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GT - February 3rd


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
EB and Doc, maybe I was a little over annoyed, shall we say, at the turnout last night. For those members who were there it was a success. As far as the lead time for a GT is concerned though, at least two of the last three GTs at HDLM were set up by Shijak with a week or less notice with more than double the attendance of last night's event. In fact I think we had a better turnout at the last mini GT at Cleo's which was set up in a very short period of time. In fact the main reason mentioned for a longer lead time was always to ensure there was enough time to get at least one agency to show up with a few girls. Not to ensure the presence of hobbyists. There has never seemed to have been a shortage of them attending, out of town members not withstanding. But I've never heard of a GT where the ladies attending outnumbered the guys! Maybe there shouldn't be another GT until the summer and maybe we should set the date now so that no one can complain about not enough notice!:cool:

As for the girls mingling with the members, well there weren't enough members to take possession of our usual tables in the center of the room. In fact all we could hold were the two tables near the piano. So we didn't exactly have the space for the girls to mix and mingle. And considering the numbers, it's understandable if the girls felt a little reserved about mingling.

Anyways, I didn't organize the GT in any way so I guess I really have no right to complain. I just felt bad for shijak who, with his usual flare of excellence, arranged the attendance of the ladies with Martin and I hope that they didn't feel it was a waste of their time to attend last night and that they will give it another chance at an upcoming GT, if anyone decides to organize one.

Those of us who attended had a great time, as other's have posted. Those who missed it, was your loss. Thanks to everyone who came by.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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oliver kloseoff said:
since shijak has done the parties the turnout total people is as much or more than the onees were apparent months of preparation went into it!

Oliver I attended two HDLM parties in 2005 that had months of preparation and you were not in attendance at either one, as I recall. So I don't what experience you speak from. And I have heard the opposite from people who were actually at all of these parties/GTs.


New Member
May 14, 2006
Candy Baby said:
Matt from XXXtase came back later in the evening with a very matter of fact attitude for an unfortunate wallet incident.

Sorry Candy, i was very busy , 12 Girls, 3 Drivers and all the call and a girl losing is wallet, I was in a rush all night long. It was just a impression ... Kiss Kiss

It was Great to meet everybody, lot of good people but didn't have time to chat a lot. ;) Maybe at a XXXTASE SPECIAL PRIVATE PARTY one day ... hummm Martin ? ... :D

forever newbi

Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
great evening in the Winter

Matt_XXXTASE said:
It was Great to meet everybody, lot of good people but didn't have time to chat a lot. ;) Maybe at a XXXTASE SPECIAL PRIVATE PARTY one day ... hummm Martin ? ... :D

For me, last night's GT was great, finally meet people whom I've been chat with and turns out they are really just regular guys like me :D !!!! Can'twait for the next one.

That's great idea Matt, you must ask Martin to do that, I'm sure everyone would want to come ;)


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
EB, no one is saying that past parties with more planning were more or less successful. But shijak has proven that a successful party doesn't always require that kind of planning. Not to mention that both the board and it's members have changed considerably in the last two years. Let's learn from past successes and failures and go from there. Besides, I'm sure that there are reviews of all the previous parties on the board if anyone really wants to take the time to research it and compare. Let's just move on and make sure that each one in the future is better than the last.

Matt, it was nice to meet and talk with you...was the wallet ever found?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Techman said:
Maybe there shouldn't be another GT until the summer and maybe we should set the date now so that no one can complain about not enough notice!:


I have seen the coming and going of all the great party organizers - Stripper Lover (a/k/a Mr. Montreal Rendevouz), Orallover, Shijak, Candy, and Celine and her dinners. Just as with the Popes and the great Roman Emperors, the torch is always being passed to a successor.

Maybe you should be the next of the great party organizers. You are local and have the experience. So - start a new thread, pick a date (my suggestion would be Memorial Day weekend at the end of May or early June), and let the planning and hype begin! Take the bull by the horns, and, as Arnold would say, "just do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Techman said:
As far as the lead time for a GT is concerned though, at least two of the last three GTs at HDLM were set up by Shijak with a week or less notice with more than double the attendance of last night's event.

I hope you're not referring to the one last August. That one was the worse i've ever attended. Few hobbyists and fewer ladies in attendance.

But my perspective is that for the agencies to show up....i mean, several....there will be more incentive for them to show up knowing that many hobbyists from out-of-town will attend. From my experience, they won't get much business from most of the locals who do attend. I may be wrong...but even locals have told me this.

Go Bears!! (Urlacher rules!!)


New Member
May 23, 2005
I'd be tempted to make one of these in better weather (like spring or early summer) on a Thursday (I know, unlikely) or a Friday.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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oliver kloseoff said:
ive stated no party had a total turnout of more than 50 people !!!

I did not do a head count but my guess, total turnout from beinning to end, is that the March and July 2005 HDLM parties exceeded that number. You were not at either one. These parties lasted for hours.

I was, I believe, the only person at the July 2005 party from the near beginning to the end. A lot of people had already come and gone when I got there. What was interesting was the appearance, at the very end (@2:45 a.m.) of a hobbyist who had never been at one of these parties before or since, who came incognito after calling me on my cellphone.

Tom of the other Board was at both of these parties and his involvement on some level is necessary to insure success, due to his knowledge and wisdom as well as his connections.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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oliver kloseoff said:
thursday june 30 2005
i attended celines party
hojo donny b yourself annemarie sarah musician coolamadaeus musician spartacus samantha montreal

In your diary you forgot to include that I was there at that party -sitting at a table with Celine, Allison and Allison's friend.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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oliver kloseoff said:
take a look again at post 69 and since you quoted me you will see with your high power of observation
since i was replying to you i put and ive sicne made it bigger and in red for you to see


Your post is addressed as a reply to Doc. yourself=doc

Suffice it to say grammar is not your strong point.:p
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Candy Baby

New Member
Nov 20, 2006
Hey guys,

Yesterday's GT was one organized following a chat session. It was very last minute and I actually thought that the turn-out would have been the size of the last mini-GT at Cleo's. Obviously if you are aiming for a large GT you take into consideration the US holidays, the weather, the date etc... but this one was really organized on-the-fly. If you would like I could start gathering suggestions for the next official GT and we could hold it on the day that most people can attend - Shijak are you up for a little team work? Perhaps the next GT can be one in the same format that I've attended in the past with Carol Cox...A Meet and Greet the performers type a private studio with several agencies in attendance (inline with Matt's suggestion - I'm sure that agency owners can put aside their differences for one night). I'm not sure of the logistics involved in this (it may be a tall order to handle) but if organized correctly I'm sure it could be a succes. Carol's attendance rate was extremely high - perhaps something to think about.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
EagerBeaver said:

I have seen the coming and going of all the great party organizers - Stripper Lover (a/k/a Mr. Montreal Rendevouz), Orallover, Shijak, Candy, and Celine and her dinners. Just as with the Popes and the great Roman Emperors, the torch is always being passed to a successor.

Maybe you should be the next of the great party organizers. You are local and have the experience. So - start a new thread, pick a date (my suggestion would be Memorial Day weekend at the end of May or early June), and let the planning and hype begin! Take the bull by the horns, and, as Arnold would say, "just do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Thanks for the vote of confidence but organizing one of these events is way out of my league. That's why I have such appreciation for those that do manage to set these get togethers up and hate it so much when their efforts are under appreciated. It would however be my pleasure to assist in organizing a party if anyone ever needs assistance. I'm open to suggestions and I'm ready and willing to help in any way I can.


Amor est vitae essentia
Nov 25, 2004
In the depths of Dante's Second Circle
Sorry, about the GT, I drank too much too fast. By 0000am I was wasted and decided to go home. I shouldn't have started drinking early.

Still, I had a good time and it was good seeing everyone.

Thanks to Martin and Matt for the ladies. Was very impressed with their lineup especially Gloria and Billie (she's very tall).

Was awesome to see Victoria, who was the first SP I ever saw.:D

Sorry, Candy, I was soooo drunk that it was better that I head home and sleep it off.
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005

i know i wasn't the only guy sitting down and chatting with the xxxtase vixens and Maria last night. Can't anyone else give their impressions/comments /observations about that beautiful baker's dozen?


Jan 23, 2004
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Martin_XXXtase said:
Redstorm ... it was not me but matt :D


Sorry Martin. Corrected my post. And thank you and Matt for making my second GT a nice one with the presence of your ladies.

First vacation in over 2 years and having a great and wonderful time with someone, the memory goes on me (even in the last 24 hours).

Maybe I should get some more sleep in the chatroom.

So far so good, nice weather in Florida ;)



Amor est vitae essentia
Nov 25, 2004
In the depths of Dante's Second Circle
Candy Baby said:
Rook my darling, I guess you did drink too much too fast because you were already gone by the time I arrived at 11h45pm.

Heh WOW I left that early ? LOL, I just checked and I did leave at midnite. I guess I can't tell time when I'm drunk.

shijak said:
Can't anyone else give their impressions/comments /observations about that beautiful baker's dozen?

For the life of me, I only remember Gloria, Billie and Victoria. The rest is kinda hazy. I liked Gloria, she was very pretty but talked to her only a little. Billie was cute and tall, she kinda stood out, she has a cute face and a cute smile.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
oliver kloseoff said:
it was stated in the past its almost an impossible feat so you truly have a gift.
and shijak if you ever get maude clear up your little joke please-there is another member who you could pin that area of expertise on,,,not me!

Thanks Oli. i appreciate everybody's praise. And just for you, alright I'll set Maude straight the next time I see her (whoohoo). LOL I was kinda hoping you'd follow my lead and blast me with the same kind of cream pie I'd flung your way--I love that kind of shenanigans.
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