Montreal Escorts

GT - February 3rd


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
The Devilish made me do it!

Don't ask! Let's just say that it was made impossible for me to stay away from Montréal this weekend :D.

So, I'll be happily ;) trekking to the HDLM to join you good folk.

Very, very much looking forward to it.

friendly consultant

New Member
Apr 1, 2006
Since I am new to this site, is there something special I would have to do to participate --> or just show up?
Looking forward to the GT


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
friendly Consultant, all you have to do at our GT's is: (a) show up, (b) have fun, and (c) be respectful of the surroundings and the other attendees. And that's it.
My last post before tonight, hope there is a good crowd, as usual.

Oh, and the following is not 100% sure yet (it's at 90% right now), but if you like surprises you would do well to show up for 10 pm. i can't say any more, but if it all works out, it'll be great! show up later and you might miss it...

XXXClusive Agency

Supporting Member
Nov 29, 2013
XXXTase will be there

Be there beetween 10h and 11h and you will See Math and a minimum of 6-7 gils :)

enjoys your party



Amor est vitae essentia
Nov 25, 2004
In the depths of Dante's Second Circle
Martin_XXXtase said:
Be there beetween 10h and 11h and you will See Math and a minimum of 6-7 gils :)

enjoys your party


Wow Awesome Martin, thanks. You should stop by for a beer. I'll gladly buy ya one.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
This party is really looking up!! Better arrive early to get a good place:D


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Dee said:
Just had a call from Oliver..... his message.... get your ass to the HDLM.... NOW... there are 9!!!!! beautiful escorts there now.... from xxxtase alone!!!!

Actually there were 12 of them in all... Martin,you and Matt came through like gangbusters (ce qui veut dire, Merci martin et matt, vous avez etez supers!! et merci aussi a toutes les filles!)

Par contre , les hommes de merb....oh la la...

Candy Baby

New Member
Nov 20, 2006
Well I just returned home from the GT...

I apologize for being late (fashionably late I may add) ... When I arrived Rook had already left, Shijak had left and had headed off to Cleo's with Orallover. The army of girls from XXXtase had left (If maxine was among them; je m'excuse de t'avoir manqué ma belle - on se reprendra la prochaine fois). Matt from XXXtase came back later in the evening with a very matter of fact attitude for an unfortunate wallet incident. The people remaining (Tech, Oliver, Maria, Voyager and Darrell) decided to end the evening at Wanda's (to which I willingly and enthusiastically complied), while Sapman, Red and another fellow decided to end the evening while they were ahead. All in all I had a wonderful evening, regardless of being late (which Oliver duly noted on his note pad).

See you at the next GT guys



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
A quick note before I drop off to sleep...Thank you to Martin and Matt and all the beautiful ladies from XXXtase, Maria, and the fashionably late Candy who graciously came to spend some time with us. Unfortunately there were few Merb members there to properly thank them for their presence and for that the ladies deserve an apology.

To be blunt...where the hell was everyone? I've read past reports of parties where the members complained of a 'sausage fest' when no ladies showed up. Tonight was the exact opposite and it was a sad sight. There's something wrong when there are more ladies at a GT than there are board members. So don't be surprised or complain if the next GT turns out to be a boys night out. It may be a long time before we see such a gathering of ladies at any GT in the future.

I just had to get that off my chest so I could get a good night's, or morning's, sleep.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site

My sense is that this was an informally arranged GT as opposed to a formally arranged party with invitations and a website such as what was done in the past, and if anyone had bothered to read some of the past threads on GTs or the parties, you would figure out some of the well-established historical issues that have precluded attendance:

1. First and foremost, you don't expect attendance to soar at a downtown location on February 3 in the dead of Montreal winter.

2. If anyone wanted a larger contingent of American hobbyists to attend, the GT would have been held on President's Day weekend (which is next week). Not all of us can drop everything we are doing and come to Montreal on a moment's notice.

3. Even when invitations were sent as they were to the past HDLM parties (one of which I minimally helped SL organize), people responded and said they would come and then didn't, thereby lulling the organizer into the false belief that more would attend than actually did. Ask Stripper Lover about this. It's always fashionable to say "yes" when you are anonymous and unaccountable for a "no."

4. The Lurker Factor. Many locals have admitted that they came to past parties and either didn't know where everyone was (generally a bunch of crap unless you are a painfully shy person), or else they admitted being there and lurking on the sidelines. These are the posters who have never been seen or met by anyone, most of whom are likely locals that work in the public eye and wish to keep their identity private, but are nevertheless curious souls. Some others are just shy individuals who don't know anyone.

5. Communication Issues. At the past HDLM parties I went to, the majority of male hobbyists failed to interact with the attending SPs in a manner which encouraged future participation. A few - Special K and Doc Holliday for example - did. Most either kept to themselves, or in some instances, behaved very poorly and made complete asses of themselves.

6. If the attending SPs, whether agencies or indies, don't think they will be getting something out of this, they won't come. To be honest (and blunt), most of the people who have shown up for these GTs are guys who don't spend a whole lot of money on escorts. So what's in it for the SPs who come? Nothing unless they have someone like Martin telling them to go. And said directive will not be issued if he does not think he is getting something out of it (although I suppose he is by virtue of attendant free PR on this Board, even if some of the guys posting about his girls will never actually see them).

I can go on and on with further analysis of these longstanding issues which have all been discussed in prior threads, but I think you get the picture. This is why Celine's dinners worked and these GTs never did. Her dinners were by private invitation and acceptances were firm, and interpersonal communication in the settings in which these dinners were held was a lot easier. And the guys who came were grassroots hobbyists who actually spend a few bucks on escorts. Please note that I would not fault Candy, Orallover, Shijak or anyone else who tried (laudably) to organize past GTs because the above were always issues in the past, and always will be in the future. This is, quite simply, REALITY CHECK 101.

That being said, sorry I could not make it to this one to meet the XXXtase girls and everyone else who showed.
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Jan 23, 2004
Visit site
Thanks to all

Hello Everyone.

Just wanted to say it was a pleasure to meet some old faces and some new ones yesterday night.

Nice to see Hojo, Rook, Shijak, Maria, Candy and Darrell again. It's been too long. And to meet for the first time, Sapman, Ned, Oliver, Techman, Orallover, Fat Happy Buddha and others as usual can't remember names.

Good to see Matt, Martin's booker and the XXXtase ladies there too. Unfortunately I came late and couldn't get a chance to see them too long.

Sorry I couldn't make it to Wanda's last night with the entourage.

This weekend was actually a vacation for me and I got a chance to spend it with someone very special. A very good way to start 2007 off for me. Looking for more to come.

Hope to chat with everyone soon. For now it's time for me to go back to boring, cold Toronto but I will be back soon and sleeping in the chatroom as always, old habits die hard.

Have a good day, take the Colts but give up the points. Famous last words...

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
oliver kloseoff said:
maude cutest dimples and a little blond laika oh my god!

Maude was there last night!?!?!? Well at least you guys saw what I consider to be gorgeous.;)


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
oliver kloseoff said:
she was one of the cutest for sure
but all of martins girls
are the better looking ones
ive seen of all the agency girls so far


It's almost a prerequisite for working at have to be good looking. Maude, Luna, Vicky, Erika were all good looking babes and I am sure there are others I have not met yet. I just found Maude really, really good looking because I am partial to brunettes with that look.;)


XXXClusive Agency

Supporting Member
Nov 29, 2013
redstorm said:
Hello Everyone.

Good to see Martin and his ladies there too. Unfortunately I came late and couldn't get a chance to see them too long.


Redstorm ... it was not me but matt :D

Oliver i agree with you at 200% its my personnal taste but i found her to be verry gorgeous ... i told you GG but you didnt listend me one week a go :p

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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
oliver kloseoff said:
shijak --im lost for words at the moment but they will come to me:D

LOL it's a good thing that last night I wasn't!! :D I think i started a new legend for Oliver yesterday... (I'm going to pay for having said those things aren't I?!?:eek: ) Oh well...bring it on, big guy!!

For yours and everybody else's information, GG, last night we had Matt from Xxxtase, Martin's weekend booker stopping the bus at the hotel and bringing these stunning ladies: (I'll try to say a word or two about those i spoke more with)

Maude (va-va-voooomm !! sweet as can be, girlish face, and what a bod!)
Channelle (those long fingernails,hurt me baby!!)
Jenna(adept at chinese astrology, fascinating to chat with, lovelier to look at)
Maxime (Those EYES!! and she's SO tall!!)

(and there were one or two of them that came in late that I didn't have a chance to introduce myself to- who could have the time?!? So if anyone can help Identify them, thanks in advance...)

En passant Martin, j'ai en ma possession un attache-cheveu en plastique que l'une des filles aurais oubliee. Maintenant comment ferons-nous pour lui retourner? :)

no, i haven't forgotten our merb princess, Juice_Y, you're the best. Terribly sorry to have missed you Candy and Darrell. I've got mixed feelings about last night, have to think about it for a bit...
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New Member
May 23, 2005
I think it'd be a blast to come to one of these. Problem is, as noted above, I think most of us Americans would rather wait till warmer weather. After all, one thing I LOVE to do in Montreal is to sit in that bar (Wanda's, is it?) next to HDLM and watch the parade of gorgeous women on the street.

Watching them while they're in miniskirts and boots is a lot more fun than watching them when they're in parkas and mukluks.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I totally agree with everything that Eagerbeaver posted above. Among his many valid points, its unreasonable to expect non-local hobbyists (both Americans and hobbyists from outside of Quebec) to attend on short notice. I've attended several get-togethers and at least half of the guys in attendance were NOT locals. On one particular get-together, i walked in with 6 other hobbyist friends of mine and only one was a local. On most occasions, we had coordinated our trips to Mtl together in order to coincide our being in Mtl with the gatherings which had been planned for weeks.

I once asked one of the past organizers why it was so important that these get-togethers be organized well ahead of time. This person reminded me that in order to maximize the number of attendees, its important to have as many hobbyists from outside of Mtl to attend. These people need to be advised weeks in advance about an official get-together in order to make plans to come to Mtl. Also, it takes time to convince some agencies to attend and it also has to be beneficial to them. The more people who attend, the more lucrative it is for them to attend marketing-wise. Same with who promises to's no secret that if it was known that a 'celebrity hobbyist' will be in attendance, whether at a gathering or dinner, other curious hobbyists (and even sps!) will go out of their way to attend in order to meet these people behind the handles.

He makes other valid points of them being that we'd rarely see other hobbyists mingling with the ladies who attended. It was the norm to see a bunch of girls sitting together and only a few hobbyists approaching them to chat (or dance with). I could go on and on but Eagerbeaver has pretty much covered the main points.

It was great to hear that Martin of Xxxtase showed up with many of his fine ladies. It's just too bad that it didn't occur during a 'formal' get-together which would have been planned weeks ahead of time. I just hope that Martin realizes that most of the get-togethers are different in the fact many hobbyists attend them.

And finally, i also was under the impression, as Eagerbeaver noted, that this was just an informal get-together where everyone who wanted to show up could. All in all, it seems to me that the recent get-together was somewhat of a success considering the circumstances. Candy, whom i believe was the originator of this recent get-together, should be congratulated for what was in my opinion a successful, informal event.

Go Bears!!!!
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Martin_XXXtase said:
Oliver i agree with you at 200% its my personnal taste but i found her to be verry gorgeous ... i told you GG but you didnt listend me one week a go :p


You're the devil...pure evil...:p

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