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Does the hobby improve your life or is it just entertainment?


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Does the hobby improve you emotionally, does it improve the situation with your SO?

Oui, oui . . .

And I can workout at the gym without being distracted by the hot ladies working out. Being able to ignore hot ladies seems to bring them closer to me in physical proximity at work, stores, cafes, gym, etc.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Oui, oui . . .

And I can workout at the gym without being distracted by the hot ladies working out. Being able to ignore hot ladies seems to bring them closer to me in physical proximity at work, stores, cafes, gym, etc.

BOOM. Right there. That was how I met my significant other.

Chef Boyardee

New Member
Dec 14, 2010
I have tried things with a SP that I have never done with civies. With a SP the worse thing that happens is you get a NO. If you offend a civie, they call you a pervert.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
For me, I think, it is pure entertainment. Can not say it improves my life. I became very lazy because of this. When I was not seeing SP, I regularly used to go to Gym. Now, I do not. I now think, what's the point of going to the gym and taking all these muscle pain. These SP do not really care about whether I have very good physique or not. They do provide service anyway. I also used to go to downtown bars or clubs every Friday/Saturday to meet new girls but now I also do not feel like doing that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have tried things with a SP that I have never done with civies. With a SP the worse thing that happens is you get a NO. If you offend a civie, they call you a pervert.

Yep. And the word gets out that you're a pervert.

A few years ago, a co-worker was dating a friend of mine. After they stopped seeing each other she told me what a pervert the guy is. She said "Ewww....That guys a pervert." So I pushed her. I asked "what did he do?" She finally told me that he wanted to do anal. I had to tell her that I didn't think that this was so perverted. I was expecting her to tell me that the guy wanted to eat her shit or have a 3sum with a goat or something like this.

For me, I think, it is pure entertainment. Can not say it improves my life. I became very lazy because of this. When I was not seeing SP, I regularly used to go to Gym. Now, I do not. I now think, what's the point of going to the gym and taking all these muscle pain. These SP do not really care about whether I have very good physique or not. They do provide service anyway. I also used to go to downtown bars or clubs every Friday/Saturday to meet new girls but now I also do not feel like doing that.

This is a problem, especially if you are a young man. They take you out of circulation. Your out of the game.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
LOL. When I hobbied this had a different affect on me as I went to the gym more. When the girl realized that it is not some fat but fit guy opening that door you tend to get better mileage. Yet you get questioned as to why you are seeing escorts. Seeing SPs fired me up more and actually made me more disciplined and focused as it got me to stop thinking about sex all the time. Knowing that you can have it where ever when ever like all things, sex loses its value and luster.


Jul 25, 2019
Yep. And the word gets out that you're a pervert.

A few years ago, a co-worker was dating a friend of mine. After they stopped seeing each other she told me what a pervert the guy is. She said "Ewww....That guys a pervert." So I pushed her. I asked "what did he do?" She finally told me that he wanted to do anal. I had to tell her that I didn't think that this was so perverted. I was expecting her to tell me that the guy wanted to eat her shit or have a 3sum with a goat or something like this.

This is a problem, especially if you are a young man. They take you out of circulation. Your out of the game.

True but what does it matter if the guy is young and has money?? I am 27, this hobby is very expensive. I have to be smart about spending. Any young guy's dream would be to venture into this world if he had a very good substantial amount of money at his leisure!


Jul 25, 2019
And to address this thread... How would it improve a guy's life? I mean other then maybe making him more comfortable with women maybe?? In fact, this is not healthy for any guy unless he has lots of money and wants no relationship in his life then this is a god send! You want to improve your life? Go meet new people, start a business, do something with your friends and family. Be out. Travel. Meet women outside of this hobby! Make more money through your career or job ect...all these things will improve your life.


Oct 2, 2009
And to address this thread... How would it improve a guy's life? I mean other then maybe making him more comfortable with women maybe?? In fact, this is not healthy for any guy unless he has lots of money and wants no relationship in his life then this is a god send! You want to improve your life? Go meet new people, start a business, do something with your friends and family. Be out. Travel. Meet women outside of this hobby! Make more money through your career or job ect...all these things will improve your life.

I think the hobby can be an enhancement.


Jul 25, 2019
How has it been an enhancement for you alphonso?


That episode of black mirror was awful. Worst episode ever lol. The OP said is it entertainment or improvement? Im saying there's a few improvements but I laid out some possible things one can do to improve himself as a person and gain new skills in life. Are you trying to say all we need in life is entertainment?


Jul 25, 2019

No, it is you who assumed that I was trying to be a religious leader or motivational speaker. You need to stop assuming things and take a step back. Try to breath the air because from what I am reading you seemed very annoyed by my simple comment. And what's wrong with what I am saying? What I said is essential to a better improvement in life.. You believe that going to SPs is improvement in life? I can see one way it can improve one's life but you failed to mention HOW other then the purpose of pure entertainment for a hour worth booking. While I provided examples of how one can better their life through social skills, life skills, gain new insights ect...

You say

If a person defines the “ideal” expenditure of time and effort as the activities you listed, and assumes only those activities improve one’s life, there would be no place for the purchase of sex. It is not surprising that trying to get a lot of pussy, purchased or not, is not in Rick Warren’s suggestions in The Purpose Driven Life, but I suspect some of his parishioners do so anyway.

Well again, based on what I said, those can definitely help you improve yourself. It can also help you get laid and finding women because it can increase your confidence, wealth and status... But it doesn't have to be used to find women, thats just an example. And no, why would it necessarily stop men from buying sex? What I listed has nothing to do disabling prostitution. It is about how one can better their lives and work on areas of improvement.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Seeing escorts/sex like money is going to magnify who you are good and/or bad. If you are looking for inspiration and fired up living life full of color this hobby can get you there. Now if you have whatever underlying issues like some sort of addiction(s) this hobby is going to inflame that. For some this hobby is going to help you in some way if you have a goal and endgame in mind.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2018
For me it is both - yes, entertainment and companionship, but this hobby has also dramatically improved my life in a specific way.

I used to hook up with girls and date them primarily for access to sex. I'm a very attractive guy, tall, "Chad" type, money isn't much of an issue, it's fairly easy for me to get laid if I want to. More often than not that comes with a whole lot of drama attached though, especially if you don't really care much about the girl(s) as a person. It's also a huge time sink.

I find occasionally seeing escorts and focusing on my personal life, career, building my own business, other hobbies - instead of chasing pussy - is a much better and more efficient way to spend my time. Ultimately I am a lot happier, because everything I do is for myself, and not to please someone.

This doesn't mean I am not dating at all, I do sometimes. But I'm extremely selective, I really have to like the girl, be genuinely interested in her, care about what her story is, like to have conversations with her. If I find someone like that, which is extremely rare but does happen sometimes, then I will only have sex exclusively with that girl. I also find that I am now a lot more relaxed and happy in a relationship, no matter if it's casual or more serious, because I will be spending time with someone I genuinely like and know that I can always go back to being happy by myself if things don't work out.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Entertainment primarily and I wouldn't go as far as to say it has improved my life. I tend to see a small group of regulars who I find particularly attractive to build some sort of rapport, which I think enhances the experience. The pleasure tends to be short lived however and controlling the urge to repeat too frequently can be a source of anxiety. At this time, I still feel the pros outweigh the cons.


Jan 29, 2011
Improved my life in that it made me less desperate about dating or hooking up with women for sex. Don't wanna date me ? Fine, I can a much hotter woman in my bed for less time/money (long term dating is costly in time and money)


Jan 29, 2011
It made me less desperate about wanting to hookup or date with attractive women. Knowing that I can get a hotter SP for less money and time (dating is costlier in time and money)

J.A. Prufrock

New Member
Jul 19, 2019
For me, I think, it is pure entertainment. Can not say it improves my life. I became very lazy because of this. When I was not seeing SP, I regularly used to go to Gym. Now, I do not. I now think, what's the point of going to the gym and taking all these muscle pain. These SP do not really care about whether I have very good physique or not. They do provide service anyway. I also used to go to downtown bars or clubs every Friday/Saturday to meet new girls but now I also do not feel like doing that.

This is so wrong, I don't even know where to begin.
First off, seeing SPs and MPAs shouldn't make you stop going to the gym, it should increase your desire to exercise and stay (or get into) in shape. Yes, these ladies see all body types, but you should have more pride in your appearance. You should want to be unlike many other men these ladies see. You should want them to remember you for being that well-groomed, nice-smelling, well-dressed guy who was in great shape, or at least decent shape. You should want these ladies to think "Why is this guy paying for it?"
And if you're young and seeing SPs, the motivation to stay in shape is that it will increase your chances of finding the right girl so you no longer need to do this. You can continue going to bars to meet girls while also seeing SPs. No reason you can't do both.
I'm 54, so my singles bar days are way behind me. I also have no desire to date for the purposes of a lasting, exclusive relationship because the way my marriage ended left a bitter taste in my mouth. But I'm also highly motivated to make myself as desirable to women (SPs and non-SPs) as possible. It starts with exercise. I can't recommend that enough.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
This is so wrong, I don't even know where to begin.
First off, seeing SPs and MPAs shouldn't make you stop going to the gym, it should increase your desire to exercise and stay (or get into) in shape. Yes, these ladies see all body types, but you should have more pride in your appearance. You should want to be unlike many other men these ladies see. You should want them to remember you for being that well-groomed, nice-smelling, well-dressed guy who was in great shape, or at least decent shape. You should want these ladies to think "Why is this guy paying for it?"
And if you're young and seeing SPs, the motivation to stay in shape is that it will increase your chances of finding the right girl so you no longer need to do this. You can continue going to bars to meet girls while also seeing SPs. No reason you can't do both.
I'm 54, so my singles bar days are way behind me. I also have no desire to date for the purposes of a lasting, exclusive relationship because the way my marriage ended left a bitter taste in my mouth. But I'm also highly motivated to make myself as desirable to women (SPs and non-SPs) as possible. It starts with exercise. I can't recommend that enough.

Well, I am 22 and most SP asks me when they first meet me that I look so young. Why am I seeing escort? Why do not I get a girlfriend? J.A. Prufrock, do you think this makes me feel better? But, in reality it does not. I do not want to explain to SP why am I doing this. And trust me, when I tell you, I am getting exact same level of service as I was when I had very good physique about 1 year ago.

Finding the right girl in real world is really really hard, have not found once in my life. But, in this hobby world, I found 2 girls in last 2 years with whom I actually really connect, never been more happier.

I agree that, I should go to the gym regularly and go out more often to see non-SPs. But, I am just lazy, do not know how I became like that. Anyway, I will take your advice and will try to get back to the gym again.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Haha dude at 22 really get out of thise site and sp world. You should not need it unless you need sexual know how.


Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Well, I am 22 and most SP asks me when they first meet me that I look so young. Why am I seeing escort? Why do not I get a girlfriend? J.A. Prufrock, do you think this makes me feel better? But, in reality it does not. I do not want to explain to SP why am I doing this. And trust me, when I tell you, I am getting exact same level of service as I was when I had very good physique about 1 year ago.

Finding the right girl in real world is really really hard, have not found once in my life. But, in this hobby world, I found 2 girls in last 2 years with whom I actually really connect, never been more happier.

I agree that, I should go to the gym regularly and go out more often to see non-SPs. But, I am just lazy, do not know how I became like that. Anyway, I will take your advice and will try to get back to the gym again.

JA makes a lot of sense. We are the same age and it seems we are in the same boat, have been thru similar experiences and now see things the same way. Testing you should be trying to meet girls in bars. When I was your age I was always going to bars. Enjoy your youth because once its gone it's GONE forever. No reason why you cannot enjoy the hobby and meet girls in the "real" world. I used to sometimes hobby during the week but save the weekends for cruising in the clubs. You can have the best of both worlds at your age. Enjoy your youth! Don't get so fucking lazy that you will let life pass you by. JA sounds like a wise man and he is giving you good advice. Do you know how often I fantasize about being zapped back to the 80s and 90s so I could have the fun I used to have? When you hit your 50s you may feel the same. Enjoy this time in your life and make the most of it cos nothing lasts forever.
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