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Ricky bonds 2015 wrap-up!!!

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
:canada::cheer2::cheer2::faint::peace:1- i would like to wish each and every person on board a very happy new year filled with health, happiness, prosperity and success based upon each of your individual goals and standards..and personal measure.

2015 was a really interesting year for me filled with hobbying highs, personal lows and brand new realms of the hobby being explored.
I'm going to throw the rough draft out there and return to fill in some blanks and add some tasty links lol.

I'd like to start by saying this summer marked my return to merb after quite a long hiatus. I would like to think that i hit the ground running and wasted no time contributing to the community and helping those in need of advice and the right direction to be pointed in.
Here is a little compilation of some of my favourite moments from 2015..and some of my regrets and lows as well.

I started my summer off with a few back to back questionable encounters that almost put a stop to my grand re-entrance right then and there lol!
Stuff like this=
And the bleeding bum incident=
Or the pretty girl that bled all over me=
But hey, what can i say..i'm not a quitter.

right about then i met this absolutely stunning columbian 19 year old (i may have said she was 22 as some sort of diversion lol) in laval and began seeing her twice a week.
She looked just like kylie jenner only 500x hotter.
She eventually became my sugar baby and opened my eyes to the possibilitys of long term client/provider relationships and the associated perks.
Sad way to end though, my pretty little pumpkin got caught up in dope and really went downhill :(
I did my best to help her and tried everything in my power to get her the necessary ressources to get her out of her rut.
P.s, fuckin right i never reviewed her!! This goddess i kept all to myself lol

One major highlight from this summer was falling upon cinderella,
A girl i now consider a good friend and who has truely changed the way i interact with courtesans.
In retrospect maybe sharing her wasn't such a great idea after all?.. (Mind you i waited quite some time before ever sharing my experiences with her)
She announced her retirement recently and will be truely and dearly missed.
If you read this cindy, i really wish you nothing but the absolute best and i will always adore you (insert heart here) what you brought into my life at the time that you did was well needed, your affection, your gentleness, your, you will always be on my mind.

it was right about here that i started dating a courtesane and kind of really quit the hobby 'again' lol..
That didn't last long, but it was fun while it lasted.

Another girl with whom i developped a very interesting friendship with is none other than the unique amelie gray She will forever be one of my favourite people i have ever met through merb and i have nothing but hugs for her all day (and random butt grabs and hugs lol, she gives great hugs) amelie is a rare gem with a great personality, a sensitive, super open, loveable girl that always seems to make me smile.
I am going to have to devote much of my precious time to this adorable gal in 2016, she deserves it..

I'd add a huge paragraph, fuck it..a whole novel about the roommates lol, but i promised i wouldn't. All i can say is they let me live my own little sexual revolution, the fantasys of fantasys over and over again!

Allannah banks, wow..i would travel to any city she is touring in just to give her daty!! Miam!!.

Godiva escorts: i actually called shawn by accident lol. To be more precise i wrote tamara on merb, having no idea she worked for an agency.. and she gave me her number to reach her..when i called, it was shawn who answered.
From there i found him to be a genuine dude and he understood my needs.
We had many long conversations and just clicked.
I helped him get in touch with merb and become an advertiser here and the rest is history.
Coming from a strictly indy background, i was delighted to have met cassandra=!&highlight= who literally rocked my fckn world,
kelly= who equally rocked my world and..
tamara= who i enjoyed spending time with.
In the end this opened up my eyes to the fact that some agencys aren't so bad after all..and i intend on trying out some other agencys as well.(vogue, nadyas, euphoria, i come)

-insert a few other girls here that either have a nrp, or i just simply did not review.

The exclusives:
Having issues with the great divide and noticeable difference in service/attitude/and vag pinkness between high volume providers and extremely low volume providers, i sharpened my gem hunting tactics and managed to find some flawless university students that were open to some pretty interesting arrangements.
I must admit that this chapter of my hobbying life was the absolute apex! Some of these beautys were so hot, i couldn't imagine doing these things in my wildest dreams!

The pornstars.......
Its no secret that i enjoy filming home porn, and this year i was blessed to have made 3 with brind love one with sunny sparks, and one with ex porn star cannelle-x.
Plus a few others with non pornstars, sp's and non-sp hired help.

The vip party no show.....
I know i let many people down by not showing up to the party :(
I would once again like to apologize, especially to iggy who works so hard at orchestrating these events.
Sorry guys.
A special mention to doc holliday who played a trick on me that evening. when i answered the phone thinking it was cinderella on the other line, i was surprised to hear a mans voice on the other end wtf!! lol, it was doc playing a trick on was a pleasure speaking to someone who i've been reading religiously for years.

THOR JR.'S FINGER SLICING ACCIDENT LOL:!-CK&p=915488&highlight=#post915488
I wasn't there, but poor guy lol

The shocker: :(
And in the midst of all the fun, happiness, sunshine and squirting..
Something just had to give, it couldn't keep on going so well..
And there it was, the news that changed the game!
The news that may have opened doors for some, but smacked the rest of us in the face with that same door. nobody was happy to hear...
a godddess left us.

just when we thought we'd had our fair share of upsets for the year, jarheads favourite girl..the lovely isabella desrosiers also called it quits :( the game was never the same

'Everybodys favourite babyfaced lover cancelled on me too '(

Thank you all for the interesting content that has kept me constantly logged in and either in shock, or in awe lol.
This site provides entertainment that money just cannot buy and that is because of each and every one of you that take the time to write on merb.

Hold far from done, i have so much more stuff to add
Like the milking table....?

And then there was this guy ..


Jun 9, 2015
Thanks for all the amazing reviews you shared this year, it's always fun to read your adventures. Sorry about your girl who went downhill after being addicted to drugs, I hope she'll find her way. :(

I'm sure 2016 will be a very busy year for you, what's next? An orgy with a dozen porn stars? ( if so then please share everything here with us ) :lol: :thumb:


New Member
Mar 21, 2015
Always enjoy reading the chapters of your hobbying memoirs lol.

Glad you shared coz really helped me along. Looking forward to reading more.
All the best for the new year.


Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Man, i love reading your stuff but i always need a nap half way thru, there so long buddy, lol. Good reading and always a pleasure to make you toss your cookies.

Thor Jr


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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I wanted to take a moment to thank you Ricky for the reviews and for the odd PM to share a little secret with me now and then. The reviews have always been amazing and complete leaving very little to the imagination. I too have had a wonderful year and have had the pleasure of meeting and sharing time with some wonderful people. Some have been shared others kept for my personal pleasure. I continue to see an amazing woman I met in this hobby and every time I see her I am amazed at how she makes me feel. I hope that every MERB member has enjoyed the past year both hobbyists and SP's and hope that the upcoming year is the best of your life. Before all I want to wish you all health since without good health nothing else is possible, beyond that I hope that whatever your goals are, that you do everything in your power to attain them. :)

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Man, i love reading your stuff but i always need a nap half way thru, there so long buddy, lol. Good reading and always a pleasure to make you toss your cookies.

Thor Jr

I even threw in the link to your sliced finger loll

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Great post, Ricky!! :D

For me, you're the most fun to read of all this great bunch of people and your reviews are always entertaining as hell! Happy New Year, RB! :thumb:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I would like to nominate for the best thread of the year. A great read. Whatever happened to the Colomibian girl? Did you ever check back?

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
I would like to nominate for the best thread of the year. A great read. Whatever happened to the Colomibian girl? Did you ever check back?

The beautiful columbian girl ended up with an abusive boyfriend from st-michel who capitalized off of this poor girls downfall. She dropped out of school and is currently doing absolutely nothing with her life :+

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Happy new years to each and every one of you.
Love me or hate me, i wish you all nothing but the absolute best..and the best year of your life this year!
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