Montreal Escorts

Do you "hobby" while in a relationship (With a non SP partner... Married or not) ?

Do you "hobby" while in a relationship (With a non SP partner... Married or not) ?

  • YES

    Votes: 92 66.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 46 33.3%

  • Total voters


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
...and when a man sets out on a Friday night to get laid, 99.9% of the time he will end up shit-faced drunk at Denny's restaurant ordering the Grand Slam Breakfast at 2am. No pussy for you.

No in Quebec we end up at Lafleur or Belle Province eating a Poutine ;)


Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
There has certainly been a religious revolution of the last 20-25 years so maybe a change in sexual thinking will be next (after we are all six feet under).

Bottom line is that love and sex are entirely two different things. "Attached" men can certainly have a satisfying session with an SP knowing that you do not like her, only lust her, and will never see her again after.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Idealistically the ladies who decided that they are done with sex should give their blessing and tell their husbands ''I am done but I understand that you are not,go have fun...''

Wishful thinking, don't u think? It never ever goes that way ( or does it? Another thread? ). Many older women can be hit with medical problems ( depression , cancer etc..) which inhibit them from having fulfilling sexy lives. What ensues provides the lively hood of many SPs.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Life is short but is you are stuck you might find it very long.

Many people, myself included stick around for the kids, and yes it is long. She was too jacked up on drugstore legal shit to even want sex or communication unless you were in full agreement with her. I never did cheat on her, just my own beliefs. I probably posted this somewhere before but for those in a relationship and see escorts, if you came home early one day and your partner was getting analized would you care? If not, good for you.


not so new Member ;)
Oct 25, 2015
I've been faithfull for 20 years... But turning 40; always on web , it was not enough anymore and sex with a pretty straight partner (no doggies, no more bj, etc). So still loving my wife and kids, I figure out I had one option left: to try escorts... and I did. Feel guilty at first and still but a man has some needs.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Pour ma part, la raison pour laquelle je fréquente des escortes, C'est que je n'ai personne dans ma vie et je ne voie pas le jour où je vais trouver quelqu'un. Mais mes besoins de contact physique sont importants et je ne veux pas me priver le restant de mes jours non plus.

Alors quand je trouve une escorte avec qui j'ai une bonne chimie (Ce n'est pas si simple car ça ne se commande pas), je la revoit souvent. J'aime bien développer une certaine complicité avec une fille au fil des rencontres, pour le temps qu'elle fera ce métier.

Cependant, advenant le fait que je trouverais quelqu'un, C'est sûr alors que je lacherait ce passe-temps, par respect pour elle
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