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GT time! Yahoo!!

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Carmen_Evanista said:
Expect the unexpected... :D

I would apply that to you ! :p

Welcome aboard sexy lady ! :D ;)


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Carmen_Evanista said:
I was happy to meet you all. Shijak thank you for the lovely compliments (sure anytime ;)), Gee maybe next time I could persuade you to some salsa dancing.
I am looking forward to seeing you all again real soon.

Eh bien, quelle gentille surprise...haha, maintenant je vais devoir tenir ma promesse...mais pourra-je remplir mes taches sans qu'un badaud quelquonque m'interrompe apres 30 secondes? :rolleyes: :D (in-joke, vous tous!)

Bien, il semble que le prochain GT de merb a Montreal seras entre les mains d'un autre, une opportunite soudaine et temporaire pour moi me verras hors du continent pour les prochaines semaines , jusqu'a la fin du mois d'aout (ouf, pourrai-je longtemps survivre sans le toucher soyeux de nos jolies femmes "made in quebec"?...a voir:) )

Wow, what a nice, now I will have to make good on my comments\promise...but will I be able to fulfill even one appointed task without being interrupted 30 seconds later? (little private injoke. folks)...

Looks like another member will indeed have to pick up the torch and handle our next Montreal-based GT, as a sudden yet temporary opportunity will have me out of the continent for the next few weeks, returning only at the tail-end of august (gasp! how...will I...Sur-VIVE...without the sweet touch of our beautiful "made in Quebec" women?!? weakening...):)

take care everybody...
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Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Ouf ! Finally !

Ladies & Gentlemen,

Let me thanks you all for your nice words for me but more for MSC Ladies!

Hey it was a busy day for me suddently when Peter annouced me
him and SD Ladies were not going to attempt to the party ! :eek:

A great plan, but too much empty room in the limo !!!
So little Jessy went back to work on what she wanted to do,
offer fun fun and fun !!! To both Ladies & Gentlemen !!! :D

I jump on my phone did a few calls and it was all set up ...
but Gentlemen's final surprise ! :(

It was annouced that Maria Divina & Carmen Evanista were going,
Sylvia Vixen did to and beeing even myself, I offered to be part of
the mini private pre-party, places to some Gentlemen. :)

At the very last minute, plans have changes for all of us, and we finally
got to pick up the already very famous Taylor !! Woo Woo !! The party
team was complete and on the way we did it to the HDLM !!! :p

Before, when I was going to those parties, I was making the scene with
you gentlemen. The last one, I did promote my new project and spend
less time on the dancing floor and more giving shit to the limo driver for
not being there at the end of the night ! :eek: This time, I did fix this
little issu and wanted to make it different from the other of those parties.

As you have notive, a have let the front scene to those beautiful Ladies
and I was very happy to see your reaction while they were making their
way to you. :eek: Meanwhile I took a seat in the background and for my own
pleasure, I took a look at you all having fun, dancing, laugthing at some
behaving (me too ! :p ) and feel that the mission was accomplished.

Also this time, more then all the other parties, I guess everybody did
forget to move to Wanda's like it us to be because there was so much
fun going all the way at the HDLM. How many people attempted, I could
not say, but a lot ! I was very please to chat with some of you and it
was a pleasure meeting with old comers as much as the new one !
I won't tell any names or handles this time cause there was so much
of you out there, I would certainely forget too many ...

Still I cannot past by without saying thanks to shijak,
the greatest party planner ! :)

So, Ladies & Gentlemen, I was again a real great moment in the
history of the sex industry and hope this will keep on growing !!!

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