Maurice Richard very very solid advise also very impressive that picture of you at 20 muscular and all wow. I wish i would have started training younger, a part from soccer and judo and some karate i was barely active after my teens, walking but i always ate well, and try not go gain too much weight. Back in 2000 when i tried low carb i had gained a bit, and it was like magic, stomach fat seem to be sucked out and it was fast like really fast.
Browsing YouTube i found an old video of Lou Ferrigno the hulk training for a comeback to competition in 1991, He was asked why he did not lift heavy he said listen i love bodybuilding i am 41 and for me its longevity, lifting heavy will take a toll on your body. That was such amazing advise.
The worse enemy now is uber eats and how people, even the young people give up on life. I work with young and older people we are all shift workers, most people eat junk, I seen young people who are not even 30 gain 80 to 100 pounds in 5 years, at 3am they got there big bag of McDonalds.
The young man i work with is 23, he as 3 bags of candy and 1 sandwich, i try to get him out there, remember when we were that age we were out partying, having fun meeting women but yet this young generation do nothing. Its scary.
Honest I feel that keto after reading on it and the 50y old women at my job being big on this too, she made me read a lot of stuff on this, is the best plan not only for older people but for younger ones, eating all that sugar is not good as you say, it causes a lot of negative in the body.
I am slowly switching to keto but will still drink my fruit smoothies berries and eat some nuts. I try to keep my carbs between 50 and 70g and most of it from fibre foods. Eggs are in, some bacon sometimes, weird you eat bacon and stay slim LOL but also calorie calorie eat keep an eye on those, fat free cheese, Greek yogurt, almond milk, and my vegetable soup.
Try to vary my meals and ordering is out, those prices 30$ for close to nothing and most of the time people at work tell me its not even good, forget it.
Keto is great eating plan, for non athletes, it brings your carb level to the lowest form possible, but for people who want to play hockey, run or any energy required sport, it is not the right plan.
Example, a runner for example on a 1/2 marathon (21.1km) burns 2,000 calories approx. , and on a a Keto diet , would not be able to do it, or any sport that requires energy (carbs)
Diets are great, but a good nutritionist can teach you how to eat, base on the non-exercise or exercise life style you have, without giving up food that we love, but learning how to eat better, without costing a fortune.
The internet is full of advise of people who learned from other people on the net.
My 2 cents