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Do you favor breast enhancement? What is your preferred size breast?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all
Breast is a very populat plastic Surgery for ladies!
Do you favor it ?
Its not only a esthetical thing it does in many cases help them with their self estime.
Porn stars ,strippers,web cam girls and escort to a smaller degree has them done for the show.
What do you prefer are bigger size breast more arousing for you?
Is there a limite in size?
whats your preferred shape?
Softer or harder?
Lower hang?



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I like enhanced breast, as long as done tastefully. Some pornstars goes for too big or i dunno they look terrible. But most girls i saw going for Ds usually there very fine. Again they should not be toooo big, as in fitting with the body of the girl.

But if a girl has great natural breast, its a shame if she had them redone. Exemples in porn... Riley Evans, Brooke Banner and the worst of them all... TERA PATRICK... With tits like that, you don't need implant. Not to mention since she married the tatoo troll she got way too much tatoos too...

But to get back on subject, for feeling/touching, of course nothing beat nice big natural breast, but visually the Ds or DDs enhanced really turn me on as much, especially in cleavage.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Breast is a very populat plastic Surgery for ladies!
Do you favor it ?

I don't care for enhancements, but I am not strongly opposed to them if it is a well done procedure. I recall a girl who worked for Good Girls by the name of Jessie who had an unusually well done pair, and they were soft. It is essential that softness be maintained. If I recall Jessie told me it was like a partial enhancement. She did not go all the way.

What a lot of women do not understand is that things can go wrong, very badly wrong. About 5-6 years ago a woman came to me with a bad boob job case. I ultimately referred the case out (I am not a specialist in medical malpractice), but I saw her before and after photos. She was a very attractive blonde haired woman, late 30s, had VERY nice b-cups before the operation, and then went to some half-assed quack who, when he got through with her, created the tits of an alien. Honestly they were gross, misshapen, warped tits. She ultimately had to have another surgery to fix the botched job, and her tits still were not right.

I don't think a woman who is well endowed should ever touch them. I don't care about the size, what is more important is symmetry and shape. If the tits do not have symmetry and shape, and softness, the size does not matter.

Lily from Montreal

There is some things in life where size do matter but as for breast ,for me,the smaller the better,so favorite size :A...

Bigger as to hold their own,I really do not care for the ''castor tail'' look...

Fake are ok if it is still possible to have that size naturally,so no huge balls...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2011
I'm not a huge fan of man-mades nor huge naturals. Like smaller breasts on women. What I especially like are nipples that get long and hard with stimulation. I've noticed that this varies a lot, but smaller breasts tend to yield more erect nipples . . .

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Castor tail = queue de castor = beaver tail

Like cocker spaniel ears (au Québec les jos comme des oreilles d'épagneul, ou en France les roberts comme des oreilles de cocker)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hum interesting view...

Personally smaller breast won't be a deal breaker, as i recall i really flashed on Nikky(Talia MTLGFE now) at GG2 because how pretty she was facially and her cloathing/hair style was really fitting her well that night too. But it seem i usually go for bigger breast in general. Of course when you can see an SP facially before a meeting it help a lot, i would had not choose Nikky based on picture only... but when i saw her, bingo, had to see her. Then there is girls in the middle, like Hannah also formely at GG, she didn't had D cups, actually i think she was listed as Bs, but they where more like a generous C to me. They where not that huge, but very good shape, you really had a nice handfull grabbing them...

Of course i always been attracted to the pornstars/strippers with huge breast... because of my teen years, but i think if i tended to choose more SP with big breast in my early years (before the parties and such) its because i knew that if the face disapointed me a bit, at least i would enjoy the big breast...

Anyway its kinda like that lol. In recent years, the best big natural boobs i experienced was Vanessa at Lou's, wich sadly didn't stand around long enough. Her breast where really "stupendous" (Friday the 13th refference lol) big, generous, round, perfect nipple size... wow !!

But i also saw plenty of other girls with amazing natural breast. Jordan formely Eleganza now MTL GFE, Christina MTL Sex City, Hannah GG and of course Kate formerly GG now MTL Sex City. I also saw a nice number with fake ones. As eager said, yes Jessy from GG did had nice fake ones. She also explained to me that she used to be similar size but wanted them to be "firmer" or something... but she didn't enhanced much the size. Eve from GG has fake ones but they are not "big" , she is so "petite" that they look bigger on her, but in truth they are not that big, but they fit very well on her and are nicely done.

In any case, personally i can say i like anything from B to DD, it always depend on the shape, size of the nipple and such... how i like them. But A is really too small... of course if the girl has a perfect little ass, super pretty face and such, it won't bother me too much, but i like to have somethin to grab...

But when it comes to SP i realized over the years the breast are not the main focus unlike strippers... sure its fun to grab them while in cowgirl but you don't spend the hour touching them, unlike a stripper where i used to spend much of the dances on the breast... so i would usually take upstairs only girls with generous breast.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

OK, Out west we call castors flap jacks ( pancakes ).

If that is what I think it is it's a deal breaker. I'd rather be with a lady who is plain flat-chested than one with "pancakes". A past very great favorite was flat-chested and a new lady who is quickly becoming a great favorite is very similar with tiny A-cups. Each of them has or had an irresistible stunning sexuality.

There is some things in life where size do matter but as for breast ,for me,the smaller the better,so favorite size :A...

A is okay for me, but I'd prefer at least a small B. Shape and firmness are the important assets. When it comes to fake breasts, well, I've met Tabatha of Angel Escorts so obviously I find them arousing. Sorry, but I can't help having a Pavlovian-like response to great big breasts. Still, I'd prefer ladies to look as natural as possible with some size and good firmness. My long time favorite got hers done after many meetings with her. She made sure they were done right with large C-cups that very soon looked almost completely natural. It made her feel better about herself even though I never thought she needed to do anything.

Weight seems to be important in some cases. I remember two ladies I saw a number of times each. Cindy from the old Dangerous Curves was a thin waif-like blonde and a lot of old timers remember a slender Melanie Cherrie of Frenchkiss. Both had lovely breasts when I met them, then gained a few pounds, about 5 but less than 10 I think. Cindy became very athletic looking instead of a bit skinny and Melanie got some amazing curves, while their breasts went from hot to outstandingly shaped.

One lady from the old Platinum agency had the simply outstanding body and beauty of a perfect pornstar, and still she was not satisfied with her size, which was a perfectly shaped D. I did what I could to impress upon her with sincerity that anything more would be a bad idea. She seemed to agree at the time, but who knows how far she went. It's a real shame some ladies don't seem to know when to stop. Maybe there's some kind of insecurity or need to be outrageous that pushes them. It's a damn shame. Tabatha should have stopped at least one-size ago.

...its because i knew that if the face disapointed me a bit, at least i would enjoy the big breast...

I have been with some ladies like this. They were either disappointing in attractiveness or attitudes. Large breasts or ones with great shape help. Yet, for me gorgeous eyes and a terrific persona are the real edge any woman can have.


May 28, 2012
Frankly I like them in the B to small C class. Don't like enhancements or feel them necessary except if a woman is born totally flatchested. Even then a woman can be quite sexy without. With regard to the really big ones it seems to me that they're really about a woman's self-concept than a man's appreciation. I put them in the same category as tats, noserings, liprings, etc..etc.., in all cases more about the person's self-concept than anything.

A small tat on a woman's hind, thigh or even stomach can be cute if done tastefully. Some people are brought up to not have a self-concept that differentiates themselves with other contemporaries. They use the above to artificially create that difference. So sad.

S.S neo

Active Member
Apr 28, 2007
I strongly protest against fake tits. It's fuckin' up Darwin's natural selection theory.
Man are now marrying girls they wouldn't even look at if they still had the set god gave them.
Fake tits are like plastic fruits...


Aug 12, 2013
Fake tits is a turn off for me. I prefer natural by far, in size B or C.

However, some woman (a minority) have breast reduction for whatever reasons. I feel ok with that as long as this is not silicon or fake tits. I think that a woman can undergo such surgery and still be considered as natural.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I DESPISE enhanced breasts. I just find them very unattractive and hate the feel. I prefer smaller tits B cups and like them to be cone shaped with big erect nipples and large dark aeriolas. The thing with fake tits is that the boob gets very round and gets that engorged grapefruit look and feel so hard and the nipple to boob ratio shrinks. I much prefer saggy tits or small AA cups to fake tits that is how much they turn me off. Shape and symmetry is more important then size. I even seen some large very beautiful natural breast but they always drop due to their enormous weight and are usually found on thicker women unlike the fake breasts that stays round and looks like the body part on a mannequin.

Unfortunately most girls do it more as a self-image thing they believe they actually need it. I blame the media and porn industry for this which completely objectified women. Now some women are even having their vagina surgically altered.


Jul 18, 2010
To me it's a case by case thing. Even if I generally don't prefer enhanced breasts, in many cases they help the girls' looks and more importantly: their confidence. Whatever makes them feel more beautiful and desirable I'm fine with that. Guys have the wrong idea that they ONLY do it for US. They don't, they do it for them.
It's not like they wouldn't be able to date if they didn't have an operation. Same goes for tattoos and piercings. Once they decide they want something you can't change their mind.
To me the most attractive thing about a girl is her confidence so if that helps then great.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Yes point of view of every guy differ just like what they love or like.

Personally CLOUD i am not attracted to big aerolas(what i call nipple area), not at all. I like a normal size or a very small nipple. Take Lezley Zen for exemple, the pornstar(google image if you want) , thats the kind of fake breast i really love in porn. Tasha Reign also has a great pair of fake breast. Or take Quebec's own Kelly Summer, she got them redone big, very big, but they look very hot to me because of the nipple size fitting with the rest.

One thing for sure, i seem to really be less exigent when it comes to fake than natural.. unless its a butchered job like when JR Carrington got back into porn couple years ago or how Amy Anderssen got some deformed tits over the years, i will usually like a good C or D cup most of the time. When it comes to natural, they have to be round enough, not saggy, have matching nippe size, well very exigent when it comes to that... but in definitive yes a big round natural D perfect pair beats a fake one. BUT its a gift of nature... i mean not every men either are gift with 8-9 foot long penis... a 5 ot 6 will do for most girl, but some likes the bigger ones...


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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OMG, a HUGE NO ! They feel like crap and except when the woman in question is wearing clothing look almost as bad. I really don't care how small the breasts are, natural is so much better ;)


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all
Choices vary from person to person !
In my career in adult entertainment I have seen many different variaty of natural and fake ones
Their some fake ones that does look and feel close to the real thing .The weight
the bounciness their shape not to round ,the softness is still there .
Some ladies have the misfortune that their body will reject the implants thats when they become hard .
But soft fake ones I find attractive .
The lady is placed between many choices she makes her decision to enhance .
Saline water gummy bear silicone jelly ?
How many cc's?
Over the pectorial muscle ?
Or under?
Where will they cut the skin to introduce the implant?
Under the breast ?
In areola?
Under the arm pit?

For me feeling the weight is the sexy part natural or fake !
By the way big natural breast flots in the water
big fake ones does't:lol:


Honestly they were gross, misshapen, warped tits. She ultimately had to have another surgery to fix the botched job, and her tits still were not right.

I will be honest I had a consultation because I am considering having them done, not side show freak tits, tasteful C/small D's.... Scary but every doctor warns you that misshapen, warped are all "possible" side effects
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