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full disclosure: here we go..

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Active Member
Apr 17, 2012
Gotta love Montreal
My Saturday night after some beers opinion: life is too short and this business is about providing good times to clients. Lets end this stupid drama and focus on the good things.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
It does seem like this thread has become washing our dirty laundry in public. First RB's thing, then it got deviated towards the GF/MDF case, attacks against UB's integrity.... I sense free for all coming soon.

Ok, time to let the cat out of the bag....... I have been known to smoke weed, I also pay women ( far younger than I ) to have sex with me.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
I can confidently vouch for the integrity of UncleBob, but full disclosure he lets me sniff the passenger seat in his car free of charge.

But, if hes driving miss daisy, wouldn't she be sitting in the back seat? You may be sniffing the seat the dog sits on while hanging his head out the window, just saying...:p

Ok, if were all being honest here, i can not tell a lie, its true, STN does smoke weed and pays women for sex, and they are young, i mean really Young, sometimes even in their mid 40.......

And i have to admit, i like to collect panties, so ladies, if you read this please bring a fresh pair with you and also, to Alexia, i lied the dog didn't eat your panties, i still have them, sorry.....Ok, enough of truth or dare...

Thor Jr


Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
wow, i come back a few days later and this thread still lives. this is much too complicated for my simple mind. i would have to take a day off work to sort it out; it reads like a day-time soap opera on the merb channel. i will say that i always found ricky bond's reviews out there and suspicious; i had reached a point of not reading them.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Reminder....Merb is not a church. No need to confess all your sins.
Save it for your priest


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Truth be told:

1- I was Isabella Desrosiers' boyfriend (or boy toy) for about a year. When I reviewed her a long time ago, I was still a client.
2- I still smoke weed, but dropped the hard stuff (so far in 2016 yeah!)
3- I jerk off most days I don't book
4- I'm planning on seeing many escorts in 2016 to catch up for 2015 What he says about the extent of his involvement with Daria is 100% true.
6- Pat98 loves ebonies and throws epic PGTs every Saturday
7- UncleSam fucked more girls at my place in 2016 than I did so far
8- Mia Rose got me horny last night LOL
9- I'm hoping Jennifer @ MTLGFE comes back
10- My Merb ignore list counts 3 people so far

-1 nice memories for sure and at PGTs too... :nod:
-2 well keep it up bro! way to go... :thumb:
-3 what about getting a PP lol
-4 shit can't wait for reviews
-5 yup 110% agree and it was a cheapshot move from MDGF69 for sure!:rolleyes:
-6 oh fuck yes oui and Merci!!! :D
-7 ah ah ah LOL
-8 shit ur not the only one... talk about it to me and ubob lol
-9 I hope so too
-10 ;)
-11 extra point 1001 posts ... drinks on me next time! :cool:
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Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Hello all and Thor Jr

You are right Backdoor "Bookers" are a Never ending story .This thread is only a very small portion of the iceberg .

Those Backdoor guys are creating damages to this business and to the ladies in it .

From drivers , clients , board members , boy friends , girls working at other agencies , x agency owners and bookers ,
doorman , waiters .cab drivers ,Limo drivers ,Hotel Concierge,the list is long of people trying to get a "piece of the pie "

Many questions comes to mind how they recruit there prey .
Poaching through agencies girl is one them ,making large promises.
Making Arrangements for touring in TO and Galgary was very popular and still is at least for one of the 2.
Providing them with more money on each calls because they do not pay marketing .

But at the end what counts the most your gross earnings or your net ?

Some clients where trying to develop amicable relationship with some of my top girls explaining to them they where top
business man would make them make more money then with the dummy pimp welfare guy she was working for ,that was me ,Lol

Always laugh at it since I was also successful in legitimate business .

Now some guys are using there long history of reviews to promote there experience to inexperience young girls ,like this thread revealed.

Hummmmmm! Truly

I fully concur



The part that I always find the most interesting of these rackets is this:

While these characters are hiding wherever they can, they are saved to get
criticized while they do criticize others working openly for all to see and need
constantly to explain their actions. Witch is part of any management, I concur.

However, with 17 pages already on the present subject, this is pretty explanatory!
"Full discloser ... " is the perfect title! And yes, it will remain The Neverending story.

In short, absolutely nothing new, that's the name of the game and welcome to the Party!

Heeeehaaaa! :lol:

Miss Jessy xxx

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008

Ah ha!

This explains why I have yet to read any "
My extra handles are ... " in this thread :nod:

Well i have two handles, and their lovable.....

Ok, seriously boys and girls, this really is the Neverending Story...................

Thor Jr


Jun 9, 2015
Sorry if it's off topic and sorry if I missed the info but I just saw that Ricky is banned. Anyone knows if he'll be back?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Anyone knows if he'll be back?

Likely not under that handle, unless he wants to start another disclosure thread on the Cinderella affair. I think Mr. Bonds will be turning a new leaf if he comes back. He may already be back for all that we know which technically isn't permitted if the Bonds handle is banned, but is if it goes to inactive status.


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
Likely not under that handle, unless he wants to start another disclosure thread on the Cinderella affair. I think Mr. Bonds will be turning a new leaf if he comes back. He may already be back for all that we know which technically isn't permitted if the Bonds handle is banned, but is if it goes to inactive status.

EB -- you should be billing some extremely wealthy client for all your posts on this thread :lol: As a young associate at a huge major firm, I was ordered by my bosses to find a way to bill three separate client simultaneously even if I'm using the restroom. Or if I'm at an away deposition, I, along with every new and junior associate, was expected to bill five (5) different clients -- man, those brakes in between depositions were great. But the "corruption" forced me to get out. But then the 2008 Great Recession hit and such practices abated or stopped.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
EB -- you should be billing some extremely wealthy client for all your posts on this thread :lol: As a young associate at a huge major firm, I was ordered by my bosses to find a way to bill three separate client simultaneously even if I'm using the restroom. Or if I'm at an away deposition, I, along with every new and junior associate, was expected to bill five (5) different clients -- man, those brakes in between depositions were great. But the "corruption" forced me to get out. But then the 2008 Great Recession hit and such practices abated or stopped.

I will never forget that when I was a young associate I was handed a file by a parter at the firm and he said to me, "when you are working on this file, and have to take a shit, you take the Practice Book into the toilet and sit down and read it, and see what you can figure out applies. Make efficient use of that time." And I did learn the Practice Book rules mostly by reading them while sitting on the toilet at that firm. So it's funny you mention this.
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