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favorite current tv series...


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Fugueuse, season 1 just ended, it airs on TVA.

I dont want to lecture anyone here but if you do understand french,you need to watch this serie.
You can see the full 10 episodes for free,with cable tv.
Very realistic,very dramatic,very touching.....


Active Member
Apr 19, 2009
par icitte
I love funny.
From MASH, All in the Family, Seinfeld, Curb..., the Office, Kids in the Hall, sctv, to the Simpsons.
I discovered Last Man on Earth in 2017 and the first season is pure genious.
Breaking Bad to me was funny and Better Call Saul goes deeper, I love it.
Anyone have other suggestions in that genre?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
While I agree that the Punisher series was not as good as might have been, I can say I actually enjoyed it a lot.

Probably ranks 4th in my Netflix MCU series so far, behind Jessica Jones 1 (huge David Tennant fan), Daredevil 1 and Daredevil 2.

I agree in a way it does not need to be uber violent but the problem is i was sure we where done with the Origin story. I think the Thomas Jane movie did as good as it could be for an origin story, i love this movie, the plotting of his revenge, how he fuck over the whole organisation from the inside, its clever, but the complain people had was that he was not actually The Punisher until the end. The Warzone movie was more Punishery but i tough it was too goofy at times, the scale was not that big either (bad guy searching for a couple thousands of $ in a bag...) The Lundgren movie i don't even count it, does not feel much like a Punisher movie to me.

So when they did his origin story again in DD2 i tough it was a nice idea, when he would get his own serie he could be right away in full punisher mode, the ending even foreshadow it, but it last not even an episode and thats it. Back to a slow build up.

I didn't mind too much that Billy Russo was not a gangster and an actual friend of Frank but once again it take way too long for him to become Jigsaw. I wish this would had happen mid season or something. I guess they wanted him in full Jigsaw for season 2, after all its not like The Punisher have many memorable vilains (consider he kill everybody at first chance lol).

As for my ranking, personally DD1 and 2 are first for me, then i would say Luke Cage, Iron Fist and then Defender. Jessica Jones season 1 was actually the show i liked the less. It bored me so badly. I dunno, you have those superheroes fighting an evil organisation of Ninja bent on world domination while she fight a man child rapist... kinda lower the scale a lot... I was just disapointed in the end that The Hand was not more bad ass in Defenders, after all the build up they made out of it. Ill watch Jessica Jones season 2 by principle to keep up to date, and honestly i doubt i can dislike it more than season 1, so ... lol.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I dont want to lecture anyone here but if you do understand french,you need to watch this serie.
You can see the full 10 episodes for free,with cable tv.
Very realistic,very dramatic,very touching.....

I will try by principle but from what i seen so far it kinda make me angry. I know it portray the street gang thugs/pimps and underage prostitution and abuse, but the general public more often than not won't make a difference between this and our normal hobby. I fear this will once again make peoples think prostitution as a whole is an evil thing.


Mar 13, 2017
As for my ranking, personally DD1 and 2 are first for me, then i would say Luke Cage, Iron Fist and then Defender. Jessica Jones season 1 was actually the show i liked the less. It bored me so badly. I dunno, you have those superheroes fighting an evil organisation of Ninja bent on world domination while she fight a man child rapist... kinda lower the scale a lot... I was just disapointed in the end that The Hand was not more bad ass in Defenders, after all the build up they made out of it. Ill watch Jessica Jones season 2 by principle to keep up to date, and honestly i doubt i can dislike it more than season 1, so ... lol.

I'd say where I'm at, JJ 2 is slower than JJ 1. I'm halfway through and I'm still not sure who the definite villain is. The candidates are not as engaging to me as Killgrave was. I love that Killgrave is more of a psychological villain instead the whole ''I have influence and matching strength'' thing. If I recall correctly, he's the only one who wasn't a gangster or part of a shady organization.

World Domination is a boring trope, and The Hand is just full of those anonymous guys that nobody cares about. You say that it lower the scale a lot to have her fight a rapist instead of an evil organization...I see it differently. I think that what makes it good, hell, better, is that it brings the scale to a similar level or higher through character development. Same reason that Captain America: Civil War work; it's about a dozen people bickering about working with the government or not...yet it's compelling to decide who you side with, if you can figure why X does Y, etc. Hell, even the Daniel Craig James Bond movies: the ones that are well reviewed are Casino Royale (a one-on-one movie, mostly) and Skyfall (a personal revenge plot), while Quantom of Solace (Bond vs shady organization trying to control water supplies Quantum) and Spectre (Bond vs shady organization trying to control the world through telecoms Spectre) received mix reviews.

Iron Fist was badly acted and just not that compelling, and his story is central to the Defenders series, so they didn't work for me. I actually liked Luke Cage better in Jessica Jones than in his own series, I've always had trouble with those shows and movies that I feel try to make everything about race.

I agree that they could have spent less time on the Punisher origins. It just feels like they wanted to pad their run time and ''add details'' because they felt they painted themselves into a corner with the DD2 origin.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The candidates are not as engaging to me as Killgrave was. I love that Killgrave is more of a psychological villain instead the whole ''I have influence and matching strength'' thing. If I recall correctly, he's the only one who wasn't a gangster or part of a shady organization. sip

I get your point, its understandable. Lots of peoples loved Killgrave and i agree the actor did a great job. Its just a matter of personal tastes. Personally i just couldn't really invest myself into it. Also there was not that many fights and it played a part for me.

As for Luke Cage, being set where it was and all, i understand they had to go that route. Im not super fond on gangsta rap black culture either, but i enjoyed Cottonmouth as a bad guy and Luke as a main character. Actually until the mid season i loved the show, i just felt the second half felt flat when Diamondback was revealed (wich i expected to be some huge crime boss or something) . He ended up being pretty underwhelming.

Its true that world domination may be a trop, but i dunno, its always effective for me, it really depend on how its presented. The Hand was great at first, they just turned out to be disapointing in the end cause i feel the "fingers" where really not the huge threat/warriors i expected. Sigourney Weaver was good in playing that pumpous vilainess but ultimately she was wasted. Baku was a good warrior but his look/attitude made him too much casual. The guy who only speaked Chinese was decent but got his ass kicked a lot and was never really developed. Of the hand the best developed character was Nobu... he was the kind of bad ass vilain i was expecting.

As for Bond the only movie i saw of the Craig era is Casino Royal and i didn't liked it that much. Craig just does not do it for me in term of Bond. Call me a goldeneye on N64 kid but for me Bond will always be Brosnan. I plan on eventually seing them but i dunno when... So i can't really comment on them much.

Iron Fist the problem is there was not enough fighting, i enjoyed the series personally but i understand the complaints peoples had with it. And it bother me he barely can use the iron fist power once then it goes into recharge or something... lol.

As for Punisher, there is a lot they could had do beside origin story 2.0. They could have move the character to a different city like Chicago, have Billy Russo be a crime boss and build from that. I wouldn't had mind 3-4 episodes being strickly "bad guy of the week" punishing. You have a very easy motivation for Franck, he hate criminals. So he will purposely goes against criminals for no personal reasons in his full Punisher persona. So he could had took on "the wrong guy" and it could had been built from there.

But ill admit i always had a soft spot for "monster of the week" independant episodes. Big story arcs and contious story make a show more engaging to tune in next week to see where its going so i understand networks to do that, but i enjoy a good old self contain episode a lot. Thats why shows like Angel and Supernatural actually the season 1 has a special place in my heart.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
I will try by principle but from what i seen so far it kinda make me angry. I know it portray the street gang thugs/pimps and underage prostitution and abuse, but the general public more often than not won't make a difference between this and our normal hobby. I fear this will once again make peoples think prostitution as a whole is an evil thing.

You are right about it.
The guilty game.I've read in the paper lately the following quote "No clients=no Fanny(the girl in the serie) and no Damien(the pimp).
Kinda makes us feel bad


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Actually, my favourite current tv serie is watching CNN, new episodes everydays, much better than House of Cards... Politic, Sex, FBI, always a winning recipe even if it looks over-realistic.


Jun 14, 2015
I don't know the name of that series... But there's one guy with orange skin and a toupee making stupid tweets and playing golf...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
You are right about it.
The guilty game.I've read in the paper lately the following quote "No clients=no Fanny(the girl in the serie) and no Damien(the pimp).
Kinda makes us feel bad��

Yes but at the same time i think the actress in the serie is supose to play a 16 y.o right? So it would be true if there was no client looking for that, there wouldn't be any 16 years old doing it and at least no pimp forcing minor of doing it. Clients of regular good agencies like the ones we love here on merb, this is ok. But yes some peoples won't make a difference.

Even some peoples close to me wich know what i do, after 9 years of seeing escorts and me telling them how i met some fantastic peoples and telling them how those women often work to spare cash for studies or a career in something else, or that they simply love this job and the moments it give them, and yet they still sometimes use bad terms to describe them. I have to correct them...

For them, because they have been raise to think that way, prostitution is a bad thing...


Location: Fantasy Land
Mar 27, 2016
I've been getting into Jessica Jones recently and Kristin Ritter is rather easy on the eyes :bounce:so I think I'm gonna keep watching since season 2 is even more interesting than the first season imho.


Active Member
Nov 26, 2012
Can't believe that Ozark has only been mentioned once in this thread. You need to watch Ozark tonight, son.


New Member
Sep 7, 2015

after ... Lol

-WALIKNG DEAD breaking bad-games of trones-vikings

SHAWN team godiva!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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All I am going to say is that Jason Bateman has come a long way with his acting since Teen Wolf Too. Ozark is going to be the high water mark in his long and somewhat distinguished acting career.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Another quote on differences between stage and lap dances:

“Now a stage dance is merely an advertisement for a lap
dance. Stage dance, guys tossing singles up there, might be interested. But his dick ain’t necessarily hard. A lap that’s dancing around a hard dick. And a hard dick presents opportunities. Do you understand what I mean by that?”

Who said it?

Clue: it wasn’t Cloud 500, or Halloween Mike.
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