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Hell's Angels crackdown in Canada

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
25 Hells Angels still at large in Quebec

MONTREAL * Twenty-five people are still being sought in the major investigation that crippled the Hells Angels in Quebec.

While conducting a summary of Operation SharQc Thursday morning, members of the Regional Integrated Squads gave specifics about some of the numbers involved in the investigation.

According to the police, 111 of the 113 full-patch members of the biker gang’s five chapters in Quebec were either arrested or remain at large on arrest warrants alleging they either approved of several murders committed during the biker gang war or were involved in the gang’s alleged drug trafficking for several years.

In all 156 people are named in the sole indictment filed in Operation SharQc. That includes 11 of 12 retired members of the Hells Angels in the province.

The police also noted that three of the homicides mentioned among the 22 murder charges filed in the investigation involved innocent victims of the biker war. All three were mistaken for members of the Alliance, an umbrella group that challenged the Hells Angels for drug trafficking turf between 1994 and 2002.

The police also seized more than $5 million in cash during their investigation.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
A good side for us regular guys about these arrests is a lot of strippers or escorts stopped working for dating these guys. Now some of them will have to start working again if their boyfriends are inside for a few years. Even with an official girlfriend at home, these guys spent a lot of money on girls and now the girls will be less in demand so they will be more available for us!


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Techman said:
Legalizing pot is one thing but anything harder such as cocaine would be a serious mistake. I have seen too many lives destroyed by that drug and it would be a disaster if it were to be legalized.

I also know many whose lives were destroyed, not only the addict but the lives of those who are/were close to that addict also. Loss of job, housing, and so on not only affects the druggie but his family also. Easy access is part of it. Keeping things status quo, keeps drugs like cocaine, crack, and heroin easy to buy on the streets of the city.

What do you propose to reduce (because I do not believe elimination is possible) accessibility to, well, anybody who wants and is willing to pay?



Oct 9, 2008
many lives destroyed

if a gram of pure cocaine was the same price as a 12 of heineken 15$
would so many lives have been destroyed???????????????????????????


Oct 9, 2008
full patch biker

to gain full patch beforehand one must receive a 1% patch
assacination of a known enemy gang member
just a requirement doesn't mean they get in
often they are coached by a company hitman
some bikers you know are the most family oriented charming people you know
make no mistake if they are full patch members they have murderd
but not close to as much as coca cola
and we all drink it from time to time


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
drinkher said:
if a gram of pure cocaine was the same price as a 12 of heineken 15$
would so many lives have been destroyed???????????????????????????

Of course. One only has to go to Columbia to see how when the price dropped drastically, the amount of addiction seen rose dramatically. As it did when the price of cocaine dropped here in the mid-1980s.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
drinkher said:
if a gram of pure cocaine was the same price as a 12 of heineken 15$
would so many lives have been destroyed???????????????????????????

PURE COCAINE??? Unless you are buying direct from the producer, you have never been even close to pure coke. Anything that hits the street has been cut at least three or four times. And if you drop the price of street blow to $15 bucks a gram, addiction would rise out of control.

to gain full patch beforehand one must receive a 1% patch
assacination of a known enemy gang member
just a requirement doesn't mean they get in
often they are coached by a company hitman
some bikers you know are the most family oriented charming people you know
make no mistake if they are full patch members they have murderd
but not close to as much as coca cola
and we all drink it from time to time

If every full patch member had killed a rival gang member, there would be no rival gangs left. Some people will believe anything. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
What's interesting is how the police were able to use the decision process within the Hell's to accuse all of them of murder-related charges in this case.
It appears that all the Hell's chapters had to vote on the decision to eliminate their arch ennemy rival biker gang. It is this desire of democracy and voting that made them part of the plot to murder...


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Drugs will never be eliminated and the only 1 that should be legalized would

be marijuana. I find it hard to believe that to become a hells angel you have

to kill an innocent person. The HA's will never be totally destroyed but its

interesting to see who will take over now that the power is up for grabs.

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
Coke and Heroine should never be legalized.

How many stories of you heard of lives devasteated by Cocaine or Heroine?
I know a guy that sucked 3 store up his nose and left his family pennyless. I know a lady that was one of the straightest people you could meet and she took funds illegaly out of the family business to feed her habit, she was sniffing it down 8 or 10 times a day towards the end.

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
On the matter of the HA killing people, They sometimes kill people to put the rest of the underlings in their place. I know first hand of a guy that was killed because he was acting too smart for the HAs liking. So it was a good oportunity to kill 2 birds with one stone ( no pun intenended ) The killer also had incentive to kill because he stepped up in the organization. They do not kill innocent people on the street to get their patches, but they will kill a hanger on or a mule to prove a point to the rest of the low lifes that do the dirty work for the HA.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hells Angels flexed muscles in businesses

Cops probe outlaw gang's reach; The bikers' violent methods stretched beyond their drug sphere, police say

The Hells Angels' way of doing business crept into many aspects of everyday life, police said yesterday while summarizing the highlights of an investigation that has crippled the outlaw motorcycle gang in this province.

Leaders of the Regional Integrated Squads, a partnership between the Sûreté du Québec, the RCMP and various municipal police forces, revealed yesterday the theory behind Operation SharQc, an investigation whose goal was to paralyze the biker gang.

In the eyes of investigators, every member of the Hells Angels in Quebec over the past 20 years has been involved in drug trafficking and was willing to use violence to control the market. In turn, gang members used drug money "to infiltrate the legal economy," where they applied the same violent methods to get ahead.

Three unidentified businesses were among the assets placed under seizure orders Wednesday as part of an investigation that produced charges against 111 of the gang's 113 full-patch members in Quebec. Another 11 men, whom police described as "retired" gang members, were named in Operation SharQc.

Included among the charges are 22 counts of murder. Of the 156 people named in the sole indictment filed in Operation SharQc, 117 are charged with at least one count of murder. The murder charges are based in part on a theory that in 1994 almost every member of the gang in Quebec voted in favour of engaging in a war with members of the Alliance, an umbrella group of gangs that battled the Hells Angels for drug trafficking turf.

Other charges in the indictment allege gang members and their associates were involved in drug trafficking from 1997 to 2009.

Sûreté du Québec Chief Inspector Jocelyn Latulipe would not specify what types of business the gang infiltrated and added there are still investigations in the works.

"It is too early, I think, to target one industry in particular because you can't say the Hells Angels favoured a business or an industry in particular," Latulipe said, adding investigators have a lot of work to do.

Last month, it was revealed that the Sûreté du Québec executed a search warrant at the home of Marvin (Casper) Ouimet, 39, a member of the gang's Trois Rivières chapter, as part of an investigation into money laundering involving the construction industry.

Ouimet is one of 25 people still being sought in Operation SharQc.

The police also highlighted yesterday that three of the homicides included among the 22 murder charges filed in the investigation involve innocent victims of the biker war. All three were mistaken for members of the Alliance:

Serge Hervieux was fatally shot on Aug. 26, 1998, after gunmen walked into a car rental agency in Montreal and opened fire. Hervieux had the misfortune of having the same first name as Serge Bruneau, the owner of the rental agency and a member of the Dark Circle, a gang of wealthy drug traffickers who were part of the Alliance. The gunmen called out "Serge" when they walked in and Hervieux responded before they opened fire.

On Nov. 3, 1999, Jean-Marc Émond, 44, was killed in Ste. Foy. According to police, he was mistaken for Alain Williamson, who was then a member of the Rock Machine.

On April 17, 2000, Dany Beaudin was killed in St. Frédéric de Beauce when, according to the police, he was mistaken for Yannick Gauthier, also a member of the Rock Machine at the time.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Who will fill the Hells Angels void?

With the Hells Angels off the street, police are worried Montreal’s increasingly powerful street gangs will start filling the void.

Sûreté du Québec Chief Inspector Jocelyn Latulipe told reporters yesterday that police are keeping a watch on other gangs that might step forward to replace the Hells Angels.

“What I can say is that there are many types of criminal intelligence from various police forces (that) attempt to keeps tabs on the various territories. To say who would take over, we can’t actually target a group in particular.

“I can confirm there have been transitions made to attempt to determine who will take over for the Hells or take control of drug trafficking in Quebec.”

He said police have good intelligence-gathering capabilities. “I think we are able to make sure that we will not have to face to same cancer as the Hells Angels again.”

Police sources said their main concern are Montreal street gangs, many of whom were created by the Hells Angels.

The Syndicate, for example, was formed in the 1990s by members of the Rockers, a Hells Angels puppet club connected to the now-defunct Nomads. Police took both clubs down in Operation Springtime 2001.

Two months ago, Montreal police arrested more than 50 street gang members, some of whom were part of the Syndicate – including its leader, Emmanuel Zephir, 36, of Terrebonne and his younger brother Jean-Ismaël.

But the Syndicate still exists and its membership is a mixture of Haitians and whites. The gang was started by Gregory Wooley, 37, a Haitian from Montreal North now serving a 13-year sentence for conspiracy to commit murder and other crimes.

He is due to be released from prison this year.

The Bo-Gars is another gang that has made inroads in Montreal and Laval because of its connections with the Hells Angels and the Mafia. The street gang originated in Montreal’s north end and its members have been involved in drug trafficking, kidnappings, extortion and gun battles.

One prominent member was deported to Haiti last year after he was arrested in 2005 as a suspect in a series of kidnappings of teenage gang members who robbed a Laval home of $2 million in cash.

Montreal police have continued to blanket the north end daily with police officers who gather intelligence on the gangs.

Police say they have enough intelligence sources to keep close tabs on the street gangs should any territorial battles flare up.

Meanwhile in Ottawa, Bloc Québécois MP Réal Ménard yesterday filed a motion before the Justice Committee asking that the government study the possibility of outlawing the Hells Angels and “all other similar organizations.”

“The Hells Angels have established a reputation based on fear and intimidation ... which serves very nicely their criminal activities,” he said.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
master_bates said:
Weak minded people get addicted to drugs

A lovely display of your ignorance to what drug addiction is all about.

Apr 16, 2005
Just to sum up so far......................

A great thread! I have been reading with interest and learning a whole new perspective on the biker club known as the Hells Angels. (Actually I have met members before but I want to cast all preconceived notions aside.)

Well let's see the points for and against just saying, “Hey, cops! Leave those guys alone!” (Might make a nice Pink Floyd variation from, 'Another Brick in the Wall!' Here are some of the points defending this venerable subgroup of our society:

  • When it comes to crime in our society we should accept that we will always have it so should accept the Hells Angels as the criminals of choice.
  • They are preferable because statistics say they kill less of a number of innocent victims than others recognized as the criminal elements of society.
  • Killings are usually done against rival gang members and may help to get a patch but that's okay because they try not to shoot any of us in the process.
  • If we just leave them alone and make it easy for them to carry on business (i.e. legalization of whatever) their presence will protect us against other violent criminals. Beats paying taxes to sustain a police force and criminal justice system. No way these guys will ever make mistakes like we see in the established criminal justice system. That's a relief!
  • If in turf wars or whatever an innocent child is killed, word comes down from the top and the errant member is killed and his remains dumped in the river. There is a code of some sort which determines right from wrong and dispenses a true and just consequence. Since this code determines who is to live and who is to die we presume it covers all transgressions even lesser ones and never errs. If any of you ever get into a tight situation not of your own choosing don't go looking for a lawyer eh!
Now this does not cover the pros and cons of the drug trade, as to be quite honest, I couldn't quote you street value on anything to save my life. Nor could I discuss with any knowledge the ins and outs of the day to day workings of the business. In any event the one consolation that I can take away from this is that if I ever get caught in the crossfire between the HA and whoever, my relatives will have the satisfaction of finding a body floating in the river the following week. Kudos to the boys!

Hard to know what to think eh? Are these a positive force for good in our lives or are we the ones with the illusions as to how our social structure should be defined. Maybe it wiil take a bit more thought...................:rolleyes:
Last edited:


Active Member
May 23, 2005
naughtylady said:
A lovely display of your ignorance to what drug addiction is all about.


I'm only talking about myself as I do not personally know anyone addicted

to drugs. I have experienced in the past with many hard drugs and never

actually got addicted but thats not the topic of this thread....


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Regular Guy .... well said....

One small point .. I'm practising to be a wife... when you say "i.e. legalization of whatever"..etc. I would expect that if something is legalized the criminal element in that field would disappear..


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Dee said:
Regular Guy .... well said....

One small point .. I'm practising to be a wife... when you say "i.e. legalization of whatever"..etc. I would expect that if something is legalized the criminal element in that field would disappear..

Politics is legalized.
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