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Hillary Clinton's been getting away with unethical, illegal behavior for 40 year

Darius D Pringle

New Member
Nov 24, 2017
The never-ending saga of Clinton corruption continues to unfold, with the latest chapter being written by former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile.
In an excerpt from her new book, Brazile finally begins to reveal to the American people what actually happened behind closed doors during the 2016 Clinton presidential campaign and uncovers new details about even more collusive activity.
Brazile describes how the Clintons covertly took over operations at the Democratic National Committee four months after Hillary announced her presidential candidacy, nearly a year before she became the party’s 2016 nominee.
According to Brazile, Hillary exploited the cash-strapped party. She agreed to pay off financial debts left by Obama’s 2012 campaign, but the cash came with a catch.
Brazile wrote that a fundraising agreement signed in August 2015 dictated that “in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised. Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting, data, analytics, and mailings.”
House Speaker Paul Ryan weighed in on the significance of this latest Clinton scandal on Fox News Sunday, remarking, “We’ve all said that the Clintons thought they lived above the rules, but this takes the cake. I mean, this is pretty amazing. For them to basically be running the DNC in a primary – to see such a deck stacked is really pretty jaw-dropping to me. No wonder the Democrats are ticked off, I would be too.”
Of course, Speaker Ryan is correct that this degree of clear corruption on behalf of the Clintons is ethically wrong and always on the edge of breaking the law. However, having watched the Clintons for nearly their entire political careers, the Brazile revelations did not surprise me. Hillary Clinton has been getting away with unethical, and often illegal, behavior since she first entered public life.
I was a freshman member of Congress when Hillary began her career of breaking the rules for personal enrichment and power. When the Clintons ran for President in 1992 all this began to come out.
Hillary Clinton’s first major act of corruption dates back almost 40 years, when she miraculously turned $1,000 into nearly $100,000 in 10 months during her first attempt at trading commodities – mainly cattle futures.
A month before Bill Clinton was elected governor of Arkansas in November 1978, Hillary Clinton decided to try her hand at commodities trading, which is an incredibly volatile market. As a total novice, on October 11, 1978, she opened an account with $1,000, made a short sale of 10 live-cattle contracts, then bought them back the next day – pocketing an extra $5,300.
Throughout her stint as an untrained commodities trading savant, a slew of regulatory rules were apparently ignored (or violated) on her behalf. She made a “mockery of the profession” and cashed in after earning a net profit of nearly 10,000 percent in less than a year.
This level of success is nearly unheard of, even for expert commodities traders. Typically, 80 to 95 percent of commodities traders lose money. In fact, in 1994, the Journal of Economics and Finance published a study by economists from Auburn University and the University of North Florida which concluded the odds for Hillary’s level of success during the period she was trading “were – at best – 1 in 31 trillion.”
Let’s be blunt – there’s no way Hillary could have achieved that level of success in commodities trading without breaking the law. But she got away with it – like the Clintons always do.
The history of this corrupt, illegal behavior explains a lot of Hillary's contempt for free enterprise. When she invested, it was a rigged game she was guaranteed to win. She equates her corrupt behavior with all free enterprise.
Of course, cattle futures were just the beginning. Getting away with one act of corruption led to many more: the Whitewater land deal, Benghazi, Hillary’s illegal private email server, the Uranium One sale, and now the DNC-Clinton collusion scandal.
So, the next time a Clinton scandal breaks (and there will be a next time), we should certainly be outraged, but we shouldn’t be surprised. We should also demand that the Congress and the Justice Department hold them accountable.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Certainly some questionable stuff there, though it's almost entirely typical day to day stuff on Wall Street. The kind of stuff that, if convicted, would get you six months probation while the black kid who steals some lady's purse on the street gets 5 years hard time.

If you want to read about some real crime, check out Luke Harding's piece in the Guardian on the Trump crime family. There's gonna be some soft time in Leavenworth for some of them. Hopefully, when Flynn gets done testifying, The Don, will go down as well. Long piece, but well worth the read. Harding's new book, Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win, is compelling reading.

BTW, Clinton is yesterday's news. Trump's crimes, including treason, threaten our very way of life.


Jul 23, 2006
are we still talking about clinton?.she is no longer in the picture.let's expose spineless fucking racist bastard liyer scum Trump.

Darius D Pringle

New Member
Nov 24, 2017
are we still talking about clinton?.she is no longer in the picture.let's expose spineless fucking racist bastard liyer scum Trump.
Can you feel the love :)
I don't think Trump is a racist,i believe he thinks everyone is inferior to him.Like ants insignificant,Same as George W. Bush who used to refer to the have and the have nots.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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All that being said Trump isn't a better choice, he was simply the OTHER choice. How the U.S. electorate could only come up with the choice of Dumb and Dumber is beyond me. Surely with over 300 million Americans there has to be someone who fits the bill of being President better than these two idiots !

Darius D Pringle

New Member
Nov 24, 2017
Hilary did not achieve the presidency, I doubt she will make a second run for the job.
Really...remember this is he second and most expensive try.
She has no shame, and is evil ,unethical ,a patholigical liar,and a basic disgusting human being.... and those are her good qualities.
That beng said, i prefer, to refer, to her, as....... Mad Cow Disease-no cure for her.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I don't think Trump is a racist.
Then you're not paying attention.

She has no shame, and is evil ,unethical ,a patholigical liar,and a basic disgusting human being.... and those are her good qualities.
You've been listening to too much Rush Limbaugh. While I certainly don't love Hillary, much of what's been written and said about her has been trumped up by the right wing noise machine. She's no more or less corrupt than the average politician...Trump excepted. He's a mobster and fully compromised by the Russian mob, Vlad Putin, mobster in chief.


Jul 23, 2006

you vote this scum bag?.if you did you are trying to justify?.whole world knowes this coward is a racist shameless human trash.Believe me I don't care for Hillary
but Americans deserve a better person than this spineless garbage.YEs I hate racist people and this bastard is oneof them.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The only thing I don`t understand is how come 35% of Americans across all spectrums of society adore this trump scumbag.
The only thing larger than his ego is his huge ass.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The only thing I don`t understand is how come 35% of Americans across all spectrums of society adore this trump scumbag.
The only thing larger than his ego is his huge ass.
That figure climbs to over 80% when just Republicans ("low information voters") are polled. The irony is that this group of people are among those most likely to be damaged by his policies. Go figure.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Then you're not paying attention.

You've been listening to too much Rush Limbaugh. While I certainly don't love Hillary, much of what's been written and said about her has been trumped up by the right wing noise machine. She's no more or less corrupt than the average politician...Trump excepted. He's a mobster and fully compromised by the Russian mob, Vlad Putin, mobster in chief.

hilarious... States run primaries and the DNC runs caucuses... Seems to me that Bernie did pretty well in pretty much every caucus... Its like most conservative outrage, it never really holds up to even the most cursory fact-checking. Hell, Donna even said she found no evidence of any vote rigging or other improprieties in an interview with Stephanopoulous.

I wonder why none of the dozens and dozens of investigations into the Clintons have ever turned up any actual evidence? You know, stuff that would actually hold up in court as opposed to the ravings of a bunch of lunatics...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
That figure climbs to over 80% when just Republicans ("low information voters") are polled. The irony is that this group of people are among those most likely to be damaged by his policies. Go figure.

That tells you how intelligent people are. I would say most people vote with has much intelligence as us when we found our self horny one night and hit backpage to see an indy last minute. Next day we wake up like american after electing Trump, none the wiser, a bit more poor and most probably still horny ;)



Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
I do agree ! Pretty much everything that Obama did is still in place , he is sinking the gop faster than the titanic with is tweeter account ! By lying so obviously is showing how the gop is only there for the power and money ! Tax reform just wait and somebody will add numbers and expose how Donny is ready to bend law in is on favour ! Can’t wait for the next primaries to see more dems retake control of Washington ! By the way how is going with North Korea ... hopping for China to do a move ... he is playing a zero dimensional chess game ! Fake news = fake president !
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