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Hamas & Israel


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Jan 24, 2015
What about this resolution?
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 is a resolution that was intended to resolve the 2006 Lebanon War. The resolution calls for a full cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon to be replaced by Lebanese and UNIFIL forces deploying to southern Lebanon, and the disarmament of armed groups including Hezbollah, with no armed forces other than UNIFIL and Lebanese military south of the Litani River/

Talk about cherry picking. As far as I know Hezbollah is larger than ever and is again attacking Israel since October 2023
Fin is cherry picking with the UN Resolutions in a way that is ridiculous. The very first one which was probably the fairest one was rejected in a mass walkout and caused an armed invasion of Israel. How do you keep losing wars you started again and again due to incompetent leadership both politically and militarily and get to have an upper hand in any new post war resolutions? In what universe does this make any sense? In fact the US and Canada invaded Native American lands, not the other way around. Has USA or Canada been subject to any resolutions to give land back? The USA and Canada were never attacked by Native Americans except in isolated situations after their lands had already been invaded and controlled. So how does this UN resolution cherry picking work in the world of historical logic?

At what time in history ever did a country that started a war and lost gotten land back?
Let’s be clear Israel would have been wiped out if they had lost any of this war or the next one.
This one is no different
iran hamas and hezbollah intentions are very clear.
Why should israel take a chance??

If it comes down to life or death I’m not sure what the rules of engagement are at this point
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Mar 29, 2016
Fin is cherry picking with the UN Resolutions in a way that is ridiculous. The very first one which was probably the fairest one was rejected in a mass walkout and caused an armed invasion of Israel. How do you keep losing wars you started again and again due to incompetent leadership both politically and militarily and get to have an upper hand in any new post war resolutions? In what universe does this make any sense? In fact the US and Canada invaded Native American lands, not the other way around. Has USA or Canada been subject to any resolutions to give land back? The USA and Canada were never attacked by Native Americans except in isolated situations after their lands had already been invaded and controlled. So how does this UN resolution cherry picking work in the world of historical logic?

At what time in history ever did a country that started a war and lost gotten land back?
Cherrypicking? You can pick anything from the past. This is what is happening now. This resolution was adopted by UN assembly yesterday. The very day I posted.


Mar 29, 2016
What about this resolution?
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 is a resolution that was intended to resolve the 2006 Lebanon War. The resolution calls for a full cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon to be replaced by Lebanese and UNIFIL forces deploying to southern Lebanon, and the disarmament of armed groups including Hezbollah, with no armed forces other than UNIFIL and Lebanese military south of the Litani River/

Talk about cherry picking. As far as I know Hezbollah is larger than ever and is again attacking Israel since October 2023
Why do you pick something 20 years ago. I was talking about yesterday's UN general assembly resolution. This is what the international community says now.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Why do you pick something 20 years ago. I was talking about yesterday's UN general assembly resolution. This is what the international community says now.
So what a bunch of ignoramuses who know nothing about the history (or else ignore it) did a vote, and then someone wrote a poorly researched newspaper article about the vote that you read, and they all must be right? Are you fucking kidding with this post? You really are a sheep in the flock. Beware following the Sheperd, dude, as he is not leading you to the path of greater learning.
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May 16, 2019
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Yes we have to recognize that Israel has mastered the art of Mass Killings. Their terrorism has reached levels never witnessed before. They are also able to argue with amazing arrogance that kids and civilians are also dangerous to their existence......Do not forget also that any critique to their actions is anti semitic, like any tyrant that considers criticizing his actions dangerous for security.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Yes we have to recognize that Israel has mastered the art of Mass Killings. Their terrorism has reached levels never witnessed before. They are also able to argue with amazing arrogance that kids and civilians are also dangerous to their existence......Do not forget also that any critique to their actions is anti semitic, like any tyrant that considers criticizing his actions dangerous for security.
What are you talking about? The brilliance of this operation is that it is the most precise targeting of the enemy force ever known. There is an absolute minimum of civilian collateral damage.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Yes we have to recognize that Israel has mastered the art of Mass Killings. Their terrorism has reached levels never witnessed before. They are also able to argue with amazing arrogance that kids and civilians are also dangerous to their existence......Do not forget also that any critique to their actions is anti semitic, like any tyrant that considers criticizing his actions dangerous for security.
Total horseshit- are you aware one of the dead is the mastermind of the 1983 attack that killed 300 people? This is who you are defending?
By the way what exactly would you do if you were in Israel's position in response to Hezbollah's attacks? Do you even get that these groups are committed to the destruction of Israel? What is Israel supposed to do except defend itself as it has?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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What are you talking about? The brilliance of this operation is that it is the most precise targeting of the enemy force ever known. There is an absolute minimum of civilian collateral damage.
Absolutely brilliant and will be looked at historically as a state of the art attack to disrupt communications of a terrorist network not fighting as a traditional military. It will be in textbooks on military strategy in those situations.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Total horseshit- are you aware one of the dead is the mastermind of the 1983 attack that killed 300 people? This is who you are defending?
By the way what exactly would you do if you were in Israel's position in response to Hezbollah's attacks? Do you even get that these groups are committed to the destruction of Israel? What is Israel supposed to do except defend itself as it has?
Are you talking about the bombing today? I was referring to the pager bombing which are 2 different events. However, on that note, were the marines killed in New York? Didn't they go to support Israel's Invasion of Beirut? As much as I hate seeing US soldiers dying, especially that I am certain they had good intentions (the marines, not the politicians), they were on Lebanese soil. This leads to another discussion about the current political policies of the US.

Only this fascist government supporters will think that killing invaders is terrorism, while the invader's killings is self-defense. I will keep repeating it: Israel has no legitimate claim to Self-defense. It is the occupier not the other way around.

This idea that it is ok to bomb a school full of kids to kill few terrorists is simply the definition of terrorism. Killing civilians to promote a political agenda is terrorism. It has no religion or color. You would like it to equate to Arabs or Islam, but it is not. Israel use terror to scare people so that they surrender and bend to its wishes. How can you defeat someone not scared of death. Certainly not by threatening him with death.

If Netanyahu really wants peace and not domination, he needs to give peace not more settlements and massacres.
You should ask the question in Reverse, What are the Palestinians to do when they are occupied, controlled, abused, jailed (even kids are jailed), massacred, and pushed out of their lands? Netanyahu wants to send the Gazan to Sinai, and the west Bank to Jordan. The other mini minister forgot his name, wants to nuke them.
The truth is simple, Netanyahu is committing terrorism with he the purpose of ethnic cleansing. The world is watching, like it did with the other madman of History (Hitler). When they reacted, the cost was too high. It seems we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Absolutely brilliant and will be looked at historically as a state of the art attack to disrupt communications of a terrorist network not fighting as a traditional military. It will be in textbooks on military strategy in those situations.
Not sure where you get your news from man, but they are always missing. You see Hezbollah is not only a militant group, they are a political, and a social one. The fighters, which your likes believe to be terrorists, had low casualties. Most if the casualties belonged to the 2 other groups.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Not sure where you get your news from man, but they are always missing. You see Hezbollah is not only a militant group, they are a political, and a social one. The fighters, which your likes believe to be terrorists, had low casualties. Most if the casualties belonged to the 2 other groups.
And how would you know this? One of the casualties is a wanted terrorist who killed 300 people. Anyway, you didn't answer my question because there is no answer except that Israel defended itself in the only way it can, against an organization committed to the destruction of Israel.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
And how would you know this? One of the casualties is a wanted terrorist who killed 300 people. Anyway, you didn't answer my question because there is no answer except that Israel defended itself in the only way it can, against an organization committed to the destruction of Israel.
Well, Netanyahu is committed to wipe out Palestinians and wants the whole region to become Israel. So it is not self defense, unless you are assuming that Palestinians are guilty just because they are Palestinians, and happened to be born on that land. Hamas and Hezbollah, if like you said, are bent on destroying Israel, they are not the whole people. If Israel wants peace, there are so many Palestinians and Arabs willing, and they have tried with the Oslo agreement. Blockade, massacres, and settlements increase are the complete opposite of peace.
I am going to repeat one of my favorite quotes" it is not who you are underneath, its what you do that defines you". Terrorism is terrorism, coming from a group or an army. The conventions and treaties after world war 2 are set to minimize the first. Natenyahu does not care, and will keep going.


Une fois par jour
Jan 24, 2015
Well, Netanyahu is committed to wipe out Palestinians and wants the whole region to become Israel. So it is not self defense, unless you are assuming that Palestinians are guilty just because they are Palestinians, and happened to be born on that land. Hamas and Hezbollah, if like you said, are bent on destroying Israel, they are not the whole people. If Israel wants peace, there are so many Palestinians and Arabs willing, and they have tried with the Oslo agreement. Blockade, massacres, and settlements increase are the complete opposite of peace.
I am going to repeat one of my favorite quotes" it is not who you are underneath, its what you do that defines you". Terrorism is terrorism, coming from a group or an army. The conventions and treaties after world war 2 are set to minimize the first. Natenyahu does not care, and will keep going.
You are dead wrong and you know it
Israel is not interested in Gaza. No one is actually interest in Gaza
Egyptian didn’t want it when israel gave back thow whole sinai for peace with egypt. ( do you even know how bigvsinai is??)
Israel left gaza without any conditions and hamas turned it into a shit hole of terror. Even the egyptians are imposing a blockad so please don’t give us the bullshit of the open air prison
It is israel that was providing water and electricity to gaze. Israeli doctors where actually treating gazaans in israeli hospitals
Those hamas and hezbollah fuckers don’t want any jews .. how the fuck are you supposed to deal with a psycho whonis obsessed with killing you???
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hamas and Hezbollah, if like you said, are bent on destroying Israel, they are not the whole people. If Israel wants peace, there are so many Palestinians and Arabs willing, and they have tried with the Oslo agreement. Blockade, massacres, and settlements increase are the complete opposite of peace.
This is where your logic completely breaks down. If enough Palestinians wanted peace- and enough is the key word here, because all are indoctrinated to hate Israel from birth- they wouldn't have had the leadership they have had for 80 years now with no results. What happened was they lost very badly in 3 wars they started. You have no idea how badly, and it wasn't because the U.S.A was helping Israel, because the other side had even more significant armament from the USSR. It was due to incompetent leadership, politically and militarily, and total disorganization and disarray in the battlefield. And I know this from family members who fought and observed it in the battlefield. They fought well armed, but ineptly led and disorganized troops that scattered and ran as soon as the Israelis repelled their attacks.

After traditional military attacks failed and resulted in humiliating defeats in 3 separate wars they started, the Palestinian leadership turned to terrorism and repeated civilian attacks in the last 50 years. This hasn't worked either. So it's up to the Palestinian people to change their leaders but they can't. You know why? Because their leaders rape the country economically, keep the people powerless and indoctrinated while Abbas and his comrades live like Kings, in Castles. He is worth $100 million and they can't touch him, and he consolidates his power by keeping the people down, ignorant, and indoctrinated that Israel is the reason for all their problems. This has been going on for 50 years now and with no change. At some point it has to stop. The Palestinians are going backwards, not forwards.

As far as the settlements, they are and have been a problem, and it's due to the religious right in Israel, which is prevalent in this area. They actually harassed my own family members for "improper dress", and called one of them a whore. They harass Jews not up to their religious standards as well as Arab "nonbelievers." Equal opportunity dispossessors. For reasons beyond the scope of this thread, the Israeli Orthodox and religious right Jews have WAY more political power than they deserve, and they are primarily responsible for that situation and the way Netanyahu is acting. Israel isn't a country that is without fault or problems, and the 2 major ones are the religious's right and it's disproportionate power based on their numbers, and the lack of power of the judicial branch over the executive. When the President basically overrules the Supreme Court by executive order, it's a big problem.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Not sure where you get your news from man, but they are always missing. You see Hezbollah is not only a militant group, they are a political, and a social one. The fighters, which your likes believe to be terrorists, had low casualties. Most if the casualties belonged to the 2 other groups.
As far as I know Hezbollah has been designated as the terrorist organization by more than 20 countries including US, Canada, European Union and many Arab countries. And you know how you name the members of the terrorist organization? Yes, the terrorists. Sure, some countries such as Iran, North Korea and Russia do not agree and consider Hezbollah to be the good guys. So, you are morally in a “good” company but probably in the wrong country physically.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
bullshit of the open air prison
And yet that what it is exactly. Your denying does not make it the opposite. Why would Egypt want it? They are not colonialist, and it is not part of Egypt. and they never imposed a blockade, you are misinformed. They were following Israeli instructions regarding what goes in from the borders.
You can deny reality as much as you want, the truth remains that it is Palestinians civilians, and kids that are killed, Palestinians schools, homes and hospitals that are destroyed, not Israel's. Meanwhile, from the other side, i only see Tanks destroyed, and military killed. You cannot distort realities anymore.
actually treating gazaans in israeli hospitals
Proof that Netanyahu and people like him are the problem. Peace is possible between Palestinians and Israelis.
how the fuck are you supposed to deal with a psycho whonis obsessed with killing you
So you go kill the innocent to prove those psycho right and increase their popularity?.
As far as I know Hezbollah has been designated as the terrorist organization by more than 20 countries including US, Canada, European Union and many Arab countries. And you know how you name the members of the terrorist organization? Yes, the terrorists. Sure, some countries such as Iran, North Korea and Russia do not agree and consider Hezbollah to be the good guys. So, you are morally in a “good” company but probably in the wrong country physically.
It is not up to you to decide if I am in the right country or not. As far as I am concerned, it is ideas like yours that have put us in a declining path. Our morality and values were our biggest strength, and now those leaders have wiped out the floor with it. We only need to look at your comment to understand how our freedom of speech and thoughts are impacted. When killing kids is justified with self defense, it just proves how deep we are sinking.
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