Montreal Escorts

Ever been robbed by an SP?

Thor Jr

Asian Peach Inspector
Jul 24, 2008
Yes, it has happened to me on many occasions and always by the same lady, i didnt want to say anything cause i figured it was my own fault and i deserved what i got. This little angel from hell is none other then Florence Champagne, she has stolen from me on every rendezvous that we ever had together, she has walked out with a piece of my heart each and every time, and i figure that 1 or 2 more meetings and she will have it all and i will be left heartless, like i said, it was my own fault, i should of never have given her a key. :) What can i say, i am a sucker for an intelligent, beautiful woman with an amazing smile.

Miss you angel and i will be ready to part with another piece soon....:kiss:

Thor Jr


Feb 21, 2010
I never been robbed by any ladies. In fact, once I forgot a sentimental jewelry and the lady called me and she said that she would keep it safe until our next session.

My opinion is; if you meet nice ladies, unlikely you will be robbed.

BTW, my original thread was not about being robbed by SP but if you know any person around you (SP’s, yourself, family or friends) that have kleptomaniac skills (or disorders). They usually do not steal expensive items, it is more that they are impulsive in some sitaution. Taking a kleenex box from hotel room, or towel. I found it funny, probably not the hotel management.

Roy Bean

New Member
Jun 9, 2010
Worse I got was short changed. She promised a 9/10 on the ad but when I got there she was a 5/10. I lost a couple of hours.


Dec 19, 2012
When the girl is clearly not the same as the picture, and gives me a shit service and acts like a jerk, I basically feel like I am being robbed.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
But you you like being robbed .
There is a word for that....masochist.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
A couple of near misses.

1.). In Quebec City December 2006. I actually went out and bought a newspaper to look for ads (This was back in the day when I would check into a hotel and get the Yellow Pages out and look for escorts).Anyway, the girl shows up and wants the money first and then wanted to give it to the driver prior to the start of our session. She offered her /handbag as collateral. I opened the purse and there was a pack of Newports in it. Since it wasn't a Gucci purse (lol) I told her to leave her nice warm winter coat. She protested but ended up doing so. She returned in 10 minutes and we had a shit session - No DFK and a CBJ. I was so new that I thought it was great. A year later I would discover MERB and learn what GFE really meant.

2.). I was in Maine and I called a service. I was talking to the booker and I thought he was a pretty cool guy. He sent over a girl. When she arrived I got a call from the driver. He asked for my room number and I gave it to him. He sounded like a thug. He said we'll be up in a minute. I asked "we'll?". The driver said "Yeah, I handle the money." My instincts sensed that something was wrong. I dead bolted the door and turned off the lights and I sat as quiet as a mouse while they knocked on the door and made call after call to my room. That was the first and last time that a driver came up to my room with the SP

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I never been robbed and i think this really goes with the way you do business. Im always carefull with my booking, i stay with reputed agencies etc. Some could say i don't go out of the box, i don't have the "thrill of the hunt" or whatever, but doing that i limit a lot the bad experiences and almost nullified the risk of robbery/services not provided. Since i use reputed agencies i did on ocasion pay in advance but said agencies would more than likely if something happened do something to fix it. Or i like to think. After all a good part of there business come from merb, and if we are a minority as loud talkers, we know that lurkers see what we post and they certainly have there own favourite trusted reviewers etc.

Will i one day use backpage and/or other stuff like this? I dunno... i don't think so. There was always a mix of new hot girls and old favourites in merb agencies to cover my needs. But if i did go to backpage and co, i would make sure to be extra carefulll. First does its really her? If no, no matter how she could look good, it mean she is a liar right away by using fake pics so already a bad sign. No money up front either. If this mean cancelling my session, so be it, no "think your with dick" allow in that case.

Its funny because often its a paradox when people get robbed out of the "unsafe" websites. I know guys that use backpage or annonce intime cause they look for the 160/H type or such. Like an ads for a "avalaible 24/7" SP. Cmon !! Good SPs work when they want, and always get booked, you should know right away that an SP that advertise herself as avalaible anytime of the day, even when she could be sleepping, is very fishy. Either its a very fake ads or a SP that really struggle to book clients. They want to pay less but in the end they often pay for super shitty services, or get robbed or whatever... If they had go for the 220/H quality SPs of merb, they would had been sure to have at least a decent session.

I am not a fortunate person, but i rather go and pay more to be sure to have fun and be satisfy when i do partook in escorts meeting. I rather have 1 good meeting than 2 subpar or shitty ones... lol
Last edited:
Jun 25, 2009
I have never been robbed but in one session a SP asked if she could take a shower before we leave. I said sure, no problem. She left her purse and clothes on the bed. When she came out I told her not to ever do that again as she might find herself naked without clothes and money if she trusted the wrong guy.


Oct 20, 2015
I never been robbed and i think this really goes with the way you do business.

Indeed. And business is all about the capital you can raise, your desire to get a commodity and the market's ability to provide it. People who can shell out 200$ every week for an escort, who can deal with their libido like a piece of blue chip stock is admirable, sincerely; more power to you. Were just in a different "business environment"...

Some could say i don't go out of the box, i don't have the "thrill of the hunt" or whatever, but doing that i limit a lot the bad experiences and almost nullified the risk of robbery/services not providedl

You're absolutely right. The whole thing about the thrill of the hunt is overrated. However, sometimes, you just get lucky and you start getting a thrill out of getting some great service with a sweet and sexy girl for half the price your fellow merbite shelled out for a cranky spinner. This rarely happens, but when it does, it's the poor man's consolation.

I know guys that use backpage or annonce intime cause they look for the 160/H type or such. Like an ads for a "avalaible 24/7" SP. Cmon !! Good SPs work when they want, and always get booked, you should know right away that an SP that advertise herself as avalaible anytime of the day, even when she could be sleepping, is very fishy. Either its a very fake ads or a SP that really struggle to book clients.l

This is where you're wrong. Many good SP's don't get booked regularly. Marketing in this industry works the same as in any other: some have a branding mentailty, some know how to project themselves as hot commodities, and some don't. Most budget SP's just don't want, know or care how to market themselves, and they want to remain iindependent, for the most part. It's normal, you've probably never dealt with these providers before. They say they answer 24/7 not because they're going to answer at any time of day, but because they are just like those prime SP's you describe in your post: they want to be able to work when they're available. This can be at 10 pm or 1 am or whatever. This is what pisses off clients who want to get answered whenever their hornyness appears. Some SP's are indeed a little desperate, but most are just not willing to make escorting into a life long career and they know they can't satisfy a clientele looking for stability. Some of my greatest sessions were with girls like Alexandra Rose or others that don't work regularly. I'm thinking of a woman like bbw mega-tit star Karolyne, for instance, who is the consumate professional, but doesn't make herself available regularly. So she functions through 123.

In any case, the last point I want to make is that for the lower middle class guys who need to consult intime, bp or 123, the key lies in interpreting posts and perusing them often. You get to know who's trustworthy and who isnt; who come and goes, who shifts from Laval to Dorval to Longueuil, etc. The best for me personally is when someone TFTT with a good looking post from intime or 123: I love those reviews. This summer, I had great luck with Vanessa near the 116 in st-hubert and an okay session with Chantal. In both cases, reviews were super helpful: I knew what I was dealing with.
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Sep 24, 2009
Nope, but I have been told that I am an intimidating fellow. So, I guess I have that going for me.


Sep 24, 2009
Actually no! I have been robbed by an SP! When I was taking a shower she made herself my pop-tarts. She had two of them! :rant:


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Got robbed in a duo session once, back in the eighties. We were on the bed and one girl got up to use the bathroom. I was focussed on the other and noticed her out of the corner of my eye pick up my pants off the floor. She said she was folding them up, and put them on a chair.
Later I realised she had taken all my cash. And I was on holidays, it was a disaster.

Another high track girl in Vancouver pulled the scam where they have to give the money to the driver and disappeared. Not falling for that again.

Now I stick with women I trust, basically only seen the same two for the last several years. I used to get the thrill of the hunt. Now I stay with tried and true.


New Member
Jan 24, 2012
When you get one price over the phone and at the event everything is extra, that is robbery.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes, it has happened to me on many occasions and always by the same lady, i didnt want to say anything cause i figured it was my own fault and i deserved what i got. This little angel from hell is none other then Florence Champagne, she has stolen from me on every rendezvous that we ever had together, she has walked out with a piece of my heart each and every time, and i figure that 1 or 2 more meetings and she will have it all and i will be left heartless, like i said, it was my own fault, i should of never have given her a key. :) What can i say, i am a sucker for an intelligent, beautiful woman with an amazing smile.

Miss you angel and i will be ready to part with another piece soon....:kiss:

Thor Jr

Thor - I don't blame you. I got to meet her last trip. Just one look into those eyes....I can imagine myself sitting across the table from Champagne Florence in Montreal's most exclusive restaurant. I would have my elbow resting at the table holding up my chin while I stare into her beautiful eyes with a dumb looking smile on my face (a smile that looks opiate-induced) while the other hand is reaching into my right pocket throwing handfuls 20$s in the air at the Maitre D' while listening to every word that comes out of her mouth. I think it would be easy for her to manipulate anyone of us to do stupid things. She is the reason why I do this. I just want to steal and hour or two with someone like her.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
When I saw Gabrielle Luv the first time I got to experience her awesome BBJ skills. Come the second time around which was a dinner date she stated she changed her policy and would only go CBJ when we were butt naked. Surprise surprise. If this counts as being robbed then yeah I got robbed.

Then folks who seen her previously told me I got pretty lucky getting BBJ as I was informed that when she worked as Mia with Thetis they wouldn’t even get LFK.

Element 115

New Member
Jul 5, 2011
An SP walked into the bathroom to take a shower with her clothes and purse left behind. I threw a bed sheet over her stuff and when she walked out after 10 minutes I hid behind the doors and she looked around stunned. Then she heard this voice from behind the door - I said : I have your purse and clothes and I am long gone. What are you going to do now!
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