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favorite current tv series...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Westworld Season 1 Disc 1 Episode 1

Some interesting stuff here,,,,,,,,general thoughts without spoilers:

It's kind of hard to differentiate between the "hosts" and the "guests" except that most of the "guests" behave like typical tourists....the only hosts I know are hosts are the robot prostitutes.

The TV series is sticking to the basic theme of the movie while diving headlong into the science of it. They even discussed upgrades to the programming of the prostitutes to include erotic facial touches........I was not expecting this level of science nor was I expecting an erotic sex scene involving a robot.

The whole idea of artificial intelligence evolving in the same way as human beings is both interesting and frightening at the same time.

It looks like Ed Harris is portraying the parallel character to Yul Brynner's gunslinger.

I never thought it would be sexy to look at naked robots, but that scene in which Evan Rachel Wood's character Dolores is interviewed and you see her naked butt crack from behind her chair was somehow kind of sexy..............I hope we have lots of robot nudity in store.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
There are parallel similarities but carries its own identities for the show and its characters. Once you finish season one you would know what I mean. Once you hit the season finale you will be fully anticipating for season two to arrive.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Westworld TV Series

After a binge the past few nights, i finally finished season 1 of the Westworld TV series. I enjoyed the movie and I enjoyed the TV series as well. I think the TV series kind of picks up the baton and runs with the concept introduced in the movie. Whereas the movie focuses primarily on one Android character (Yul Brynner's "Gunslinger"), the TV series focuses on 6 Android characters, although two primary ones: Dolores, the Rancher's daughter, played by Evan Rachel Wood, and Maeve, the sentient prostitute/Madam played by Thandie Newton. Both Wood and Newton received SAG and Golden Globe nominations for best actress and best supporting actress, respectively. Both are very good in the TV series and deserving of those nominations.

Interesting differences from the movie: in the movie you never learn much about the creators of the theme park whereas in the TV series there are two creators and you learn much about both. In the TV series there is a high casualty rate among Delos programming and security staff, whereas in the movie the casualty rate is 100% for Delos personnel. I suppose they could not have 100% casualties in the TV series as there would be nobody left to act in season 2 for Delos staff.

The series is overall very thought provoking, well acted and addictive, but some of the subplots are hard to follow. The acting is top shelf for the most part. The second season could go in many different directions so it will be interesting to see what happens.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Night Manager

Have any of you guys seen the BBC miniseries "Night Manager"? It's next up in my queue. This is a critically acclaimed espionage series based on a novel by John LeCarre starring Tom Hiddleston, the British actor who is rumored to be a strong candidate to be the next James Bond. Hiddleston was involved in a romantic relationship with Taylor Swift earlier this year and tabloid media that stalked him and her managed to photograph the two of them making out. Such escapades probably will not hurt his chances to get the Bond role if he wants it.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
For those of you who get cable or satellite TV you should check out the android box, no more TV bills and everything possible is available except " Live " ( you can get PPV or other events but it will be a couple of minutes late ). New movie releases are available.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
For those of you who get cable or satellite TV you should check out the android box, no more TV bills and everything possible is available except " Live " ( you can get PPV or other events but it will be a couple of minutes late ). New movie releases are available.

A buddy of mine got one of those and he finds it frustrating as hell to use. He says it's very non-user friendly. He also had a defective remote and was told to return it to China. Finally the company realized it didn't make sense and sent him a new remote.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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For those of you who get cable or satellite TV you should check out the android box, no more TV bills and everything possible is available except " Live " ( you can get PPV or other events but it will be a couple of minutes late ). New movie releases are available.


As a seasoned man of the world, I am sure that you know that getting something for nothing usually is not legal unless it's Brian Cashman making a trade. And the law will come after you with vengeance and fury and smote you down like this:

That guy never fucked with Marcellus again


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Sense 8 on Netflix. .i am in season 1..but episode 8...but i do like it...


Dec 30, 2004
Night Manager is really good, if you like old school espionnage without bang-bang, like old James Bond from the Connery era, I really enjoy it. And to follow your post, Hiddleston could be a strong candidate as James Bond, look the series and you you will find out why.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hiddleston Forced To Apologize For Golden Globes Acceptance Speech

Night Manager actually won 3 major acting awards- for Hiddleston as best actor, Olivia Colman as best actress, and the superb Hugh Laurie as best supporting actor.

I have watched 3 of the 6 episodes and I completely agree with the prior post. Hiddleston could be the next James Bond and I feel he would be perfect for the part.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The New Celebrity Apprentice

I watched both 2-hour episodes last night and to be honest, it's very entertaining yet very cheesy. Arnold is still learning the ropes as the head honcho but he's very funny. I also enjoy the interaction among the men's team which consists of the likes of Vince Neil, Boy George, Jon Lovitz, Carson Kressley, Eric Dickerson, Ricky Williams and others. The men's team has won 3 out of 4 challenges and i have a feeling the one they women won could easily have been won by the men. It probably would have looked bad had the men had a 4-0 lead and probably would have led to a shakeup.

Arnold's board assistants are his nephew Patrick, Tyra Banks and others which will eventually include Jessica Alba.

There were a few very funny moments in the show which included Arnold ordering his friend Jon Lovitz not to call him by his name while in the boardroom and insisting on being called 'Governor'. The contestants' look indicated they weren't sure if he meant it or not. And on the last show, Lovitz had to do a monologue for one of the tasks and in the boardroom afterwards, Arnold asked him if he would have needed a laugh track to assist him. Lovitz rolled his eyes and replied "that would be like me suggesting you take acting lessons". It brought the house down and Arnold had a good laugh! :lol:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just my opinion but TV really sucks, reality shows, game shows and reruns. About the only thing I watch now is sports and a little comedy and discovery. Netflix keeps me amused the other days. When the media can make trash like the Kardashians extremely rich it is time to quit watching TV.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Just my opinion but TV really sucks, reality shows, game shows and reruns. About the only thing I watch now is sports and a little comedy and discovery. Netflix keeps me amused the other days. When the media can make trash like the Kardashians extremely rich it is time to quit watching TV.

I agree but those types of shows cost considerably less to produce. But there are some very good ones among that group. For example, The Amazing Race is not only very entertaining, but it can also be very educational. I'll never get tired of watching Survivor. I still love watching The Price is Right. I never watch comedy and sitcoms, although one of my favorite tv shows of all time happen to be Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. These days my favorite shows/movies to watch are documentaries about WWI and WWII. My favorite tv series to watch is Game of Thrones, which may just be my all-time favorite one. Netflix also has some very good original content such as The Crown and House of Cards.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
Guys... I actually took days off work because I got really hooked on West World and The Expanse LOL

good thing there aren't too many episodes.

PJs + comfy couch + comfy blanket + TV shows + smokin da buddah + order in from my fav resto = What day is it?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Emerald City is a great new show on NBC
I also heard that CITY TV will be airing 8 new episodes of Prison Break in a couple of months.
Also looking forward to the return of Designated Survivor as well as spin offs of 24 and the Black List.
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