Montreal Escorts

GT time! Yahoo!!


New Member
Dec 12, 2005
I wish I could be there if for no other reason than just to see Candy smile. Who cares what she wears? I gotta work both weekends. Crapicita. Oh well, I'll be there in spirit. My best to all!!


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
VTman said:
Just discovered this thread while looking for stuff to do for my bachelor party next weekend. Would this be a fun time for me and 4 other friends from the US?
It's not going to be like a bachelor show at a strip bar if that's what you're thinking of, but usually it's a gathering of members with some of the ladies that advertize here, and it's much like any other party (a bit of drinking, conversation),but we DO have the advantage of many beautiful ladies and the topics of conversation won't be about the office photocopier breaking down:)


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
I went to check out the rooftop at the Hotel de la Montagne last saturday night. I was with a few other members who likely will also show up this weekend, such as Rook01, WideOpen and the visiting Voyager...

Oddly enough we had absolutely NO trouble gaining access to the elevators, and easily found a tale to sit for a while. So much for a waiting line that a few members warned us about...But I have to admit the easy access may have had to do with 2 factors: it was Saint-Jean weekend, and for a late June weekend it sure was COOOOOLLLLLDDD up there. A warning to everyone planning to attend, bring a jacket or windbreaker with you as we left the rooftop for more interior entertainment after a little over 45 minutes there...

The roof IS a nice place with an amazing view of the city. I still can't say exactly WHERE we'll be situated on the roof, so if you plan to show and don't know anybody, I'll try to think of something to make our group noticeable, yet in a discreet way...
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Wide Open

Mar 18, 2007
shijak said:
The roof IS a nice place with an amazing view of the city. I still can't say exactly WHERE we'll be situated on the roof, so if you plan to show and don't know anybody, I'll try to think of something to make our group noticeable, yet in a discreet way...

Shijakm you could wear fake boobs, that way there is no way wee could mistake you for someone else...

Just a thought

Wide Open

P.S.: no, I won't be wearing fake boobs, as I would be outshined by Spiffy


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Wide Open said:
Shijakm you could wear fake boobs, that way there is no way wee could mistake you for someone else...

Sure why not...

Can I also stick a "Breadman SX500" brand joystick in my pants as well, just to give a little something for everyone to look out for...:)


New Member
Jun 22, 2007
shijak said:
It's not going to be like a bachelor show at a strip bar if that's what you're thinking of, but usually it's a gathering of members with some of the ladies that advertize here, and it's much like any other party (a bit of drinking, conversation),but we DO have the advantage of many beautiful ladies and the topics of conversation won't be about the office photocopier breaking down:)

Sounds great. We'll probably head there late night. Any advice? Do we just go up to the pool? We were going to call people when we got back to our room. Sounds like it would be better to just go to people here. Sounds like a lot of fun. :) Can't wait for my bachelor party this weekend.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
I haven't attended a G/T since 2005, and this one should be great. Since the Qc G/T that Qwerty ran was such a success, the Montreal G/T has to be that-much-better!!!;)

I'm looking forward to making new acquaintances and renewing others. Of course my main desire is to meet the ladies of whom I've read so much but never had the pleasure of their company.

The best way to make sure that there are more G/T's is to come to this one!

See you all there:D



New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Awright time to shake up this puppy!!

In two days we will have the first of our summer gatherings, and despite the somewhat lukewarm responses by our membership, I and a few hard-working (and hard-playing) little helpers have been busily pressing the flesh and kissing babies :)D ) while cajoling quite a few of our well-known agency girls and guys to come and join us...

Now I'd rather they make a firm commitment in writing in this thread and announce their willingness to show up, but last-minute commitments could change that...HOWEVER, let me tell you that if even a third of the people who have expressed an interest DO show up, it will be glorious...

But let me first offer a big thank you to my favorite Wizard JessyXX of Montreal Sex City who has stepped up to the plate. Her little club is small but it packs a punch!!

Let me repeat that ALL SP's are welcomed to show, whether you are escorts, massage specialists, dancers, and anything inbetween...

NOW gentlemen I turn the spotlight back onto you!!! If YOU want all these wonderful ladies to think it worthwhile to make our saturday a visually stunning and intellectually fabulous time, then I'd better see a mob of guys at this hotel...Actually I want the fire department to show up and almost close the place due to overfilled capacity!!!

Now to remind you all about our great soiree, I'm going to be annoying in the next couple of days and flood you all with posts reminding you to show up...

cuz if you don't:

I'll be sending you Oliver's ENTIRE photo album!!!:)
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Etes-vous prets!?!?!?

Dans exactement 2 jours, soit ce samedi soir vers 10pm nous aurons une nouvelle édition de ce que l'on appele les GT de Merb (GT pour ceux qui ne savent pas veut dire GET-TOGETHER, ou soiree-rencontre si vous préferrez)...Ce seras le premier rendez-vous pour cet été, et malgré un certain enthousiasme de mes confrères qui savent a quel point nous nous amusons toujours a ces soires, beaucoup d'entre vous préfèrent rester muet plutôt que de vous annoncer...

Vous saurez que moi-même et quelques associés qui ont bien donné pour la cause :D , nous avons envoyés bien des invitations a plusieurs des gens qui sont le sujet de lecture sur ce site, et SURPRISE!! bien d'entre eux comptent certainement ëtre parmi nous cette fin de semaine...

Et bien que j' a-DO-rerais qu'ils fassent TOUS une annonce par écrit vous avertissant de leur arrivée accompagnés de leurs belles, la réalité est bien qu'un imprévu arrive souvent...MAIS nous aurons une soiree GLORIEUSE si un tier des gens intéressés se présentent...

Je me dois fortement de remercier ma prestidigitatrice préférée (fiou, une chance que je n'ai pas a le dire) , la radieuse Jessyxxx de Montréal Sex City qui s'est annoncée des le début...

Je vous rappele que vous, mesdames, sont TOUTES les bienvenues, que vous soyez escortes, danseuses, et masseuses...

Et maintenant je me tourne vers VOUS, messieurs!!! oui, VOUS qui nous lisez a l'occasion ou a l'accoutumance, voici VOTRE chance de cotoyer ces dames dans le domaine du plein respect, et de vous laisser éblouir par leur charme, beauté, et joie-de-vivre...Vous n'avez qu'a vous présenter que ce soit l'histoire de quelques minutes, car moi je veux voir une foule de monde!!! Je veux que ce soit presque impossible de se faufiler entre une et l'autre sans grande peine...

Bon, comme cette soiree s'approche rapidement, je vous avertis que je vais vous bombarder de messages ici sur ce thread dans les jours prochains vous annoncant tout et rien, et que je serai content de tous vous voir...


Feb 4, 2007
Let's go Shijak

Shijak, you're a leader. I hope you'll receive kisses from all girls as I've received at the QC GT. :p

I'm still trying to learn how to organize a GT. Yes, i'll be there. 300 km is not enough to miss a wonderfull GT at HDLM.

tx shijak


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
michelle, pleeeeeeeeeease..:)

(trying to plead with Michelle Luv to show up saturday)
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Jan 27, 2006
I see there is GT coming up soon and I will be in town at the same time. I would like to attend my first GT and meet some people from the board. Not this coming weekend, but on the 7th of July.

Can you give me any idea how I will recognize the group?:confused:
Should I ask the bartender where all the hobbyists are?:D




New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal said:
I see there is GT coming up soon and I will be in town at the same time. I would like to attend my first GT and meet some people from the board. Not this coming weekend, but on the 7th of July.

Can you give me any idea how I will recognize the group?:confused:
Should I ask the bartender where all the hobbyists are?:D



As you walk into the lobby of the HDLM, there is an opening into the bar area. You will see a piano surrounded by some beautiful ladies, and a bunch of drooling guys.

Can't miss us!! :D

I'll be there this Saturday.



Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Rumours rumours...

Okay, as everyone has been busy doing some GT recuitment, so have I :D .

I will definitely attend the June 30th edition. As far as July 7th goes, it's still up in the air.

The ladies, and agencies:

- During a meet with a delightful lady, I was told to maybe she and one of Montréal's most popular agency owners (according to a recent poll) would make a very remarked appearance.

- Chatting with another, very sociable and jovial agency owner, I made him aware of the GT concept. Seems the gent only ever read the Outcall and Advertiser sections in the past. He seemed interested in sending his assistant to meet with us :)cool: ).

- As a result of the Québec City GT, I became friendly with some dancers who work at "a nice stop between QC and MTL". It seems that three of them will grace our gathering.

I know some of Québec's finest have already announced their presence in French on this thread. Let us show them the same warm welcome they showed us in their beautiful city.

And BTW, has the idea of a pre-GT dinner evolved at all since I last checked? I would be very,very interested.

Be there or be square!


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005

Maria Divina said:
Mr.Sapman, i want a little favor, please, your help...
Maria Divina said:
When we met accidently, that was a pleasure for me
:eek: I, euh, dunno what to say... except that the pleasure was mutual
Maria Divina said:
So, can i count on you this saturday evening to not leave me least, 5-10 minutes....???
Is that all?


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
roxanna said:
I will also be there, with a girlfriend of mine.... Voyageur, that might be the time to prove you that I surely can drink you off the table... Naaaa just kidding... See you all there

Maybe I'll let you win, get me drunk, and then you & your girlfriend can take advantage of me?? ;)

See you there Miss BamBam...

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