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econo cardio a good gym to get a membership?


Active Member
Apr 17, 2011
Maurice Richard very very solid advise also very impressive that picture of you at 20 muscular and all wow. I wish i would have started training younger, a part from soccer and judo and some karate i was barely active after my teens, walking but i always ate well, and try not go gain too much weight. Back in 2000 when i tried low carb i had gained a bit, and it was like magic, stomach fat seem to be sucked out and it was fast like really fast.

Browsing YouTube i found an old video of Lou Ferrigno the hulk training for a comeback to competition in 1991, He was asked why he did not lift heavy he said listen i love bodybuilding i am 41 and for me its longevity, lifting heavy will take a toll on your body. That was such amazing advise.

The worse enemy now is uber eats and how people, even the young people give up on life. I work with young and older people we are all shift workers, most people eat junk, I seen young people who are not even 30 gain 80 to 100 pounds in 5 years, at 3am they got there big bag of McDonalds.

The young man i work with is 23, he as 3 bags of candy and 1 sandwich, i try to get him out there, remember when we were that age we were out partying, having fun meeting women but yet this young generation do nothing. Its scary.

Honest I feel that keto after reading on it and the 50y old women at my job being big on this too, she made me read a lot of stuff on this, is the best plan not only for older people but for younger ones, eating all that sugar is not good as you say, it causes a lot of negative in the body.

I am slowly switching to keto but will still drink my fruit smoothies berries and eat some nuts. I try to keep my carbs between 50 and 70g and most of it from fibre foods. Eggs are in, some bacon sometimes, weird you eat bacon and stay slim LOL but also calorie calorie eat keep an eye on those, fat free cheese, Greek yogurt, almond milk, and my vegetable soup.

Try to vary my meals and ordering is out, those prices 30$ for close to nothing and most of the time people at work tell me its not even good, forget it.

Keto is great eating plan, for non athletes, it brings your carb level to the lowest form possible, but for people who want to play hockey, run or any energy required sport, it is not the right plan.
Example, a runner for example on a 1/2 marathon (21.1km) burns 2,000 calories approx. , and on a a Keto diet , would not be able to do it, or any sport that requires energy (carbs)
Diets are great, but a good nutritionist can teach you how to eat, base on the non-exercise or exercise life style you have, without giving up food that we love, but learning how to eat better, without costing a fortune.
The internet is full of advise of people who learned from other people on the net.
My 2 cents


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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i inspried many members over the years to train Eagerbeaver being 1
True- back in 2013 I got my weight down to 170 in part due to training inspired by Maurice. The problem is I am not a natural walker but I am a natural foodie and I gained back all the weight lost, and then some. It's never too late to train and I am now motivated by having done it once before.

My biggest problem is the foodie within me which is like an unleashed monster at times. I have to find the right leash LOL
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Sep 10, 2024
Keto is great eating plan, for non athletes, it brings your carb level to the lowest form possible, but for people who want to play hockey, run or any energy required sport, it is not the right plan.
Example, a runner for example on a 1/2 marathon (21.1km) burns 2,000 calories approx. , and on a a Keto diet , would not be able to do it, or any sport that requires energy (carbs)
Diets are great, but a good nutritionist can teach you how to eat, base on the non-exercise or exercise life style you have, without giving up food that we love, but learning how to eat better, without costing a fortune.
The internet is full of advise of people who learned from other people on the net.
My 2 cents
This is from back in the days when i did low carb but there were variants, yes for athletes you can TKD, or CKD, those were popular back then eat carbs before and after an event, or carb up weekends.

Yes being in ketosis can be hell you need electrolytes to avoid keto flu this is coming back to me now, not I don't train like an animal nor do HIIT super intense cardio so, so far i am good.

Still i can't say i am keto because i eat more than 20g of carb per day, I just make sure to cut out junk food sugar, and replace with fiber and good carb source berries etc, and some nuts.

I would say 50g but never above 100g probably won't get in ketosis but not sure you have too. Its more about making better food choices replace high calorie empty foods with low calories better choice high in protein and low in carbs.
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Sep 10, 2024
in 77 2 pictures post #10
i posted i trained with bill grant mr world as well i was natural in 77
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bill grant today at 77 still jacked

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but learnt the secret sauce from these guys
steroids were not a class 2 drug back then.
in fact was a dr who eventually got thrown out the country who got me and most of my friends into this
he did xtra billing cash back then a shot was $10 and he prescribed Danabol like candy
I met big lou in 1983 ,people actually called me hulk around same height as lou and he was 20 lbs heavier than me at the time

1985 i stopped bodybuilding(steroids) but kept training this was my best shape i looked facially and bodywise more than superman which in a lookalike thread i said
i was only taking a oral stanazol known as winstrol 2 mg tablets(like ben johnston took but i think he probably did the shots which were veterinary, and big doses as i heard he was squating in the 600s for sets and reps )
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2008 i took a under the counter product called decatech which marc mcguire took i got big but gave me prostitis so avoid its a dht the bad testesterone i looked like a wwwf wrestler with the died blond hair
age 51 aint many people in their 50s who were jacked like that .
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below age 61 --after this dialed down the weights and focus more on cardio last 6 yrs

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i inspried many members over the years to train Eagerbeaver being 1 endless others
1 day ill be dead ass in the box
i worked a lifetime on training so obviously i am proud of it
Yes of course, but at some point its better to lift lighter weight and go for longevity. Avoid injuries and the damn issues that come with aging and pains.
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Sep 10, 2024
A lot of people at my job are sick, overweight, diabetes, some are cancer survivor, the other day a guy passed out and was 5 days in the hospital scary stuff.

I try to help a few people but they don't seem to care that is even scarier.

This was my main reason to get back into fitness, and change my eating habits. I don't want to be put on medication, if i can avoid diabetes, I need to get a full medical been a while.

You cannot prevent aging but i am sure with good habits you can prevent a lot of disease that come with aging.
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Sep 10, 2024
at 67 my blood pressure is optimum and blood suger + cholesterol
i take no medication not even a tylenon in 3 years
my eye sight is 20/10 better than most
reason i started to train as a kid was girls which actually detracted me from a football career i had played 6 years then got into party ode out 7 days a week
back then endless woman never paid a cent.i didtn belive in buying strangers drinks to meet them
if i had a girlfriend i always paid everything all the time
as far as preventive measures if your over 60 id suggest a ct thorax scan with dye contrast neck to pelvis will detect everything
as welli just had my 4th colonoscopy in july-preventive as was family members who had this
full blood work
At 37 i got this test, funny you mention it, no everything was fine, but now at nearly 46 i need to get blood test, i was on the list to get a doctor for nearly 5 years they called last month finally got one, time to get checked.

I will admit that back then it was easier to get women, i did party a bit while younger, but mostly had girlfriends. I have been single for a while now maybe close to 8 months or so still talk to my ex, we did not end the relationship in bad terms she was a good women. But for dating, or finding someone else i don't know. I just enjoy my time training now loving it.


Jul 5, 2008
still talk to my ex, we did not end the relationship in bad terms she was a good women.

Nice to read a brother that has good words for his ex, cudos. I can relate to that since even though we separated after more than 20+ years I will always say she gave me probably the best years of my life.


Active Member
Sep 10, 2024
Nice to read a brother that has good words for his ex, cudos. I can relate to that since even though we separated after more than 20+ years I will always say she gave me probably the best years of my life.
She was a good women, I have nothing bad to say about here, her 19y old daughter even came to live with us for 6 months after she got separated. We just grew apart, and decided to call it quits, but yeah we still text each other from time to time, she told me she met someone, I told her good for you hope things work out. For me I guess so far i feel good being alone.
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Sep 10, 2024
i got devorced at 40 dateing felt like a job application the dateing game
ya im on good terms with my x
still had game so no trouble to meet woman but man oh man i think the douglas let them all out
3 short termed relatuionships withing 6 months then discovered the wonders of massage studios
strip clubs
street action
was endless
between more girlfriends of coarce
I really don't know honest I will be 46 some people old and young tried online dating at my job and said no way, apparently people on there are mostly not serious. I see the young guys coming back from dates and the stories they tell me.

Yeah game LOL I went to check a few videos on youtube those pick up artist, but the thing is women are not stupid, they know when you are putting a line on them or try to pick them up, that game thing never really fitted well with me. But like i said i like being alone for now getting use to it.


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Sep 10, 2024
back to training so all this moving around paid off i got an inch less off my waist. I gotta buckle the belt tighter. Loving it
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Sep 10, 2024
dont shit where you eat in other words dont date people at work
online dateing is set up as follows w the fish pay the woman get online or free and play games for the most part
bars you meet broken flowers in general some woman go with $10 in their pocket goal of suckers paying drinks all night
seriously when i was young in bars id go ask every woman to danse some had sore feet some were in a relationship but some.
in winsdton churchill days 1st year i went i was friends of the owner doormen and bar personal
which is important
1st i never waited in a linup(anywhere actually)
you get a woman to danse maybe she is interested
slow close danse a good sign\
start to kiss your tongue is in her mouth your dick is not far off
back then i 1983-1985 prior to getting married
i partied 7 days a week(looked like superman )
in bars id get a beer bottle put water and sip it all night so cost me nothing
and i never ever bought drinks to get laid
and i was getting laid every day sometimes 3x a day
nence a great body from years of trainign coupled with good looks and a bit of game
if you dont have that
i always saw these old fossels with youg woman who were cabbage eaters(golddiggers$$$$)
recent years i met many girlfriends out on a walk
a vietnamese lady (lucky i didnt offer he money for a bj)she invited me to ehr house after a 30 minute walk togeether lasted 2 yrs on and off
a chinese lady who worked as a croassign guard talked to ehr every day took her out 2x to restujrant then dated for 6 years
erotic massage woman unfortuantely i called didtn block ymnumber she called me for weeks till i caved in and took her out lasted maybe 6 months total psyco
thats a few and ya i still managed to hobbie my moral compas changed after gettign devorced
married i enver cheated
younger years had open relationships consentual
as a young man had over a hundred woman some i saw over and over never paid a dime to get laid
over 40 if you got money its cheaper and easier than a gf i got zero tolerance for bullshit
they all fuck like crazy to start then slowly close their legs and get cray while expecting you to pay their bills and take them on vacations..... nope that sucker tattoo is removed!
The main issue is were to go to meet, no comment online dating but i guess from what everyone tells me it's not my thing. Yes back in the days it was easier, i had girlfriends on and off we went to clubs, hell even women would walk up to me and give me compliments. But like you said we were younger back then, i was never built but i was slim and tall.

Cheating i never did, not in my morals, but i did get cheated on by various girlfriend younger. The main issue is that when you have been single for a while and at you are older, meaning life experience, you don't feel like dealing with baggage. Now my ex daughter was a nice person and i have nothing bad to say about the mother and daughter, she stayed with us in our apartment when she got broke up with her boyfriend. She chipped in and did her part. But the neighbour he was dating a hairdresser that barely worked, she had 3 kids 2 of them suicidal and anther with attention deficiency. When she left is health came back he was living in a nightmare and paying most of the things. With life experience we know better not get get into situations like theses, a guy at my job who is 40 was dating an older women in her 50 she was on depression pills and had huge anxiety issues, so she had zero libido and was driving him nuts, she also had 2 kids full time living with her.

In the end its all about what you want, having a girlfriend and being older doesn't mean she is going to give you sex, depending on what pills she is taking (not saying that everyone is on depression pills, anxiety pills) but a lot of older married men at my job stop having sex a long time ago. So there is no guarantees here.

At my age I don't see myself going to a bar or club, I believe in what you are saying about damage goods, I stumble on a ladies night not too long ago when I went for pizza near my apartment the place had a dance floor I went for takeout, and two women approached me, in there 50 they smell cigarette so bad, and were drunk, that was scary. But the whole place looked like a last resort for mankind. I guess I accept the fact that I got older and at my age I might never date again, but its not a bad thing I guess.


Active Member
Sep 10, 2024
i find it easy to meet people
but at my age i analyse and 1st and most important is will she embarris me in front of people
just a few days ago i met an attractive woman from my area in her 40s who i had talked to(i talk to everyone)
she said wow you look good are you single(i am how forward can you get)
me yup(but i remember she cheating on he x and complaining about him all the time and to me he was a nice guy
she says where do you live i said over there she says you will have to show me your apartment some time
can i have your phone number
i said i dotn give my number out i have seen your profile on facebook ill message you
she says why didnt you do that earlier
i never did a free fuck over all the drama and bullshit is not worth it to me
many massage ladies give me their private cell numbers i rarely call
msot of them are happy to fuck me and take waht eve i give which is at many times less than most
i usually test them
studio owner near me years back was 50 1 hr she took 80 for sex
i came in 1 day said how about a quickie 80 only no room fee she agreed made the cardinal mistake give me what you want after
so was 70 60 50 at 50 she blew up oh well
many times i have had strippers offer to danse for free
got endless stories and memories
in a supermarket ask for wher a product is met many like this

ive done the single danses mostly broken flowers or gold diggers

most impressive 1 was a buddie from school a psychologist
calls me up says i am having a gt in old montreal you can bring a woman friend if you wish ''no hookers'' i have no secrets from friends
wow met airline pilots doctors l;awyers all professional woman (not the usual type you meet in a bar..very impressive not looking for a relationship but rather a guy for diner dates etc and of coarce benifits
Cheaters are cheaters if she cheated with you she will cheat on you. Well I don't go out much at my age i am more of a stay home do my thing kind of person now.

I am off the grid so to speak we used to go out sometimes with people at work but Montreal as become so dangerous now that its not worth it. The thing is I am not miserable at all I enjoy being alone, I adopted 2 cats, they are older its fun just watching a movie and seeing both of them running around the apartment hahah.
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Sep 10, 2024
The trend now from what i been seeing in the last few years is most people stay single, and not only older people who are say 40 and up but younger men at work too.

I was with my ex for 3 years, and we sort of hit a stall in the relationship, I wanted to be more active while she did not, after supper go for a walk but she prefer to stay home and watch tv, we never went out nor did nothing fun, I did pitch the idea of spa massage like polar bear or Mont Tremblant but nothing interested her, I love playing video games, we are in the perfect era with graphics and fun games, and she always whined that I had better things to do with my time, we did not like the same movies or series. So in the end even if she was a good person we simply did not fit together.

I have been single for 8 months now and I feel free, I can do what ever I want and not have to please anyone. Sometimes i get home from work at 7am and I just go for a walk before going to bed. I have a few restaurant near the apartment I do go out and eat by myself. I have been on my own for a long time, the so called friends I had when I was a young adult were not real friends, most of the time when we were out and met women they made me look like an idiot, they took a lot and never gave anything back, free car rides, etc.

The younger men at my job have all those stories about dating and why they just don't do it anymore. I wanted to try online dating but all the negative feedback I got from people discourage me.

Meeting someone else, getting to know them, then family most of the time you meet people you don't like or do things you don't like to please others. To be honest I don't think I will get back in a relationship, I guess this part of my life is done. I will try to find other ways to entertain myself, movies, series games, etc, but at some point would love to travel again, see the world.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
The trend now from what i been seeing in the last few years is most people stay single, and not only older people who are say 40 and up but younger men at work too.
It would appear that the family unit has been castrated, no pun intended. This has occurred over the past few decades with great success.

I wanted to marry 30 years ago and start a family and the woman I wished to start a family with had other plans. I moved on and realized if a woman is not willing to have a family, that is her decision and I respect that decision.

I also learned the so-called relationship, minus children (family) is only sexual and I would be letting a woman have control over me for sex and that I would be paying for it one way or another.

I quickly got a gym membership and became a barfly and man about town. The icing on the cake occurred with my membership here on Merb. I have never looked back.


Active Member
Sep 10, 2024
It would appear that the family unit has been castrated, no pun intended. This has occurred over the past few decades with great success.

I wanted to marry 30 years ago and start a family and the woman I wished to start a family with had other plans. I moved on and realized if a woman is not willing to have a family, that is her decision and I respect that decision.

I also learned the so-called relationship, minus children (family) is only sexual and I would be letting a woman have control over me for sex and that I would be paying for it one way or another.

I quickly got a gym membership and became a barfly and man about town. The icing on the cake occurred with my membership here on Merb. I have never looked back.
What you are saying makes a lot of sense I never though about it this way. But even in relationships the sex dies out, the women i was with for 3 years just did not care about sex anymore, even if i knew what she liked and made sure she had as much fun as me when we did. The worse was when her daughter came to live with us for a while, her excuse was, i am afraid my daughter will ear us.

I did book SP when i was single before my main agency was Ferrari but now at 300$ a pop its a bit too much. I am still lurking for but now am good. For the model type body LOL i am far from that, and training at 1am the gym is empty i love it. So i go in do my thing and get out, make sure to look everywhere because god damn Montreal is dangerous now, and the gym is close to the Olympic stadium. But at 46 its all fitness and well being for me.

A few months back i did meet a women at the grocery store, we talk for a while she told me she had 2 kids was separated too but after thinking about it I was like no, she seemed like a good person and all but like i said giving away my freedom get back in a relationship and knowing in the end how it will eventually turn out. No
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Sep 10, 2024
by the way maymay thats a hint you can edit quotes not to put the whole f--king previous reply

ya 300
there is endless woman in the shit
met a 40s woman just otehr day and said well do you know waht the barter system is
she said no
i said you need money i need sex(wetehr tis bj or the full monty deals can be struck) her reply instead of screaming or a no was let me think about it.
i met woman who fucked me for cheap like you cant believe sent members who pull out a wad(big mistake) and of coarce they get fleeced
i always did better than msto so track record i had things going for me many dont top shape looks believe it or not personality this works
got none of that money is what happens
endless tiems ive staked out hotels wher known hookers go and massage studios and arrange a accidential bumpin in to and conversation
msot of them are in teh shit
they dotn realize you know they are a workign girl
1 eg met a hot escort i knew worked agency she acctually aproached me in hipadrme gambelling place when booze is sold
she asked a drink
i said ass like that id liek more than a drink how about we go across the street(eureka 40 1 hr now) then was 20
she says whatt you give me i said 50 she said i make 160 agency i said go to teh agency and get some slob then she accepted 19 yrs ld ass you could bounce a quarter on
below pic theagency owner gave to me when he foudn otu some how-i knew most of them back then he was another 1 i inspired to train.guys get pissed off and jelous but hey she approached me!
so this pic was on their website back then
yup $50
View attachment 81019
I do admit that if you are fit you will get more women attention compare this to a beautiful women with a great body.

We did have a so called friend back in the days who was fit and he never had issues getting women, while we did struggle a bit. Some women do like muscular men but some don't care my ex was not into muscles at all, remember watching a movie with the rock and she said ugly. LOL I guess it depends on the taste.


Active Member
Sep 10, 2024
Woman like
A well groomed confidant man who dresses stylish in general

All like a successful man with money
Bit some few won't prioritize

Fit personality humor good hygene
Bring able to have a good conversation respecting their personal space not being a Clinton who has to hold hug all the time
There is a checklist.
You could have a great body with a face like a can if squashed assholes. And that won't end well

I had a lot of friends when I was young all good-looking well-built we all had money
I did 10x better than all them put together.
So that's mire than just looks and a great body
I did fairly well to younger i was funny tall compared to most of my friend who were around 5 foot 8 to 5 foot 6 i was 5 11.

But now my time is past like i said my options to meet are very narrow and the world today is really screwed up, all those stories the younger people at my job tell me.

I am getting older, for me now its about being happy anyway that i can, i was never a womanizer even in my younger years, and i never understood cheating either, yes i had the chance to cheat and sometimes with women even more beautiful than the one i was with, but cheating was never in my morals. I could never look at my back then girlfriends in the face after doing such a terrible thing.

I don't have this need to look good anymore, of course i dress well, shave take care of myself but its not to get women.

Has i get older i kind of became more introverted when before i was extroverted , i am not shy and i speak my mind, but in the last 10 years a lot as change, i am less social with people because most of them always want something from you. My last girlfriend had an uncle who always manage to screw is computer and since i have knowledge on PC i was is go to all the time, he never paid me but he always found ways to make things hard for me, is laptop was never done properly and he had tones of request. He just did not want to pay 300$ to bring it to best buy that was how cheap he was. I got tired one day and told him off and that i got into a argument with my ex, after all he was so called family.

Those are things I hate in relationships, also family gatherings i always hated those, its a bunch of people who talk behind other people, human at there best. You always have one that knows everything and as seen it all, those usually drained my energy.

This is why each time i do meet a women i think about all of this and i just stay single.
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Active Member
Sep 10, 2024
Unusual weight gain from creatine can this be possible, so last month the young guy i train with at night gave me some creatine monohydrate took 5g per day but now man my jeans are thigh and i feel bloated. Can creatine do that, i love the pre workout but the creatine not sure.

Training is going good and I try to cut carbs here and there just purchased a food processor to eat more veggies ( my sister friend did keto and she used it a lot to make mashed broccoli and cauliflower tasted amazing)


Active Member
Apr 17, 2011
Being married 1x(everyone should experiance that)common law 1xand a number of relationships long term
only sexual relationships from my experiacne and data from endless other men is dateing and prior to marriage(ya sex in beginning of every relationship put a pee in a jar every time you get laid for 6 months then start to take 1 each time after that.. out your good for life)
i had a insane sex drive when young when i married 3x a day during the week and 5x a day on weekends lasted a few years
had 3 kids then she closed up shop.i flet hey it qwould go to 3x a week like the average is said if you google it
fuck dat it would have been easier to puller teeth than fuck her the last 6 of 12 yrs of marriage
and when they are pissed or what ever makes their hormones fluctuate its not choclate cake they cut from their diet

look at the animal kingdom
got a good god its happy you can [et it give it a few pups and its instinct shifts to maternal and protection it wants to chew your arm off

im not a savage no sex for medical reasons or mental breakdown ok but the intinacy seems to disapear as well no hugs kisses kind words
rather hallway sex you pass each other fuck you...... no fuck you
even dateing every wman opens their legs or msot after a few dartes but slowly close them to what makes them happy not you

most not all i never cheated in serious
younger years had consential repationships open relationshitps they didnt work eitehr 1 usually got jealous

i had a book 101 positions my wife had a book 1001 excuses!

oh you got a headache let me sprinkle a bit of powdered asperin on my dick...... how do you want it orally or analy!
Il y a 40 ans quand j’ai rencontré ma femme on faisans l’amour Matin, Midi et Soir

Après notre 10 dixième anniversaire c’était rendu Mardi, Mercredi et Samedi

Après 20 ans c’était Mars, Mai et Septembre .

Aujourd’hui ce sont Mes Meilleur Souvenir avec elle.

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