Montreal Escorts

GT time! Yahoo!!


Dec 28, 2004
Le GT de Québec a été trop trippant pour manquer le prochain dans ma ville.
Je serais là pour celui du 7

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer ou de revoir des visages connue



Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
ck_nj said:
Isn't Motel Aubin in NDG? How far is that from downtown or the Metro?

I'm not sure where Motel Aubin is but based on Joe.t's description about it being close to the Amazon, I would say that it is in NDG near the Chablis. Regarding distance to/from downtown, I would say that it is around 10 minutes by car to downtown since St-Jacques street where Amazon is located is very close to the highway. The closest metro would probably be Vendome which is not really that close. You could probably still walk it but it is a long walk. You would be better off taking a bus there or a cab there from Vendome metro.

Added note (June 23): I drove by Motel Aubin on my way to Picasso this morning and it is not actually that close to Amazon or the Chablis. I mean that it is close (about 10 blocks away) but don't expect to walk across the street to the Amazon. The Amazon would probably be around 10 or 15 blocks away. The Amazon is closer to the Chablis than it is to Motel Aubin. Another thing is that Motel Aubin doesn't look that nice from the outside when I compare how the Chablis looks from the outside. Motel Aubin is closer to downtown but it is a fair walks away (maybe 30-45 minutes). Unless you really like walking, I don't recommend walking from Motel Aubin to downtown. The distance is probably equivalent to walking from Berri-UQAM metro to Atwater metro. It is do-able but it a long walk.
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Time to kick up this thread into overdrive: Our GT's are coming up fast and so far we have a good response from some valued members, but I know we can make this a blow-out to remember!

So far we have these members expressing their interest to come:

Bon nous approchons rapidement des dates pour nos GT, c'est l'heure de vous brasser tous un peu et de transformer cette étincelle d'intéret en un énorme feu-de-joie. Nous avons gracieusement un bon début, mais je suis certain que nous pouvons faire beaucoup mieux:

A cette date voici les membres intéressés a être des notres:

Moi meme (le spiffmeister), Qwerty-XYZ, Zone Alarm, Voager, Champs1000, Wide Open,Algol, Elton, Johnmbot, Joe T., Min6666...
We also have these delightful flowers that may be among us:

The fabulous JessyXXX, Maria Divina, Anouk, Isabelle de Parfumdisabelle, iMaude aka Amelie, Marie1...
Thank you everyone for your interest, we're off to a wonderful start...I've started to get in contact with other agency owners and ladies, but as we all know their level of involvement will all depend on how much attendance there will be by the men...I know many of us here tend to attend these on a spur of the moment basis, but I need some bodies there, gentlemen...

If any of our ladies and owners are receptive to the awarding of prizes during the evening (such as discounts, freebies, DVD's :)... ), of course we will be VERY reponsive to the offers...I haven't been made aware of any yet, so I guess I will have to do it myself :D . Step right up for your dose of BFE ladies!! (lol, do I hear a big sigh of relief from the guys?)

Tonight I'll be checking out the rooftop accomodations at the Hotel de la Montagne as a silly little elf has claimed only Spider-man himself could get us all up there...Let's find out!! hmmmm, it's so hot outside these days a nice beer will be nice! Seeing some beauties in bikinis couldn't hurt either!

Regular updates as we approach GT nights to come Folks.

Merci a tous ceux s'annoncant publiquement, c'est un bon début. J'ai commencé a prendre contact avec qelques proprios d'agence et dames, mais comme nous le savons tous leur niveau d'implication dépend tout comme une synergie de la démonstration d'intéret par la gente masculine. Comme l'a été démontré dans le passé, je sais que plusieurs des hommes se décident d'y venir a la toute derniere minute, mais pour cette occasion estivale nous avons besoin d'y planter beaucoup de vos derrieres, messieurs...

Il serait super qu'il y ait une lotterie quelquonque de prix, que ce soit escompte, gracieuseté etc. de la part des dames et des agences (condoms multi-savurs gratuits?? :D), donc je mets la puce a l'oreille de tous et toutes... Ou devrai-je m'en charger moi-mëme?!? Soit alors: approchez ici mesdames, BFE a volonté le buffet est ouvert!! (au soulagement énorme de tous ces messieurs!!)

Ce soir je me diriges au lieu de nos rencontres pour en avoir le coeur net, puiqu'un vilain petit farfadet le jure comme fer que seulement une catapulte ou meme Spider-man pourrait nous permettre d'acceder au toit. Je vous en donnerai des nouvelles, en attendant je relaxerai avec un bronzage de nuit arrosé d'une biere rafraichissante ainsi que de me rinser l'oeil je l'espére a la vue d'une beauté en bikini...

Annonces regulières a venir le plus nous nous approcherons de l'heure H...
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
SatinDreamz said:
Bravo shijak! Que le GT officiel soit un samedi et non un vendredi
est déja de meilleure augure !!!

Alors c'est parti, discussions en cours avec les demoiselles !

Hee-haw ! :D
merci Jessy et Maria Divina...Je vous ai deja mises sur la liste pour jouer au Twister avec moi....:)


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
qwerty-xyz said:
Une vraie machine à GT, cette Amélie. Humm. Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait? Je me sens responsable mais très content. Tu me donnes le goût d'en organiser un autre à Québec.

Bye et merci Amélie
Le harem de Qwerty ne fait que debuter, tenez-vous le pour dit :)


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
PriceLine 101

Pour les francophones, j`ai compilé un petit texte expliquant comment miser intelligement sur PriceLine, à l`approche du GT de Québec. En voici le lien.
Dans le 4 étoiles en ce moment, entre 80 et 90 dollars devrait faire l`affaire. Dans les temps occupés, débutez toujours avec UNE nuitée et quand vous décrochez le gros lot, prenez l`option d`allonger votre séjour. Faites ça aussi, une nuitée à la fois. PriceLine prend un peu de pratique, mais vous sauve beaucoup d`argent et vous fait découvrir des grands hotels pour très peu.

Pour ce qui est d`assister au GT`s, je l`espère bien, mais je ne saurais dire pour le moment. Ler deuxième semble plus prometteur, mais on ne sait jamais avec un peu de chance peut-être les deux.

The 1st paragraph gives a link that explains PriceLine hotel bidding in French.

The 2nd states that I will try to attend both GT`s but I can`t confirm (or deny :)) at this point.
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Maria Divina said:
Je devrais être de celui où Jessy ira....pour ma toute première fois....;)
Maria Divina xxx

what i will put on???????

Tu sais que j'ai longtemps voulu ëtre a nouveau la "premiere fois" d'une jolie dame? Je promet d'etre tout délicat :)

(quelqu'un arrêtez moi!!)


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Hey Sappy i hope you show up because your a good guy and you always have good info and experiences to share, as for myself i am planning to show up but if i see rumples anywhere in the vicinity i will be bolting for the doors with the "sorry but i got to run" excuse, please excuse me if i knock over a few chairs in the process.:D


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
If Joe's gonna be there, you can count me in.:D


New Member
Jun 22, 2007
Just discovered this thread while looking for stuff to do for my bachelor party next weekend. Would this be a fun time for me and 4 other friends from the US?


New Member
May 24, 2004
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John from Eleganza

Has John ever attended a public hobby event? I dont think so.....

Yes John was at one ,with smne of his girls, a couple of years ago...I was in attendance for that GT and he and 2 other agencies where there this perticular time...I have not seen him at a GT since,

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Be sure and check your schedule, i think you have the kids next weekend.:)
You can get plenty of chloroform for $160.:D


New Member
Jun 22, 2007
Its free! Stop by....There's bound to be a bachelorette party going on either at the pool, Thursdays or night club. The HDML is a good hotel to have a bachelor party too. It's a party hotel!:D

Just checked and the HDML is sold out. Any other good hotels with suites that could accomodate 5 of us?
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Candy Baby

New Member
Nov 20, 2006
Count me in

Good morning guys,

I can confirm that I will be present on June 30th as well as on the following week-end. I will have attended three GTs in a lapse period of one month. The only question that remains now is what do I wear...

Petite note aux gens de Québec : J'ai fais le chemin pour me joindre à vous lors de votre dernier GT alors j'espère bien que vous allez pouvoir faire le chemin pour vous joindre aux montréalais.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Be sure and check your schedule, i think you have the kids next weekend.:)
You gonna deliver my date for the evening or do I need to book her myself?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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rumpleforeskiin said:
You gonna deliver my date for the evening or do I need to book her myself?

Actually i am trying to get a friend of mine who is a lawyer to take a look at the bet to get his legal opinion, i am sure if it went to court your claim would be smashed to smithereens, Johnny Cochrane would be laughing in his grave at this one.:)

PS- I just got a call from my boss for some overtime next Saturday so i will probably be a no show(sorry rumples but i need the pussy money).:)
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Feb 4, 2007
EagerBeaver said:
How about the red leather pants, you look good in them.;)

Forget that EB. Please Candy, no pants , your long legs looks too great to be hidden. On the opposite, I know a very good store in Old Quebec City. Two weeks ago, I saw a very beautiful dress but maybe a little bit too short :) .

Do we need to start a poll?:D
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