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:@ extra$ ala carte getting out of hand


Apr 20, 2003
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I think this a la carte business is getting out of hand.
I went to 100% satisfaction and as soon as I confirmed for the hour, but before I paid. the young lady said
for 130 you get 2 services and pulled out the menu.
+20 kiss +20 daty+20. I asked about greek and that was +60.
For the greek part I can undestand but for the rest I dont think this is right.
either she does it or she doesn`t, if an escort says to me I don`t kiss, well that is ok or any of the other activities she does not indulge in, but to charge extra $$ for those services does not make sense

this is not a unique occurence as this is the second time ( I had the same thing happen at xtc )
what is next?
+20, kiss +20, daty +20, digits +20, shower together +20, extra towel +5?

I would ask my fellow merbites to join me in an attempt to try and curb these mercenary tendencies.

when I am in a situation where the ala carte menu is pulled out I am going to refuse the girl and tell her that it is because of the optional fees
and that I can get the same services included for the base price elsewhere.
I hope other merbites join me and help send a message across to the various agencies that this activity is not good for their business.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Extra $$

I've always had the impression that if an espy has to charge extra for a service, it probably means that she doesn't like doing it. I do agree that greek is the exception to the rule.

It is why that i've always had the policy of never paying for extras. If i sense that an espy isn't comfortable with any type of service and has to charge extra for it, i'd rather not receive it. For me, paying extra would taint the experience/fantasy.



Aug 16, 2003
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For me it is pretty easy, if the girl asks for more money during the session for anything but Greek, I refuse and never call the agency again cause there is so many agencies out there that are good and their girls are not money hungry



New Member
May 29, 2004
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Originally posted by EagerBeaver

The fact that Greek does nothing for you likely underscores the fact that you are a pure heterosexual. Studies have shown that guys who do Greek have bisexual and/or homosexual urges, which are likely being suppressed. If a guy tells me he loves Greek, he is basically telling me he is a fag. Which is okay, but just be open about it.

I agree wholeheartedly with SK and Capt on this one, this is one of the most ludicrous statements I have ever heard and is absolutely FALSE and completely laughable. This is a typical statement of a homophobe. Many men don't find anal sex interesting or appealing, in both hetero AND homosexual relationships.

By all means, try to prove your point. Nowhere in recent psychological/psychiatric literature has anal sex in hetero couples been regarded as a hidden homosexual desire in the male.

This logic also has a huge flaw. What about women who enjoy receiving anal services, does that mean they are attracted to gay men or men with gay tendencies?

Thanks for the laugh!



New Member
May 29, 2004
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Originally posted by EagerBeaver
Edward O. Laumann's 1994 The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States found that about 80% of American gay and bisexual men have engaged in anal sex.

These other articles debunking other articles as "myths" would not exist at all unless there was other authority out there that needed to be debunked, same as all the authors now scrambling to debunk Brown.

It is not my job to educate all of you. It is your job to read the literature and draw your own conclusions.

This is just too funny: " Sexual Practices in the United States found that about 80% of American gay and bisexual men have engaged in anal sex"

No one has ever denied that bisexual males and gay males have anal sex. Actually, you just proved that 20% of that population has never had any anal sex!

You were claiming that all hetero men engaging in anal sex with women have gay tendencies. Not even all gay men engage in the activity.

Ever thought that those hetero men that practiced anal sex with women have HAD bi or gay tendencies all their lives? This is a common scenario but very FAR from the one that ALL hetero men engaging in anal sex have these tendencies.

Even your quote works against your argument.

Also, please do not try and educate others with something you have very little knowledge of. It would be like me educating others on politics or any other field that I know little of.

From what you have written, you don't seem to have any knowledge aside from what you've read here and there.



Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Certain agencies like Luxure encourage extra charges. I don`t know if the girls discuss the extra charges among themselves or the agency owner sells the idea, but I`ve noticed it is a policy by agency. I`ve had a double where one girl charged extra for kissing and the other extra for the . So go try to figure it out.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
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I'm glad you decided to delete your posts cause this thread was seriously spiralling down...Lol. I too will delete my responses to you, and lastly I apologize for the "homophobe" comments.

Now I'm off to the "I Hate The Yankees" thread to discuss the Yankees, Sox, and Expos trades.


I agree with your last post regarding peoples own practices and each their own is my motto, as long as an sp's not physically being hurt or feeling threatened have a ball!!!

I also enjoyed your very tasteful and fair comments regarding EB as one of our most valuable contributors and reviewer.

Take care,

SK (Not really a homo in denial, just enjoy the Greek Islands on occasion ;) )


Apr 20, 2003
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back on topic

I agree with previous posters that it is ok for let us say ``services that go beyond the usual`` such as cim, greek or fetish.
EB it is your money and, if the agency knows what you want and you are a regular customer then you are more likely to get what you want even if you pay for it.

Here is the crux of my point.
, daty, lfk, unless the sp does not do these services, should be included in the price of full service, and should not be subject to an additional fee.
I am trying to use the influence of the board as a marketing response tool, to object to this practice, influence agencies and sp`s who charge extra for these services and let them understand that some of us will not stand for it.
if 15 of the poster and lurkers who regularly use agencies like satisfaction and xtc and even luxure were to do this the message would get accross very fast.
the agencies and girls would get the message.
example if 7-10 guys go up to incall during one week at xtc or sensation or sophie`s, and get the menu and promptly refuse and leave stating clearly the reason then I am sure we would see a change quite quickly.
I am sure that Eric reads the posts on this board, and if the same thing started to happen to his girls I am sure the practice would be curtailed.
so I ask you my merb bretheren to make a concerted effort to help stop this practice.
When one of us posts a positive review of a young lady the reaction is that she is unavailable for sometimes weeks.
I am just trying to use this force for the good of all of us.


Phrygian Nymph
Jul 25, 2003
Mount Ida

I agree with Spartacus:

Here is the crux of my point.
, daty, lfk, unless the sp does not do these services, should be included in the price of full service, and should not be subject to an additional fee.

And as such I do not use agencies like Luxure, ABC, zzcream etc.


A taste of paradise
Aug 16, 2003
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I agree with Spartacus and Salmacis on that. If it's not the case the SP should at least, tell what's the extra before you pay, so you can figure what kind of service you gonna have. Like you pay for filet mignon and you get hamburger steak.
And by the way, a session should not be limited by a number of SOG. 1 SOG in an hour is not enough for me. I'm confortable with 2 SOG in an hour and if someone want 3 SOG, why not!. My two last session with ZZcream (a long time ago when i was a naive hobbyist), the lady got dressed after the first SOG like the job was done. Only half the time was past.
What's worst than a SP tell you after the deed at the starting of action, "No, i don't kiss", then after "No i don't like DATY". And later, the position is not good. Finally, you finish by telling: "Ok i do nothing more, i lay down and you give me a BJ so i can cum and quit ASAP that pain in the ass session." No need to say that the BJ is always cover in that situation.
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