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Does the SP, MP world have concret links to the biker gangs and the Mafia?

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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I have heard many stories of how the biker gangs and the mafia have control of the sex trade, but is there any real proof to back this up?
I heard of an SP that independantly offered services out of her appartment, one day she got a visit from someone that represented himself a a memeber of a famous biker gang. This "gang member" demanded a tribute to be paid on a weekly basis for this girl to operate her business. Evidently, she chose to close up shop and move to avoid these guys.
Of course, I heard this story second hand.


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Aug 16, 2003
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See here for:

"There was a statement in a judgment rendered about a year ago involving a bail application for a member of the HA, where the judge stated (I paraphrase and translate) that it was "judicial knowledge" (i.e. a fact which did not have to be specifically proved to the court) that the Hells Angels were involved in drug trafficking, prostitution and illegal smuggling."


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Dec 15, 2003
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To see this kind of thread being posted is depressing!
All has been already said about the matter!
This is what we see more and more nowadays!
No one is reading the papers?..or listening or watching the news!
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Aug 2, 2003
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I guess that which is deemed to be a matter of connaissance judiciaire isn't necessarily universally shared or understood. From The Gazette of January 13, 2003:

Criminal connections pervade trade: police

The Gazette
Monday, January 13, 2003

There's no doubt organized crime has its tentacles in escort agencies. After all, prostitution, like gambling, has always been a mob mainstay.
One Montreal police source, asked about mob involvement in the escort business, put it this way: "This is a small network of people, and it's a closed club.
"You or I couldn't just open up shop with a couple of girls. Everyone operates with the permission of the others, and of people who have very direct links to organized crime."
A recent study on prostitution, conducted by Quebec's Conseil du statut de la femme, refers to Montreal as the "Bangkok of the West." The study mentions a growing trend in Quebec prostitution: more hookers are being brought in from eastern Europe and Asia by organized criminal groups.
The report also found 60 per cent of employees and owners in the strip club industry had criminal ties (36 per cent had direct links with biker groups). Moreover, 80 per cent of Quebec strip clubs outside Montreal offer sexual services, from masturbation to intercourse.
Last year, police swooped in to arrest four people in connection with a prostitution ring that was run out of a string of South Shore strip clubs. One of the accused is Richard Angelillo, a full-patch member of the Evil Ones, a Hells Angels puppet club. Angelillo is facing 20 counts, including conspiracy and living off the avails of prostitution.
Police also say Scott Steinert, a former full-patch member of the Hells Angels, was heavily involved in the pornography and prostitution businesses. He disappeared in 1997, and was found floating in the St. Lawrence River in 1999. Steinert fell victim to an internal Angels purge, police say.
In a recent presentation, retired Sûreté du Québec biker expert Guy Ouellet said the biker groups either run escort agencies by proxy, or receive royalties from agencies allowed to operate only with their blessing. "They're involved in all the major ones. But you never see their names directly associated with the businesses," he said.
"Most of these businesses are fronted by people who are clean, who don't have criminal records. Sometimes they're fronted by legitimate businesses," a Montreal cop said. "We had one which we busted a couple of years ago which was run out of a beauty salon. Customers would call, and the girls would be dispatched from there.
"These are pretty sophisticated operations, mostly because they're extremely lucrative. We estimate in this city, an escort can earn $250,000 in a year for her pimp."
But Alexandra, a long-time Montreal escort who has run an agency for three years, said she's never seen any evidence of organized crime's involvement in the trade. "I've never seen it come my way," she said.


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Mar 3, 2004
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These two statements from the Gazette article (above) seem inconsistent to me:

One Montreal police source, asked about mob involvement in the escort business, put it this way: "This is a small network of people, and it's a closed club. "You or I couldn't just open up shop with a couple of girls. Everyone operates with the permission of the others, and of people who have very direct links to organized crime."

But Alexandra, a long-time Montreal escort who has run an agency for three years, said she's never seen any evidence of organized crime's involvement in the trade. "I've never seen it come my way," she said.

I don't know who Alexandra is, maybe she is an HA and is covering. But I asked a Montreal independent whether she had every been approached or was worried about it and she basically laughed it off and said she would just go to the police.

There seems to be a lot of "everyone knows", but not very much specific information. I don't doubt that there is some involvement, but is it really as the police describe it? Or are we giving OC more power than they "deserve"?

This would be an important factor for me in making a decision about an agency, particularly whether I would want to give much true information about myself.

Any comments?

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Since we can not get first hand info on this matter, then let us analize the anecdotal evidence that there may be Biker or Mafia involvement in the sex trade. Has anyone else heard second hand of any stories of mob involement? (like the story I told you about in the first post in this thread)


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Aug 16, 2003
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Originally posted by J. Peterman
Since we can not get first hand info on this matter,

JP, "judicial knowledge" means the fact has been proven to the strict and high standards required for criminal proceedings, which standards are much higher than anyone here would deem necessary.

So what exactly is your interest other than possible titilation?

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Tittalation pourposes only!

I have met so many lowly criminal skum bags in my life, doing things from vending stolen goods to, B and E's, small time drug dealers, and even some "Want to be" crime bosses! I always wondered if they need some sort of permission to exist, and if they were given permission I would assume that they would have to offer some sort of "tribute".
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