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First overnight with SP tips?

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May 1, 2016
I rarely do something like this. The last time I did was in Montreal 2 years ago. We did Breakfast the next morning and it happened to be off the clock (don't expect this). We had some sort of chemistry so it was a natural progression and we had a great time. It was really special. But again, we had chemistry and the conversation flowed and there were warm feelings. I bought her bread to take home, walked her to her Uber that I arranged, and said goodbye.

Absolutely. Do not get least until after the sex and don't get her too drunk because you turn into a babysitter and someone who pays another to sleep. Have some high end crackers and cheese etc. I couldn't imagine an evening with a girl were we didn't imbibe in something.

3. Any other tips you might have.

What? I wouldn't go into an arrangement like this without chemistry. If there is an issue you could be paying for several hours of hell. It is up to you to set the atmosphere. I always go in with a fun, happy, go-lucky attitude, joking, smiling, laughing, pouring wine...especially with two girls. Make it fun and make them feel secure and comfortable so they can relax and have fun.
I never said there was no chemistry. I had slept about 6 hours total in the 2 nights prior to the appointment, and my little guy fell asleep at one point and it wouldn't get back up :noidea:. We ended up just talking and cuddling and I honestly had a great time nonetheless. If I only wanted sex, I'd see agency girls.

Also, high end crackers? Like what? Genuinely curious.

My tip for you is to pick a girl with whom you have a lot of hobbys/interests in common. It's even better to meet the person first to learn to know her and see if there is chemistry. An overnight can be the best experience of your life or it can be the worst. Have fun!
Good advice. I'm so easygoing that it's very rare that I don't get along with a girl. I have already seen her and enjoy her company very much.

My god, this thread is discouraging... come in gu
12h is not an extended fuck! Yes you're going to have to talk to her, yes she may snore, yes you may get to know her other sides... isn't it why you do thé 12h? To have a little bit more of a relationship than a quick sex?

So if you're not into relationships, well obviously don't do it! And if you do and it's awkward, look in the mirror whose fault it is!

Yes you're the man in the relationship and you may be expected to take the lead... and that is not different because she's an sp or your wife for that matter!
Exactly, that's why I was asking how the etiquette might differ from that of a shorter encounter. It is different though, your wife (hopefully) doesn't have a timer running in the background and you don't have much to lose by cutting a date short if it does suck that bad. That being said, if I play my cards right I'm sure it's gonna be great.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Oh and by the way I never paid for a TDL. This is Brazil man...if a garota like the sex with you then everything after a regular session is de graça (free).

- I connected with Nat (a 25 years old garota) and she wanted to spend the night with me....

For me I had two: One in Montreal and the other in Brazil and I never paid for it either (we all pay in some way. Nothing is free.) In Brazil it meant when I went o Monte Carlo I would only see Angel and I would not go to any other place. better yet I would stay in my room and wait for her to get off work. The other time was Montreal. The girl had a little too much to drink so I had to babysit. We became good friends as a result but nothing is free.

A mestico from Brooklin in Sao Paulo invited herself into my life and i said yes, yes but I took off and made excuses. I feel like I am trading my freedom for one girl that is going to claim me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I never said there was no chemistry. I had slept about 6 hours total in the 2 nights prior to the appointment, and my little guy fell asleep at one point and it wouldn't get back up :noidea:. We ended up just talking and cuddling and I honestly had a great time nonetheless. If I only wanted sex, I'd see agency girls.

Also, high end crackers? Like what? Genuinely curious.


I'm just saying have cheese and cracker and I don't mean that Velveta cube and some Saltines or Ritz.

Then go for it. But take a viagra with you or better yet a Cialis so you don't have that problem. I live vitamin V. Just bite off a corner and wash it down with beer or wine and continue this once or two=ice during the night. You don't need much. This will help and you will be as hard as a brick into the wee hours of the night. You may not spout but it will be fun.

I just don't pay girls to sleep. I don't charge either but there is always a cost.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
As previously stated, chemistry is a must with an overnighter..I’ve had several with two SPs (both being a couple days in a row). It’s quite different from a normal session and was a lot of fun for me.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Would you buy a car before test driving it? It seems like we have such characters in this thread. All these posts that suggest a massive chemistry fail- did you not know going in that if you have not spent a lot of time with a woman, there is a chance that the chemistry will not be there on an overnight? This thread is like reading a playbook for Little League baseball. Who leaves cash and jewelry laying around with ANY company in the house/apartment/hotel room? The elevator is not going to the top floor here, it seems.


aka SweetLabrador
Aug 5, 2015
I guess I am the minority. I couldn't get enough overnights. I love overnights.

My feedback to Gabars' original questions

1. Breakfast:
- There is no need to plan. Let the chemistry decides. If both of you want breakfast together, it will happen (doesn't matter if it is within our outside of 12h). If she has enough of you, forcing her to have breakfast with you won't be a good idea anyway.

2. Wine:
- I personally like to go to SAQ together. You have 12h together anyway. Shopping in SAQ with some public play seems nice to me.

3. What other questions do you have?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Not about to pay someone for sleeping or for friendship.
Sex for an hour or two has enough room for all the conversation I need between two people who don't know much about each other and are not likely to have any kind of real relationship.
I don't mind paying for things of value, snoring is not one of them.

Agreed. Even going with a 5 hour dinner/concert/whateva date I would be happy to part ways and get a good nights sleep.


May 1, 2016
I guess I am the minority. I couldn't get enough overnights. I love overnights.

My feedback to Gabars' original questions

1. Breakfast:
- There is no need to plan. Let the chemistry decides. If both of you want breakfast together, it will happen (doesn't matter if it is within our outside of 12h). If she has enough of you, forcing her to have breakfast with you won't be a good idea anyway.
I hadn't thought of it that way. Thanks for the advice! I'll just let things unfold naturally.
2. Wine:
- I personally like to go to SAQ together. You have 12h together anyway. Shopping in SAQ with some public play seems nice to me.
There are no SAQs within walking distance of her incall, I just assumed SPs might not feel comfortable hopping in client's cars. Won't hurt to ask though.
3. What other questions do you have?
Nothing specific, I just figured there might be some less obvious do's and don'ts I'm not aware of.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Ok guys I have to say what I think.

Having a over night with an sp is reaching a point where you lost sense of reality.

I mean dude think about it you are paying a girl to fucking sleep!!!

Sorry to be rude but it make absolutely no sense to me. Pay the girl a uber ride home at midnight after the fun and sex and if you REALLY want to have breakfast with pay a uber back next morning.

Unless you have money to throw out the window and/or have lost all sense of reality I simply cannot grasp why would anyone pay an sp for sleeping.

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May 1, 2016
I mean dude think about it you are paying a girl to fucking sleep!!!
No, I'm paying to fall asleep and wake up next to her
Unless you have money to throw out the window and/or have lost all sense of reality I simply cannot grasp why would anyone pay an sp for sleeping.
Well, no one is asking you to.

This thread isn't about the pros and cons of seeing a girl overnight.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I did a sleep study once at the university and I was paid a small fee so it does happen...and yes, you asked everyone.

It was kind of neat to look over and see this angel sleeping next to me but it can be a lot of work.


Aug 26, 2016
Lots of people being pretty big downers.

Just keep your expectations in check and plan for some reasonable activities to do together. Wine is good or desserts and tea/coffee. Clearly it’s something you think you’d enjoy so don’t let others stress you out - if you’re socially awkward though 12 hours of “forced” continuous time together can be tough for anyone


Sep 4, 2006
I think the response the OP got here was to be expected, MERBites are always eager to criticise someone's choices in how they spend time with an SP rather than offer genuine advice or simply answer a question. I'd like to see the community be more welcoming of all types of hobbyists but it has a long way to go. We all get into this hobby for different reasons and its naive to think everyone has to practice it exactly the same way.

As someone who has enjoyed several overnights and trips with SPs, here is my input:
1. 12 hours does not mean there will be sleep, or much sleep rather. there is an expectation of some middle of the night nookie. Its not a marathon fuck session, but it also does not mean there will be more than a few hours sleep. Depends on how well you mesh.
2. Spend some time thinking about when the rdv will start. if you are a night owl then 8pm or later is fine, but if you are an early sleeper try to get started eaorlier.
3. I find 12 hours very short if you include going out for dinner. With my sleeping habbits I prefer 14 hours but if you are eating room service then 12 is fine
4. For breakfast its perfectly fine to order and eat in the room. You do not have to go out for breakfast. I generally enjoy fucking before and after breakfast, its the perfect way to start the day. But some women are zombies before getting coffee so dont always count on it.
Edit: Another option for breakfast is getting coffee and muffins/scones and coming back to the room. Works well if you are an early riser. I find Melk on Drummond works best if you are in that area.
5. Don't sweat the wine selection, and dont feel obligated. Something like Reisling or Pinot Grigio from SAQ is a safe and inexpensive choice. Let her indulge and just nurse one glass yourself. Remember you have a long session ahead and don't want to dull your senses.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
What, the University supplied a sleep buddy that you could wake up to or it was a coed sleep study.

Sure beats selling your blood to buy beer, I knew I should have gone to the University instead.
Then again with my luck she would probably be a candidate for the kennel club.

No Sam....Sorry, I was making two different comments. I signed up for a sleep study when I was at the university and it paid. So you see I got paid for sleeping so it does happen.

I also wanted to tell the OP that when I had the two sleep overs, I thought it was kind of cool when I looked over at this angel sleeping next to me. I'll never for get hearing the soothing music I was playing (an old song called "wildfire" and seeing this angel sleeping next to me. She was beautiful even while sleeping. Add this song to your late night playlist by Michael Martin Murphy:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This thread isn't about the pros and cons of seeing a girl overnight.

Ok, after some pondering that if I were to do this.
For me 12 hrs is a long time. I would probably go to The Keg ( Gibbys is far too formal ) for a couple of hrs, perhaps walk around old Montreal to wear the food off ( sex on a full stomach is not great ). During the walk we would go into a liquor store and ask what she would like to drink later, this should kill 3 hrs. Head back to
Condo or whatever, have a fresh bowl of strawberries ready with a few choices of yogurt and granola ( personal favorite ), a little conversation and sex for lets say a hour, after give her the remote and ask if there is a movie she would like to see. Some mutual oral sex for half an hr and off to bed ( yes a shower here and there ). Wake up, quick shower, oral sex ( my favorite ), make her my famous omelette and take her home.


May 1, 2016
Wow! Thanks for the reply :)

You're not too late. Of course, all of this will be discussed with her, I'm still struggling to find the right compromise. If we discuss everything prior to the rendez-vous, it takes away my chance to (pleasantly) surprise her, and if we don't, then I might overstep. I might be thinking too much. I guess a bit of cold business talk can't be avoided.

I know the incall has to be booked, after the 12 hours I think we're both expected to be out the door ;)

For breakfast, I think I won't plan anything ahead but let her know it's a possibility.

Thanks for the tips!


May 1, 2016
@Danni thanks for the reply! Giving lingerie and sex toys aren't really my style. I think I'm just going to be myself rather than try to impress her. Nice domain name btw ;)
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