions... Not sure if the american version is different. But in any case 0.08 is more or less 1 or 2 beer depending on your physical type, time elapsed betwen them and such...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
This lead me to a page asking me to sign up? Well when i need a cab its usually on the heat of the moment, one thing for sure i can't go on the internet or else. Actually i don't call cabs anymore, what i learn about that is usually you have the time to see 12 pass by the time yours has not yet arrived...

I swear, the last 2 times i waited for a cab, i waited around 20 to 30 mins, no jokes, let around 8 pass because im a good guy, didn't want to call a cab only to make them move for nothing, so i waited for mine, but those 2 times i finally had to say "screw it" and wave one...


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I’ve used Uber mostly when I’m in town. I also find that the local taxis are way overpriced. Also, unless your on a major street it’s hard to find a taxi.
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