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Florida mass shooting kills many teens- another one

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Yeah.... So some here think it is OK to open our borders to all, no issues but when someine uses a gun and kills a few students the world ends. Drunk drivers kill far more than school killings, you should be focusing your anger on them, if you succeed there would be a ten fold improvement.
The ideas of armed guards, metal detectors and shrink exams are a pipe dream. The costs are massive and not guaranteed to work.
Sad but it is a part of life, it has happened and it will happen again.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Here's a solution: we need every Arab and every black man in the USA to go out tomorrow and buy an AR-15. Trust that they'll be banned by Monday. I'm a genius.

LOL, good one

But sorry to inform you that blacks have been using other tools of killing for long long time and
nothing has been done about it (They don't need to do any mass buying of AR-15 on Monday).

Per some American statistics the average annual murder rate in the U.S is about 35.000,
AR-15 does not play a major role in the total picture).

I'm afraid to say that that in this case, the Arabs buying AR-15s are on their own.


New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Yeah.... So some here think it is OK to open our borders to all, no issues but when someine uses a gun and kills a few students the world ends. Drunk drivers kill far more than school killings, you should be focusing your anger on them, if you succeed there would be a ten fold improvement.
The ideas of armed guards, metal detectors and shrink exams are a pipe dream. The costs are massive and not guaranteed to work.
Sad but it is a part of life, it has happened and it will happen again.
Please remind me not to hire you the day I need someone to get a job done. This is exactly the kind of spineless answer the NRA loves to hear.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Please remind me not to hire you the day I need someone to get a job done. This is exactly the kind of spineless answer the NRA loves to hear.

Yeah... Don't need a job. BTW, loved your comment about a simple solution to solve this issue, bring some army personal back, what some 5,000 to 6,000 to sit in schools and metal detecters ( I swear ). You really thought this one out well. There are probably over 200,000 schools with about 500,000 entrances. Yes, simple.
I am a realist, shit happens in life, unpleasant shit that should not happen. Kids get raped by pedophiles, women get beaten by men, drunks kill people while driving.
I am for capital punishment, murderers should be killed, pedophiles and rapists public castration and 20 yrs in jail common area not hidden away with the other pervs, drunk drivers who kill 20 yrs.

Spineless are the ones who feel sorry for the criminals and want to give them a third or fourth chance.
( I swear )...
Sorry, still laugh at that and your way out there " simple " solution.

I simple solution would be to automatically put a bullet in someones head when they try to kill, rape, drink and drive etc, after the first few the rest would perhaps think twice.

Gun control will not happen in the USA, even weak Canada tried a failed $2 billion gun registry, think Americans will be more welcoming.
Working for you would be like spinning your wheels in mud, make a lot of noise but go no where.

Edit: coffee and banana bread break.

Is it just the gun thing that bothers you or is it the amount of lives lost? If you are pissed about innocent people seeing there are far more serious deaths, drunk drivers. Millions of incidents a year and over 10,000 deaths, if you were the POTUS, what would be your simple solution? Alcohol restrictions, someone who drinks can not have a drivers license, have trained people at all pub exits looking for drunk drivers. Perhaps have a requirement to have a shrinks certificate to be able to purchase alcohol.
I know a few are thinking, that is stupid.... really?


New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Ok then let's just send our prayers and do sweet fuckall about the killings (because it's too soon, because it would cost too much and because "gun control doesn't work" and oh! Almost forgot! the 2nd Amendment!...)

1. It's never too soon. That's a stupid ass thing people say to make the Administration's critics shut up (i.e. "you seem more interested in policies than in the poor victims" kinda guilt feeling they want you to have. Then, in the same comment, people like that bitch and complain about too many Muslim refugees being allowed in *sigh*)
2. Costs too much? The US spends $68B yearly on its army and now the big orange clownfish wants to blow $20B on a fucking wall. Priorities?
3. Gun control doesn't work except in Australia, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, England, Spain and the list goes on.
4. Any constitutionalist with a brain says the the 2nd Amendment needs to be understood in the proper context.

Cut the bullcrap please. The US is a failed nation at many levels and its policy makers are too corrupt and weak to do what it takes to stop the massacre.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
But the solution is not as simple as you think, you blurt out soldiers and metal detectors as if anyone could see your solution as simple.
First of all you would need 500,000 soldiers ( protecters ) with your plan and it would not help 100% second with the metal detectors, very low on the prevention side, not much thought put into it. Airports have metal protecters to keep weapons off airplanes not out of the airport or they would be at the main entrance, some schools have metal detectors but they are from keeping gang members from bringing in knives and a small percentage of guns.
Once a " mass killer " is near the metal detector he is already in the building, kill the min wage guy manning the detector and shoot away.
You had 2 very " simple " plans that have no way of working 100% even 50% would be pushing it.
Gun control will not happen in the US.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I will agree that fully automatic weapons should need a shrink test and a damn good reason to own one. To make taxpayers pay for metal detectors ( $ 2 billion plus maintenance ) and/or hire 400,000 security guards to solve a high of 40% of an issue that causes very few mass killings.
This is part of a graph from 2012 to 2018.
Sixteen of the 239 shootings shown below can be classified as mass shootings, events in which four or more people are shot.

On average, there have been about five school shootings each month, including episodes that were not mass shootings.
" Also in the article, these numbers include a gun going off in someones backpack and a couple of suicides."

Not saying every life is not valuable but the cost to secure all schools is far to high, billions of school kids do not get shot on a daily basis.
One way to assist in all crime is to make the punishment severe. You catch a school killer or any mass murderer put a bullet in his/her head and bury them, no name in the papers they are just gone. Rapists or pedophiles, put them in general population justice would be served. Laws or regulations are no concerns of criminals, they will commit their crime one way or another. You need to make them think twice before they decide to commit their crime.
Drunk drivers worry me more than some fucked up person who decides to kill a few people, 400 deaths compared to 10,000


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think one of the biggest problems we have is the media coverage they give the shooter. The shooter knows that they can gain more notoriety in their day of infamy than they ever would in their miserable lives. How many warped minds are watching the 24 -hour news cycle thinking I ought to cash in on my 15 minutes of fame?

The media should take a page out of the sports broadcaster's book. This is somewhat analogous to the streaking issue of the 70's and 80's (with much less dire consequences of course). At first, they used to put them on TV and black out the reproductive organs and pretty soon, every event would be disrupted by a streaker. At some point, all the networks got together and they stopped giving these guys a platform. The cameras would break away from the action and the guys in the booth would say "We have an idiot disrupting the game" and that was it. They didn't even say the word streaker.

Another thing about the shooter...I don't want to see his face and know his name. I don't want to see his classmates and neighbors interviewed. I do not want to see any video or to be read any note that the shooter left behind, etc. I do not think it is the entire answer but it is a good start.

I also think that gun free zones should be renamed shooting galleries. Having a photo of a gun with a circle and a line through it has never made anyone safer. There are confident individuals that should be able to carry concealed in some of these places.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
We think the same Hungry. See my post 27. Fuck and ignore the shooter at all cost! By doing this it's clear shooters are saying a big fuck you to the world. Remove the possibility to anyone to know who they are and they will think twice. Completely agree!



Jun 14, 2015

Your swing produces a bunt in the pitcher's hands...

Did you see with which countries you take the comparisons? Honduras, Guatemala, Jamaica, El Salvador, Panama, Colombia... All those countries have third World economies and poor education system.


New Member
Nov 12, 2017
I think you people are making the Media get to you. So easy to manipulate your thinking and twist it to whatever they want you to believe. Gun homicides is relatively low in the US. It still considered one of the safe counties and actually has a low rate of gun homicides compared to other countries. The US has the highest rate of guns per capita in the world, but its still has a low rate of homicides (Yes Low, 3.6/100,000). Something to think about, The countries with the highest gun homicides are those with a low rate of gun ownership and much higher gun restrictions.
Oh! That's just 12,000 homicides every year. Almost just as safe as Italy (260 homicides), Canada (136 homicides), Japan (0 homicide), Poland (15 homicides).......... Everything is good then!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Another stat on gun violence.

In 2013, firearm deaths accounted for over 11 percent of all years of potential life lost among the black population, but less than 6 percent of all years of potential life lost among the white population.

White suicides, black homicides

Gun deaths also vary dramatically by type. The vast majority (77 percent) of white gun deaths are suicides; less than one in five (19 percent) is a homicide. These figures are nearly opposite in the black population, where only 14 percent of gun deaths are suicides but 82 percent are homicides:

The firearm homicide rate among black men aged 20-29 is about 89 per 100,000.To put that fact in some international perspective, in Honduras—the country with the highest recorded homicide rate—there were 90.4 intentional murders per 100,000 people in 2012. That includes all means, not just firearm homicides.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I think you people are making the Media get to you. So easy to manipulate your thinking and twist it to whatever they want you to believe.

The left is easily manipulated, during the last Canadian election the media had a big hand in getting Harper out, so many people now regret voting for Justine. Then the gorilla was shot in the zoo people went into a frenzy about a gorilla being killed, did not give a fuck that gorillas have been slaughtered in the past. People here were foaming at the mouth about Trump, impeachment, will not last one term, Russia scandals.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You have to also consider that according to the FBI, some 700,000/yr people in the US use guns to protect themselves from crime avoiding potential murder. Even though not all those 700K would have led to murder, lets say only 1 out of 20 or 5% of those used a gun to protect themselves from being killed, thats 35,000 people. So thats 35,000 people that were saved because they were armed vs 12,000 killed and a lot of those 12,000 killed were involved in crime to begin with.

Sorry to say but these are total bogus stats you made up right? The reality is most people armed to protect themselves end up killing or mostly injuring themselves or a family member. Many kids. That destroys the life of very good families in the sake of "protection"... This is insane but it is the reality.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

Introductory Notes

This research is based upon the most recent available data in 2016. Facts from earlier years are cited based upon availability and relevance, not to slant results by singling out specific years that are different from others. Likewise, data associated with the effects of gun control laws in various geographical areas represent random, demographically diverse places in which such data is available.

Many aspects of the gun control issue are best measured and sometimes can only be measured through surveys,[1]*but the accuracy of such surveys depends upon respondents providing truthful answers to questions that are sometimes controversial and potentially incriminating.[2]*Thus, Just Facts uses this data critically, citing the best-designed surveys we find, detailing their inner workings in our footnotes, and using the most cautious plausible interpretations of the results.

Particularly, when statistics are involved, the determination of what constitutes a credible fact (and what does not) can contain elements of personal subjectivity. It is our mission to minimize subjective information and to provide highly factual content. Therefore, we are taking the additional step of providing readers with*four examples*to illustrate the type of material that was excluded because it did not meet Just Facts’*Standards of Credibility.


* Firearms are generally classified into three broad types: (1) handguns, (2) rifles, and (3) shotguns.[3]*Rifles and shotguns are both considered “long guns.”

* A semi-automatic firearm fires one bullet each time the trigger is pulled, ejects the shell of the fired bullet, and automatically loads another bullet for the next pull of the trigger. A fully automatic firearm fires multiple bullets with the single pull of the trigger.[4]*[5]


* The United States had a population of 319 million people in 2014.[6]

* Roughly 371 million firearms were owned by U.S. civilians and domestic law enforcement in 2014. Of these, about 146 million or 39% were handguns.[7]

* Civilians accounted for 80% of non-military gun industry revenues in 2012.[8]

* Handguns comprised 52% of all new guns sold to civilians and law enforcement in 2014, as compared to 35% in 2000.[9]

* Based upon national surveys, the following are estimates of private firearm ownership in the U.S. as of 2016:

Households With a Gun

Adults Owning a Gun


36% – 49%

23% – 36%


* Gallup polls conducted from 2007 to 2012 found the following levels of self-declared gun ownership among different groups of people:


Portion Owning a Firearm
















* In a 2013 Gallup poll, gun owners stated they own firearms for the following reasons:



Protection Against Crime




Recreation/Target Shooting



Crime and Self-Defense

* Roughly 16,459 murders were committed in the United States during 2016. Of these, about 11,961 or 73% were committed with firearms.[17]*[18]

* A 1993 nationwide survey of 4,977 households found that over the previous five years, at least 0.5% of households had members who had used a gun for defense during a situation in which they thought someone “almost certainly would have been killed” if they “had not used a gun for protection.” This amounted to 162,000 such incidents per year. This excludes all “military service, police work, or work as a security guard.”[19]

* Based on survey data from the U.S. Department of Justice, roughly 5.9 million violent crimes were committed in the United States during 2014.[20][21]*These include simple/aggravated assaults, robberies, sexual assaults, rapes, and murders.[22]*Of these, about 600,000 or 10% were committed by offenders visibly armed with a gun.[23]

* Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the*Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[24]*U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[25]

* A 1993 nationwide survey of 4,977 households found that over the previous five years, at least 3.5% of households had members who had used a gun “for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere.” This amounted to 1,029,615 such incidents per year. This excludes all “military service, police work, or work as a security guard.”[26]

* A 1994 survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Americans use guns to frighten away intruders who are breaking into their homes about 498,000 times per year.[27]

* A 1982 survey of male felons in 11 state prisons across the U.S. found:

34% had been “scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim.”40% had decided not to commit a crime because they “knew or believed that the victim was carrying a gun.”69% personally knew other criminals who had been “scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim.”[28]



New Member
Nov 12, 2017
"Nothing" is zero homicide like in Japan (population 127,000,000 hence 0 homicide x 320,000,000 (US population) / 127,000,000 (Japan population) = 0 homicide.

Meanwhile in the US 12,000 homicides a year (more or less the equivalent of the Lativian genocide death toll i.e. "nothing") is 120,000 homicides in the next decade and 1 200 000 homicides by 2118. That's the entire population of New Hampshire right there. "Nothing".

The apologists here are just pathetic. Not sure they would say "nothing" should a loved one was the victim.
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