Some would argue, on behalf of the agency, that the agency adds a layer of discipline, structure and organization where utterly none previously existed for the typical young agency escort, and when they as middleman are cut out, the unreliability factor soars off the charts, as you are dealing with unrestrained unreliability and unpredictability. On Seeking Arrangement you are cutting out the middle man (even though SA is itself a paid middle man) as far as the communication goes, but unreliability factor with girls in the 18-22 year old range is very high. Unless they have been in a prior arrangement they don't really know what is expected of them.
You are right EB
Some would argue ,but above this ,Can a girl really hide she does clients on the side .
Last minutes cancellation
Less availability
Wants to leave before the end of her shift
Her quality of service goes down with agencies clients
The list continues .
You eventually catch the cheaters and when you depend on agencies the recruit the fresh cuties you might get burnt quickly .
For the successful ladies is it really worth it ,when she makes a thousand or more per shift with the agency .
Plus the fact that client want to change often ,whats the advantage for the lady to take the risk