I understand you to have fears. Totally normal.
Let's say that you are living a kind of "lune de miel", "honey moon" presently because you are new to this, and yes, that can look magical from certain perspectives.
I am asking you something: please, always keep this jovial attitude in your heart. Some become delusional and bitter after a while because they have believed things they constructed in their minds that appeared to not be the "real reality".
Take those encounters as temporary pleasure bubbles of entertaining that you are creating with the ladies you choose to meet. And everything should be fine for that part.
The other part about to become very active sexually and could look as an addiction : Yes, it could totally bring your body to want to continue to have the same pace.
But, that's exactly the same path of constructing the habit to be highly sexual, than less sexual eventually after.
The body is adapting to what you will make it live, with probably a little period of adaptation, but that's not the end of the world. :smile:
Like others have mentioned, you could be more of a "good" candidate if you were having already a general profile of addiction. That's what I think too.
But hey, I'm not a specialist, just old enough and experienced. ound:
I understand you to have fears. Totally normal.
Let's say that you are living a kind of "lune de miel", "honey moon" presently because you are new to this, and yes, that can look magical from certain perspectives.
I am asking you something: please, always keep this jovial attitude in your heart. Some become delusional and bitter after a while because they have believed things they constructed in their minds that appeared to not be the "real reality".
Take those encounters as temporary pleasure bubbles of entertaining that you are creating with the ladies you choose to meet. And everything should be fine for that part.
The other part about to become very active sexually and could look as an addiction : Yes, it could totally bring your body to want to continue to have the same pace.
But, that's exactly the same path of constructing the habit to be highly sexual, than less sexual eventually after.
The body is adapting to what you will make it live, with probably a little period of adaptation, but that's not the end of the world. :smile:
Like others have mentioned, you could be more of a "good" candidate if you were having already a general profile of addiction. That's what I think too.
But hey, I'm not a specialist, just old enough and experienced. ound: