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Global Recession and the Escort Industry


New Member
Aug 31, 2008
quote from Ronald Reagan

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" We're probably gonna test the lows from last Friday. If it holds, it's probably not a bad time to put some money to work. The consensus from the ladies I saw last weekend was that business is definitely slowing. The top few ladies are busy, while the rest are taking a ride in the van.


Jul 7, 2008
It seems like the guys who started this thread are so preoccupied with their finances that they forgot about escort industry and girls! :D
Let's get back to the subject.
Escort is a hobby, right? If times are hard, people cut extra expenses.
Well, for some hobbying is the last thing they will cut :D, but for most this is a luxury, right?
In worst case scenario our hands are with us, right? :p

1) From what I read on MERB business travelers always been source of steady income for agencies. There will be less, probably much less, business trips to Montreal - companies will cut expenses.
2) Somebody suggested here that many hobbyist are well paid pro and they will not be hit. Well, I personally know three well-paid pros that already lost their jobs recently and so far they are still unemployed. And we are not even in recession yet officially!
Financial sector paid huge salaries and bonuses, and they fed the escort industry. They used to "live large" and borrowed a lot. Now many financial guys who easily paid $300-500 per hour for "elite SP" is scrabling to stay afloat.
3) I heard that Montreal officials said recently that although Quebec has 30% less American tourists than 3 years ago, more Europeans go to Montreal with their powerful euros. Well, now Europe is hit as hard as America, so Europeans won't be able to compensate the loss of American tourists.
Sure, there are many local hobbyists in Montreal, but not enough to feed all SPs in Montreal. Besides, locals are and will also feel financial pain.
4) Somebody here suggested the girls will go Toronto and other places where prices higher.
Well, I have news for you: Toronto is also located in Canada, not in the Moon! :)
The crisis is global, so there will be no place to escape. Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, "where all money is", as one girl put it, are also not on the Moon. Canada's economy based largely on commodities, and they were hit hard already.
Trips to America also won't be really profitable because of the crises.
5) I agree that we will see a flood of inexpensive indies that will push prices down.
Sum all of those factors up, and you will see prices have no way to go, but down: it is simple supply and demand rule.
I guess it is highly possible that hourly rates in good agencies will drop to $130-150 in the next year and rates for best indies will drop below $200.
In fact, we already can see it: Valery offers discounts, SexCity charges $160 for downtown, Devilish offers special discounts for members. I guess this is a smart move.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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Nat_dn said:
3) I heard that Montreal officials said recently that although Quebec has 30% less American tourists than 3 years ago, more Europeans go to Montreal with their powerful euros. Well, now Europe is hit as hard as America, so Europeans won't be able to compensate the loss of American tourists.

It would cost someone from Europe 114 euro's to see an escort in Montreal. And they'd have to pay an outrageous airfare to get there. If they flew Ryanair in europe, they could fly for pocket change and only pay 50 euro's. Really can't see any hobbiests from europe traveling to Canada when its soooooo much cheaper at home.

And trust me on watching the exchange rate closely right now...the euro vs the usd is dropping faster than the usd vs cad is rising. This will draw more hobbiests to Europe. If the euro approach's par with the usd or even down to 1.20 (its at 1.34 right now) you can see a girl for a half hour of action for 60 bucks. You can't buy a half hour of table dances at a strip club for under 200.

Until the canadian dollar climbs to the mid 1.35 to 1.40 level, its really not cost effective for those hobbiest who visit europe to change their playground.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I just checked and the British pound sterling has also dropped in the last year. Earlier this year 1 USD got .49 pound sterlings. Now it is about .58. The market price or "Breadman type" girls in London are $150-200 pound sterlings. Maybe not as favorable as the Euro, but many choices in London from what I can see, especially in the HDH category.


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Feb 13, 2004
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It seems that more of our lady friends are now touring Ottawa.
There will never be a recession for government lobbyists and politicians.


New Member
Jun 16, 2005
Nat_dn said:
It seems like the guys who started this thread are so preoccupied with their finances that they forgot about escort industry and girls! :D
Let's get back to the subject.
Escort is a hobby, right? If times are hard, people cut extra expenses.
Well, for some hobbying is the last thing they will cut :D, but for most this is a luxury, right?
In worst case scenario our hands are with us, right? :p

1) From what I read on MERB business travelers always been source of steady income for agencies. There will be less, probably much less, business trips to Montreal - companies will cut expenses.
2) Somebody suggested here that many hobbyist are well paid pro and they will not be hit. Well, I personally know three well-paid pros that already lost their jobs recently and so far they are still unemployed. And we are not even in recession yet officially!
Financial sector paid huge salaries and bonuses, and they fed the escort industry. They used to "live large" and borrowed a lot. Now many financial guys who easily paid $300-500 per hour for "elite SP" is scrabling to stay afloat.
3) I heard that Montreal officials said recently that although Quebec has 30% less American tourists than 3 years ago, more Europeans go to Montreal with their powerful euros. Well, now Europe is hit as hard as America, so Europeans won't be able to compensate the loss of American tourists.
Sure, there are many local hobbyists in Montreal, but not enough to feed all SPs in Montreal. Besides, locals are and will also feel financial pain.
4) Somebody here suggested the girls will go Toronto and other places where prices higher.
Well, I have news for you: Toronto is also located in Canada, not in the Moon! :)
The crisis is global, so there will be no place to escape. Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, "where all money is", as one girl put it, are also not on the Moon. Canada's economy based largely on commodities, and they were hit hard already.
Trips to America also won't be really profitable because of the crises.
5) I agree that we will see a flood of inexpensive indies that will push prices down.
Sum all of those factors up, and you will see prices have no way to go, but down: it is simple supply and demand rule.
I guess it is highly possible that hourly rates in good agencies will drop to $130-150 in the next year and rates for best indies will drop below $200.
In fact, we already can see it: Valery offers discounts, SexCity charges $160 for downtown, Devilish offers special discounts for members. I guess this is a smart move.

Nat_dn, I agree with your assessment . I am in the Toronto area and even the major Banks have begun further measures to reduce expenses, through directives to employees , announced staff reductions, and outsourcing certain back office jobs to offshore i.e. India
People in Toronto have not been insulated from the drastic reductions in the value of their personal investments, savings for retirement, and similarly the implications for their pension plans, because of the sharp decline in values of their investments. Even if you are spared in the short term, in terms of the current world economic environment, you can't help but think of the possibilities and be more cautious and selective in terms of how you spend your money.
It seems to me that those agencies or independent SPs that have recognized the value of good clients by being early in being pro-active and flexible in their terms will be least impacted. In the service business, the cost of losing a good client can be enormous. The ability to attract a new client can be very time consuming,expensive, and unpredictable . The relative cost of being pro-active to keep a good and valued client and doing things to ensure they know they are valued is small in terms of what the cost is if you lose him. This is always important , but even more so now.


Nov 25, 2005
Recent observations

French kiss Society is advertising on Merb with regular posts....

Is it just me or does it seem like there are more SP's working in the Montreal universe???? More agencies "popping up":D

Are Sp's coming "out of retirement"????

The "shill" factor has increased on the boards....

Still the "hobby" is a addiction to many, like internet, coffee, booze....

the hobby will be resilent to a recession....we still need to feel good.:)
Last edited:


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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EagerBeaver said:

I just checked and the British pound sterling has also dropped in the last year. Earlier this year 1 USD got .49 pound sterlings. Now it is about .58. The market price or "Breadman type" girls in London are $150-200 pound sterlings. Maybe not as favorable as the Euro, but many choices in London from what I can see, especially in the HDH category.

Should also be pointed out that alot of deals can be made at fkk clubs if you want to spend something like 4 to 5 hours with a girl. Its up to the girl as usual, but you might find someone to your liking, when its a slow day at the club, who will discount the rate by a 100 or more in order to get at least some money. The rooms used for these types of sessions usually have a bathroom/shower rarely see the guy, just the girl running to the bar for a bottle of water/pop/beer to drink.


Nov 14, 2004
i suppose this is still paying for sex

Police arrest Mich. man for car wash vacuum sex

THOMAS TOWNSHIP, Mich. — Police say a Michigan man has been arrested after "receiving sexual favors from a vacuum" at a car wash.

The Saginaw News reports the 29-year-old Swan Creek Township man was arrested Thursday in Saginaw County's Thomas Township, about 90 miles northwest of Detroit.

Police Sgt. Gary Breidinger says a resident called to report suspicious activity at the car wash about 6:45 a.m. An officer approached on foot and caught the man in the act.

The suspect, whose name wasn't immediately released, is being held in the Saginaw County Jail.


Information from: The Saginaw News,

Copyright 2008, The Associated Press.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
JLB said:
Police arrest Mich. man for car wash vacuum sex

THOMAS TOWNSHIP, Mich. — Police say a Michigan man has been arrested after "receiving sexual favors from a vacuum" at a car wash.

The Saginaw News reports the 29-year-old Swan Creek Township man was arrested Thursday in Saginaw County's Thomas Township, about 90 miles northwest of Detroit.

Police Sgt. Gary Breidinger says a resident called to report suspicious activity at the car wash about 6:45 a.m. An officer approached on foot and caught the man in the act.

The suspect, whose name wasn't immediately released, is being held in the Saginaw County Jail.


Information from: The Saginaw News,

Copyright 2008, The Associated Press.

Hello JLB,

If the economy is so bad that a decent perv can't afford his own vacuum sex toy to use in the privacy of his home and has to spend $2 for a good suck in public and risk arrest then we are all in serious trouble. What is the world coming too.:rolleyes:




Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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JLB said:
Police arrest Mich. man for car wash vacuum sex

THOMAS TOWNSHIP, Mich. — Police say a Michigan man has been arrested after "receiving sexual favors from a vacuum" at a car wash.

Had he brought his own vacuum, it would have been perfectly legal. By using the car wash's vacuum he basically was 'paying' for a sexual act.:cool:


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
johnhenrygalt said:
...hobbying is off the table for the foreseeable future... I just cannot do that anymore.
we should have some sort of vigil at the end of every month in memory of all the merbites lost to the economy.

read off each name and ring a bell... or
burn candles... or
a moment of silence...


Nov 14, 2004
breadman said:
Had he brought his own vacuum, it would have been perfectly legal. By using the car wash`s vacuum he basically was `paying` for a sexual act.:cool:

TC with fresh lemon scent :D


New Member
Aug 31, 2008
going to the U.S.

I see many more ladies coming to the U.S. now. Especially with the exchange rate at about $1 for $1.25Can now. With the recession deepening and the price of oil around $60 a barrel, has anyone seen an official price drop from an agency yet?


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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quest said:
I see many more ladies coming to the U.S. now. Especially with the exchange rate at about $1 for $1.25Can now. With the recession deepening and the price of oil around $60 a barrel, has anyone seen an official price drop from an agency yet?

Probably won't see price drops until mid January when all the tourists dry up...and the bills for christmas start pouring in. Then when all the ladies are sitting around in the agency's office or worse...his van...will the discounts start showing up. And like Doc Holliday said in another thread...some of these ladies will start seeing clients on the side at a reduced rate to stay in the money.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
the other night i saw an agency offer 3 hours gfe for $420. called and asked if they would take $400, they said yes if i booked right then
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