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favorite current tv series...

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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It's really a shame you guys don't have Netflix in Canada. It's an awesome way to catch up on any series that you might have missed that you'd like to see. Hopefully it'll get up there soon. Is there any type of home DVD delivery system in Canada?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
It's really a shame you guys don't have Netflix in Canada. It's an awesome way to catch up on any series that you might have missed that you'd like to see. Hopefully it'll get up there soon. Is there any type of home DVD delivery system in Canada?

Who needs Netflix when we have torrent? :p

Besides the usuals... Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Spartacus which has just ended it's first season, and two and a half Men...I've downloaded the first three seasons of the Australian series, Satisfaction, and I'll start watching it again once the playoffs take a break between series. I'm anxiously awaiting the new seasons of True Blood and, most of all, Californication to begin.

I lost patience with LOST when they kept breaking up the seasons and totally lost interest in the convoluted story line. I have never watched an entire episode of any season of Survivor and the whole 'reality' TV thing has gotten too boring and scripted for me to keep my interest for anything more than the occasional episode now and then. But I still watch DWTS, mainly for the hot babes with great legs. :D


New Member
Mar 11, 2010
I see alot of you picked Lost as one of your favorites. I do not know how you do it! When it first started I was hoping for a cross between Castaway and Lord of the flies. But, all we got was a wierd monster in the woods, then some wierd military network was there, then some got off the island but had to go they made it too confusing!!!

My Current Favs are
True Blood
Big Bang Theory
Criminal Minds

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I see alot of you picked Lost as one of your favorites. I do not know how you do it! When it first started I was hoping for a cross between Castaway and Lord of the flies. But, all we got was a wierd monster in the woods, then some wierd military network was there, then some got off the island but had to go they made it too confusing!!!

I agree that it's not a show for everyone. I also love 'Entourage' & 'Californication', but they're only showing re-runs right now, so that's why i haven't included them on my list. 'Entourage' has been very disappointing in the past couple of seasons, though. I wouldn't be surprised if the next season is the final one. Personally, i can't wait for 'Dexter' to resume. What a show!!!


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
You'll have to wait a bit for new episodes of Dexter, Doc. I just read yesterday that its star, Michael C. Hall is taking a break as he's fighting cancer. But I agree it'S an incredible show. And I've recently tried two new offerings from HBO that are both extremely fascinating: The PACIFIC, from Tom Hanks and a lot of the same crew from Band of Brothers. And Spartacus, an extremely gory sword and sandals series (I only caught half an episode last weekend, an extremely graphic massacre as escaping gladiator slaves hack away at their noblemen captors) They used a lot of the same sword-fighting money shots technique from the recent 300 movie... I'll definitely catch it regularly starting next weekend...
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Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Criminal Minds
Big Bang and 3 1/2 Men

American Idol :eek: I'm a Bowersox fan

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You'll have to wait a bit for new episodes of Dexter, Doc. I just read yesterday that its star, Michael C. Hall is taking a break as he's fighting cancer. But I agree it'S an incredible show. And I've recently tried two new offerings from HBO that are both extremely fascinating: The PACIFIC, from Tom Hanks and a lot of the same crew from Band of Brothers.

I thought Michael C. Hall had battled cancer last year & was now cancer free? Anyways, i totally forgot to mention The PACIFIC. It's probably the best mini-series out there right now (i love war movies!), but i must admit that i'm a tad disappointed since i don't find it better (or any close) to one of my all-time favorite mini-series, A BAND OF BROTHERS, which i could watch over & over. The difference? Not as many familiar characters, holes in the plot line, too much romance, not enough gore, etc. But who knows, they're only halfways into the series so far, so maybe it'll pick up.


Feb 8, 2009
Montreal, of course
The ones I like right now are:

- House (the character is so complex)
- Lost (because it is so weird)
- The Simpsons (not as funny as it was 10 years ago, but still pretty funny)
- Stargate: Universe (not very good, but it's science-fiction so...)
- Law & Order: The original and Criminal Intent (unbelievable quality cop shows)
- Man Vs Wild (The only "reality" show I can stomach)

The ones I stopped watching are:

- Heroes
- Desperate Housewives

The ones I would still watch but have been canceled:

- The Unit
- Pushing Daisies
- The Sarah Connor Chronicles



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Showtime's...The Tudors!

Hello all,

It's not a movie release per say, but I have been catching up on Showtime's "The Tudors". Unless generally true life historically based dramas just aren't your thing, the series is extraordinary. Yes, the facts are generally pretty accurate, but the interwoven writing license in the plot and dialogue used are all very creative and mesmerizing. The series is not historical petition, it's got great creative drama. The acting, the writing, the settings, and the wardrobes are all excellent. I have been renting the discs at a cost of $2.15 for 2 discs with a loan of 3 days. Just saw the truly unnerving trial of Anne Boleyn's accused lovers in the second season, scene 9. UNBELIEVABLE! You just can't get so much in a two or three hour movie. Better than HBO's "Rome". Maybe the best series I've ever seen. Love, lust, political intrigue, and inter-personal subterfuge all the way.

Note: Just needed to get over Henry VIII looking like a woman's cover boy fantasy.



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

Great episode yesterday, where 'E' discovers anal sex for the first time. Great scenes with Sasha Grey made her series debut as Vince's love interest.....Sasha Grey!

Other great scenes with Ari & his wife, and of course, the unsung star of the show, Johnny Drama (Kevin Dillon). Great episode!
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Mss Veronika

a sensual adventure...MV
Apr 11, 2008
I can't miss one episode of these series:

Desperate Housewives
Secret diary of a callgirl
True Blood


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Is anyone planning on watching the Hawaii Five O remake at 10 pm on CBS tonight?

Are any of you old enough to remember the original series in its heyday?


Pimpin' ain't easy...
Dec 18, 2005
MythBusters ! surtout avec Kari Byron ;-)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Pawn Stars and Pickers

I hate to say it but I really enjoy Glee


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hawaii Five O

I have watched the 1st two episodes of the new Hawaii Five O series and am enjoying it so far.

I was a big fan of the original series. The new series is better written than what I was expecting. They have created interesting back stories on the 3 main characters, Steve McGarrett, Danny "Danno" Williams and Chin Ho Kelly. In addition, the Kono/Kona character is now a woman, a gorgeous and enticing rookie played by Grace Park who is smoking hot both in and out of her many bikinis.

One interesting change is in the character of Danno Williams. The original Danno Williams, played by James McArthur, was a straightlaced, by-the-book detective who maintained a calm and professional demeanor and manner of dress at all times, and he NEVER talked back to McGarrett, although he was verbally abused at times. The new Danno, as very interestingly played by Scott Caan (son of James Caan), is somewhat straightlaced and professional, but he also is something of a wiseass who spouts one liners and talks back at McGarrett any time there is a perceived slight or a departure from department protocol. McGarrett, as played in the new series by Alex O'Loughlin, is similar to the original McGarrett but is not as good an actor as Jack Lord and does not wear a suit and tie. There is no pretense of professionalism and his character is actually somewhat similar to Clint Eastwood's "Dirty Harry Callahan", with the difference being he is Governor appointed and therefore answers to nobody, and he knows it. Thus the interesting chemistry between McGarrett and Danno, who emerges as the only constraint whatsoever on McGarrett's unwielding power and utterly ruthless, unorthodox pursuit of criminals.

The series makes good use of modern technology and showing how police use video and electronic technology to solve crimes. I know they are not the only TV show that does this, but it is still very interesting. The show's creators are definitely trying to pitch technology as a tool of modern law enforcement.

My only criticism is I am not fond of the directorial style used in this series. In the original series, which was shot on location in Hawaii, there were many long scenes especially where the Hawaiian landscape was used to provide an interesting sheen and background and the camera would stay on one scene for 5 minutes. The new series is a lot of quick cuts and I sometimes get the feeling that the show is being shot for an audience of ADD and ADHD patients who do not have the attention span to watch anything for more than 30 seconds. Frankly it drives me a bit crazy at times.

The theme song is being used, which is not surprising since it's the best theme song in television history:
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
I watched the first episode of HBO's Boardwalk Empire, starring Steve Buscemi: Amazing set design as they successfully recreate 1920's Atlantic City, with tons of crowd scenes and gorgeous period costumes and vehicles. The storyline and ending is very much like the Godfather, understandable because this episode was also directed by Martin Scorcese, no stranger to gangster stories...
Finally saw the first episode of SpartACUS:bLOOD AND SAND. Hyper-violent, and it shamelessly borrows from the 300 movie's action style for fight scenes. Also noteworthy are the many scenes with gorgeous nude women. In fact , I don't often say this, but the lone blonde character (played by australian Viva Brava), when she totally disrobed is one world-class piece of ass!! Had to wipe the drool from the side of my mouth...:)
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Spartacus on Starz

Hello all,

This show is an epic scale flood like a Biblical deluge of nudity, sex, blood, gore, savagery, macho chest thumping, and enough evil intrigue to compete with an entire state's population of conniving back-stabbing teenage girls. Shot is the style of "300" with stop-action blood sports that frequently turn your entire screen red it is far gorier than anything I've ever seen. Every bang or slash shoots rocketing splatters or gushing blood. Neck slashes fire out blood like a high pressure squirt gun, intestines pour out of deep abdominal gashes, flesh splits open like beef at a butcher's shop,...and heads, arms and legs going flying everywhere while weapons, armor, and the gladiators themselves are often drenched in blood. Sex is almost as non-stop as the gore and often as mundanely performed as a tedious habit before breakfast or as a diversion while in the stands when bored with the same old gladiatorial butchery.

There are almost no records of what Spartacus was like as a gladiator, so the writers are not burdened with known history (if they might care at all) and they indulged themselves by creating intrigue and brutality well beyond comparable stories like Rome or The Tudors, and likely beyond anything television has ever known. The entire first season is used to indulge in every vice and brutality (as we would call it today) right up the slave uprising in the last episode. From there the writers will have to deal with comparisons to the historical record (again, if they care) which is fairly precise. But except for names, places, and the structure of Roman society the writers let their imaginations go wild in the first season.

No I am not recommending Spartacus. The information above is a caution on it's savagery. But if that is what you like.........




I'm in love with Mira played by Katrina Law.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Spartacus was my favourite series last year. I enjoyed it so much that even though I downloaded every episode, I went out and bought the series on Blu-ray last Saturday. The quality is great and there are a few extended episodes with some worthwhile extra scenes. Haven't watched the bonus features yet but they seem to be decent. Unfortunately the lead actor will not be returning to the series due to his battle with cancer and they're looking for a replacement. So instead of a second season they've filmed a prequel series to be aired in 2011 focusing on the other lead characters.

I haven't come across any must see new series yet this year and so far I'm still watching my old favourites like Two and a half Men, Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother which I started watching in re-runs over the summer. I picked up the first season of Fringe on Blu-ray too and finally started to get into it which I couldn't for whatever reason when it started airing. Now I'll have to get the other seasons when they go on sale. I can't seem to get into watching shows with commercials anymore I guess.
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