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Dinner dates, longer,….. known compensation?


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
When will you disclose how much your paid for Gia? The price we pay has always been transparent on the boards.

I think I can appreciate Regnad's reluctance to discuss the ammount paid to her for this special extended date. The travel dates I have gone on have always been considered individually, as is probably the case here.

It is highly likely that Gia and Regnad had worked out a special rate which takes many things into consideration and would not be necessairly the same for someone else for the same amount of time (Higher or lower).



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Oct 3, 2004
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regnad said:
some people regard the whole notion of paying someone to have dinner with you is pathetic.

Just a personal opinion, no offense intended.

As Robin pointed out, taking someone to a top restaurant can end up costing as much, or more, than a one hour appointment. Dinner in such cases should be "payment" enough for the hour and a half it takes to eat and it shouldn't even be viewed as a "payment" by her if she truly appreciates the mans faithful patronage to her. Rather it should be seen as an oppurtunity to share a good meal with a genuinely thoughtful, decent man who honors her as more than just a lump of warm flesh. It doesn't need to be a tough situation.

Banter over this subject is somewhat irrelevant in relation to the issue anyway since the SP will either accept or decline the invitation based on her priorities for the evening in question and whether or not she likes him enough to have dinner with him. As has been said before, if she doesn't like him or has another appointment all she has to say is she is busy but thank you for the kind offer and the gentleman asking should be completely understanding without another mention. If on the other hand she has nothing to do, likes the client, and has a hole in her stomach, she may at her discretion graciously accept the invitation.

No harm, no foul right?


New Member
Jan 11, 2005

regnad said:
I think we're splitting hairs here.

Let's see. You ate meals with her, you paid for them. Hmm. I think the argument is fully shaved--no hairs left to split!:)

J-A-S articulated [#29] my concerns with your original comment [#20] very clearly. I know well that you didn't intend that remark in the way it came across.


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Oct 3, 2004
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Lost in translation

regnad said:
Sorry, still don't see it. I said I wouldn't do it, but neither said nor implied that is is shameful. Abe is pretty clear in his statement that it is and I don't agree with him at all.

Sorry Reg,

Not sure where your getting that I'm saying its shameful either. Its a pretty concise view admittedly, and worded so as not to offend anyone either way. For the record, I don't think of it as "shameful." The issue is simply overblown out of proportion and misguided. It is not a Greek tragedy we are talking about, its dinner.

I agreed with your quote that it is "pathetic" in a sense because, I personally, see it as defeating to the primary focus of what dinner should be, which is enjoying a meal. To me every meal is something to be treasured, just as every moment in life should be. Warren Zevon said it best on his final appearance on David Letterman as he suffered through his terminal cancer. When Dave asked him what he might know about life that we don't, Warren replied something to the effect of "Just how much we should enjoy every Sandwich."

I don't care to eat with anyone who isn't there to enjoy the meal on its own merits. Although the right company is nice to sit with at the table, company is NOT a prerequisite to enjoying a fine meal. For me to have to pay someone to eat with me would be a waste of my money and would ultimately end up taking away from my enjoyment of the meal. Like you, I feel my company, along with a FREE meal at a fine restaurant, should be enough motivation for someone to join me, if it isn't then let them eat cake. Its not really "shame" I think we are talking about anyways as much as it is just unnecessary or frivolous, but again it depends on each persons motivations as to how they personally see it.


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Oct 3, 2004
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Fair enough Reg. For the record, I do not think it is shameful, just so were clear.


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Dec 23, 2005
If you go to a lawyer for a real estate transaction, and ask him (or her) to draw up a will, would you expect them to do it for free? Diner dates are something that escorts do. Anyone who makes an appointment with one should know this. Many clearly state it in their rates. Just like a painter who paints your house. You know the price before the tansaction. If after painting the house ,you tell them they did a great job, and you ask them if they would like to paint the garage, would you expect a free bee? I agree with Just-ass-weet this is very insulting. No less insulting than expecting free bedroom time, because you think you are BFE, and an escort should not charge for the privelage of being serviced by you. And just like the dinner, because you are paying for the hotel room, it must be OK.


New Member
Jan 11, 2005

regnad said:
If I want to have sex with an attractive, charming woman in her 20s, with absolutely no emotional risk or ties, I accept the fact that I'm going to have to pay for it. If I want to have an enjoyable dinner in good company, I have more than enough friends I can go out with. I certainly don't need to buy that form of companionship.

Aside from the fact that we have already established the fact the you have, indeed, paid for this just as we that go on dinner dates do....

You claim you never meant that it is shameful to do this. Now you not only insult our provider friends, but those of us that like dinner dates? We only get to have dinner companionship by paying someone? We have different values than you perhaps, but we have friends, too! Think before you speak, man.

The point is that this is their livelihood. We are paying for their time! If you really respect an individual you will pay them what they are worth. To do otherwise...well, in some instances it could be considered taking advantage of the young and naive.

Don't get me wrong, I am sure that you are charming and pleasant company, but...perhaps there is a bit more to your attitude than you are willing to admit to yourself.
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Board Stiff

Feb 9, 2005
I think y'all should stop judging each others actions. We all are in this hobby because something, either physical, emotional, or mental is lacking in our "real" lives.
To take an escort out for dinner is not wrong. I have never had to do that, in fact, they usually pay for me, to enjoy time with me, but I wouldn't say it is "pathetic" to pay for dinner. If a guy wants/needs company, it's a simple way to get it.
Regnad, you really leave yourself open for being berated with your "holier than thou" statement. You ABSOLUTELY paid for Gia and other girls to have dinner with you. It is a phenomenological truth. The fact that you won't let us know how much you paid (transparency of pricing occurs 99.0% of the time, except for you actually). It should be no secret how much you paid for your weekend in San Fran, unless Celine gave you such a good price for your loyalty to her agency that she didn't want others to know. I suggest you find other threads to post in, because we all know you are intelligent, but you are coming off very puerile and jejune in this thread.
You can reply with as many insults as possible, but I know what I say resonates with the other members.


Nov 15, 2005
regnad said:
................ and then OFFER the opportunity of enjoying your company and enjoying the dinner conversation and the meal. If it will be fun for her, she has the choice of whether to accept or not. .................

Guys: I think this thread is getting a bit out of hand (sorry if I sound like a Mod). First of all I would like to say that I see things exactly the same way as Regnad does - I have difficulty with the concept of paying someone to have dinner with me. In any case, he sums up his point of view (and mine)extremely well in the quote above. Appropriately the word "OFFER" is in caps; she has the option to accept or decline, so why should it be taken as an insult? I expect that Regnad's idea of a nice dinner is also the same as mine - in an upscale restaurant, and could take as long as 3 hours (or more) really should try the chef's menu at La Folie the next time you are in SFO.

In this and another thread Regnad has come under a lot of fire, and I can't for the life of me understand why.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
I think the SHAME part comes across with your very adamant denial of paying for your time with Gia - which I think makes no sense that you are fighting this so hard?! I mean, who cares if you did or didn't pay? She put aside that entire time to spend time with you - forfieted any monies she would otherwise have made, I don't see the big deal?

How do you calculate what you paid for and what you didn't (did you have a chart?), did you tally it up and it turned into an exact trade off for what you would have paid for individual sexual encounters, with nothing left to spare - or did it end up with a deficiet (do you owe her extra!)? What you paid for, was for her to accompany you, the entire time, that means sleeping, eating, site-seeing, etc otherwise she would have been free to see other clients when she wasn't having paid sex with you right?

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Board Stiff said:
Regnad, you really leave yourself open for being berated with your "holier than thou" statement. You ABSOLUTELY paid for Gia and other girls to have dinner with you. It is a phenomenological truth. The fact that you won't let us know how much you paid (transparency of pricing occurs 99.0% of the time, except for you actually).


You obviously have it in for Regnad. I do not think he has a "holier than thou" attitude and I am willing to bet that are many more posters like Chefplus and me who appreciate his input. I think he comes off a little arrogant when he says that the pleasure of my companionship is enough but I don't think he's arrogant per se (just a poor choice of words).

As for your other accusation that pricing transparency occurs 99% of the time, I don't think you know what you're talking about. Neither Regnad or any other poster needs to reveal exactly how much he paid for an SP's service. This is a private arrangement between two parties. What business is it of yours?

Now, I'll state again that dinners or lunches are your perogative. I do not care what anybody writes, if I feel like having dinner with an SP, I'll invite her out to meet me. I will not pay for her just to have dinner with me but I will treat her and if she accepts to meet me, then fine, let's enjoy it.

I had a great time with Samy on Friday night. I took the time to arrange a nice dinner with a fine bottle of wine. When she came in, she appreciated the effort I took to set the mood. It is little considerations like this that can make a big difference in your encounter. Trust me on this.

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New Member
Jan 9, 2006

OK - If the primary reason was for fun - why pay at all? If you paid to have sex sometime during the trip - why not pay her each time you did it instead of a lump sum?

If the amount per hour for the entire trip was negligable - like 40$/hr or whatever, then you still paid for hours where you ate, you slept, you shopped, you went site-seeing. Now, you may argue that that's rude to Gia - well, I am not meaning to be at all.

But there are guys who pay 40$ for a BJ - because it is so little, does that mean he didn't pay for a BJ? Following that logic, you paid for her to have dinner with her, and sleep and sex, and etc....

regnad said:
My dear Anik,

Again, the money was the secondary reason she went on the trip. The primary reason was fun.

I just got an email from an old friend, a hobbyist whose name you'd all know and recognize. He tells me that he's had dinner after intimate dates any number of times. In each and every single case, SHE invited HIM.

We are dealing with human beings here. Sometimes we meet people we like and take our socializing beyond the business at hand. What is your problem with that?

As for the Plumber example - I think you are missing something here. Most girls have a dinnerdate rate, so dinner is obviously something many gents ask for, though many rather plan ahead then choose to see if it will work out. So obviously, dinner is a kind of extension of a rendez-vous (a date is you will)

So, let's use a better example.

The plumber comes to your house to fix you toilet, after he is done, you mention that you also have a leaky faucet. Though he may not charge you to fix it, in some cases he might. If you had called him ahead of time and mentioned both, he would have charged you for both.

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
regnad said:
I just got an email from an old friend, a hobbyist whose name you'd all know and recognize. He tells me that he's had dinner after intimate dates any number of times. In each and every single case, SHE invited HIM.

This is a very valid point. It is wrong to assume that SPs only want to see all their clients in an SP/client capacity based on a financial transaction. I am sure Gia would not have accepted this trip with just anyone. And of course fun had a lot to do with her decision. If it was just about money, she might as well have stayed here.

Again, there is nothing wrong to offer to treat an SP to dinner. If they accept knowing full well that is all they'll get from you, then fine. If they offer to treat you, then you're a real lucky guy (cheap but lucky!)

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New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Well, back to the original thing about this thread

Personally I like dinner dates (which is why I change the rate for it) - it makes for a really nice experience, allows us to relax, build up some sexual tension, some excitement. Especially if you can turn the entire time to a sensuous experience, for me and for many women, food is more than just nourishment, it is a sensory experience. Smell, touch, taste, these senses are all on full alert during a meal, add a little intoxicating wine and the company for someone interesting and you have to recipe for love. Though, I always prefer my desert unsweetened and in private ~wink, wink~ I know, I say love, but hopefully you understand what I mean.

With the right SP, a planned or spontaneous dinner date can be amazing!


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Just-ass-weet said:
With the right SP, a planned or spontaneous dinner date can be amazing!


Amen, let's leave it at that! Long live romance - wink,wink,wink!



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
I agree - I prefer a nice pre-dinner romp, some dinner, and then a slow dessert. That is the greatest to me. Thankfully, most gents like the same thing... yea!


regnad said:
As for the dinner part, I much prefer dinner afterward as bouncing around on a full stomach can be quite trying.


Nov 15, 2005
Just-ass-weet said:
I agree - I prefer a nice pre-dinner romp, some dinner, and then a slow dessert. That is the greatest to me. Thankfully, most gents like the same thing... yea!


WOW !! Anik and Regnad finally agree on something; I like that, though of course I doubt the two of them will meet for dinner anytime soon :p Peace, people, I am just having some fun :)


Nov 15, 2005
regnad said:
Umm, Anik and I "know" each other quite well enough and, I dare say, if I may be so bold, she is as fond of me as I am of her.

How Biblical !!! :D

So in effect this discussion was just creating sexual tension :p
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