Come on...that's what the hobby is for. How can you have sex with the same person for the rest of your life? Have you ever tried a different flavor at Baskin-Robbins? I realize that there are many things that drive us towards this common goal of seeing escorts. For example, some of us never could and never will be able to get laid without paying for it. These are the haughty bunch that say they would never cheat if they were in a relationship. Well of course you would not because there wouldn't be any temptation to cheat because at no point in your life no one would ever have sex with you if it weren't for the exchange of money. The other extreme is the married guy who has on and off affairs that visits Montreal because even this is not enough for him. He supplements his sexual experiences by paying for some on the side such as the ultra young 18-25 year old pussy that has been out of reach that past decade or so.
There are all kinds of hobbyists out there. The beautiful thing to me is that this hobby and Merb is a great equalizer. We are all brothers in arms here. We can all experience the same 8's, 9's and 10's that were at one time out of reach. All you have to do is be respectful, hygienic, and have the money. MERB brings us all together and doesn't judge.
There are all kinds of hobbyists out there. The beautiful thing to me is that this hobby and Merb is a great equalizer. We are all brothers in arms here. We can all experience the same 8's, 9's and 10's that were at one time out of reach. All you have to do is be respectful, hygienic, and have the money. MERB brings us all together and doesn't judge.