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GFE vs PSE ?


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Oct 3, 2004
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Asking a lot.

I understand the sentiment but that is part of what I was getting at. It is nearly impossible to categorize PSE since it is much broader by definition. There are simply too many categories of activities in Porn to narrow PSE down to 4 or 5 defining characteristics. Watch a porn movie and you'll usually see Anal, Facial, CIM, CIM and swallow, Dirty talk, Toys, outrageous lingerie, multiple partners, DP, role playing, bisexuality... and thats just off the top of my head.

If you really want to get into Porn deviance then you have CIM and Gargle, CIM and Gargle then Swallow, snowballing, ATM, Analingus, Vag Creampie, Anal Creampie, Golden shower, fruits and veggies, animals, torture/BDSM, Cuckold, Gagging, Bukakke, interacial, outdoors, gang bang, etc...

My point is that GFE is much more easily defined than PSE. PSE to me means one thing, Nasty and/or sexually deviant behavior which most girlfriends are hesitant to try or must be coaxed into trying much of which they do not want to do again. The most important part of PSE to me again is that the girl wants to be a willing participant in the activity and seeks to enjoy it. Narrowing it down to 4 or 5 specific things is pretty tough but don't let that stop you from trying.


Catwoman is mine
Feb 13, 2005
To finaly get a standard

I understand that porno movies go to all directions but we only looking for a standard to include most of SP that offer a GFE+ service. Off course there is many Porn standard but we are talking main stream. So the best is to keep it simple and if there is other xtras than great lol!!!

I think that we will all agree that when we say GFE we dont mean litteraly that she treats you like a boyfriend. For starters you would not have to pay if it was the case. So it is only a concept. After reading all your comments, to me the concept PSE should be kept simple if we want to use it to define the general attitude of an sp.

A) Pleasure (Sp must enjoy these activities)
B) Good is a must (since we are talking GFE+)
C) Greek (sp here must be able to accomodate most of regular sized)
D) Facial, CIM or PEARLS (SP must offer at least one of these)
E) Sexually Provocative Attire (Anything else than ordinary panties and bra)
F) Toys, toys, toys (any toys that the girls likes will do here)
This is are reasonable goal to achive for an SP who wants the title. Let me go into details.

Point A : if the SP dont enjoy this there is no point, she as to be willing and even show pleasure doing this.

Point B : Here any girl can offer this, the question is if she wants to offer it and if she as the talent to give a good one. As for DT not all the girl are able to do it so to not eliminate too many this should be considered extra.

Point C : Greek in that case is one of the important points. It must not be a YMMV thing. To be called a PSE an SP must be able to accomodate most of clients and enjoy this activity. This is what takes it futher. This of course is relative to the size of the SP herself.

Point D : Any of those can be ok to give the girl the choice of what she like. If she dont like the taste she have other options. If she do not want to mess her hair (sometimes expensive extensions LOL) she will have other choices. If one of these activities is not possible than the SP will not qualify for this category.

Point E : A marked effort for the clothes. Anything else than fruit of the looms or your mama bra and panties. We are talking about clothes made to open the sexual appetite of man, not to make woman confortable only.

Point F : The SP must enjoy toys either brang by gentleman or by her to fit in this category

These are a minimum to deserve the title of PSE wich makes it a reasonable possible goal to reach. The rest is extra and more difficult to achive for most girls. Now remember this is only a concept, like when I say TABLE, you will generaly have in your mind a kitchen table or an office table, not a coffe table or a picnic table.

I know guys that this doesnt cover everything but we have to make it a reachable goal, I know girls that this is a lot of work but this is a special title to describe those who push it a little further. Tell me what you think guys and it will be great to ear it from the girls on that topic.
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Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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I have one more thing to add - For me the only way she could be "PSE" is if she actually was/is a Porn Star (if not she's just a regular SP who does nasty things).

If I'm actually having sex with a ceritified Porn Star, then isn't that a "Porn Star Experience" regardless what she does - the same way that if I'm having sex with regular SP (no matter what crazy shit she does, CIM/COF/GS etc...) it may be awsome sex but to me its not PSE.

Just my opinion

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Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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Bryson said:
I haven't read the whole thread but I just wanted to refute this point. GFE means that the SP provides an experience similar to that of your girlfriend though services and attitude. It does not mean that she is your actual girlfriend. The same goes for PSE imo. The SP simulates sexual activities and behavior similar to that you would see in porn. It does not mean she has to be a porn star. If you are doing a real life pornstar it's no longer a facsmilie but instead the real deal. Besides, I think it's much more important to establish the services offered for PSE like facials and anal than whether or not she's been in a movie. I'd rather do a no name woman that is a great lay than a lousy one that has been in some movie just to say that I did her.

I know that GFE means an SP will provide a service similar to that of your girlfriend - you can't hire your own girlfriend (thus leaving no other option but to simulate) BUT you can get a REAL PORNSTAR. I simply meant that I would not be interested in having a SP simulate an experience with a Pornstar - I actually want a Pornstar and I would expect her to provide the same services/options to me as she is willing to do on camera (not including BBFS). I have no interest in having someone who has been in a movie just to say that I did her - I happen to have a pornstar/stripper fetish:D

Again this is only my definition/opinion.
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New Member
Oct 5, 2005
Yeah, you can pretty much see a porn star these days, but I`ve read some reviews here over the years where the time with a porn star is not always PSE, let alone GFE. I`m not talking about ``clicking`` or anything either. More like CBJ, no CIM of COF. I`m not trying to start a debate on health and all that, but just adding my 2 cents.

Anyhow, just to reiterate my definition: Greek, COF, CIM, , positions and most important, attitude. Doesn`t necessarily mean those options are free, but you catch my drift. In my opinion, one doesn`t necessarily need to do an actual porn star for a PSE.


Catwoman is mine
Feb 13, 2005
PSE Concept!

Again anyone can come with their own definition here it is simply a matter for us to define a concept that will be used to describe a serie of services offer by an escort. :rolleyes:

I got to disagree with the definition of Spin here. Like well said by Bryson PSE is only to define a simulation. Other than that Spin good for you if you had the chance to achieve a fetish of yours, but this cant be called PSE it would be more like PS tout court lol. I mean... this is just sexe with a porn star whatever services she gives. Keep in mind that we are trying to establish a standard of service for an acronym to define services that are more than GFE. If you do not agree with our definition for this standard of services I will be kmore than happy that you suggest another acronym that fit the bill. ;)

The definition of PSE in my anterior post is not even my own definition of it. But I took the time to read the comments of the others and tried to make sure that the level of difficulty to obtain that title is not to high. I think that I came up with a definition who can be a minimum to be declared PSE. If an sp can provide more than that great! She will just be a PSE+Xtras. :D

Let me know what you think of my definition in my previous post guys!!!


New Member
Oct 5, 2005
I'm just curious as to what you consider PSE+extras? Guess I'm pretty jaded, so only thing I can really think of is the high risk stuff like cream or mud pies, which personally are not my thing.


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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robinXwood said:
Again anyone can come with their own definition here it is simply a matter for us to define a concept that will be used to describe a serie of services offer by an escort. :rolleyes:

I got to disagree with the definition of Spin here. Like well said by Bryson PSE is only to define a simulation. Other than that Spin good for you if you had the chance to achieve a fetish of yours, but this cant be called PSE it would be more like PS tout court lol. I mean... this is just sexe with a porn star whatever services she gives.

OK RobinXwood, I have NOT had a chance to achieve this fetish of mine - didn't say I had just said it was one :confused: (Not so "good for me" I guess).

Anyway you are more than free to disagree with my definition, this is what makes the internet so great BUT I don't see how you can say that having sex with a porn star is not a Porn Star Experience. In my opinion (and my opinion only) I find it impossible to define PSE by narrowing it down to a few sexual acts that an SP is willing to do - there are hundreds of different types of porn out there, from soft core romantic (much more like GFE) to extreme throat fucking.

Let me ask you a question: If you were to spend time with Malezia (who is actually a Porn Star and described as PSE on Sunny's web site - sorry forgot the name of the agency) Would that not be considered a porn star experience?

I gave my opinion on what I thought PSE was, I also in an earlier post said that I was in agreement with honestAbe on his definition. You don't need to argue with me because our thoughts on the subject are not the same - we are all just giving opinions here.

One last thing, until I read this thread I was under the impression that all Sp's defined as "PSE" were actual porn stars - I was obviously mistaken.

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Catwoman is mine
Feb 13, 2005
To clarify my position!

First, my mistake I read to fast and I was under the impression that you had achieved your fetish. Therefore I am sorry for this missunderstanding and I hope that that you will have the chance to experiment this in a near future.

My point is not to argue with you but since you asked me a question I have to anwser it. I would call Malezia PS that`s it. She is a pornstar and this dosent give you any clue of what services she offers.

When I started to read this thread the second post by StripperLover (here it is)

I think that it`s a good idea to make any definition that an agency may use either on the website, email correspondences or on the phone.

This will serve in cutting down on the rampant bs that we as hobyists have allowed the agencies to get away with as a result of our collective inabilities to come up with an agreeable definition.

seemed to be an excelent idea. So as I mention before, the definition of PSE in my anterior post is not even my own definition of it. But I took the time to read the comments of the others and tried to make sure that the level of difficulty for an sp to obtain that title is not to high. I think that I came up with a definition who can be a minimum to be declared PSE.

Now, of course Mr Spin, everybody are more than free to agree or disagree with this definition. But to give a real definition that we all agree on to PSE would be very usefull like mentioned by StripperLover and Femaleluver. If it was clear we all would avoid the situation metioned by Femaleluver earlier (having to negotiate to get Xtras). It would make it more clear for everybody and make it a new category. Because now like you mentioned its a hat who fits anybody. Otherwise why even take the time to make it an acronym if it dosent translate a clear reality ??? :confused:

Also, to clarify the PSE+Xtras for PCGuy, since in my sugestion of definition for PSE only includes :

A) Pleasure (Sp must enjoy these activities)
B) Good is a must (since we are talking GFE+)
C) Greek (sp here must be able to accomodate most of regular sized)
D) Facial, CIM or PEARLS (SP must offer at least one of these)
E) Sexually Provocative Attire (Anything else than ordinary panties and bra)
F) Toys, toys, toys (any toys that the girls likes will do here)

Anything else or more than that, I personaly consider more difficult to proprely acheive for most sp should be considered as Xtras. For exemple BDSM or golden shower and other activities who can be safe or not, whitch, let me prescise, are not my thing AT ALL but like well mentioned by HonestAbe, this activities and more are part of porn videos in our days.

One last thing, I have nothing against your opinion Spin but if we are trying to get a definition for an acronym we have to make it by clear points. If this acronym dosent fit the bill for you, again I really like to have you imput on it, like maybe a suggestion for an other acronym or another point to add or to clarify one that exist in the present suggestion. If we can all achieve this it would be like a new standard to the benefit off all Merbites and mabe the business in general would adopt that definition... dreams dreams dreams LOL
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Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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I agree robinXwood that it would be of great benefit to everyone to have a clear defintion of PSE.

That being said I will pay very close attention to this thread to see the final outcome -

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Catwoman is mine
Feb 13, 2005
new points and recapitulation of the new PSE Concept*

We are getting in details now! So here it is in a new (logical) order :

A) Nice attitude and feeling of real pleasure during the session.

B) Sexually Provocative Attire, Toys and role playing.

C) Good is a must (Is that enough? should we make it DT???).

D) DATY and Digits

E) Multiple positions FS avaliable

F) Vocal and active.

G) Greek (sp here must be able to accomodate most of regular sized)

H) Facial, CIM or PEARLS (SP must offer at least one of these)

Prescisions :

Point A : An sp with a nice attitude and welcoming <addition by PCGuy>, I guess here we are talking about politeness and basic respect of course this depends of the attitude of the client (like any other Public job). The SP dont enjoy the PSE activities otherwise there is no point, she as to be willing and even show pleasure during the session. Sp must be able to make you confortable quickly.

Point B : A marked effort for the clothes. Anything else than fruit of the looms or your mama bra and panties. We are talking about clothes made to open the sexual appetite of man, not to make woman confortable only. The SP must enjoy toys either brang by gentleman or by her to fit in this new PSE definition. <addition by PCGuy> Role playing if desired, please give us prescisions here...

Point C : Here any girl can offer this, the question is if she wants to offer it and if she as the talent to give a good one. As for DT I dont know if it is too much to ask for some sp. If this eliminate too many it should be considered extra, let me know what you think.

Point D : <complete new point by robinXwood> This activities are enjoyed by many of us when the pussy is trimmed and clean, post your details please.

Point E : <complete new point by PCGuy> Of course to me it was automatic but it is better to prescise. Here we go with our clasics, Missionary, Cowgirl, Doggie style any other one I forgot???

Point F : <complete new point by femaleluver> Vocal but not the exagered kind one who feels natural, no fake welling here. Sp must be active during the session, it must be exchange like a partners who are dancing.

Point G : Greek in that case is one of the important points. It must not be a YMMV thing. To be called a PSE, an SP must be able to accomodate most of clients and enjoy this activity. This is what takes it futher. This of course is relative to the size that the SP can handle.

Point H : Any of those can be chosen by the sp. If she dont like the taste she have other options. If she do not want to mess her hair or makeup (sometimes expensive extensions LOL or long job make up) she will have other choices.

*If these activities are not possible ,then the SP will not qualify for this category.



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
My definition of PSE; in no particular order:

-We start with GFE services, though GFE attitude no.
-Add some Greek, facial (when was the last time you saw a porn that did not end with a facial? if not pearls?)
-sexy clothes,
-sexy footware,
-properly trimmed/shaved
-toys(she need not have her own but at least be open to them (and remember to use condoms on toys also))
-positions, (must include kneeling to give BJ while he is standing.)
-agressive enthusiasm,
-can't get enough attitude,
-willing to try almost anything attitude,
-leaves you feeling like you are a porn star attitude,
-that naughty grin.



Catwoman is mine
Feb 13, 2005
Ronnie, my oh! my

En bon quebecois tu niaises pas avec la puck! I mean so many great concepts to include here that I don't know where to start. Let me get more imput from the others while trying to include your good suggestions to the existing text.

Try to bring more ladies like you in here lol!


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Oct 3, 2004
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Just an observation

Thought the original idea was to "narrow it down" as to "PSE must do's" to get a clear definition. Several of the last few posts list more than a dozen "Musts." Told you so.

"Anything goes" might serve better.


Catwoman is mine
Feb 13, 2005
Well Said HonestAbe!

You are right about that! So I encourage you to make a short text with all that have been writen for the definition.


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Oct 3, 2004
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Its all relative

I would like to add that in order to have a PSE experience one does not have to engage in all the suggested ideas. Probably a tall order to even try for some of us. :eek: :p You may do only , DATY, and MPOS and feel like it was PSE due to her attitude and enthusiasm.

Whats the old saying... ``I`ll know it when I see it.``


Catwoman is mine
Feb 13, 2005
It is very sad that we can't reach an agreement on this!

If that could clarify the nature of the expression we could have a new standard that would benefit everyone. The girls : because this would but them to another level and they could be rewarded according it. The client : Because we would not have to ask this services, they would be included depending on the price. The agencies could bring more clients with a clear definition of extra services.

just very very sad!!!

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Niki V....

Nooky said:
Now that the "GFE" topic is pretty much clear. We should concentrate on "PSE".....I think the 3 musts in determining a PSE should be all GFE services plus:

A) Facial
B) Rimjob
C) Greek

What are your Ideas?


The only pornstar I've met while hobbying was Nikki Valhalla when she visited Montreal last winter. You can find her on escorts-canada under Ottawa escorts:

She charges $300/hour for GFE and $500/hour for PSE, which includes facial and Greek. Here is a little taste of Niki V in action:

I took the GFE option and was very happy. She wasn't anything like I expected. She had the body but she was a very classy and cultured lady. I wrote a review on her.

But to really answer your question, PSE is an attitude. Only Lili Love provided me with a real PSE experience in terms of intense action. In fact, her intensity is legendary and she's the hottest 50 year old you'll ever meet. I love the way she screamed "oh oui mange moi mon cochon...oui tu es un maudit cochon...tu mange tellement bien!"

I loved it!:p


P.S. You can find Lili Love at escorts-canada under Montreal escorts. Warm up well before meeting her!:D
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Nov 15, 2005
General Gonad said:
............... I love the way she screamed "oh oui mange moi mon cauchon...oui tu es un maudit cauchon...tu mange tellement bien!"

I loved it!:p

cauchon = cochon? or is this a colloquialism I am unaware of ?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
chef said:
cauchon = cochon? or is this a colloquialism I am unaware of ?

Oops, I meant cochon (pig!):p

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