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Hamas & Israel


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I was wondering where the problem solvers are in all of this and it seems like Egypt has stepped to the plate to take swings in that regard. I don't know if this proposal will fly but it sounds like the kind of thinking and international diplomacy that needs to be done to make some type of progress. It's not clear to me but it seems like this would be the end of Hamas, and as such it should be a starting point, if nothing else:
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Apologists for Islamic terrorists resort to many strategies to justify their crimes but when nothing else works, they scream "Islamophobia"! Writer Sam Harris explains how Muslims use Islamophobia to try to disarm critics of Islam and its followers.

What is Islamophobia? Someone once said on the Internet, it’s a word “invented by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons,” and that’s not far from the truth. There is no question that the term has been designed to confuse people. Its purpose is to conflate any criticism of Islam, which is a doctrine of religious beliefs, with bigotry against Muslims as people. In fact, it equates secularism itself—the commitment to keeping religion out of our laws and public policy—with hatred. The term is now being widely used in the mainstream media, and it is making it impossible to speak honestly about the consequences of dangerous ideas...

..And while every religion has its fanatics, there is only one religion on Earth where even its mainstream members of the faith seek to impose their religious taboos on everyone else. There is only one religion that has made it unsafe for people to criticize it—or indeed, for its own members to leave it. Only Muslims routinely fear for their lives when they decide to leave their religion—and this is true, even in the West. If you doubt this, just read some books or listen to some podcasts by ex-Muslims.

Anyone who wants to draw a cartoon, or write a novel, or stage a play that makes fun of Mormonism is free to do that. In the United States, this freedom is nominally guaranteed by the First Amendment—but that is not, in fact, what guarantees it. The freedom to poke fun at Mormonism is guaranteed by the fact that Mormons don’t tend to murder their critics. They don’t start riots and burn embassies in response to satire.

When The Book of Mormon became the most celebrated musical in the United States, the LDS Church protested by placing ads for their faith in the program. That might have been a wasted effort: but it was also a charming sign of good humor. Yes, there are crazy and dangerous people in every faith—and I often hear from them. But what is true of Mormonism is true of every other religion, with a single exception. Can you imagine staging a similar play about Islam anywhere on Earth? No you cannot—unless you also imagine the creators of that play being hunted for the rest of their lives by religious maniacs. You also have to imagine Muslims by the hundreds of thousands, in dozens of countries, going absolutely berserk.

At this moment in history, there is only one religion that systematically stifles free expression with credible threats of violence. The truth is, we have already lost our First Amendment freedoms with respect to Islam. We lost them decades ago—and anyone who is tempted to cry “Islamophobia” at this point, shares the blame for this. This status quo is intolerable—and, most important, it should be intolerable to Muslims themselves. They should be mortified that their community is so uniquely combustible. So uniquely uncivil. So incapable of self-reflection and self-criticism. So dangerously childish. So desperate to make the whole world it's safe space.

Consider what is actually happening: Some percentage of the world’s Muslims—and it is not just extremists—are demanding that all non-Muslims conform to Islamic law. And while they might not immediately resort to violence in their protests, they threaten it. Carrying a sign through the streets of London that reads “Behead Those Who Insult the Prophet” might still count as an example of peaceful protest, but it is also an assurance that infidel blood would be shed if the thug holding the sign only had more power. Wherever Muslims do have real power, this grotesque promise is always fulfilled. To make a film, or stage a play, or write a novel critical of Islam in any Muslim-majority country, is as sure a method of suicide as the laws of physics allow. There is only one religion on Earth that has normalized this level of fanaticism. And it isn’t an expression of bigotry to notice that this is totally antithetical to everything that civilized people value in the 21st century...

...There have been nearly 50,000 acts of Islamic terrorism in the last 40 years—and the French group that maintains a database of these attacks considers that to be an undercount. Ninety percent of them have occurred in Muslim countries. Most have nothing to do with Israel or Jews. There have been 82 attacks in France and over 2000 in Pakistan during this period. Do you want France to be more like Pakistan? You just need more jihadists. You just need more people susceptible to becoming jihadists. You just need a wider Muslim community that won’t condemn jihadism, but pretends that the theology that inspires it will be true and perfect until the end of the world. You just need millions of people who will protest Israel for defending itself, or call for the deaths of cartoonists for depicting the prophet Muhammad, and yet not make a peep about the jihadist atrocities that occur daily, all over the world, in the name of their religion...
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2019

Terrible isn't it ? This is what the nazionists of this forum are condoning. A child-killing bloodthirsty ideology


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Jul 11, 2003
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Sep 22, 2019


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Jan 24, 2015
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
It is evident that the IDF has been employing a forceful approach towards the Palestinian population, primarily due to the unfortunate tactic used by terrorists like Hamas who hide among civilians. As previously mentioned, the actions carried out by Hamas on October 7th were not solely for the benefit of Palestine, but rather to serve the interests of various Islamic extremist groups. Their intention was to provoke a strong response from Israel, fully aware that innocent lives would be lost in the process. This calculated move was aimed at garnering support from individuals worldwide, with the ultimate goal of inciting a global movement against Israel and its Jewish population.

It is important to recognize the deliberate manipulation at play here. Hamas intends to falsely portray Israel as the perpetrator of genocide, when in reality, it is Hamas and other extremist factions that seek to eradicate Israel and its Jewish inhabitants. Unfortunately, many individuals are not well-informed about the true meaning of genocide, leading them to blindly join the anti-Israel movement. Furthermore, there are those who, having fled their own troubled Arabic countries, latch onto this cause as a means of preserving their ethnic identity, even though their actions are far from beneficial to their own communities.

One must ponder the consequences of this dangerous path. If the Jewish people are targeted today, who will be the next victims? The answer is quite obvious. It is almost as if the Islamic and Hamas groups are attempting to instigate a new worldwide holocaust. However, it is crucial to remember that the most influential figures in the world are predominantly Jewish, making it highly unlikely that these attempts to recreate the horrors of the past will succeed. When referring to these influential individuals, I am not referring to mere celebrities who fear losing followers by standing up for Israel, but rather the powerful individuals who control governments and financial institutions.

It is disheartening to witness the prevailing misconception that when people think of Palestine, they immediately associate it with Israel killing innocent babies. This notion is pure nonsense. Israel does not possess the heart to harm innocent infants; it is Hamas who callously hides behind civilians, including babies and children’s.It is worth noting that I have always maintained positive relationships with my Muslim friends, and my parents had close ties with Muslim individuals as well. However, it is disheartening to witness the rise of antisemitism among the younger generation.
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2019
A Palestinian resistant blowing up a zionist terrorist tank from zero-distance in a matter of under 30 seconds. You really need to have balls of steel, being a fearless die-hard and being totally devoted to a rightous cause to do such a huge risky action. While the IDF terrorists (generally mercenaries living everywhere in the West) have little to no awarness, they get decimated by dozens everyday due to their little awarness, lack of motivation and their moral down.

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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
It has taken a couple months for the extent of the atrocities committed by Hamas to be revealed. Dealing with 1200 victims takes time and many bodies were burned or disfigured, as the Wall Street Journal reports in the article below.

I fully understand why Israel must react to the Hamas attack by waging total war against Hamas and its followers--and by "followers" I mean most of the people of Gaza.

The people of Gaza put Hamas in charge and supported them along every step of the way to October 7. The Gazans took welfare payments from all over the world (especially Iran and Arab countries) and instead of using it to build a normal society, used the money to build tunnels, import weapons, launch rockets against Israeli civilians and brainwash their children and fellow citizens to follow a radical, Jew-hating, death-obsessed version of Islam.

They brought their misery on themselves and I have no sympathy for them. I hope Israel continues its war as long as necessary to teach the Gazans that they will never succeed in destroying Israel but that they will succeed in destroying their own society unless thery give up their own dysfunctional, backwards and self-destructive ideology.

NIR OZ, Israel—Eitan Cunio heard the militants enter his house and watched as gasoline seeped under the door of the safe room where he sheltered with his wife and two children.

His 1-year-old daughter was crying as the family’s home in Kibbutz Nir Oz was set alight and smoke began entering the room. Cunio put wet sheets at the bottom of the door and told his family they would stay inside rather than be killed or kidnapped. If we die, we die together at home, he said.

Before passing out, Cunio sent a tearful voice note to a friend in his community: “Brother, it’s horrible. We are going to die.”
Months have passed since the October day Israelis call Black Sabbath, when Hamas-led militants rampaged into Israel from Gaza, an attack that officials say killed some 1,200 people and included acts of torture, mutilation and sexual violence. Israeli investigators are now using some 200,000 photographs and videos and 2,000 witness testimonies to reconstruct what happened, with an eye toward building a legal case against those responsible that would meet international standards and provide a definitive historical accounting of the Oct. 7 attack.

Reporters from The Wall Street Journal examined some of that evidence, supplemented with interviews of first responders, survivors, families of victims and forensic scientists, to document an attack that Israeli Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai described as “systematic and unprecedented in its cruelty.”
Forensic evidence shared with the Journal by Israeli officials shows some victims were burned alive after militants used accelerants to set fire to their homes. Photos viewed by the Journal taken by first responders on the scene show bodies were mutilated including the sex organs of both men and women. The bodies of women and girls showed various signs of sexual assault, and recently, at least three female survivors have come forward to say they experienced sexual violence on Oct. 7.

...Israel has identified about 800 dead civilians from Oct. 7, including 37 minors under the age of 17, six of whom were under 5. Some 25 people over the age of 80 were killed, including a 94-year-old woman, according to the prime minister’s office.

Hamas militants and others kidnapped roughly 250 people on Oct. 7, according to Israeli authorities.

Dead bodies were taken to an Israeli military base where they were processed and those that were unidentifiable sent to the National Center of Forensic Medicine, which took fingerprints, conducted X-rays and CT scans and removed tissue samples for DNA extraction.

Scans revealed signs of torture and execution, according to Dr. Chen Kugel, head of the forensics center. In some cases, the center found soot in the trachea, indicating people were burned alive as they inhaled smoke before bodies charred, he said. Others were burned after they were already dead.

One scan of blackened remains viewed by the Journal revealed two spines and two rib cages belonging to a child and an adult who were bound together with metal wire and burned alive, Kugel said. He added that more than 20 bodies were found with hands bound with zip ties or electric cords, indicating execution.

Militants posted videos of some of the killings and kidnappings on victims’ social media pages, where friends and family watched. When militants forced their way into Noam Elyakim’s home, they shot him in the leg, then took his wife’s phone and livestreamed the family being taken hostage on Facebook. In another instance, Shay Shimoni saw a video posted by militants of her 75-year-old mother dead in a pool of blood. The Journal viewed both videos, which are no longer online.

New details about sexual violence also are emerging. Investigators initially found no rape survivors, but at least three women have since come forward to the Ministry of Welfare saying they experienced sexual violence, said Ayelet Razin Bet Or, a former government official helping with the investigation.

One witness saw militants gang rape a woman and then cut off her breast, according to police testimony viewed by the Journal. First responders said they saw signs of sexual violence, including women found naked or with their underwear pulled down or tops removed.

The Journal saw images taken by a first responder of a naked woman with a knife and three nails in the crotch area, women whose clothing was partially or entirely removed and women with blood from the crotch area. In another image provided by the first responder, a woman’s breast was almost entirely sliced off. Her shirt was ripped away and she had a knife wound in the neck. In two other photos a naked man was found gagged and shot and one photo showed a man’s eyeball had been removed.

Shari Mendes, 62, a reservist in the Israeli army who helped identify bodies after Oct. 7, said people were shot in the head so many times they were disfigured.

...Sexual assault
At the festival, Hamas militants began to sexually assault women, witnesses told the police. Fighters took women back to Gaza with them, and in one example, paraded the half-naked body of a female festival goer in the back of a pickup, according to a widely shared video on Telegram.

In a recording of a phone call that morning, militants driving in Israel cheered as one of them talked about raping a woman.

“I am going to f— her, I am going to f— her,” he told another person on the line, according to an unverified recording shared with the Journal by Israeli officials...


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
It has taken a couple months for the extent of the atrocities committed by Hamas to be revealed. Dealing with 1200 victims takes time and many bodies were burned or disfigured, as the Wall Street Journal reports in the article below.

I fully understand why Israel must react to the Hamas attack by waging total war against Hamas and its followers--and by "followers" I mean most of the people of Gaza.

The people of Gaza put Hamas in charge and supported them along every step of the way to October 7. The Gazans took welfare payments from all over the world (especially Iran and Arab countries) and instead of using it to build a normal society, used the money to build tunnels, import weapons, launch rockets against Israeli civilians and brainwash their children and fellow citizens to follow a radical, Jew-hating, death-obsessed version of Islam.

They brought their misery on themselves and I have no sympathy for them. I hope Israel continues its war as long as necessary to teach the Gazans that they will never succeed in destroying Israel but that they will succeed in destroying their own society unless thery give up their own dysfunctional, backwards and self-destructive ideology.

NIR OZ, Israel—Eitan Cunio heard the militants enter his house and watched as gasoline seeped under the door of the safe room where he sheltered with his wife and two children.

His 1-year-old daughter was crying as the family’s home in Kibbutz Nir Oz was set alight and smoke began entering the room. Cunio put wet sheets at the bottom of the door and told his family they would stay inside rather than be killed or kidnapped. If we die, we die together at home, he said.

Before passing out, Cunio sent a tearful voice note to a friend in his community: “Brother, it’s horrible. We are going to die.”
Months have passed since the October day Israelis call Black Sabbath, when Hamas-led militants rampaged into Israel from Gaza, an attack that officials say killed some 1,200 people and included acts of torture, mutilation and sexual violence. Israeli investigators are now using some 200,000 photographs and videos and 2,000 witness testimonies to reconstruct what happened, with an eye toward building a legal case against those responsible that would meet international standards and provide a definitive historical accounting of the Oct. 7 attack.

Reporters from The Wall Street Journal examined some of that evidence, supplemented with interviews of first responders, survivors, families of victims and forensic scientists, to document an attack that Israeli Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai described as “systematic and unprecedented in its cruelty.”
Forensic evidence shared with the Journal by Israeli officials shows some victims were burned alive after militants used accelerants to set fire to their homes. Photos viewed by the Journal taken by first responders on the scene show bodies were mutilated including the sex organs of both men and women. The bodies of women and girls showed various signs of sexual assault, and recently, at least three female survivors have come forward to say they experienced sexual violence on Oct. 7.

...Israel has identified about 800 dead civilians from Oct. 7, including 37 minors under the age of 17, six of whom were under 5. Some 25 people over the age of 80 were killed, including a 94-year-old woman, according to the prime minister’s office.

Hamas militants and others kidnapped roughly 250 people on Oct. 7, according to Israeli authorities.

Dead bodies were taken to an Israeli military base where they were processed and those that were unidentifiable sent to the National Center of Forensic Medicine, which took fingerprints, conducted X-rays and CT scans and removed tissue samples for DNA extraction.

Scans revealed signs of torture and execution, according to Dr. Chen Kugel, head of the forensics center. In some cases, the center found soot in the trachea, indicating people were burned alive as they inhaled smoke before bodies charred, he said. Others were burned after they were already dead.

One scan of blackened remains viewed by the Journal revealed two spines and two rib cages belonging to a child and an adult who were bound together with metal wire and burned alive, Kugel said. He added that more than 20 bodies were found with hands bound with zip ties or electric cords, indicating execution.

Militants posted videos of some of the killings and kidnappings on victims’ social media pages, where friends and family watched. When militants forced their way into Noam Elyakim’s home, they shot him in the leg, then took his wife’s phone and livestreamed the family being taken hostage on Facebook. In another instance, Shay Shimoni saw a video posted by militants of her 75-year-old mother dead in a pool of blood. The Journal viewed both videos, which are no longer online.

New details about sexual violence also are emerging. Investigators initially found no rape survivors, but at least three women have since come forward to the Ministry of Welfare saying they experienced sexual violence, said Ayelet Razin Bet Or, a former government official helping with the investigation.

One witness saw militants gang rape a woman and then cut off her breast, according to police testimony viewed by the Journal. First responders said they saw signs of sexual violence, including women found naked or with their underwear pulled down or tops removed.

The Journal saw images taken by a first responder of a naked woman with a knife and three nails in the crotch area, women whose clothing was partially or entirely removed and women with blood from the crotch area. In another image provided by the first responder, a woman’s breast was almost entirely sliced off. Her shirt was ripped away and she had a knife wound in the neck. In two other photos a naked man was found gagged and shot and one photo showed a man’s eyeball had been removed.

Shari Mendes, 62, a reservist in the Israeli army who helped identify bodies after Oct. 7, said people were shot in the head so many times they were disfigured.

...Sexual assault
At the festival, Hamas militants began to sexually assault women, witnesses told the police. Fighters took women back to Gaza with them, and in one example, paraded the half-naked body of a female festival goer in the back of a pickup, according to a widely shared video on Telegram.

In a recording of a phone call that morning, militants driving in Israel cheered as one of them talked about raping a woman.

“I am going to f— her, I am going to f— her,” he told another person on the line, according to an unverified recording shared with the Journal by Israeli officials...

I don't believe real peace will ever happen between Israel and Pelestinians in Gaza and Cisjordany.
It was probably a huge mistake made in 1947 to establish a Jews country there.


Une fois par jour
Jan 24, 2015
It has taken a couple months for the extent of the atrocities committed by Hamas to be revealed. Dealing with 1200 victims takes time and many bodies were burned or disfigured, as the Wall Street Journal reports in the article below.

I fully understand why Israel must react to the Hamas attack by waging total war against Hamas and its followers--and by "followers" I mean most of the people of Gaza.

The people of Gaza put Hamas in charge and supported them along every step of the way to October 7. The Gazans took welfare payments from all over the world (especially Iran and Arab countries) and instead of using it to build a normal society, used the money to build tunnels, import weapons, launch rockets against Israeli civilians and brainwash their children and fellow citizens to follow a radical, Jew-hating, death-obsessed version of Islam.

They brought their misery on themselves and I have no sympathy for them. I hope Israel continues its war as long as necessary to teach the Gazans that they will never succeed in destroying Israel but that they will succeed in destroying their own society unless thery give up their own dysfunctional, backwards and self-destructive ideology.

NIR OZ, Israel—Eitan Cunio heard the militants enter his house and watched as gasoline seeped under the door of the safe room where he sheltered with his wife and two children.

His 1-year-old daughter was crying as the family’s home in Kibbutz Nir Oz was set alight and smoke began entering the room. Cunio put wet sheets at the bottom of the door and told his family they would stay inside rather than be killed or kidnapped. If we die, we die together at home, he said.

Before passing out, Cunio sent a tearful voice note to a friend in his community: “Brother, it’s horrible. We are going to die.”
Months have passed since the October day Israelis call Black Sabbath, when Hamas-led militants rampaged into Israel from Gaza, an attack that officials say killed some 1,200 people and included acts of torture, mutilation and sexual violence. Israeli investigators are now using some 200,000 photographs and videos and 2,000 witness testimonies to reconstruct what happened, with an eye toward building a legal case against those responsible that would meet international standards and provide a definitive historical accounting of the Oct. 7 attack.

Reporters from The Wall Street Journal examined some of that evidence, supplemented with interviews of first responders, survivors, families of victims and forensic scientists, to document an attack that Israeli Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai described as “systematic and unprecedented in its cruelty.”
Forensic evidence shared with the Journal by Israeli officials shows some victims were burned alive after militants used accelerants to set fire to their homes. Photos viewed by the Journal taken by first responders on the scene show bodies were mutilated including the sex organs of both men and women. The bodies of women and girls showed various signs of sexual assault, and recently, at least three female survivors have come forward to say they experienced sexual violence on Oct. 7.

...Israel has identified about 800 dead civilians from Oct. 7, including 37 minors under the age of 17, six of whom were under 5. Some 25 people over the age of 80 were killed, including a 94-year-old woman, according to the prime minister’s office.

Hamas militants and others kidnapped roughly 250 people on Oct. 7, according to Israeli authorities.

Dead bodies were taken to an Israeli military base where they were processed and those that were unidentifiable sent to the National Center of Forensic Medicine, which took fingerprints, conducted X-rays and CT scans and removed tissue samples for DNA extraction.

Scans revealed signs of torture and execution, according to Dr. Chen Kugel, head of the forensics center. In some cases, the center found soot in the trachea, indicating people were burned alive as they inhaled smoke before bodies charred, he said. Others were burned after they were already dead.

One scan of blackened remains viewed by the Journal revealed two spines and two rib cages belonging to a child and an adult who were bound together with metal wire and burned alive, Kugel said. He added that more than 20 bodies were found with hands bound with zip ties or electric cords, indicating execution.

Militants posted videos of some of the killings and kidnappings on victims’ social media pages, where friends and family watched. When militants forced their way into Noam Elyakim’s home, they shot him in the leg, then took his wife’s phone and livestreamed the family being taken hostage on Facebook. In another instance, Shay Shimoni saw a video posted by militants of her 75-year-old mother dead in a pool of blood. The Journal viewed both videos, which are no longer online.

New details about sexual violence also are emerging. Investigators initially found no rape survivors, but at least three women have since come forward to the Ministry of Welfare saying they experienced sexual violence, said Ayelet Razin Bet Or, a former government official helping with the investigation.

One witness saw militants gang rape a woman and then cut off her breast, according to police testimony viewed by the Journal. First responders said they saw signs of sexual violence, including women found naked or with their underwear pulled down or tops removed.

The Journal saw images taken by a first responder of a naked woman with a knife and three nails in the crotch area, women whose clothing was partially or entirely removed and women with blood from the crotch area. In another image provided by the first responder, a woman’s breast was almost entirely sliced off. Her shirt was ripped away and she had a knife wound in the neck. In two other photos a naked man was found gagged and shot and one photo showed a man’s eyeball had been removed.

Shari Mendes, 62, a reservist in the Israeli army who helped identify bodies after Oct. 7, said people were shot in the head so many times they were disfigured.

...Sexual assault
At the festival, Hamas militants began to sexually assault women, witnesses told the police. Fighters took women back to Gaza with them, and in one example, paraded the half-naked body of a female festival goer in the back of a pickup, according to a widely shared video on Telegram.

In a recording of a phone call that morning, militants driving in Israel cheered as one of them talked about raping a woman.

“I am going to f— her, I am going to f— her,” he told another person on the line, according to an unverified recording shared with the Journal by Israeli officials...
And yet some fellow here claim it didn’t happen

We also saw civilians spitting and hitting hostages. Kids beating another terrified kid. Yes civilians did commit crimes as well. They also entered israel that day. They also gave detailed infos on the kibbutzs while they were working in those kibbutzes.

unfortunately civilians in gaza a endoctrinated with jew hatred to a point where it’s hard to beleive it’s reversible although some did see the absurdity of this ideology and we can only hope others will

hamas needs to go… non other option


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
The videos of Ultra Orthodox Jew protesting against their own country serves as a useful reminder that Israel is a free and open society.

In contrast, Gaza and other Arab Muslim lands are governed by undemocratic, intolerant and oppressive governments. If those dissidents were in Gaza or other Arab lands and were protesting state policies, they would be swiftly arrested, jailed and maybe tortured and killed.
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Sep 22, 2019

"In contrast, Gaza and other Arab Muslim lands are governed by undemocratic, intolerant and oppressive governments. If those dissidents were in Gaza or other Arab lands and were protesting state policies, they would be swiftly arrested, jailed and maybe tortured and killed."

Supported by Western policies, just a small reminder.
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