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enough with the office de francaise


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hey mazingerz

It's amazing how you could post this:

mazingerz said:
Well... my title say all. I have met more sp and the 2 better is the more expensive. But at least, the women give you better service and usually is the women who have better culture and wan't to please you. They do our possible. When the price is lowest, the women no always do its possible

And you tell the Board you are "unilingue Francophone"? I say you are "bilingual ******* artist"!:mad:
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hey Roland,

I understood all of mazingerz's English posts, better than I do Oliver Kloseoff's and English is OK's native tongue. I understood them when he was still posting in English and before he decided to have an agenda. Now he is just being arrogant and he is also falsely painting himself as someone who can't communicate in English when he did at one time. It's called BULLSHIT, Roland.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Moi je crois que si Maz doit ecrire en anglais, je vais demander a EB de lui payer des cours intensifs, parce que franchement son anglais me donne mal a la tete, hihihi! :D Si on appelle ca du bilingue...

Maz, lache pas et continue de rester poli! Au moins tu montres que l'on peut faire des debats sans insulter l'adversaire. Et laissons les autres peter leurs anevrismes... :rolleyes:


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Jul 11, 2003
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Roland said:

Are you posting in French, on purpose here, to make a political statement ?

Est-ce que tu fais expres, ecrit en francais, pour faire enrager des posters ici ?

Bingo! The purpose of the Board is the exchange of information, not the foisting of political agendas on others.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Mais en quel creole? Atention, tout creole n'est pas ... creole! Some of our American friends would understand one of them better, quelques uns de nous un autre et... bon, je ne sais pas si beaucoup de gens de Hollande lisent le board ? Ils aiment le sexe, mais ils ont pas besoin de nous pour ca!


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Jul 11, 2003
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Roland said:
Колеса на шине идут круглыми и круглыми :D

Thank you for making my point. Everyone on the Board should post in Swahili in response to any post made by mazingerz so he is made to comprehend exactly how absurd it is to post with a political agenda. Then we would have a board full of mazingerzs, taunting each other with incomprehensible posts in foreign languages.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Roland said:
Колеса на шине идут круглыми и круглыми :D

Comrade Roland,

Wheels on the trunk go round and round.




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Jul 11, 2003
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BlackJack69 said:
Bingo! So this whole thread should not exist.

I agree, and I only posted in it because the arrogant mazingerz was once again posting to promote his own misleading political agenda. He already fooled some people into believing that he was this poor unilingual Francophone who couldn't post in English, and I exposed that fallacy, big time. It's unfortunate that nobody believes you unless you confront and expose, but unfortunately that is what had to be done here.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Klaatu barada nikkto.


New Member
Nov 11, 2007
EagerBeaver said:
I agree, and I only posted in it because the arrogant mazingerz was once again posting to promote his own misleading political agenda. He already fooled some people into believing that he was this poor unilingual Francophone who couldn't post in English, and I exposed that fallacy, big time. It's unfortunate that nobody believes you unless you confront and expose, but unfortunately that is what had to be done here.

So if you do agree, why have you posted 5 times? Do you feel attacked because one cares to protect, in a respectful way, his own language? Come on, grow up, live in Quebec and respect the rights of everyone.


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Jul 11, 2003
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mazingerz said:
Je viens de lire ce thread Stat About Merbites... qui confirme exactement ce que j`ai dit plus haut. Je ne savais pas que j`avais un thread dédié sur moi. :D En gros, on m`accuse d`être irrespectueux pour écrire en français. Lorsqu`un anglophone écrit en anglais sur un thread parti en français, il nous manque pas de respect. Mais lorsque nous on le fait, aaaah... on manque de respect.

Lex non distinguitur nos non distinguere debemus. Mutantur omnia nos et mutamur in illis. Non teneas aurum totum quod splendet ut aurum.

Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
Mod 5 said:
Hello all,

I think this has gone far enough. I will close this thread later tonight if things don't improve

nonnullus pacis commodo

Modus V

Et si je peux me permettre d'ajouter, ouate de phoque anyway et Ad nauseam as well.

Alea jacta est...?


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
hormone said:
Mais en quel creole?
Haïtien, pour peu que j'en aie conservé quelques bribes (Heyshan, poor pew quai jennay cancer vail kwelkes braybess)

Dodo, ti ziggy manman
Si ou pa dod, Diab la va mangé ou.


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
mazingerz said:
Ils disent qu'ils sont maltraités. Ah! Ils font donc pitié. Ils sont traités 100 fois mieux que les francophones hors Québec

Ah oui? Les francophones en Ontario...

- sont légalement obligés d'afficher l'anglais de façon prédominante dans leur propre commerce?

- sont obligés d'envoyer leurs enfants à l'école anglaise à moins de prouver qu'ils n'ont eux-mêmes étés à l'école française?

- sont légalement obligés de parler anglais au travail?

- sont obligés d'acheter des versions françaises de leur logiciels pour leur employés anglophones?

- sont obligés de traduire leurs films en anglais dans les 60 jours de leur parution en français?

Un canadien français vivant en Ontario a le droit de posséder un commerce avec des affiches unilingues françaises, des logiciels français, et maintenir un environnement de travail 100% français. Oui, on voit bien que ses droits sont brimés quotidiennement par les méchants anglos...

mazingerz said:
Dans l'histoire, les anglophones ont souvent eu le dessus sur les francophones. Et là, ils ne parviennent pas à imposer leur langue au Québec.... Ils veuillent nous angliciser,

Ce n'est pas les méchants canadiens qui veulent t'angliciser, c'est la planète. T'inquiète pas, dans 50 ans c'est le chinois qui aura remplacé l'anglais comme langue mondiale. Peut-être seras-tu content alors.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Nobody here has answered a screamingly obvious question which is: why can't mazingerz provide an English translation of his French posts, especially in the English-only threads he is always posting in?

I really don't care whether he posts in French or not - I don't give a rat's ass. The problem is he is continually posting in threads started by English posters, and with English only-replies, and he is doing so in unilingual fashion, in French. The ONLY conceivable reason to do so is to be an asshole/jerk. I have already proven he can post in capable English - I have quoted two such posts of his. So he's putting up French posts in English only threads without an accompanying translation, one he is capable of providing. Why?

If you guys don't see that as a problem, then frankly I think you all have serious problems with your conception of what constitutes "ugliness" and "courtesy." The problem with this thread is nobody is posting based on an actual examination of mazingerz' recent posting history. You are all posting in knee jerk fashion - even the normally astute and well reasoned Captain Renault.

Mazingerz has now been proven to be a poster capable of accomodating others. I have only asked that he do so when he interposes himself into English only threads as he always seems to be doing lately. I would do the same if my written French was on the same level as his written English, and I posted in a French only thread. I am certain I would be ridiculed if I didn't.

As I have previously said, this Board exists in cyberspace and is run out of Toronto, and the continued notion that Montreal has political or legal jurisdiction over this Board is an utter fallacy. The Board bears Montreal's name, but Montreal has no more jurisdiction over this Board politically or legally than Boston, New York or Hartford.

What mazingerz is doing in the English-only threads on MERB is functionally and legally equivalent to going to my friend's restaurant in Connecticut, placing his order in French, and then refusing requests to speak English. My friend would ask only once, and then mazingerz's ass would be out the door.

N.B. To the posters who say Montreal has legal and political jurisdiction over this Board: please refer me to exactly where this is codified. I don't see such a statement on the Board that when I signed up, I agreed my postings would be subject to Montreal or Quebec law. Please show me where it says this.
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Sep 19, 2005
EagerBeaver said:
Nobody here has answered a screamingly obvious question which is: why can't mazingerz provide an English translation of his French posts, especially in the English-only threads he is always posting in?
You seem to be the only one on this board who is unhappy about this situation. Why should mazingerz or any other member provide a translation just for your highness.

Roland, CR among many others tried to explain the reasons that make mazingerz post in French. You don' t speak French, so you cannot see the difference between mazingerz' s style when he writes in either language. All your logic is flawed. I hope that you are more objective and smarter when you are in court!!!!!!

You are calling mazingerz an a-hole and a jerk...just because he posts in French, we are in twilight zone here. Now you are extending the name calling to every member who tried to explain why is mazingerz posting in French! You are going to make lots of friends here.

On the other hand mazingerz has been respectful in his replies so far, despite your continuous and obcessive attacks. So, the only person who looks like a jerk and a total a-hole is...I will let you fill in the blanks.

If you cannot understand mazingerz' s posts it is your problem, others do. So, just ignore those posts and move on.
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spiderman05 said:
You seem to be the only one on this board who is unhappy about this situation.

WRONG!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: Numerous anglophone posters have told me privately they agree with me. Some others have complained about mazingerz but the Mods feel their hands are tied. They are afraid to speak out because of people like you, who have agendas regarding these issues. I have no agenda except to call bullshit when I see it. I speak for the silent majority which fears the ruffling of feathers like yours. I have no problem with it at all.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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spiderman05 said:
You are calling mazingerz an a-hole and a jerk...just because he posts in French, we are in twilight zone here.

No, I am calling him an a-hole and jerk for posting in French in English-only threads when he is capable of providing an English translation to those whom he is responding to. He can post in French all he wants, just provide a translation in these situations.
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