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Hell's Angels crackdown in Canada

Apr 16, 2005
Dee said:
Regular Guy .... well said....

One small point .. I'm practising to be a wife... when you say "i.e. legalization of whatever"..etc. I would expect that if something is legalized the criminal element in that field would disappear..

TY Dee! It would seem that in terms of profitable areas of endeavour, whenever organized crime is concerned, when you close one door it seems to be that another is found to open. It may be that legalizing many of the products used to generate profits will not succeed simply because the issue is not how the money is made but whose rules to follow when making it. That is why I was deliberately nonspecific.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
master_bates said:
I`m only talking about myself as I do not personally know anyone addicted

to drugs. I have experienced in the past with many hard drugs and never

actually got addicted but thats not the topic of this thread....

Ok, no problem, let`s not drift offtopic in the offtopic area. Here`s a thread entirely devoted to your assertion, meet us there, M`kay?


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Doc Holliday said:
Who will fill the Hells Angels void?

With the Hells Angels off the street, police are worried Montreal’s increasingly powerful street gangs will start filling the void.

Not to worry, Sal the Ironworker is coming home!

U.S. kicks out Canadian reputed to be crime boss
Last Updated: Friday, April 17, 2009 | 10:32 PM ET

The United States is kicking out a Canadian man reputed to head New York's Bonanno crime family.

Salvatore (Sal the Ironworker) Montagna, 38, who runs a steel business in Brooklyn, remained in the custody of U.S. immigration officials Friday.

He is expected to arrive back in Montreal — where he was born and has family and friends — within five days. He had moved to the U.S. at age 15, according to his lawyer, George Stavropoulos.

Montagna decided to come back to Canada voluntarily after U.S. immigration officials tried to deport him.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Regular Guy said:
A great thread! I have been reading with interest and learning a whole new perspective on the biker club known as the Hells Angels. (Actually I have met members before but I want to cast all preconceived notions aside.)

Well let's see the points for and against just saying, “Hey, cops! Leave those guys alone!” (Might make a nice Pink Floyd variation from, 'Another Brick in the Wall!' Here are some of the points defending this venerable subgroup of our society:

  • When it comes to crime in our society we should accept that we will always have it so should accept the Hells Angels as the criminals of choice.
  • They are preferable because statistics say they kill less of a number of innocent victims than others recognized as the criminal elements of society.
  • Killings are usually done against rival gang members and may help to get a patch but that's okay because they try not to shoot any of us in the process.
  • If we just leave them alone and make it easy for them to carry on business (i.e. legalization of whatever) their presence will protect us against other violent criminals. Beats paying taxes to sustain a police force and criminal justice system. No way these guys will ever make mistakes like we see in the established criminal justice system. That's a relief!
  • If in turf wars or whatever an innocent child is killed, word comes down from the top and the errant member is killed and his remains dumped in the river. There is a code of some sort which determines right from wrong and dispenses a true and just consequence. Since this code determines who is to live and who is to die we presume it covers all transgressions even lesser ones and never errs. If any of you ever get into a tight situation not of your own choosing don't go looking for a lawyer eh!
Now this does not cover the pros and cons of the drug trade, as to be quite honest, I couldn't quote you street value on anything to save my life. Nor could I discuss with any knowledge the ins and outs of the day to day workings of the business. In any event the one consolation that I can take away from this is that if I ever get caught in the crossfire between the HA and whoever, my relatives will have the satisfaction of finding a body floating in the river the following week. Kudos to the boys!

Hard to know what to think eh? Are these a positive force for good in our lives or are we the ones with the illusions as to how our social structure should be defined. Maybe it wiil take a bit more thought...................:rolleyes:

This is not what I was saying at all. Again look at alcohol. When it was illegal, during the prohibition, there was all sorts of gang violence. When the government took over the violence stopped. Prices dropped. There became regulation of the industry. OK some of those gangsters became who are now considered respectable people, I am thinking the Bronfman family when I write this.

RG>>> Instead of just criticising and twisting what others have said, why don't you think up some suggestions of how to end drug wars once and for all.

Last edited:


Mar 31, 2005
Must be a boring week!

I like fiction and this thread as got to be one for the books!

Are you people off your rockers!!!!

Some of you seem to be proud to have rubbed shoulders with a Hell! Says alot about your persona and what you perceive to be ethical!! Not here to judge anyone, but it seems that some are looking for a claim to fame by knowing a Hell's!

Guess you have not really known one!

Another point a full patch is sworn in and witnessed for by another patch!

The morallity of a Hell is I will fuck you before you fuck me! Prey on the weak and destroy what lies in between me and my booty!

For those that claim that a hell's gang is people friendly get your heads examined and quickly!

But please keep up the work of fiction it does make form some very interesting reading
Apr 16, 2005
I've got it..................

naughtylady said:
This is not what I was saying at all. Again look at alcohol. When it was illegal, during the prohibition, there was all sorts of gang violence. When the government took over the violence stopped. Prices dropped. There became regulation of the industry. OK some of those gangsters became who are now considered respectable people, I am thinking the Bronfman family when I write this.

RG>>> Instead of just criticising and twisting what others have said, why don't you think up some suggestions of how to end drug wars once and for all.

Well first off Ronnie I did not name you as the author of the idea of legalization of banned substances because you aren't. A few others made comments on this topic. The paragraph of mine that you highlighted was not only a synthesis of all comments but of the movement to legalize banned substances as a way to cripple the criminal element in society.

Perhaps you and the others who are pro legalization are right. But what we should be looking at is not the fact of drugs. You see, the real issue is not about product but establishing a culture whose life blood is to function outside of the law. Theirs is the business of dealing in the shadow world. The accumulation of wealth is an area of human endeavour which must be tightly regulated to ensure a level playing field. Being able to pull an end run by appealing to the worst elements of human nature through working outside of the law, holds the promise of rich rewards. Take away one market and do you truly believe that you will be shutting them down? You might give them a bit of a nosebleed but they'll be back with a new game plan. Crime in all of its forms has been with us since Bonzo peeled his first banana and Horace took it and ran with it. Doesn't mean that Bonzo should say, “ Aw give him the damn thing. He's going to steal it anyway!” then quietly starve to death. You want a definitive solution? There is one: Everyone in society simply avoid engaging them in any way shape or form. But you wont do it by legalizing drugs. First off , as I said they will simply find a new product or second, they will have already established a thriving industry over which they will do everything in their power to keep as a monopoly. I will leave the means by which they will discourage any would be competitors up to your imagination. And if memory serves me correctly, didn't the Bronfmans operate in a similar fashion. But hey! So they did! And should you legalize drugs what kind of message are you sending to them. Imagine their elation that they have such power as to force a whole nation to its knees in capitulation. Man what a rush! But another thought: At least we got the Bronfmans out of the business of organized crime. The solution is to make all involved multi millionaires. What is the size of the membership of the HA again?. Now let me see..............Hmmmmm!:rolleyes:


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Porter said:
Must be a boring week!

I like fiction and this thread as got to be one for the books!

Are you people off your rockers!!!!

Some of you seem to be proud to have rubbed shoulders with a Hell! Says alot about your persona and what you perceive to be ethical!! Not here to judge anyone, but it seems that some are looking for a claim to fame by knowing a Hell's!

Guess you have not really known one!

Another point a full patch is sworn in and witnessed for by another patch!

The morallity of a Hell is I will fuck you before you fuck me! Prey on the weak and destroy what lies in between me and my booty!

For those that claim that a hell's gang is people friendly get your heads examined and quickly!

But please keep up the work of fiction it does make form some very interesting reading

I do admit to having been young and stupid at one time in my life. Also to have once owned a house a few doors down from a retired H-A. (I am older now and a little less stupid)

Feb 24, 2006

they will be out sooner than later.
the best the prosecutor could do was keep them off the streets for about 6 years total.
the prosecutor wasnt going to waste money on a case he might lose, so he took his time and the plea deal was made .
it probably was a weak case.
still another 100 left to go to trial.
who ever has the best lawyer gets the best deal.

this guy finally got caught ....

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
WTF, most politicians are as corrupt as the HA, especially in Quebec. How much money do they grab in way of taxes and launder in a form of pensions and perks, we can not get rid of the HA and we can not get rid of the crooked politicians. Legalise soft drugs and prostitution and you will put a huge dent in the HA's income, as for the politicians we are stuck with them. And if it is not the HA it is the mafia and not the mafia or HA some other gang would move in. As long as there are laws there will be gangs.

E. F. Hutton

New Member
Jan 20, 2009
Society is moving towards a time where the mafia or gangs will not be allowed to do as they please. Look at the millions of dollars in losses from corruption exposed by the crime probe.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
This is like something from a Bond movie !

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