Montreal Escorts

Ever been robbed by an SP?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all

What is sad in many stories ,is that we only hear the side of the hobbyist and sometimes third party interpretation of a story .

Their is evidence that shows that SP's have robbed clients ,but also evidence that clients have robbed agencies and SP's ,even SP's robbing other SP's ,drivers robbed agencies ,the list is long ,the worst case I am aware of !

My worst experience ever !Hummmm
It was in my beginnings a very scary one because it involve many SP's .
We where out call and in call agency , we had 15 rooms at Motel Excel witch is on Jarry Mtropolitain in St-Leonard .
We operating 24 hours from Wednesday to Sunday at noon .
We had 35 girls working witch is a big roster by today standards .And 15 Drivers .A big set up plus 8 receptionists.
We had lots of out of town girls that staying the 4 days without going back .Since we had 15 rooms they where able to sleep a stay !
We had regular and we hired new ones every week .Some stayed a day some stayed the week others where on roster for months .
Anyhow on crazy Saturday night off the clock outsider girls where playing cards and watching TV in one of our rooms they where about 12 ,when 3 guys armed guys irrupted in the room asking for the girls money .They made threats to all the girls stole all there money roughly $40,000 . the weeks pay of all the girls !Hummmmm

Obviously this was a insider job a girl that worked with us provided the infos .We shut down the agency right after all girls that where there where accompanied back home !

The lesson learned from it ,we never after left so many girls in the same room and all room where kept lock and where told not keep there money on them .

Luckily no one was physically injured but it was pretty stressful for all to be robbed at gun point .

On any scale this does reach the top 10/10 on any shit list

Good luck all



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

Salutation a tous
J'interviewe une jeune et jolie demoiselle de 18 ans qui a communique avec moi dans le buts de travaillé comme escorte ,Je suis le Booker en chef de l'agence ou si on veux travaille sur les journées les plus achalandé .L'entrevue ce passe très bien elle a avec elle ce que j'exige de toute demoiselles a l'apparence trop jeunes ,soi des pièces identité gouvernementale avec photos !
Elle est sans expérience mes prête a commencer immédiatement ce qui convient .
Ce ne fut pas long avant de la Booker sur un call, car les débutantes de 18 ans son très en demande!
Je suis aussi son chauffeur ,je l'amène chez son clients elle me dit être exciter par l'événement et aussi un peu nerveuse ,un comportement habituelle pour jeunes de son age .
Je la dépose chez le client ,il habite dans un large bloque appartement a plusieurs étages.
La jeune me confirme l'appel comme supposé je présume donc que tout va bien .Mes je reste prés au cas ou c'est une nouvelle après tout !
Le client me rappel 30 a 35 minutes après l'appel de confirmation me disant que la demoiselle était partie allez chercher des condoms a son chauffeur mes le chauffeur ces moi ,je demande alors au client si il a reprit son argent avant quel sorte il me dit non pourquoi ,Toute une chance m'arrive cette ces la première qu'il appel un escorte il ne sais pas comment ca fonctionne la jeunes nouvelle a vole le client n'a offert aucun service et est partie avec l'argent !
Je dit au clients que vais remplace la fille sans frais .
La chance me sourit je me deplace sur la rue voisine je la vois au dépanneur du coin elle est alle appeler un taxi pour la ramené chez elle ,je réussi a l'intercepte avant quel ne monte a bord elle me remet tout l'argent voler et elle quitte, je ramène une autre jeunes demoiselle chez le client cellle la a 22 ans enormes poitrines DDD ET je la connais depuis deux ans apres le services de la jeunes demoiselles le client me rappel pour me remercie de mon honnêteté et la qualité de la demoiselle de remplacement !
En tant que Booker nous devons être préparée a l'impossible quand is survient on est moins surprit .La jeunes ne voulais pas faire d'escorte elle voulait volée son premier client .
Bonne chance a tous un histoire négative avec une belle conclusion ,sauf pour la fille son plan a échoué!!

Au Plaisir



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Une histoire a dormir debout !!Gare au somnifaire

Salutation tous

Pour mettre dans le contexte .....

Je vois un escorte d'une agence compétitrice a la mienne .Mon coloc et amie y est chauffeur .La demoiselle est une petite spinner jolie visage bon service ,Je la voie a 4 a 5 reprises .Ensuite la demoiselle fréquente mo coloc quelque semaine jusqu'à ce qu'une chicane explose entre les deux .Mon coloc donne ca démission comme chauffeur de cette agence moi je suis booker en charge d'une autres agence.Donc la demoiselle l'ex a mon coloc continu a travaillé pour l'agence ces une jeune demoiselle qui aime fêté mes elle est vaillante et beaucoup elle décide de faire 4 jours et quatre nuit consécutive pour avoir l'argent pour payer ces étude mes rester réveiller elle prend des stimulants !Elle est excessivement fatiguer et ça parait les chauffeur d'escorte côtoie les même donc je la rencontre souvent entre les appelles.
Un Samedi soir ou je suis en conger ,je suis a la maison incapable de dormir ,il est 2 a.m. le téléphone de mon copains ce met a sonner a répétition et des textes en plus je lit les textes ca semble Urgent ces le Patron de l'agence ou mon coloc travaillait qui appelle il est dans un état de panique il veut parler a mon chum ca urge donc je le réveille.l'histoire invraisemblable commence on apprend que la jeune escorte est chez un client est endormie et ne ce réveille pas malgré l'insistance du clients et du patron de l'agence 4 jours et 4 nuit sans dormir on fait leur effet .La patron de l'agence demande notre assistance surtout étant donne du milieu je connais la fille donc on y va toute les deux ,on va chez le client elle est non seulement épuisé mes elle a prit de l'alcool chez le client et elle est aussi saoul .Mon la prend dans ces bras ses son ex elle le mord met on quitte l'appartement du client finalement ,le patron de l'agence prend ca sacoche ,rendu dans le couloir elle remord son ex il la dépose elle va frapper a toutes les portes de l'immeuble sur l’étage je reussi finalement a la convaincre que je vais m’occuper d'elle et la ramener chez elle qui est a une heur de route ,Je l’amène elle tombe dans mes bras la fatigue alcool a raison d'elle nos deux van son stationner devant l'immeuble sur un gros boulevard il 3.30 a.m. 3 gars une filles un véhicule de police dans les parages arrête pour nous demander ce que l'on fait ?

Les deux policiers regarde dans la van mon chum explique que ces sa blonde elle a fêter et est saoul l'un des policier sent son haleine il confirme que c'est vrai il vérifie nos documents et il parte .On ramène la jeune demoiselle chez elle on la couche on part! 24
heure plus tard elle m'appelle en pleurant pour me dire quel ces fais voler ces recettes du 4 jours 4 nuits de travaille pénible soi environs $4,000 ,elle ce fait saouler par le client et il lui vole $4,000 en plus ,quel histoire dégueulasse
Quand pense vous ?Moi ca me lève le cœur !

Aux Plaisirs


Lily from Montreal

I was once robbed by a young guy who after the (short) deed, finished in 30 minutes and said he had only 60$...

I didn't know I was supposed to get or at least see the money in the beginning...that was when I was briefly with an agency ,so was still meeting at people places and since my agency experience was no screening ,basically anybody who booked, so here I am with this guy in a messy student apartment,and I told him the rate was 160$ and no half hour was offered,he grabbed a jeans on the floor saying it was his brother's (!)...go thru the pocket and found a 20$ bill that he gave me and push me out on the street...

The driver who was also the pimp picked me up and took his full share ,so 60$, while telling me I was an idiot not to ask the money first,maybe he could have told me when I started?sigh...

I find taking his whole cut is tacky since the idea of agency is that I would get some protection,nope,so I ended up making 20$ and quit on the spot to become an indy,if i am to be on my own might as well make all the money...


New Member
Feb 15, 2015
Since i live in south america and have been robbed many times i have the same rolex oyster both fake and real.
I guess simce is the only expensive watch i dont want to loose it. And keep it in my safe.

While in Miami i had a girl come as outcall i left the fake one in the table and she stole it.
I wonder how she felt when she tried to re sell it.
I told my friend and he called her and booked and paid her with fake 20$ bills to teach her a lesson.

Lily from Montreal

When I was still with the agency one of the girl was receiving at the motel and a very nervous young guy showed up and her,being more street savvy then me asked for the money upfront and he gave an envelope.
She looked inside and it was Canadian Tire money (!) , I guess he didn't expect her to look before the deed...he ran away before she could give him a piece of her mind...


Active Member
Feb 8, 2009
yes 4-5 times bad service!! literally, yes once, 250 bucks... my fault...left wallet in the open....went to the bathroom for 2 mins and thats all it takes... checked my wallet later that night 250 missing :(((


May 23, 2007
One morning at the Sheraton I looked at the bill and it was for $120. I thought - What the heck, I just made a single phone call. Then I look at the charges and it was all for liquor. I looked in my fridge and it was totally empty. Turns out while I was in the bathroom, my girl raided my minibar and took everything, even snacks. She was a former agency girl that was willing to meet me once in a while after she retired, so I couldn't really complain to anybody or put it in a review. I just never called her again. Double whammy was that it happened on my birthday. Triple whammy was that when I got to my car, a $150 ticket was waiting for me because you can't park on Rene Levesque in the morning.

Randy Johson

Jul 2, 2009
I was once seeing a young stripper..previously I picked her up and brought her to my place..on this occasion she asked last minute if I could go and use her place...I agreed went to bank got money and put her's in my back pocket.
When we finished on her bed..we both went to bathroom and continued in shower...I stayed in shower to finish and wash up...When I got dressed and went to pay..all my money was gone from was only the 2 of us in the who could it be ?..she insisted it was not her...I had no choice but to go to bank machine and get her money...I of course was pissed..she wanting to continue the arrangement said it was a neighbor who would go into her place...she cried later on phone and insisted it was not her...not wanting to end the arrangement either.. I blew it off and told her all future sessions had to be at my place,,where I hid my wallet,,and never left her alone other than the bathroom.


New Member
Apr 9, 2013
i havent been robbed but i think i robbed an sp before...

the story goes, I setup an appointment with one of my ATF and we meet up without a hitch, been seeing her at this condo for a few months now it was a change from the hotel i saw her at the first few times. the service is spectacular sex in front of mirrors and such. after we have our fun we are laying on the bed watching videos and chatting when we both hear the front door open, its her mother, she questions whos clothes are on the floor (mine of course) and the sp proceeds to talk to her mother in their language... meanwhile i am sitting on the bed naked and mortified. the sp grabs my clothes and i get dressed and rush out the condo in a hurry all whilst her mother is cursing at me and telling me to forget this place etc etc... i rushed out without paying her as normally i leave the donation with her at the end, i dont get a chance at the beginning of the session due to the whirlwind of sex thrown at me in those minutes of walking through the door.

the sp msgs me hours later apologizing about the incident then goes off to ask about the donation i told her i didnt leave it cause i rushed out. now she wants me to email transfer it. I'm still on the fence about this as transferring online i am not sure how anonymous i can remain (paypal and interac both have my real name) opening new paypal account needs an address.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
i havent been robbed but i think i robbed an sp before...

the story goes, I setup an appointment with one of my ATF and we meet up without a hitch, been seeing her at this condo for a few months now it was a change from the hotel i saw her at the first few times. the service is spectacular sex in front of mirrors and such. after we have our fun we are laying on the bed watching videos and chatting when we both hear the front door open, its her mother, she questions whos clothes are on the floor (mine of course) and the sp proceeds to talk to her mother in their language... meanwhile i am sitting on the bed naked and mortified. the sp grabs my clothes and i get dressed and rush out the condo in a hurry all whilst her mother is cursing at me and telling me to forget this place etc etc... i rushed out without paying her as normally i leave the donation with her at the end, i dont get a chance at the beginning of the session due to the whirlwind of sex thrown at me in those minutes of walking through the door.

the sp msgs me hours later apologizing about the incident then goes off to ask about the donation i told her i didnt leave it cause i rushed out. now she wants me to email transfer it. I'm still on the fence about this as transferring online i am not sure how anonymous i can remain (paypal and interac both have my real name) opening new paypal account needs an address.

You think, and i also think you did rob a sp ! Sorry, but you should feel cheap about the situation and pay her ASAP.

You say she was your ATF (all time favorite), saw her many times the service was '' spectacular sex in front of mirrrors and such''. The service was finished, you were chatting laying in the bed, so you owe her, even if the exit was abruptly done by her mother.

If she was your ATF why did you stop seing her? You could of continued seing her but back to the hotel like you did at the beginning, and pay her then.
If you want to stop having her services, you can meet her for example at a Tim Horton's or other public place and give her the money.
The paypal or interec is a lousy explanation, you can meet her and pay her upfront.


New Member
Apr 9, 2013
You think, and i also think you did rob a sp ! Sorry, but you should feel cheap about the situation and pay her ASAP.

You say she was your ATF (all time favorite), saw her many times the service was '' spectacular sex in front of mirrrors and such''. The service was finished, you were chatting laying in the bed, so you owe her, even if the exit was abruptly done by her mother.

If she was your ATF why did you stop seing her? You could of continued seing her but back to the hotel like you did at the beginning, and pay her then.
If you want to stop having her services, you can meet her for example at a Tim Horton's or other public place and give her the money.
The paypal or interec is a lousy explanation, you can meet her and pay her upfront.

the issue i am having with the whole situation is she lied about the safety of the location, what if it was her dad that walked in on us? or if her mom actually called the cops? i mean when you go out to an incall you expect some level of safety and not random people coming home and catching you. I tried to talk to her about it but she is adamant on receiving the money when i have expressed my concerns about that session and that there must be a middle ground for us to meet on about it.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
the issue i am having with the whole situation is she lied about the safety of the location, what if it was her dad that walked in on us? or if her mom actually called the cops? i mean when you go out to an incall you expect some level of safety and not random people coming home and catching you. I tried to talk to her about it but she is adamant on receiving the money when i have expressed my concerns about that session and that there must be a middle ground for us to meet on about it.

I agree with you about the safety of the location and I feel for you for the position you were put in, but the fact is her dad didn't walk in and her mom didn't call the cops. You obviously had a great time as you mentioned.

Like pokerpro said, you did receive the service. You should do the gentlemanly thing and pay her. Shit happens, I'm sure she'll be a lot more careful next time to ensure it doesn't happen again.


Nov 12, 2005
the issue i am having with the whole situation is she lied about the safety of the location, what if it was her dad that walked in on us? or if her mom actually called the cops? i mean when you go out to an incall you expect some level of safety and not random people coming home and catching you. I tried to talk to her about it but she is adamant on receiving the money when i have expressed my concerns about that session and that there must be a middle ground for us to meet on about it.

Why can't you just meet her in person somewhere and pay her? Or pay her the next time you see her, preferably soon? I don't get the problem. Am I missing something here? There should be no question whatsoever you pay her for the full amount of the service, mom walking in or whatever. Reads like you're trying to shortchange the girl, after the deed. Which would not be cool.


Nov 12, 2005
Thankfully, I've never been robbed by an SP in Montreal. What happened that started this post - I never even imagined such a thing could happen. But from all the posts, it looks like it's not that uncommon. Surprising! Then again, I only ever do outcall in Montreal, and I guess this is mostly an outcall issue. So, thank you to MERB for making me aware of this potential issue.

In general, I only work with reputable agencies in Montreal, and, hopefully, if this were ever to happen to me, these agencies will be as stand-up as Jimmy was.

I have been robbed only once before in incall in the US. Early on as a hobbyist, I left my clothes, including my pants, in the room when I went to take a shower. I only realized after the session when I got into my car, that an extra $80 I had originally rationed myself for dinner afterwards was gone. I always keep the donation stash separate from my 'regular' cash, so I know I didn't accidentally drop my $80. Funny thing, I also had a few quarters for parking and some mints for my breath, the girl took those too!! :lol: :lol:

Thankfully, wallet was untouched, and credit cards were safe. It was only $80, and I thought I heard someone else in the apartment, so I didn't bother to go back for it. Chalked it up to a hard lesson. An early but good lesson. Now, I bring as little as possible to an incall, and always bring my clothes with me into the shower, if the girl is not with me, which is pretty much everywhere but LA. I'm sure my repeats find this behavior odd, but better safe than sorry! And for outcall, I put all the important stuff in the safe.

Safe and happy hobbying, folks!

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