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Don't dial 911 for help


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Weapons, weapons, weapons, more weapons... Didn't we just discussed that in another thread?

The burglars in USA expect to be met with a weapon so, they'll carry a bigger weapon. The peoples expect the burglar to carry a big weapon so they'll get a bigger one... The burglar expect peoples to shoot first and ask question later so, they'll do what they can to shoot first!

With all this shooting, what about the poor baby in his crib next door who just got killed by a lost bullet, shot in order to protect a stereo or plasma tv? What about the old man walking his dog on the sidewalk, who just got a bullet in the head because a law-abiding citizen claimed his rights to defend his material possessions had precedence over human life?

IMHO, this "I'll protect my stuff no matter the cost" attitude sucks big time!


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
This is the thread that started it all, metoo4.

Allow me to naively ask: Why are the Americans unanimously trigger happy and the Canadians more restrained?


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
metoo4 said:
what about the poor baby in his crib next door who just got killed by a lost bullet, shot in order to protect a stereo or plasma tv?

The shooting wasn't done to protect a plasma TV. When a criminal breaks into a home at night, he knows that the occupants are likely to be sleeping inside. Therefore, it is very likely that he intends to harm the family (personally rob them, rape, etc.).

It's very dangerous to assume that someone who breaks into your home at night only wants your TV. It's very dangerous to assume that a criminal doesn't mind witnesses. It's very dangerous to place the lives of your family in the hands of a criminal.
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