Montreal Escorts

Election day


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Justin Trudeau and the Liberals made a lot of promises during the election campaign including these:

  1. Pull Canada (and all six of its fighter bombers) out of a combat role against ISIS.
  2. Repeal some parts of Canada's anti terrorism law.
  3. Admit 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada.

Since the Liberals now control Parliament, they could pass legislation or the Trudeau government could issue executive orders to make these promises come true within weeks.

It will be interesting to see whether Trudeau takes any action on these promises anytime soon. I don't think he will.


Aug 30, 2009
The latest news is that the Trudeau Government is standing firm on it's commitment to end Canada’s participation in the U.S.-led bombing mission against ISIL and to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees in Canada by the end of the year:

National Post, Nov.14, 2015 : Trudeau plans to follow through with plan to withdraw warplanes and resettle 25k Syrian refugees

... a senior official in Trudeau’s office said Saturday that the attacks have not changed the prime minister’s mind when it comes to ending Canada’s participation in the U.S.-led bombing mission against ISIL. The official, ... , said the government also still intends to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts