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For or against abortion ?

Gambling Fool

Knowledge is power
Apr 3, 2005
I've been reading the lounge area quite a bit lately and realize it's much more that just hobby talk. It's a place where we can find out how our fellow merbites think on certain subjects. I find this quite interesting in the psychological aspect. Can we determine some patterns in our way of thinking. For example; I would tend to assume that an overwelming majority of us are in favor of legalizing prostitution. Can this be said of other subjects ?

I propose a thread on the abortion issue. Do you believe in the womans right to choose or in the rights of the unborn child ?

To start this off, here's my opinion. I believe in choice. I am against bringing a child in this world if it is not the will of the parents. I also believe that the ultimate choice belongs to the women but the men should be consulted. If a mistake is made, the result should not be to go through the whole birth giving process. I know that many couples are looking to adopt these babies but the initial decision should not be imposed.

I accept and respect that others will not agree with my position on abortion. I also know that it is a very compliated social issue. So let's see what people are thinking and keep it clean.

Gambling Fool
Know the odds, play the game


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have to be honest here. If I found out that I got a woman pregnant I would ask her to have an abortion and would offer to pay for it. There are a number of personal reasons for this that I do not want to get into on a public board. Therefore, I guess I am pro-choice and believe that the man, as father, also has a choice in the matter especially if, after the child is born, the mother will be beating down his door for child support. To not have the father consulted, in my mind, imposes involuntary servitude upon him, in violation of the 13th amendment of the United States Constitution. If the abortion offer of payment is refused, then the mother should be required to waive any claims against the father for child support.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I am definately pro-choice. If you're against abortion, then don't have one. At any rate, I think women do not need the government deciding what is best for them... especially on matters such as this one.



Mar 26, 2005
Coast to Coast!
"Governements are always 30 years late on the society they govern.", said someone (I can recall his name.). I am for abortion (when it is really required). Individuals (esp. the pregnant women themselves) know better than anybody else what's right to choose for themselves. Mixing religion and politics is generally not a very good idea. Societies need some social rules, but I am sick and tired that power trippers abuse to control us.


Mar 15, 2004
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What is this I really can not believe this!!!!! Please who are you to tell me what
I can and can not to with my body, same for me, who the hell am I do tell you , you can not have an abortion. It is a painful thing to go though without having the hassel of pro-lifers. Now, they should really get a life of their own. :D Start hobbying why not. :confused: (as long as they let things be....)(or maybe help legalizing it) :eek: :p
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2-2 in bans... loser...
Le Cock Sportif said:
A woman has the right to decide what to do, go ahead with parenthood or not. Lots of social variables involved.

However, I think the real question in this thread should be: if your daughter comes up to you one day and says "dad/mon I am pregnant".... then what do YOU do?

Stand by her and her support her with whatever decision she makes, like a true parent should.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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LCS is right. The vast majority of vaginal penetration that is done on my dates is with tongue. I have not yet experienced semen ejaculating from my tongue, which I think would make me some kind of serpent. :D

A lot of the posters here say they are pro-choice, but if you look closely at their analyses they are really pro-life. Because if you start out with the premise that abortion is a bad thing and that the mother can overrule the father and proceed to childbirth even if that child may be born with a congenital ailment or cannot be adequately supported by the mother alone, then in my mind you really are not pro-choice. What you are is a hypocrite. :mad: Because part of that fetus is the father and he has rights too. And to impose on him the burden of not only paying child support but rearing that child, educating that child, making decisions regarding education and medical treatment for that child, is a totally unfair and unconstitutional form of involuntary servitude. Slavery. :eek:

Many of you have not seen what I have seen. I am down in the trenches with the underprivileged every day of my life, many of whom should never have had children for various reasons. But I am the one who is out there advocating for them and their children. I also believe that the governments should and eventually will impose birth control on their citizens. China has done it and others will follow. All of you need to really go out there and smell the coffee. Because you are reading too many editorials and not experiencing and solving the problems of our society as I do every day of my life. :mad:
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Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
regnad said:
Well, first you pray that Eagerbeaver isn`t the father.

Le Cock Sportif said:
Not sure how a girl can get knoked up with prolonged daty but if there is a way I would like to know :D

Don`t know if regnad was being facetious, but it is possible...
-> DFK -> DATY -> DFK ->

Sperms are really feisty littel guys who may not wait for the start signal to begin rushing for goal. That`s why withdrawal before ejaculation is not a safe birth-control method for sexual intercourse without a condom, STD risks aside. May be saliva is a hostile environemnt for sperms, but still in theory the above sequence of actions could provide a path for delivery. Come to think of it, this sequence could provide a cyclic path for mutual bodily fluid exchange. :eek:

The above is my speculation, and I don`t know what the actual risk is or whether it is likely. May be someone who is more knowledgeable in this topic can provide more details?


Mar 26, 2005
Coast to Coast!
EagerBeaverA lot of the posters here say they are pro-choice said:
What you are is a hypocrite. :mad:

If you're talking about me, I just said that I have no problem with it. You really need to be sure, because this is an very big decision to take and there's no way to "undo" it. It is sorta like you get a vasectomy or a transgender operation or something else, you will think seriously about it before the D-Day? So, that's about it. I don't see what's hypocrite here.


2-2 in bans... loser...
A hypocrite? No offence but when did the law pass that stated that you may make the decision for a woman's body that is going to change due to YOUR participation in mutual actions?

In my non-hypocritical opinion the choice is the woman's and if I am the responsible male party then I am liable. It was my decision to not use protection. Sticking your head in the sand to shirk responsibility is pure BS.

...but what do I know? I'm just a hypocrite....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Who said the law is right? Laws get amended, repealed, re-enacted, relegislated every year. Some people are still trying to figure out exactly what law is supported by Roe v. Wade. I am still trying to figure out what science supported Roe v. Wade. You guys are still trying to figure out what "pro-choice" actually means. What it should mean is people mutually making intelligent decisions and contracts, but what it actually means is one person's freedom to act stupidly and not in the best interests of one's self, the fetus or society.


New Member
Apr 7, 2005
For or against is not a fair question

There are a list of reasons that I find easy to agree with abortion, rape, incest, medical situations that put the woman's life in extreme danger. No preventative method is 100 percent, so accidents happen. Much of the easy to understand reasons are covered there.

The fact that plenty of women, especially teenagers are left behind in the dust by us guys when the seed is planted, helps grow understanding why sometimes a woman wants to abort. Courts may help sometimes in but not enough. I know and have known too many women left high and dry by some
waste of a man. So for those who would deny "choice", be sure that any
insemenators a brought fully to account for making sure any child is well
financed and cared for.

I don't think for most women an abortion is really a "choice", it not like ordering from a menu. The whole proceedure seems pretty invasive and there are few whole get multiple abortions. While I think abortions should be an option of last resort, it's between the woman and her doctor.


2-2 in bans... loser...
EagerBeaver said:
Who said the law is right? Laws get amended, repealed, re-enacted, relegislated every year. Some people are still trying to figure out exactly what law is supported by Roe v. Wade. I am still trying to figure out what science supported Roe v. Wade. You guys are still trying to figure out what "pro-choice" actually means. What it should mean is people mutually making intelligent decisions and contracts, but what it actually means is one person's freedom to act stupidly and not in the best interests of one's self, the fetus or society.

Again you presume that you know what others need to interpret it as. Now how hypocritical is that?

The problem with society is that no one wants to accept responsibility for their actions and they just point the finger to someone else. Also these same people believe that they and they alone know what is the right thing. You have your opinion and I respect that but it ain;t ever gonna change mine. Don't like the law as it is then that is your right to fight it, but since it IS the law today, live with it and live with your actions.

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