Montreal Escorts

GT time! Yahoo!!


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Ladies, glad to have you aboard...Mesdames je vous souhaitent la bienvenue...

We are fast approaching tomorrow's first GT evening, so here are a few announcements"

(1) I can't make it myself, but some of the members seem to want to meet up beforehand for a pre-GT dinner: I suggest you all flood our pals Voyager or Qwerty-XYZ with PMs to join up with them and "partager le pain" with them, as we say... They'll also treat you all and pay the tab!! :D ....well no they won't but I'm sure everyonew will have a great time...

(2) Tomorrow we will discuss next week's dinner evening, and try to come up with a great place (lol watch as no one can come up with a single place that most will agree on)...

(3) Tomorrow night is GT night , and since so many of you have voiced your concerns about the choice of the roof as a meeting place, we will do this: we will start the evening for 10pm where we usually go, on the ground floor lobby, in the area near the piano. After a short time I or someone else will go upstairs and secure some space on the roof and we will trickle up and eventualy take over the whole place...

Remember folks, we want big numbers of people to show up and so far, it sounds like it will be the case : bring your party hats and parrrrr-tay!!

A demain!!!
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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
Excentrix Man said:
hi everyone, maybe, i say maybe, Me and my girls come at this hotel...At what time....I don't know but we will try to go there...

Excellent E-Man!!

Maybe some of your new ladies will join you...



Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Informal pre-GT dinner invite

Always a good idea to go to one of those fests on a full stomach. And since I've had my bellyfull of HDLM nachos over the last few GT's, I propose the following:

Those interested in dinner gather up at Les 3 Brasseurs on Ste-Catherine, southeast corner of Crescent, at 8PM. As you can see, their menu is quite varied, pretty well everyone can find something to their taste.

Hope to have good turnout, nothing like ramping up to the main event in good company.



Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
shijak said:
I went to check out the rooftop at the Hotel de la Montagne last saturday night. ... it sure was COOOOOLLLLLDDD up there. A warning to everyone planning to attend, bring a jacket or windbreaker with you as we left the rooftop for more interior entertainment after a little over 45 minutes there...

Seeing how cold it was the past two nights - is this still the plan? The weather channel says it is going down to 7 degrees tonight - I think I'd prefer to stay warm inside, as would the scantily-clad lasses


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
YouVantOption said:
Seeing how cold it was the past two nights - is this still the plan? The weather channel says it is going down to 7 degrees tonight - I think I'd prefer to stay warm inside, as would the scantily-clad lasses

shijak said:
(3) Tomorrow night is GT night , and since so many of you have voiced your concerns about the choice of the roof as a meeting place, we will do this: we will start the evening for 10pm where we usually go, on the ground floor lobby, in the area near the piano. After a short time I or someone else will go upstairs and secure some space on the roof and we will trickle up and eventualy take over the whole place...

We may be crazy:eek: but we aren't stupid. If its too cold for the ladies, we'll stay inside where its warm.

Worst case YVO, maybe you can find one of the ladies to snuggle up to and keep both of you warm? Actually, you could do that in the lounge bar too!:D

See everyone there...



Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Voyager said:
We may be crazy:eek: but we aren't stupid. If its too cold for the ladies, we'll stay inside where its warm.

Worst case YVO, maybe you can find one of the ladies to snuggle up to and keep both of you warm? Actually, you could do that in the lounge bar too!:D

it was my plan to buy all the MERB-men several rounds of drinks outside and then steal back downstairs to warm up with the ladies. Thanks for ruining that for me. No drinks for you.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Hello Everyone,

Just to let you know that Maria Divina will be part of tonight's party.

Enjoy this lovely lady! :)


Jul 25, 2003
Visit site
roxanna said:
I will also be there, with a girlfriend of mine.... Voyageur, that might be the time to prove you that I surely can drink you off the table... Naaaa just kidding... See you all there must be referring to one of the "voyager"...English spelling. It's way too easy to drink this voyageur under the table. And, may I add...more fun too drink me under the table. lol


Wine, women, & song ...
Jul 6, 2004
Banlieues de Métropolis
Sorry I was unable to make tonight's or next week's GT's.
At least I was able to talk to a few of the members during the party over the phone. From what I heard, it sounded very loud but very fun!
Oh well. I'll make it to one someday....


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Again thanks to everybody who showed up to last saturday's GT at the Hotel de la Montagne. The next one is coming up for THIS saturday, the 7TH of July at 10pm again.

Some of the members have mentioned they might appreciate a change of location to a more private one, so I will go scouting this evening and tomorrow for any suitable places in the downtown area. I will be reporting backthis friday with the final selection of venue (though at this late date I hope you will excuse me if we do end up back at the HdlM).

I'm glad to see genuine interest by some of the agencies to show up again, so I am putting out the call to the boys out there: many of you complained in the past that these parties were sometimes what was called a sausage fest (in plainer terms a gathering with mostly men present)...How many more ladies need to show up this time for you guys to actually show up? We've already got many gorgeous women planning to attend this weekend, are you going to let them down?


More news as it develops, mesdames et messieurs...


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
Visit site
I might show up this Saturday as i have a prize to claim from last week's GT, if i do show up i will be slipping you $20 in your pocket but don't ask me why i am doing this as i do not know myself as i tend to do weird things like that once in a while.:)


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Joe.t said:
I might show up this Saturday as i have a prize to claim from last week's GT, if i do show up i will be slipping you $20 in your pocket but don't ask me why i am doing this as i do not know myself as i tend to do weird things like that once in a while.:)
20$ nothin' , how about we trade our prizes instead?


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Bonjour a tous, temps de vous reveiller et vous rappeler que demain soir nous aurons a nouveau un GT a Montreal. Et bien que j'ai cherche tant bien que mal, le manque de temps necessite qu'a nouveau le lieu de rencontre seras le lobby de l'Hotel de la Montagne.

Je fis quelques recherches pour tenter de trouver une salle privee qui soit de bonne taille et situee dans la region immediate du centre-ville, et bien que je puisse trouver un ou 2 endroits, je jugais l'espace trop serré ou la distance trop peu accomodante, donc pris la decision que pour cette fois-ci nous resterons au lieu habituel, mais que moi ou le prochain organisateur aurons le temps amplement pour la prochaine fois...

Donc a nouveau, pour demain soir le 7 de juillet, la communaute de Merb est priee de se rassembler au Lobby de l'Hotel de la Montagne aux environs de 10PM. Le lieu precis seras les alentours du piano central.

Messieurs, nous aurons a nouveau le plaisir de la compagnie de plusieurs des dames, certaines ayant deja fait acte de presence auparavant, et a nouveau il y auras de tres belles surprises pour vous, un petit oiseau me dit que quelques stars planifient s'y montrer pour vous rencontrer...Si vous avez porte attention dans ce thread, quelques-unes ont deja eux-memes glisse une note qu'elles comptent y etre, ne les decevez pas et arrivez en grand nombre...

Mesdames et messieurs des agences et du monde independant, merci encore de la generosite de votre temps, votre presence anticipee nous feras grandement plaisir...En passant, messieurs, je peux dire qu'il y auras au moins un tirage a nouveau pour demain, et soit dit en passant tout autres offres pour tirages seront tres appreciees...

Il y auras un souper pre-GT aussi demain, le choix du resto "les 3 Brasseurs" la derniere fois etait une bonne d'apres moi (vu la proximite a l'hotel et le calme a l'interieur), mais je regarde aussi le Baton Rouge (quoiqu'un peu plus loin et plus achalandé) et autres...Decision finale pour ce soir...

Voila pour maintenant, a demain et au plaisir de vous y voir...


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
shijak said:
Il y auras un souper pre-GT aussi demain, le choix du resto "les 3 Brasseurs" la derniere fois etait une bonne d'apres moi (vu la proximite a l'hotel et le calme a l'interieur), mais je regarde aussi le Baton Rouge (quoiqu'un peu plus loin et plus achalandé) et autres...Decision finale pour ce soir...

Toutes suggestions pour le lieu sont les bienvenues, en passant...

All suggestions for a resto for us to congregate at are welcomed, by the way..

Who's up to come along?


New Member
Apr 26, 2006
Me! Me! Me!
Count me in... I'm not missing this one!

Can't wait to see you all there... gentlemen AND ladies!


New Member
Apr 26, 2006
Oh! One more thing!
Let's also keep in mind that tomorrow's GT will be held on the luckiest day of the year : 07/07/2007

And I'm pretty sure that any guy who shows up, as well as ladies, will indeed be lucky... So many great people to have fun with.
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