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Ever been robbed by an SP?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Never been robbed but I had the worst date ever with a regular sp that I saw approx 15 times, she decided to retire(unknown to me) and decided to give me the worst date that I ever had(kind of a robbery considering that I also was extremely nice to her on all of our dates), one date I wish that I could have over again, I also was the last client that she ever saw before retirment, very disappointing experience, she also had a tough upbringing so I always equate her behaviour on that day to her upbringing.

I was robbed 3 times by clients in my 10 years business , im blessed . But i believe i have a good spirit and that i am a good person so i trust karma .

Understatement of the century.:thumb:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I was robbed 3 times by clients in my 10 years business , im blessed . But i believe i have a good spirit and that i am a good person so i trust karma .

Geeze Louise!!! What happened Judy? Are these guys that dine and dash as so to speak or did they mug you at gun or knife point? I want to hear more about these guys. I sure hope they aren't Merbites. I really believe that those of us that partake in this peculiar hobby belong to a brotherhood/sisterhood. I hate to hear stories like this.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Never been robbed but I had the worst date ever with a regular sp that I saw approx 15 times, she decided to retire(unknown to me) and decided to give me the worst date that I ever had(kind of a robbery considering that I also was extremely nice to her on all of our dates), one date I wish that I could have over again, I also was the last client that she ever saw before retirment, very disappointing experience:

Sounds like she had an agenda that was planned.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
^Kind of makes you wonder if these sps that we think we have great chemistry with are just very good actresses.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^I would bet that is true Gary. Maybe Joe's girl was just burned out? Maybe she was on drugs or something and the drugs take over at some point or something like this???


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
^Kind of makes you wonder if these sps that we think we have great chemistry with are just very good actresses.

You got it they are!!! And that's how it should be! Do you think they really love all 3, 4, 5 or more guys they see each day? Ha ha we need to get real here. You can be the best client of one sp but you remain a client!

Not speaking directly to you GaryH but let me tell you if you stop pretending, or let's say expecting, so much tenderness and intimacy it would be much easier.

This summer I saw in Toronto famous Dina Doll. The girl was just weeks away from retiring. She was indy of the year in Toronto for the past 2 years. When I got out of the shower I got close to her and told her "Listen I am not here to lick you ear for 10 minutes, not looking for tenderness... I am here to fuck you!". She smiled and said. "No you do not understand, I am young and I like sex. And you seem cool. I am going to fuck you!". Haha men I had the absolute best session of my life. I fucking wish I could pull it off like her with every girl. But it does not work that way.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Read *the importance if kissing* thread

That kissing thread was mostly DFK, not popular to some men and many females. Not much to do with having chemistry.
I have seen someone more than 20 times before she left the industry, the last session was the best, never DFK on any of them.
Escorts are sales people and actresses, do not be confused that you are special, you are an employer and if you pay enough they work a little harder to get more employment.
Be clean, treat them with respect, have a sense of humor and do not push the boundaries.
The SP who met Joe was on a mission, good chance she did that with a few clients she did not like.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
A fairly good indicator to know if you have a decent enough chemistry with your favourite SP is if she does not rob you after the session is over. :doh:

No but seriously ,joking aside , the money as we all know is really good but it’s a tough gig for the girls, no doubt about that.
It’s demanding in so many ways . With the B.S (acting part of I’m really into you ) fantasy that most want being by far the most exhausting . All this acting can take a real toll no matter how naturally it comes by . But most importantly ,,,I don’t get how anyone can FAULT the SP’s and label them fake ( acting ),when most of us agree and accept that to be a part of their job description ,,, the acting part I mean aka ( GFE ) .

That’s why it has to feel so liberating to the girls as Jalimon pointed out to just say to them : listen...we both know what’s what ,,, let’s just try and have some fun and don’t worry about the rest .

I can really see why us expecting much less from the girls would lift a huge burden off their shoulders , which in return has the ability to work wonders on paid sessions.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^... Very true :doh::doh: or an extra is thrown in for free. I have met some SP's that you can tell they do not want to be with you, make the best of it and move on, they do have a difficult job at times.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Sounds like she had an agenda that was planned.

Yes she certainly did, her plan was to retire on a certain date on the calendar and disappear from the escorting world forever, I saw a side of her on that day that I never expected and never saw in our previous dates, her thinking was that she was never ever going to see me again after this day so that's why she behaved the way she did, I'm still shocked and surprised at her behaviour as I never saw it coming and I was always extremely nice to her, I am just thankful dates like the one that I had with her are far and few between, in a way it may have been the best thing that ever happened to me in the sp world because it taught me never to forget who I was seeing and why and the world that I was involved in, it also helped prepare me for any future possible bad dates such as the one that I had about a year and half ago where it took me all of 5 minutes to throw the sp out after entering my hotel room.

hungry101, definitely not on drugs, perhaps burned out among other issues that she may have had that I was unaware of, a very intelligent girl, spoke 3 languages fluently and was about to graduate from university, when you spoke to her you could tell that she was a very intelligent individual, she made it a point to tell me on several occasions on how she never had a father in her life and that she was brought up by her mother and grandmother which seemed to leave an everlasting scar with her, she also seemed to be a person who did not have very many friends.

GaryH, you are right to a certain point, you should never forget the job they do and why they do it, there is a reason for it, I have my own opinion but rather ruffle the feathers of a few very delusional merb members I will just keep my opinion to myself, I will just tell you it's along the lines of jalimon's first paragraph in his post, having said that I am also extremely thankful to the 95 percent of sp's that I have seen that have been absolutely awesome with me.:thumb:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
You got it they are!!! And that's how it should be! Do you think they really love all 3, 4, 5 or more guys they see each day? Ha ha we need to get real here. You can be the best client of one sp but you remain a client!

yeah, but on the other hand, saying they cannot feel any kind of connection beyond a 'business/client'' relationship with some of their clients it going to far the other way. We are all just human after all, clients and providers :)

I have had a few providers express interest in seeing me outside the business over the years...(like maybe 3 out of I just wish the one im so into these days would :)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
having said that I am also extremely thankful to the 95 percent of sp's that I have seen that have been absolutely awesome with me.:thumb:

How can you comment that when you thought that after 15 meetings she was an ATF until the last meeting where she burned you. Not a possibility that there are others like that who you still see.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
Again it makes me wonder how many of these girls have the attitude of the SCORES strippers in the article I linked earlier.

“It fucked me up in the head a little,” she said of the window her job gave her into the male psyche. “The girls develop a terrible contempt,” one former Scores manager told me. “They stop believing men are real. They think: They are there for me to manipulate and take money from.”

And the guys who are especially nice to them? Those guys had their uses, since you could string them along forever and extract payments for “rent” or “school.” But their weakness was pathetic. “I had so many damsel-in-distress stories,” Rosie said with a sigh. “Don’t tell me you love me. That means I know I can milk you for everything, and then some.”


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^GaryH - You think that's bad, you need to watch the South Park episode with the girls from Raisins and how the boys from South Park were manipulated by them, especially Butters. It's a parody of Hooters but it is right on. They nailed it.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ UP 2 ....Bingo
With Hungry's Hooters comment. I was at the Calgary Hooters a few years ago during Valentines day, the amount on older men who went there with roses for the waitresses/bartenders was beyond amazing. Guessing these guys throw money at them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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How can you comment that when you thought that after 15 meetings she was an ATF until the last meeting where she burned you. Not a possibility that there are others like that who you still see.

Never thought and never said that she was my ATF, there have been other SP's that I have repeated with many, many times with and who left the industry without ever burning me on a final date, why this sp behaved the way she did I can only draw guessed conclussions.

"Not a possibility that there are others like that who you still see"

Valid point and yes this could happen but highly, highly, highly unlikely, in other words it would be a cold day in hell when Maria Star who once came to my rescue and literally picked me up off the sidewalk when she saw that I was in a little bit of distress to make sure that I was ok and the extremely kind and super cool Sexy Judy who I have known forever burn me on a final date, it's just not in their DNA.
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