Classy Angel
Montreal Escorts

Disappointing return to hobby.


New Member
Mar 13, 2006
dummy said:
Hmmm very interesting... My experience as an outsider is the opposite. Not only did I have a problem getting an advance booking (talking about 1-2day), have also been bumped quite frequently - you know what happened when they called and told you that she would be late for an hour etc.

I am sure there are conviniences and inconviniences of being a outsider. Sure you get priority over locals. The reason is that a girl will give you the tourist charge which is higher than the standard rate. So naturally is to her advantage to book you over a local.

It is quite hard to by pass this with a Texas accent. I always get the higher rate then most guys. Although my best bet would be to do business with an agency I really enjoy the service of an Iindy.
They are never rushed by a driver and they do not pick up after 45 minutes and hed to the washroom to get ready before he arrives.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005

oliver kloseoff said:
the agency girls all or most talk amonst themselves and even the agencies when they get to know you your life is an open book

Gossip is what kills me. Why do people engage in it? Because they're bored with their own lives. That pic is so sweet, and you say for $50, no hassle, no gossip and some time with Dayna? Now that is a real steal!:D

It sounds to good to be true....



Jack is back
Sep 24, 2005

I don't know why but I have this preconceived feeling that SW are filthier, junkies and too liberal compared to escorts.

But you are the living proof that it's just not true...:D

oliver kloseoff said:
and people wonder why guys do the street thing.
this is opne 24/ 7
you get to see and talk to the girl if you find one to your taste.
no agency or driver fee involved so the same girl who works agency if you find her on the street can be had at 1/2 the agency price or less
i had one of the popular agency girls x actually for $50--tell me how do you beat this.

and the most attractive thing to this is lack of gossip

the agency girls all or most talk amonst themselves and even the agencies when they get to know you your life is an open book

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Hunting for fresh meat with Olie

WOW! Olie, the next time you go hunting on St-Hubert and St-Laurent, can I tag along?:D

I will admit that street walkers scare the crap out of me. I am always looking at their arms and eyes to see how stoned they are. You might be right that many young, innocent ladies start from the streets but then I would feel like I am totally taking advantage of them.

I have to commend you for taking the time to help a fellow human being to get off drugs. I hate drugs and the scum that peddle them.:mad:


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
oliver kloseoff said:
this seems to be a vicious cycle and generally as described is the way it unfolds

I know, it is a vicious cycle for some of the ladies, which is why I almost exclusively see indies that charge more and do this part time. I am sure that the majority of agency ladies are not on drugs but some agencies are worse than others. I will not name them but just by looking at their website, you get a feel for what they are - scum.:mad:

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