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Guy Cloutier


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
He's 64.
He was well known and was a very intelligent businessman and now, his reputation is ruined.
He was a public figure, well known to everybody in Québec as a powerfull and admired artist manager. Now his public image is ruined.
He used to go out alone to do grocery and other shopping, now can't even go out of his place anymore.
His personal life will probably be ruined too.
This guy is finished, no matter what.
The effect of his actions will hurt him a lot more that they would hurt Mr.Unknown doing the same thing. Mr. Unknown will fall back being unknown after a few years, Guy Cloutier, the image, will always remain Guy Cloutier, even if the image was shattered.

What he did was totally inacceptable and he should've controlled his impulse instead of doing it. The children he abused will have to live with this forever but they have a chance to go over it. He will spend the rest of his days with the pedophile label and, no matter how much good he does, he will never be able to get rid of this label. To me, yes he need to be condemned but, sending him to prison will only be money wasted. It will only allow violence to continue. He will not learn more or repent more in prison. He know what he did, he admitted it, and he pleaded guilty. A community sentence with a heafty fee to be paid to an abuse victims organisation, (heafty enough to make a difference in his bank account) a community work term and a therapy, that should be enough.

If it would be my children, I would not want him in jail for the same reason plus, think about it, if he's in jail, he's going to be protected from the other inmates and will not have to face the population. If he's out, everything and everybody will remind him what he did. Is there a better way to reflect on your actions? I could even pay him a visit once in a while to remind him, face to face, with no glass between him and me. :rolleyes:
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Some very good points, but nobody seems to be too concerned about him doing this again if he is not jailed. If he is not jailed and he goes and abuses other young girls, what then? Do we say so sorry to the parents? We thought he would behave, sorry your daughter was raped? Remember pedophilia is a disease. There is no evidence that being humiliated cures one of this disease. The impulses remain.

Metoo4, I hope you do not have a young daughter who might have contact with Cloutier.


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Dec 15, 2003
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Guy Cloutier a children abuser

I fully agree with EB...what if they were your children!

If I read Metto4 correctly, 4 out of 5 children abusers would be returned to the community where they could do it again and again..... to be re-educated as they say! Cloutier being 64 is totally irrelevant, same for his reputation (which one?); he is a criminal of the worst kind.

Our taxes will not be affected by Cloutier spending 6 or 7 years in jail, it's a message sent to the community as a whole that that kind of behavior cannot and will not be tolerated in our society!

We have been very lenient with sentencing in the Province of Quebec.

Have you read or listen to the reaction of some artists in Montreal.....they praised Cloutier for what he did for the artists, but many stay away from talking about his crimes...a shame.... that guy Cloutier should be decried by a children offender and a criminal....

EB could tell us what would be the likely sentence in his country for such a crime...


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
The guy pleaded guilty even if he have plenty of money to defend himself. He need to be evaluated for risks but I think he got the message. He does desserve to be punish, that's an absolute fact. If he walk out with nothing but a reprimand, I'll be as outraged as everybody else. He didn't go in a park and molested as many kids as he could find, randomly. It's also limited to a confined time frame. He had an opportunity, was sick enough to feel attracted sexually to these children and stupid enough to act on his urge. He must still pay for the acts he did but why not make society gain from this? As I said, a heafty fine, house arrest for a few years and community services. Ok, let's throw in a few years "inside" but only if he gets therapy while he's there. (He needs therapy wether he goes to jail or not!) The guy is sick obviously but I don't think he is irrecuperable. If other cases resurface, either prior or after he gets his sentence, then I would not feel so lenient. If any new case show-up, commited after he is released, then I'd say throw him in jail and loose the key, no hesitation!

And no, I don't have tendency to pedophilia. In fact, I hate when a lady have a bare pussy because I don't like the children look, even if she have huge breast, it's a turn-off. I love tiny short girls but, they must have some adult female shapes, not totally flat with a "32-31-32" look! My ideal type must have some hips to grab to, an ass big enough to avoid bone splinters while rumping, a waste I can wrap in my arms around and breasts I can fill my mouth with, plus, at least, a "landing strip" down there.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Lawless said:
EB could tell us what would be the likely sentence in his country for such a crime...

Lawless, there is no doubt that if Cloutier had done the same things here in Connecticut, he would be spending all or most of the rest of his life in prison. If Cloutier ever got out of prison, he would also have to register as a sexual offender in whatever community he chose to reside.

Being a celebrity does not immunize one from a prison sentence in the USA, as demonstrated by the recent conviction and imprisonment of Martha Stewart in the aftermath of an insider trading scandal. In that case the prosecution wanted to make an example out of her because of the abuses that have been going on with insider trading which have led to a flood of shareholder lawsuits.

In the case of Cloutier his victims would have a chance to address the Court regarding punishment, and the possibility of repeat offenses would need to be assessed. There was a similar case here involving a very well known Yale professor who molested a young boy. He was fired by Yale, convicted of sexually assaulting a minor and sentenced to a long term in federal prison (I think 20 years), although some other professors from other universities came in and testified that he was brilliant and a wonderful scientist etc. and a great guy and he had a lot to contribute blah, blah, blah. This guy, like Cloutier, had previously been a pillar of the community.
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New Member
Nov 10, 2004
In my appartment
Her brother

Chewie said:
Am I the only one in Quebec who doesn't know who he had sex with? Anyone care to throw in their 2 cents. Rumours are that it is N@t@1i3 S1m@rd. Maybe R3n3....

Personally, he should get jail time. Fair is fair. If it were a regular joe blow... he'd get much worse.


From the description of what was said in court (masturbations, fellatio, etc...) I would say it was her brother.

Personnaly, I hope he gets some jail time. The other inmates will show him waht it feels like to be abused :)
Apr 5, 2004
St Roch

Justajohn ,

Phanie or if you wrater Stephanie Cloutier is not maried to José Theodore she is going out with him .

Robert Gilette


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Sep 28, 2003
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Guy Cloutier should get the 5 years request by DA

As for me Guy Cloutier should deserve more than the 5 years requested by the DA, but if you look at past cases that's the maximum they can go for... the judge can overrule that and gives him up to 2 consecutive 10 years term in jail with at least 50% to be serve in jail, so with the actual laws he could not leave jail before 15 years since he would have to serve the first sentence in full and then the second sentence would be eligible for parole after 5 years. Actually the 5 years asked by DA is 3 years for first victim... (******** ******) and 2 years for second victim (**** ******) and those sentences are consecutive so he will have to serve his first 3 year sentence in full and serve 1/3 of his second so he would have to serve at least 3 years and 8 months before being eligible for parole. But knowing the lack of justice in Canada and specially in Quebec he will get 2 years minus 1 day to be served in community with community work and probably be mandatory to create a fundation to help victims of rape and to held some fund raising shows. If it's the case I hope no artist will accept to perform in his shows so he will be violating his sentence and the judge can resentence him after.

I know the laws and practices on that manner, my 2 boys were agressed by one of my Ex Employee (for people of Quebec specially Sherbrooke region Jean Laplante) was convicted 7 times for pedophilia and sexual agression on minors under 14 (most of them between 4 and 7 ) and never got a jail sentence, on his 8th sentence he finally got 4 years, and on the 9th time (my kids) he got an extra 4 years consecutive to his pre-existing 4 years but he was declared a sexual delinquant to be controlled after his sentence for 10 extra years, and he got a ban from public places where kids can be (schools parks etc) for the rest of his life. So if you compare Cloutier case to this case he should not get any jail time at all and that's one of the example his lawyer brought in court to pledge for a sentence to be serve in community. that's very sad but canadian criminal code has no power compare to what you see in the US, Cloutier in the US would probably get life with no parole in many states. In canada you can be convicted 10 times for car theft without having a jail sentence, after that judge will give you a 30 days for the next 3 or 4 , a 60 days for next 3 or 4 and so on after probably 25 times convicted you will get a 2 year, but remember in Quebec you can get paroled after 1/6th of you sentence for a provincial jail (2 years minus 1 day maximum time) and after 1/3rd of you sentence in federal jail (more than 2 years). And we don't have a sexual predator list available like in most of the states. Their is 2 provinces having that kind of a list (Ontario and Alberta) but it's against the federal chart of rights. Here we have in jails an organisation called Organism for the rights of convicts, that's immoral, personally I think a convict lost all his rights when he was convicted. They have the right to cable TV in every cells, they can complaint on food, they are not forced to work, they can buy goods without paying taxes , like cigarettes convicts pay about 18$ per carton while honest citizens pay close to 60$.

I hope the judge will put his pants and convict to a large jail sentence. But if he was intending to do it he would have asked to put Cloutier in jail right away, that's why I personally think he will get a sentence to serve in community.

Sorry to say but canadian justice is on convict side, not on victims or honest citizen side.

Cloutier is an as*ho*e and I will stop going to assist to any shows that will be held in his theater in Quebec city called le Capitole.

The only thing I see that the victim should be forced to do is to refund the 1.2 Million he gave her and forced to refund it to a non profit organisation

N.B. Names of the alledge victims we're hide with stars, the first one was advertise by TQS, and the second is probably her older brother. And the main reason why they want to hide their names is that they will publish books and make more money if their names weren't published before, like the 2 Hilton daughters just did, the rumor is that the book will be launched a few days after the sentencing audience held on dec 20th, and that the book is already printed in 50000 copies ready to be on the shelves on dec 21st or 22nd just before christmas.

Those victims want to make as much money as possible with their case, and that's immoral IMHO. They dream of major jail time, and make big bucks on their story, that proves that IMHO they did that only for money purpose, and to prove that she was asking 2 million for her silence. I am not taking Cloutier party, but I don't take victims party neither, one of them is a big a**h**e and the other one is a big scam artist, and if it is ******** ****** she was convicted on insurance fraud scam a few years ago, with her boyfriend.
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Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
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ch972900 said:
the rumor is that the book will be launched a few days after the sentencing audience held on dec 20th, and that the book is already printed in 50000 copies ready to be on the shelves on dec 21st or 22nd just before christmas.

Those victims want to make as much money as possible with their case, and that's immoral IMHO. They dream of major jail time, and make big bucks on their story, that proves that IMHO they did that only for money purpose, and to prove that she was asking 2 million for her silence. I am not taking Cloutier party, but I don't take victims party neither, one of them is a big a**h**e and the other one is a big scam artist, and if it is ******** ****** she was convicted on insurance fraud scam a few years ago, with her boyfriend.


I understand you are speculating...or can you back up the book launch theory with any details...the name of the publisher for instance?

Assuming you are correct and a book is forthcoming, I don't see that as a reprehensible act per se. Victims of all kinds of accidents and crimes make money by telling their story... What would be reprehensible is if the girl blackmailed Cloutier for 2 millions and decided to out him only if he refused.

Again...all this is mere speculation I guess.


Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
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Rumour has it...

A different rumour I heard, with respect to the indentity of GC's second victim, is that she/he/it is not #1's brother. It is (tadam)...

(All you cryptic crossword afficionados out there start sratching your yeads with your pencils.)

First name: a common SP working name
Last name: doorman at heaven's gate


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Sep 28, 2003
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protect our children

For those who are from Quebec you can always visit the site this site is a site dedicated for a petiton to have a registry online of sexual predators in Quebec, in that way we will have a way to verify if we don't put our children in the hands of a pedophile. Also there is a fundation in creation actually that will be dedicated for the help to victims and their families, and we hope to held a major event in 2005 such as a big show and maybe a song to raise funds. If anyone is interest in making a donation or help in the fundation just go on the website and you will be able to email me from there

Thanks everyone

Let's get those pedophiles out of circulation
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