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favorite current tv series...

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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I began to watch it a few years ago when it first came up, but i was under the impression that the show was cancelled after the first season.

It started out on NBC and had a 6 episode first season but they didn't pick it up for a second season due to the ratings, TNT then luckily picked it up and it's been on there since.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Land of the Giants

OK, it is a current TV series only in the sense that it is currently in syndication on ALN. Thanks to Hulu, I was able to find the series opener of Irwin Allen's "Land of the Giants", a classic science fiction TV series from the late 1960s. The opener was televised on September 22, 1968:

Watch as the crew of the spaceship Spindrift crash land in what they think is the London area, but in actuality is the Land of the Giants. They are thereafter terrorized by Giant Spiders, a Giant House Cat, a Giant Dog and the Giants themselves. The crew proves to be incredibly resourceful and technologically superior to the Humanoids and Creatures in the Land of the Giants. Therefore although they are continually captured, they always figure out a way to escape. They are the craftiest little midgets in the history of television.

The special effects, although cheesy by today's standards, were state of the art for 1968. This is just around the time TV began being broadcast in color and Land of the Giants is shot in technicolor.

Irwin Allen would go on to direct such epic disaster films as the "Towering Inferno" in 1974.

Classic Television!
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New Member
Aug 31, 2008
Episodes- with Matt LeBlanc. A great look at Hollywood production. First season just finished on Showtime.

Jimmy Olsen

New Member
Mar 1, 2011
There is not much good on these days, I do not have any programs that I watch regularly. The last program that I watched every week was Dead like me, that must have been 10 years back.

Kansas Frank

The 2011 season of Soutland is still very compelling to watch. I hope this series continue to make great shows.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I really enjoyed the prequel to Spartacus: Blood and Sand, which is Spartacus: Gods of the Arena. It's only 6 episodes but they pack a hell of a lot of action and story into those 6 hours of programming. Highly recommended for fans of the first series. I'm anxious for the second season of Blood and Sand and hope that the new actor in the Spartacus role is up to the challenge.

Another new series from the same network is Camelot. Yet another retelling of the Arthur legend. From the first episode, it looks to be one to watch. I tried to get into the American version of Being Human but it just doesn't do it for me. I guess I'm all vampired out.

JH Fan

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May 15, 2008


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
The 2010-2011 season is pretty much complete, and these are the few shows from the last few months that totally kept my interest throughout:
1) Dexter, season 4 (with Julia Stiles, Peter Weller and Johnny Lee Miller) Awesome and captivating from start to finish
2) MAD MEN, season 4 . Jon Hamm is subdued and great, the 50's setting is enthralling
3)The Walking Dead, season 1...How they got away with some of the more gruesome stuff is beyond me...But more, MORE!!

A notch below the preceding:
4) Hawaii 5-O, season 1...Scott Caan's character makes it, and their crime plots are far from retreads. And Hawaii is SO gorgeous!!
5) V, season 1 (not must-see tv, I catch it on CTV's website when I can, but the characters are interesting, and it's rather good
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Sixty Minute Man
Aug 30, 2010
MODERN FAMILY (worth it for Sofia Vergara alone) :)

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Just started the first season of Sons of Anarchy and found it to be very entertaining!! 5 episodes down and I'm liking it alot!!

Also started watching a new HBO series called Game of Thrones which is normally way out of my wheelhouse in dealing with medievel times but HBO has done it again with another great series!!!

And I completely agree with Stefano about Modern Family, what a f'n hilarious, clever, amazing show and Sofia Vergara ain't bad at all either ;-)
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Kansas Frank

Sons of Guns -- oh, how I would love to shoot some of the guns they build.

The Science Channel is always a good fallback when there is nothing else good to watch, especially late at night for folks like me who suffers from insomnia.

I mourn the termination of Law and Order: Criminal Intent.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
A huge +1 for Game of Thrones. The series was renewed for two more seasons immediately after the first episode aired.

And guess what's coming back next year on the TNT won't believe it.....................................

DALLAS! Complete with Larry Hagman as JR and Patrick Duffy as Bobby.

Kansas Frank

I've seen a few episodes of Sons of Anarchy and found them to be very engaging and I found myself routing for the main characters. I just have to be in a certain state of mind to watch that show; like when my local LE's piss me off. ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Awesome! Are they filming at the original place, Southfork Ranch, and the same house? Btw, i have been there twice and the ranch is good sized, land wise, but the house is no mansion, thats for sure, tiny tiny tiny!, and that pool that they portrayed to be olympic sized, is really small as well, but a beautiful place just outside Dallas. Thats great there bringing it back, i'm sure it will be a hit. To bad it couldnt be on one of the bigger networks tho.
And guess what's coming back next year on the TNT won't believe it.....................................

DALLAS! Complete with Larry Hagman as JR and Patrick Duffy as Bobby.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
And guess what's coming back next year on the TNT won't believe it.....................................

DALLAS! Complete with Larry Hagman as JR and Patrick Duffy as Bobby.

Dallas might just be my all-time favorite tv series!

I loved the show until they screwed it up by bringing back Bobby from the dead & the entire season following his alleged 'death' was a dream. It showed that the producers had absolutely no respect for its viewership. I then turned to watching 'Dynasty'.....until the started screwing around with the show with evil twins, etc. Knots Landing was also a good show...lots of hot women! :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Awesome! Are they filming at the original place, Southfork Ranch, and the same house? Btw, i have been there twice and the ranch is good sized, land wise, but the house is no mansion, thats for sure, tiny tiny tiny!, and that pool that they portrayed to be olympic sized, is really small as well, but a beautiful place just outside Dallas. Thats great there bringing it back, i'm sure it will be a hit. To bad it couldnt be on one of the bigger networks tho.

I believe Southfork burnt down during one of its final seasons. I was no longer watching the show by then. The lost me as a viewer when they brought back Bobby from the dead.
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